Rockers After Dark: 6 Book Bundle of Sexy Musicians

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Rockers After Dark: 6 Book Bundle of Sexy Musicians Page 10

by Chase, Deanna

  He clears his throat. “Yeah, fine. Just a piece of debris in the road.”

  “Right.” I chuckle. I was watching him watch me when the truck started to drift, but I let it go and bite down on the blueberry. Sweet, tangy juice fills my mouth, and I moan with pleasure. “Omigod.”

  Seth flashes me a self-satisfied smile.

  I grab a few more and close my eyes as the juices explode in my mouth. When I open them, we’ve stopped in front of Jax’s house and Seth’s eyes are hooded as he watches me.

  I can almost see the fantasy running through his head. “Stop that.”

  “What?” His voice is husky, the same way it had been the night before.

  I smirk. “Undressing me in your mind.”

  My words only serve to put more heat in his eyes.

  He’s wearing down that friend label awfully fast. I lean in and press my hand to his chest. His heart thrums steadily beneath my palm.

  “If you keep this up, we’re never going to make it inside.”

  His hand covers mine, and the gentleness of it takes my breath away. His gaze shifts from my mouth to my eyes. “There’s no denying the attraction here.”

  I nod, not knowing what else to do with that. It’s the truth.

  “And I’m not going to lie to myself about wanting you.”

  My breath gets caught in my throat as my pulse quickens.

  “Hell, I woke up this morning wanting you, but you’d already gone. The thing is, Lucy, I already told you I’m not the relationship type. If we pursue this, we need to come to an understanding.”

  I pull away, not exactly sure how I feel about this situation. “Friends with benefits. Is that what you’re after?”

  “Honestly, I don’t know. I just met you last night. Less than twenty-four hours ago. All I know is there’s a huge attraction here. We can explore it or not. It’s your choice.”

  “Well… that’s quite the proposition,” I say with a fair amount of sarcasm. “So much for seduction.”

  He gives me that sexy half smile again. “If it’s seduction you want, I’ve got plenty in reserve.”

  My insides melt. Yes. If I’m being honest, it is seduction I want. But I’m not ready to say so. Instead, I grab the coffee cups resting at my feet, open the door, and glance back. “I already told you I’m not looking for a relationship. But if you want a friendship that goes beyond platonic, you’ll have to work for it.”

  The truck door slams behind me as I trot up the walk to Jax’s house.

  Chapter Twelve


  I stare at Lucy’s round ass as she climbs the stairs to Jax’s apartment. Did that just happen? Since when had I moved from just friends to wanting Lucy in my bed as often as possible? Right about the time I saw her in line at the café, most likely. Or maybe when she put her hand on my heart and I thought it was going to pound right out of my chest. Hell, she’d had a hold on me twenty minutes after we met, fueled by her sexy rock-star persona. Not to mention I can’t seem to shake the imprint of her body against mine.


  I’m not getting out of this in one piece. I should start the truck and head back to the tattoo shop, where she probably won’t show up. But Jax is waiting for her fries, and I’d told Lucy I’d take care of it.

  With the two bags of produce in my hands, I lock up the truck and head into Jax’s house. She lives on the second floor of a duplex her parents own. They live on the bottom floor. I climb the stairs and knock once before letting myself in.

  Jax is on the couch with a washcloth draped over her head.

  I drop the bags on the bar separating her kitchen from her living room and then go sit on the coffee table next to the couch. “Hey.”

  She opens one bloodshot eye. “You.”

  I grin. “Will you live?”

  “No,” she croaks. “And neither will you if I don’t get my fries.”

  The microwave beeps and Jax cringes.

  “Sorry,” Lucy says quietly and brings a steaming cup of what has to be chai to Jax. “Here.”

  Jax takes the cup in hand but doesn’t drink. “Keenan?”


  “Stop staring at Lucy.”

  Lucy chuckles and heads over to the produce bags.

  “Can you blame me?” I whisper.

  She puts a hand on my knee and really looks at me. One glance and I know she’s suspicious.

