Awakening the Demon's Queen

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Awakening the Demon's Queen Page 4

by Calle J. Brookes

  He rubbed her arms soothingly. “This is the friend of your daughter’s who was hurt that you mentioned?”

  “Yes. Josey, Mickey, and Jierra are of similar ages and temperament. They hit it off well.” And the attack had hit Jierra hard because she’d been trapped on her room’s balcony, and been forced to watch the whole attack and unable to help her new friend. “Jierra witnessed the attack and she still screams in the night. She must be terrified right now.”

  “She didn’t seem terrified. And Rand is a good man, pet. I promise you this. He will not hurt her.”

  “I just want her back, safe.” Kindara tried to shrug his hands away. “I just want this to end, all of it. Why should we be at war? What have we done to cause this? Any of us?”

  “I don’t know, pet.” He pulled her against his chest and she fought the urge to burrow as close as she could. Take what little comfort she could get from this strange creature.


  Poor little thing. Rathan pulled her tight against him, wanting only to sooth. He cursed his wayward body when it stirred to life. She didn’t need that.

  Her being a Healer explained so much. Dardaptoan healers were some of the most compassionate beings of any kind. They wanted only to heal, or protect their charges, rarely did any possess malice. But they would fight to defend.

  They were prized by all the Dardaptoans because they were so rare. They were coveted by the other Kinds because they could heal any race of being. Many were kidnapped during battles and kept as prisoners for the remainder of their considerably long lives. The Healing talent was rare and innate, and only those born with it could become Healers. And his little pet was the top Healer?

  She would be tracked with greater fervency than he had anticipated.

  “Why were you on the road?” As a Healer she should have been guarded, should have had an armored limo to drive her to her destination. That her men folk had been so deficient in ensuring her safety filled him with rage. Anyone or anything could have taken her. He had.

  He made a silent vow to himself. Never again would she be so vulnerable. Nor was her safety the responsibility of anyone other than him from that moment forward.

  “After Josey’s...attack, I began studying the differences between her blood, her cousins--and there is a strange difference, mine, and human. Studying the antibodies of her and her cousins to see if we could manufacture an actual medication for our people. There is a witch in Denver who has successfully treated her people and some of ours with a drug of some sort. I was going to talk with her.”

  “Why no guards?”

  “My partner Barlaam was to accompany us, but I made him stay. It’s my project, and I am the best to go. And one of us needed to stay with Josey, just in case.”

  “Yet your king nor brother sent guards? Do they care so little for your safety?”

  “No! And I am responsible for my own safety. I am not helpless, nor am I a fledgling.”

  “No, but your daughter is. How many years is she?”


  He started walking again, keeping her hand captive in his as he thought over her words. “Yet your mate has been gone...”

  “Twenty-eight years. Jierra was given to me as an infant a few years after Iavius was taken.”

  “What of her other parents?”

  “Murdered. By Taniss.” She stopped walking and he did the same. Her voice hardened. “He would have killed Jierra, too. She was born in his compound. Branded as a three-week old babe. Specimen number 328. A mere babe, permanently scarred.”

  The horror and cruelty of it had him cursing, had anger filling him on the poor child’s behalf. But he needed to see for himself that her words were true. “Where is this brand?”

  “On her left buttock.”

  “You are to stay right here, do you understand? I must check, must confirm.” He led her to a small log. He guided her down to rest upon it. “I will be gone no more than five minutes. If you move from this spot, I will punish you, and will not let you be with your daughter for a full month, do you understand?”

  She nodded, though her anger was clear for him to sense. “I understand. You’re going to flash to her, aren’t you?”

  “Yes. And no, I will not take you with me.” Not with her carrying the spawn. He would not risk the dangers. “It is doubly dangerous for you now.”

  As he felt the world shift around him, her heard her question of why.


  He materialized in the midst of a Lupoiux den and immediately heard the growl of an alpha animal. He bowed to his friend. “Hello, brother.”

  Rand’s hackles subsided. “Rathan? Why are you here?”

  “A quick question, then I must return to Kindara.”

