Elf's Affection: The Witching Hour Series Book 3

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Elf's Affection: The Witching Hour Series Book 3 Page 24

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  "I need to thank you. A bit longer and we would have burned to death."

  He touched my hand before I could even protest and just like that the lust was back swirling inside my body like a windstorm.

  "After what you told me about your magic I hired a few people to keep an eye on you. They spotted you first with that wizard, your ex, so I became alerted. They lost you for a bit but then caught up with you outside your parents’ home with a strange shifter. You didn't look like you were in any distress, so I told them to keep an eye on the house. For a long time, nothing was happening, and I was getting impatient, so I asked my friend to trace the elf who trained you. Trust me this guy wasn’t easy to find, but once I arrived at his house I knew something was wrong. He didn't want to talk to me, but when I mentioned you were with a shifter in your parents’ home, he grew concerned and told me that he’d feel better if he could check to make sure you were all right. On the way to your parents’ home I received a phone call from one of the guys who was watching you. They smelled the fire. They were humans, so the magic prevented them from entering. When Tron and I got there, I thought that I’d lost you. The fire burned almost everything, people were standing outside—your parents neighbours. Tron helped me with charms."

  Nathaniel stopped talking and I sat back wanting to kiss him, but I had so many questions. Craig was dead. I was certain of it, because I was the one who murdered him with my outburst of magic, and I failed to save myself and my family.

  "Nathaniel, I don’t know what to say, if it wasn't for you then I would have died," I whispered caressing his hand. God, I wanted to cuddle him so much, but things between us were complicated.

  "Julia, you’re the love of my life and I would do anything to save you."

  That statement brought tears to my eyes and my heart swelled in my chest. We were staring at each other as the love between us blossomed.

  "Quentin was here. He found out about us?" I asked swallowing a large lump in my throat. I closed my eyes feeling like a total coward. Of course, Quentin put two and two together. I lied to him about Nathaniel. I told him that we only had a professional relationship and all of a sudden, he was by my bed, holding my hand. I should’ve told him sooner, now the damage was done.

  Nathaniel shifted in his chair and exhaled sharply.

  "He knew as soon as he saw me. I didn't have to say anything."

  Chapter 30

  The love wins.

  "I need to talk to him, I owe him an explanation. God, he must think I never cared for him."

  Nathaniel lifted himself off his chair and sat on my bed.

  "This has to stop, Julia. I want you and stop giving me this bullshit. I'm going to talk to Meredith. I’m done with lies.”

  I placed a finger on his lips thinking that I never loved anyone as much as I loved Nathaniel, but we caused too much damage. Our love was destroying everyone else.

  “Just give me one more day, and then you can talk to her. Let me make some amendments with Quentin and I’ll come to you. I promise."

  Nathaniel took a deep breath, then leaned over and kissed me. The light under the bed exploded. There were no more words, no more arguments—we were crazy in love with each other. After that he left my room and I burst into tears.

  I felt a little better after I had a good cry. The girls arrived to visit me later on. Kelsie had a few burns on her arms and face but other than that she looked fine. She started crying as soon as she saw me. Yeah, that was the first, I’d never seen Kelsie cry, so Kate was as equally as shocked as I was.

  "I can't believe that bastard could do this!"

  "Kelsie, honey, calm down. It’s over. He’s dead, and we’re all safe.” I sighed wondering why I was lying to myself. My mother was probably going through a series of panic attacks. My father was going to burst in here at any minute screaming that Mum had gone mad and I was still a killer.

  "But I don’t understand this. What master was he talking about and your mother? She saw everything?"

  For the next hour Kate and I tried to calm Kelsie down; she was a mess. Then visiting hours were over and they left me alone. My father didn't come back and when I called him he didn't even answer the phone.

  The next day I forced the healer to discharge me and I went to visit my mother straight away. She was lying in bed staring at the ceiling when I entered. Dad wasn’t in to see her and I had a really bad feeling about this. Ella went mental when she found out that I’d been lying to her for so long and then she refused to even acknowledge me.