  I give her my cockiest grin and stand. “Fry time.”

  “Finally.” She pushes herself up and takes a tiny sip of her drink, then immediately starts to gag.

  “Whoa.” I jump out of the way.

  The gagging stops and she collapses back onto the couch. “There’s nothing left to purge. I think you’re safe.”

  “Uh, Jax?”

  “What?” Her arm is now slung over her head.

  “You sure you want something to eat?”

  She sighs. “I have to try.”


  I join Lucy in Jax’s tiny kitchen and begin to peel and chop the sweet potatoes. Lucy busies herself cutting strawberries.

  “You’re not planning on baked fries, are you?” Lucy wrinkles her nose.

  “Good God, woman. Don’t insult me.” This isn’t the first time I’d made Jax her fries after a night of indulgence. I reach under the counter and produce a small electric deep fryer.

  “Ah.” She takes a sip of her drink.

  I glance at the two other drinks still in the carrier. “Who are those for?”

  “Jax and me. Want one?”

  “Are they all chai?”


  She pops a blueberry in her mouth, and a look of pure ecstasy transforms her face. Fuck me. I’m bringing her blueberries every damned day for the rest of my life.

  “They’re lattes. You’re welcome to one if you like.”

  “Thanks.” The coffee I’d gotten had long been discarded, and after staying up half the night, a caffeine boost is exactly what I need.

  While I work on the fries, Lucy takes the fruit bowl she’s prepared and sits on the couch at Jax’s feet. The two whisper quietly. I don’t really pay attention until I hear Lucy mention Cadan. The name sends a bolt of anger through me. I don’t know what he did to her, but whatever it was, he’s hurt her. Badly. He must have. Walking away from your soul mate is nearly impossible.

  They’ll end up back together eventually. Most do.

  The scent of sweet potatoes and oil fills the apartment. I glance at Jax to find she’s already looking better. Her eyes lock with mine, then she looks at Lucy. Oh son of a… is Lucy telling her about us? I’ll never hear the end of it. Not after I’d promised to stay away from her. It’s safe to say I broke the promise with spectacular results.

  “Hey, are my fries done yet?” Jax demands.

  I turn my attention to the fryer. “Shit!” A few at the top are starting to turn black.

  “Need some help?” Lucy jumps up and runs to my side as I’m fishing the fries out with a strainer spatula.

  “I’ve got it.” I place the first batch on the paper-towel-lined plate. More than half of them are burned.

  “What were you doing over here?” she asks, laughing.

  I turn to her and rake my gaze over her body. “Just thinking about that conversation we had outside.”

  “Oh.” She fidgets with the hem of her sleeve and blushes again.

  I can’t wait to see her entire body do that the next time I get her naked.

  Lucy eyes the fries again and then picks up one of the peeled potatoes and begins to slice.

  “Well,” Jax says from the couch. She’s sitting up now with her legs tucked cross-legged. “Isn’t this interesting?”

  Cringing on the inside, I turn to face her wrath. She knows. I can tell by her tone.

  “You couldn’t just keep it in your pants for one night? God, Seth. Lucy isn’t one of your bar skanks. You can’t treat her like that.” Her anger seems to have fortified her. The green tinge to her complexion has vanished, replaced by red splotches high on her cheekbones.

  “Treat her like what?” Anger threatens to spring from deep inside me. I clutch the plate with the fries and stalk over to her, holding it out. “More is on the way.”

  She takes the plate but doesn’t acknowledge it in any way. “You know what, Seth. Like someone who means nothing but an empty night of pleasure. Like all the rest of them you’ve burned through since Elsa—” She clasps a hand over her mouth, abruptly stopping her outburst.

  “Jax,” Lucy says quietly, clearly trying to defuse the situation.

  But I’ve got Jax pinned with my stare. She doesn’t seem to be able to look away.

  “I’m sorry,” she says.

  I take a deep breath, fighting for control. I’m seconds from losing my shit. She can yell at me all she wants, but bringing up E? I’m ready to stalk out right now. I would, too, if it weren’t for Lucy. “Okay,” I force out.