  “My mother?” The girl’s eyes widened and Rathan could see the tremors shaking her. She stood from the corner in which she huddled. “She’s ok?”

  Rathan stepped closer to her. This was his woman’s child, though no blood tie existed between them. She would be a part of his life from now on. He was filled with a rush of tenderness equal to that he’d often felt for Josey or Mickey. This little strawberry blonde with big yellow eyes and a delicate way reminded him of those two waifs. He tenderly pushed the sweaty hair from her brow. Rand growled and stepped between them. “No touch.”

  “Relax, brother. I mean nothing by it. I am quite satisfied with mine own.” Rathan turned to the girl again. “And your mother is quite fine. She is resting, while I check on you. But I cannot stay long. I promised her I would be quick.”

  “Then ask your question and leave.”

  Rathan studied his friend, sensing easily that the beast inside the man was more in control than he’d ever seen before. What had triggered it? Rand had herded the girl to the side of the den, keeping his body between hers and Rathan’s. “The girl possesses a tattoo. It’s similar to her mother’s, I suspect. I need to confirm what her mother told me.”

  The girl gasped and her eyes widened. Her hand flew to rest over her left rear cheek. “Why?”

  “Do you have the tattoo?”


  “When did you receive it?”

  “When-when I was three weeks old, I think.”

  “Why do you need to see it?” Rand asked.

  “I think we both need to. It may make things a bit more clear to all of us.”

  The girl shook her head, her cheeks flushing.

  “Jierra, show us the tattoo.” Rand’s words held a clear order and the girl paled and stepped back.

  She was clearly frightened of the wolf, almost terrified, and Rathan now understood why. This child had been forced to watch the attack on Josey--no wonder she was frightened of the Lupoiux. Who wouldn’t be?

  “Now.” Rand stepped toward her. Her hands flew up protectively and she paled. She shook her head, silently begging them to leave her be.

  Rand took matters out of her hands. “Rathan? Where is this tattoo?”

  “Left ass cheek.”

  Rand turned her around and jerked her muddied white pants down, revealing white cotton panties, ignoring her struggles and pleas. The callous treatment of the girl had Rathan’s ire forming. He’d promised her mother she’d be well-treated. He’d yet to see evidence of that. “Leave her some dignity, wolf. She’s not a full half year older than Mickey!”

  “Then Mickey was, you mean!” Rand’s lips pealed back in a snarl. He ruthlessly ripped the cotton panties down enough to expose the girl’s flesh.

  “No, than Mickey is!” Rathan stepped closer, wanting to jerk the girl free. Instead he focused on the blue ink revealed. It was exactly as the girl’s mother had said.

  “What does it mean?” Rand asked, his hand touching the writing--the brand that marred smooth feminine flesh.

  “Taniss Industries, specimen number 328. Your grandfather’s doing. He branded her as an infant like an animal. Her mother bears the number 211, and is violently terrified of any Taniss male. She bears numerable scars from his to
rture of her.” Rathan grabbed a blanket from a nearby bedroll and wrapped the shivering girl in it. Rand never released her. “And your sisters, Emily, and Josey all live.”

  “Mickey and Mal are your sisters?” The girl asked, pulling the blanket around her chin. “You’re a Taniss and a Lupoiux?”

  Neither man missed the terror coating her words. Rathan wanted to comfort her, but he needed to return to her mother. He nodded to the wolf. “I must go now. We need to meet as soon as possible. The mother is a Healer--the Chief Healer. They will be looking for her much quicker than we suspected.”


  “We are maybe four hours’ walk away. We’ll be here by sunrise. Now I must go.”

  Chapter Six

  Kindara gave great thought to taking the opportunity to run, but decided against it. She didn’t know where Jierra was, and the demon did. It was as simple as that. She waited impatiently for his return, and when she heard footsteps in the woods behind her she stood. “My daught--”

  A shadow knocked her to the ground before she could finish. From the shape and the growls coming from the beast she knew it to be Lupoiux. She brought her fists up, swinging at the animal’s throat. It was the most vulnerable area on a Lupoiux male other than the groin area.