  "Hi, Mum, how are you feeling?" I asked approaching her bed. She had some burns on her face and I guessed that she was healing naturally without magic, otherwise she would have been out of the hospital by now.

  She didn't acknowledge me at first but after all she was my mother and we were always close. I sat down in the chair next to her bed sensing her mood. Grief and disappointment tangled my heart. That evening everything went so wrong. My dream was real, and I should have searched for answers with more determination.

  "I need to stay in your apartment for a while," Mum said unexpectedly looking at me. I searched for the usual warmth in her eyes, but all I found was just emptiness and despair.

  "Mum, listen, I know you’re angry, but you were never supposed to find out. It was easier that way, less complicated."

  "I always sensed something, but I never thought the truth was so bizarre."

  I got up and sat beside her, she still didn't move, but at least she wasn't scared of me. I needed to know what happened with my dad.

  “It's just magic and spells. We aren’t very different from humans. Dad has a lot of power, but he doesn't use it around you."

  "We, what do you mean, we?" she asked lifting herself up. Her eyes shimmered with confusion. "You were never like your father."

  "Mum, you saw what I could do, and I only have half of his genes. He came to visit you yesterday, didn't he? You guys talked about this?"

  "I'm being discharged today, and I want to stay in your apartment."

  My conversation with her wasn’t going anywhere. She refused to talk about her conversation with Dad and she refused to acknowledge that I had any kind of magic in me. I was still her ‘human’ daughter in her eyes. When I asked the doctor later on if she was still in some kind of shock he said she was fine.

  I wanted to argue with her about going back to my apartment instead of her own home, but she seemed disconnected, lost, and not at all like the mother I used to have. I called Dad multiple times, but he was out of reach. Although Mum seemed find on the outside I used my magic to keep her in the hospital one more day.

  When I left the hospital that morning my stomach was in knots and my head felt heavy. I headed straight to the station. This was all my fault that my mother found out about magic, so I needed to fix it. Dad didn't look particularly happy when he saw me. He looked tired and stressed.

  "I haven't got time to talk to you, Julia. I'm pursuing all the leads about that master who apparently used the shifter who abducted you."

  "What about Mum? Have you even spoken to her? She isn't fine, and she wants to stay in my apartment. She thinks I'm not magical at all and it’s just you."

  The vein in my dad’s neck started throbbing dangerously fast; he squeezed his knuckles so hard that they went white. I’d never seen him in such a state, so dejected. He had large dark circles under his eyes, the air in his office went dense with magic.

  "She doesn't even want to look at me. I was with her all day. I tried to talk to her, but I only got silence in return. Maybe I should give her some space, so she can wrap her head around it."

  I flopped down on the chair feeling nauseous. The house I grew up in had been destroyed, burned to the ground. My mother was going to end up in a mental institution and I still had enemies out there, one person who obviously wanted something from me.

  "I didn't expect her to react like that. I thought she wouldn't want to see me like Ella," I admitted.

  "She’s overwhelmed
. I have to sort the paperwork for the insurance company; the house is ruined. I can crash at Aunt Dorothy’s. It’ll be better if your mother stays with you. She needs time to adjust, she loves you, so she’ll listen to you."

  Dad was optimistic, and I wanted to be too, but I wasn't even sure how I was supposed to behave around Mum from now on. Then I remembered another small little detail. Jasper was still locked up in that abandoned building, surrounded by magic thieves. I asked my dad to check the place out before I left his office. I told him that Jasper was the one who was helping me, and he had to send the unit to see if he was still alive.

  He had an obligation to check on everyone, but he was furious with me that I’d trusted Jasper again after everything he done to me. I left the station not feeling any better at all. My apartment was a mess and Rufus called once I got home. He told me to take a few days off work. He didn't ask many questions, although he probably wanted to.