  “You don’t know Lucy. She’s too sweet for you. Jesus, Seth. Why her?”

  “Too sweet?” Lucy laughs and guides Jax back down to the couch. “Have you not been paying attention to my life these last few years? I’ve been dating a rock star and have been on tour. Nothing about my current life has been sweet.”

  Pain starts throbbing behind my left eye. “Jax, let it go.” I really don’t need this shit right now.

  “Oh, Lucy, please,” Jax says, ignoring me. “You make it sound like you were living that movie Almost Famous or something. We both know you spent most of your time writing songs when you weren’t onstage. Not exactly the stuff gossip rags are built on.”

  Jax’s dismissal of her life rankles, but I’m too busy focusing on Lucy to say anything.

  Her entire demeanor shifts and a cold expression hardens her face. “Stop it,” she says in a quiet, steely tone. “I’m done with people treating me as if I either don’t have a brain or am too naïve to understand the implications of my actions. Well guess what, Jax? I came on to Seth. Not the other way around. So if you want to yell at someone, start with me.” Her fists are balled on her hips. “I’m not the sixteen-year-old girl both you and my mom seem to think I am. It’s been over four years. I’ve seen a lot, done a lot, and have changed a lot. It’s time to start seeing me for who I am now. Not then.”

  Jax’s mouth drops open in a shocked O, and I get the impression outbursts are rare for Lucy. Jax finally spits out, “You think I treat you like your mom does?”

  Lucy shrugs, but the movement is forced. “Sometimes. You both have a way of invalidating my truths. Though admittedly, she’s way worse than you are.”

  Tears fill Jax’s eyes and she sinks back down to the couch, clearly shaken by Lucy’s words.

  “I’m going to go,” Lucy says. “You need to get back on your feet, and I think I need some space.” She turns to me. “Seth, can you give me a lift back to town?”

  “Sure. Give me a sec.” I return to the kitchen to clean up my mess. When I’m finished, I hold out a hand once again.

  Lucy takes it and pointedly turns to Jax. “See? My choice.”

  “Okay, Lucy. Fine. You’re a dirty whore and you want me to stay out of it. I get it. Just remember, I told you he’d break your heart. They all do sooner or later.” She rolls over and faces the back of the couch.

  “Ouch,” I say to Jax. “Don’t you think you’re being a little harsh?”

  Lucy shakes her head and whispers in my ear. “This is about Brad. Not me and you. Try not to start anything until she’s ready to talk.”

  She’s right. Jax is generous, kind, supportive and an all-around perfect friend… except when she’s hurting. Then she’s mean, selfish, and petty.

  I grab my keys. “Feel better, Jax. I’ll come by tomorrow to make sure you made it through.”

  She doesn’t turn over, not even when we pause at the door.

  “You’re welcome,” Lucy says, clearly frustrated with her friend. “It’s not every day someone brings you chai, coffee, and potatoes for fresh fries. Enjoy them.”

  Jax manages a small grunt of gratitude as we escape out the front door.

  Once we’re back at the truck, Lucy slumps against the side, holding her head in her hands. “Could that have gone any worse?”

  I step in front of her, my feet straddling hers, and wrap my arms around her. I tell myself it’s to comfort her, to keep her warm, but I know the real reason. Five more minutes of not touching her and I might lose my mind.

  She presses her head against my shoulder and lets out a sigh. “That makes me zero for three.”


  “On the list of most important people in my life, I’m currently not speaking to the top three.” Her grip tightens on my shoulders.

  “Cadan, Jax, and…?” I ask, even though it’s not really any of my business.

  “My mom. She’s on Cadan’s side.”

  “I see.” I don’t really. Mom loved E, but I’m her son. And no one could come between us. “Well, I don’t think the Jax thing is permanent. After she recovers, you’ll talk and everything will be fine.”

  She sniffs and pulls back, wiping away a tear. “You’re right. It’s just a lot, you know?”