  Her struggles did little damage.

  This was a full-grown male, probably an alpha. His teeth snapped closer to her neck and she clawed at his eyes, praying she could stall the animal long enough for the demon to arrive.

  He’d promised to keep her safe.


  Rathan materialized to find his woman struggling for her life and he reacted. He plucked the wolf from her and spun it around.

  Rathan’s feet left the ground and the smell of sulfur rose as demon-ire sizzled in the night air. “You die, cur. How quickly is up to you.”

  The wolf snarled, backed away. While it may have been an easy match for a small, defenseless Dardaptoan female, it stood no chance against a fully enraged demon.

  “You will not slink away like a frightened jackal. You attacked my woman, who carries my heir. Mine, High King of the Demonkin. Do you know the consequences of that? I see you do.”

  The wolf tried running away but Rathan flashed in his path. The beast veered left. Rathan flashed into that path, as well. But he could not take the time to play, not with her lying so still. He grabbed the wolf and twisted the creature’s neck with one jerk, then dropped the now naked body of a man to the ground. With one gesture he incinerated the corpse, before flashing to his woman’s side.

  There was blood on her skull, her eyes closed and her body still. But she still breathed. There were only two ways to kill a Dardaptoan, even the females--blood loss and starvation. But the wolf could have bitten her...he ran hands over every inch of her, but found no bite mark.

  He cradled her against his chest and stood, after finding no other injury but the one to the back of her skull. She’d wake eventually, probably with one hell of a headache. But she would wake. In the meantime, he would carry her back to meet with her daughter. Hopefully giving her that small thing would help her forgive him for failing her.


  Someone was holding her hand. Kindara opened her eyes expecting to see the demon sitting next to her. Instead, the most precious person in her world stared down at her. Kindara felt her own widen. “Baby!”

  Kindara rose to a sitting position and pulled her daughter into her arms. “I was so worried! Are you hurt? Did that beast do anything to you?”

  Jierra shook her head no, then darted a glance toward the left. Kindara realized they were in another cave, this one smaller than the one she’d shared with the demon the night before. Rathan sat next to an auburn-haired man that was no doubt related to Leo Taniss. He looked just like the old bastard. Kindara battled down the fear and nausea that the man evoked. This was not Leo Taniss, no matter how much the wolf favored him physically. “Mother...”

  Kindara’s eyes narrowed. Jierra leaned closer to whisper. “I think he’s my...”

  “Your what, baby?”

  “Rajni.” Tears welled in her daughter’s eyes. “What do I do?”

  “Oh, Ji...” Kindara wrapped her arms tighter, rocking her and soothing her as she’d done when Jierra was just a little girl. “Are you sure?”

  Of course Jierra was sure. When you found your Rajni, you knew. There were no questions as to the validity of the feelings. A Dardaptoan woman just knew.

  But her daughter was so unbelievably young to find hers. It was almost unheard of. Kindara had been around two hundred when she’d met Iavius and her brother was over six hundred and had just met his Rajni. And for her Rajni to be a Taniss and a Lupoiux...Kindara stiffened. Jierra looked at her. “What is it, Mother?”

  “Ji, I want you to be completely honest with me, ok?” She waited for her daughter to respond. Jierra nodded. “Did the Lupoiux try to touch you? Did he...Did you sleep with him?”

  Jierra’s cheeks flamed, giving Kindara the answer she needed long before the girl nodded. “Why?”

  “Stay very still a moment,” Kindara said before shutting her eyes and seeking. She took her time, carefully examining her child for the evidence of what she suspected. Less than two minutes later she opened her eyes and looked into her daughter’s. “Do you know anything about their...mating habits?”

  “Not much. Other than the obvious.” A flash of Jierra’s normal humor had her mouth twitching. “And it was just once. And quick, I think. And it made him angry.”

  “Ji, a true Lupoiux mating always results in twins or triplets the first time. Did he say the word mine during...what you did?” Kindara looked at the ceiling, embarrassed. This was her baby! She knew Jierra hadn’t had sex before. They should not be having this conversation now.