  I didn't sleep at all that night. The next day I went to the hospital and took Mum home. She was making small talk with me, but she refused to talk to me about Dad and "our situation." Ella wasn’t picking up her phone. I thought that if she could talk to my mother things would get back to normal, but I couldn't expect that from her. Tron was the one who used his magic to get me out of the burning house, so I owed him, but I just couldn't bring myself to go to his home.

  A couple of days passed, and Mum continued to behave like nothing had happened. Every time I started a conversation about magic or my dad she would shut me down. I gave her my bed and took over the sofa. I left a ton of messages with Quentin, but he wasn’t returning any of my phone calls. I wanted to apologise to him and I was planning to visit him at his house.

  Mum went back to work the following week. Jasper hadn’t been found and Dad kept saying that he was giving Mum some time. Nathaniel hadn’t bothered me, and I appreciated it, although I missed him desperately. All my wounds had healed, although everything else was falling apart.

  Two weeks after the fire my mother was still with me, so I kept working late because I couldn't stand that she just lived like everything was absolutely fine. Kate left twenty minutes later after I nearly threw her out of the office. I knew she was worried about me, but I fucked up, so I had to deal with the consequences.

  I left close to seven but as soon as I stepped out of the office Jasper was outside. I brought my hands to my mouth looking at his bruised face and bloodshot eyes.

  “You're alive. I thought that …"

  "It was close, those wizards left me to die. As soon as they left magic thieves were all over me. I thought it was the end of me. They kept feeding on my energy until that guy showed up."

  I was ready to hug him but then I decided against this idea. Jasper and I had a long and complicated history and I needed to keep distance between us.

  "A guy?"

  "I have no idea who the guy was, all I know is that he pushed all the magic thieves away. He brought me back to my lab, forced me to drink something and then he was gone."

  I sighed with relief suspecting that maybe Tron or someone who worked for him rescued Jasper.

  "I'm glad you’re all right, at least someone is," I said swallowing my tears. My ex-boyfriend didn't need to see my tears. I should have talked to my dad, then everything would have been different.

  "Paranormals talk and I know what happened," he continued. "Are you all right? Do you know why that shifter abducted you?"

  "No, I don’t know, and I can't stand here with you and talk. I need to go home and try to talk to my mother. I appreciate what you tried to do for me, but please, I need to be alone."

  Jasper nodded surprising me even more. I was sure he would argue with me demanding answers. Instead, he told me to take care and started walking away.

  The sun was going down, but it was still light as I stood on the street outside the office watching the traffic. The wind ruffled my hair and I thought about Nathaniel. He respected my wishes, he didn't try to contact me or come to see me. My heart ached for him and I wondered if I should just throw us away or give our relationship another chance? After everything that happened with Quentin, my mind was in chaos.

  Jasper had changed, so maybe Nathaniel could too, maybe there was still hope for us. I took my phone from my bag and selected the caller ID. My body stirred with excitement. He picked up straight away and my heart fluttered in my chest.

  "Hey, it’s me." I began quietly. "Are you alone? Can I come over?"

  I knew that I made the right decision as soon as I saw him. It had been months since I’d been in his apartment, but nothing had changed. My blood pulsed as soon as he laid eyes on me.

  "Am I safe being here?" I asked stepping into his luxurious apartment in Canary Wharf. Nathaniel’s scent was everywhere, soaking the air and reminding me of all the times when we were together.

  He cocked his head to the side.

  "Meredith won’t be disturbing us today. She’s visiting her mother, besides she knows it’s over between us, although no one has acknowledged it yet."

  I didn't smile but my heart made a happy dance in my chest. I was terrible person, being happy from someone else’s misery.

  Nathaniel’s presence lifted my spirit. I walked into his spacious living room and instantly felt like an intruder. Her stuff was everywhere. Her designer shoes and clothes. It was clear that she’d re-decorated Nathaniel’s apartment and it was difficult to admit but she had great taste.