  I pull her in for another hug, hating that anyone has caused her pain. My protective streak takes over, and the desire to take her home, to keep her safe, almost overwhelms me. I release her, fighting my instincts every step of the way. “I do know. Let’s get you home, okay?”

  Chapter Thirteen


  Why was Jax so mad that Seth and I hooked up? They’re just friends, aren’t they? A horrible thought comes to me.

  “You and Jax,” I ask Seth tentatively, “you’ve never hooked up, have you? I mean, like we did last night.”

  He jerks and glances at me, his face full of incredulity. Abruptly he pulls the truck into a small gas station and stops. “Seriously?”

  I want to curl into a ball and hide under his spare blanket. Instead, I meet his outrage head-on. “You saw the way she acted back there. How am I supposed to know she’s not one of your one-night stands? You already told me you don’t do relationships. I’m just trying to get a grip on what’s going on.”

  His jaw works as he tries to form words. Then he clamps his mouth shut and puts the truck in drive without saying anything.

  “So that’s it then?” I can’t let this go. Jax is far too angry and he’s too defensive.

  “That’s what?” He keeps his gaze steady on the highway in front of us.

  “You and Jax have history.” I say it with finality as if it’s fact. “You should have told me.”

  He speeds up as he goes around a corner, not quite driving recklessly, but close. I clutch the door, my body stiff with tension. Cadan drives like he’s invincible and it’s always scared me. But the way Seth is driving, it’s more like he can’t wait to get to town to just get rid of me. And that makes me more angry than scared. I turn and stare out the window for the rest of the ride.

  When we finally stop in front of the coffee shop, Seth turns the truck off and turns to me. “Lucy,” he says with a sigh. “Jax is just a friend. We’ve never been together. You can believe me or not, it’s your choice. Frankly, I’m insulted you assumed the worst about both of us. But since we don’t know each other very well, I can understand why you might be suspicious. Jax is acting very strangely. And it’s true I have a reputation, but I’m honest and if you ask me something, I’ll tell you the truth.”

  “I… well… okay. I didn’t—”

  He holds up a hand to cut me off. “There’s one last thing. We talked about exploring this attraction as friends, right?”

sp; I nod.

  “Well, to me, my friends are everything. So if we’re going to be friends, I want a promise you’re not going to push me away when things get hard.” He’s gazing at me so intently I fight not to squirm in my seat.

  “What makes you think I’ll push you away?” The implication irritates me. I’m loyal almost to the point of being destructive. It’s why it took me so long to leave Cadan and why Mom and I are reaching critical mass. I spent far too many years trying to please her, knowing that what she wants for me and what I want for myself are never going to be the same.

  His eyes go soft and he places his hand lightly on my knee. “From the outside looking in, it seems an awful lot like you’re running from everyone.”

  Anger boils up from somewhere deep inside, and despite the chill in the air, my entire body goes hot. “I’m not a runner.” My tone is low and measured. “You don’t know my circumstances. After one day and one night together, this is what you come up with? Until you know the details, maybe you should keep your psychobabble bullshit to yourself.”

  He leans back against the door, clearly stunned by my outburst. Then he starts to chuckle. “Fair enough, Lucy Moore. Fair enough.” He holds his hand out to me.

  I take in his easy, relaxed manner and can’t decide what to think. Clearly he’s a loon, but then so is everyone else I know. I clasp his hand in mine.

  “Here’s to getting to know each other.” He shakes my hand slightly, but mostly he’s just holding it.

  The anger fades, and as I look at his handsome face and the vibrant tattoos, I realize I do want to know him. The real him. Not the person who runs from commitment. “To getting to know each other.”

  He gives my hand a final squeeze before pulling away. “Have a nice evening, Luce.”

  “Wait just a minute,” I say. “Give me your phone.”

  Seth reaches into his pocket and hands it to me without question.

  I punch in my cell number and hit Send so it will show up on my phone and then program my information into his. “There.” I hand it back to him. “Now we’ll have a better shot at that getting to know each other thing.”


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