  “Yes. Several times.” Jierra’s eyes widened and she jerked to stare at the Lupoiux, who stared back. Kindara fought the urge to hiss at him. “Why?”

  “Because, baby...he’s mated you.”

  Jierra shook her head. “No...”

  “Yes, baby. There are babies. Two of them. I could feel them. Did he not tell you?”

  “No. No. No.” Jierra shook her head and Kindara had no trouble seeing the panic taking hold.

  Jierra was just a baby herself. In that moment, seeing how scared her daughter was, Kindara wanted nothing more than to rip the wolf’s head from his body. She hissed again, this time loud enough to draw the men’s attention.


  Rathan stepped across the den and dropped to his knees beside his woman and her daughter. Her eyes flashed Dardaptoan orange fury at him and he pulled back. “Pet?”

  It was as if she didn’t even see him, her focus was intent on Rand. Rathan kept his tone soothing, as he reached a hand out to brush her cheek. “How are you feeling? Does your head hurt very badly?”

  “You said he wouldn’t hurt her!”

  “He didn’t.” Rathan was sure of that. Rand might not have treated her as gently as he should have, but he hadn’t hurt the girl.

  “He’s mated her!”

  Rathan rocked back. Rand hadn’t mentioned that. Kindara’s arms were tight around her daughter and she rocked back and forth. But the rage was clear on her face. “I didn’t know that.”

  “No surprise, she didn’t either!”

  Rathan knew the wolf would have had little choice in the matter. If a Lupoiux found his mate and didn’t consummate the match within thirty-six hours, it would be a sterile union. It was an evolutionary element given to the Lupoiux because they’d once been in so much danger that many males didn’t live long enough to father children. So their race was given the urge to procreate immediately upon meeting the females. And it always resulted in a litter of pups--two or three pups in all--after the first mating. After that a Lupoiux pairing reproduced about every twelve years. “If she’s his mate, that was his right.”

  It wasn’t like his species. Demons were free to choose their consorts. Even hers, had some choice in the ma
tter. While they had their destined mates--Rajnis--they could choose to live apart if they found they weren’t compatible. But from what he understood, most Rajni pairs were extremely compatible.

  “To do so without telling her? She’s so young and now there are two babes growing!”

  Rathan considered telling her there were three babes growing, but knew that would increase the rage she was feeling. Rage that could get her hurt. A Dardaptoan—male or female—in full rage was sometimes enough to trigger a Lupoiux beast to emerge. He needed to calm her down and quickly. “Babes are a natural consequence of the Lupoiux mating. You do know that if he hadn’t...given...her the babes now she never would have had children? It was meant to happen now.”

  “He should have told her, let her make the decision!” Her fangs were visible and she trembled. Had she not held her daughter in her arms, he suspected she would have lunged at the wolf. He couldn’t let that happen.

  “Yes, he should have.” As Rathan should have told her of the spawn growing within her. He pushed away the guilt before continuing. “But now it is done.”

  She continued to hiss but the orange fury was fading from her eyes. Still, Rathan did not try touching her. “I want him dead, demon.”

  “Do you?” Rathan kept his tone as soothing as he could. “Your daughter’s mate? Your grandchildren’s father?”

  Orange receded farther and Rathan knew she listened. “He will not touch her again.”

  “Not if she doesn’t wish it.” Rathan knew Rand wouldn’t force himself on a woman and he strongly suspected that had there not been such a pressing time element, he wouldn’t have bedded the girl yet. Rand’s hatred of Dardaptoans was as strong as Kindara’s fear of the Taniss males.

  “Ever. We’re going home, as soon as possible. You think my brother will let him near her? He’ll kill that dog first.”

  “Shh. Now isn’t the time to worry about that. We need to get up the mountain as soon as possible.” Rathan pulled the girl from her mother’s arms, ignoring the protests. He handed her to the other man, not missing the way Kindara’s rage flared. “No, Kindara. Now tell me, how does your head feel? Can you walk? Do you need me to carry you?”


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