  I sat down on the sofa feeling like I was going to burst into tears, as all of a sudden everything was so wrong in my life. I started fiddling with my fingers indulging myself with his scent and his presence. He was standing by the door watching me and I didn't want to look at him, because I knew that my heart would betray me.

  "Firecracker, let me—"

  His voice broke me. I knew what I needed to say to him but for some reason my words didn't matter anymore. I was in his arms before my mind registered what I was doing. His lips were on mine, and our breath collided with each other fast.

  He embraced me in his arms kissing me fiercely, my breath came short, the lust was back forcing me to have this man here, anywhere.

  "Firecracker, oh, I want you so bad," he growled pulling my buttocks to him. Then we were moving through his apartment, still kissing and tearing our clothes off.

  Nathaniel’s hands found my bare skin; he ripped my shirt off, then my bra and skirt. The temperature in my body shifted, my energy was back pulsing between my legs. Then he was kissing me again, all over, sucking on my neck, running his tongue over my collarbone, my stomach. It was bliss, to have him close, knowing that he was mine again. I fumbled with his trousers and when they were off I took his hard length into my hands.

  "No, I need to feel you all over me."

  He pushed me down to the bed and spread my legs. My body trembled in anticipation of what was coming next. I smelled his fiancé on the sheets, but I pushed that thought away. This time it was only about us.

  He got rid of my knickers and then his mouth was on me, I arched my back enjoying the shuttering sensation. Magic crackled over my skin heating my body and I panted as he moved his tongue over my wet center.

  "Tastes as good as I remember," I heard him say. I grabbed the sheet, as waves of heat kept hitting me. I cried out as he thrust two fingers inside me. Moaning as the pleasure went through me, my heart pounded, and an orgasm shuddered through me fast. Things started moving, anything made of glass began exploding and I came as energy rocked through me.

  He didn't give me time to gather myself because he was inside me in an instant, on top of me. His wet tongue was in my mouth, his hardness filled me up. My energy moved all around us, covering his body as he kept thrusting himself deep inside me, faster, speaking in French, and touching my breasts.

  We rocked each other back and forth until we both climaxed. His scent was all over me again.

  "I love you," he whispered in my ear, breathing hard. I smiled, and we stayed like that for some time c
herishing the closeness.

  Later on, I disappeared in the bathroom and switched on the shower staring at my reflection in the mirror. I was empty again, the annoying buzzing in my body was gone. Nathaniel was the only man who could do this to me. Pull away the excess power that I couldn't deal with; we understood each other without words. I wrapped a towel around my body and then I heard a noise somewhere in the back of the house.

  I smiled to myself, wondering what kind of surprise Nathaniel was creating for me. I stepped out of the bathroom into the bedroom with a smile on my face.

  "I thought I would come home early to surprise you," Meredith said standing in the bedroom door staring at me. Nathaniel was standing by the bed naked. He looked startled. I gripped my towel, unable to move, starting at the woman who was still officially his fiancé, the woman who just caught me in her bedroom with the man she probably loved. My mouth went dry and I just stood there, blinded by my own guilt.

  "Meredith, I'm sorry you had to find out like this. We weren’t happy, and we were over."

  I felt like a coward and a whore. In my head I kept telling myself it wasn’t supposed to happen this way. I had a plan.

  Meredith tensed her face, her upper lip trembled. There were real tears in her eyes, and I couldn't even look at her.

  “You're such a liar and you," she said looking at me, "You are a fool. He hurts people, doesn't let them in to cover his own insecurities. I can't fucking believe I thought you’d changed!"


  Nathaniel approached her, but she only shook her head. My heart was breaking, and I wanted to go back in time and change everything. Tears were flowing down her face as he approached. At first, I was certain she would leave, but then she touched him.

  "This is for my pain, to remember what you did to me, you coward!" Nathaniel’s body went rigid, his pupils dilated and then he screamed.


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