Awakening the Demon's Queen

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Awakening the Demon's Queen Page 7

by Calle J. Brookes

  She shook her head. “No. I don’t want it.”

  But she would take it, of that Rathan was sure. Even if he had to force her compliance, she would feed for herself and the spawn. “Kindara, you have to be reasonable. You’ve centuries left to live--are you going to only half-feed that entire time?”

  “I’ve studied my people, demon. Bagged blood is more than adequate.”

  “But not ideal.”

  “It suffices. And it’s really none of your business what I eat, anyway.”

  Yes, it was. “Let’s not argue. While you are with me, you’ll feed from me whenever you need it. I am not providing bagged blood.”

  “Fortunately for you then that my brother will be here at noon.”

  “You may visit with him, but I’m keeping you.”

  “No, you’re not.” She pushed away from him and slid from his bed. He tossed the blankets back and followed her, stalking her around the room as she pulled her pajamas back over her body. “Despite what you think I’m not a pet! I’m taking my daughter and going home.”

  “But you’re not taking my spawn away from me!”

  Chapter Ten

  Kindara stared at the demon in silence as he paled and stepped toward her.

  “Pet, I...”

  “What did you say?” She’d been mistaken, surely. “Say that again.”

  “I said I won’t let you go and take our spawn with you.”

  “Spawn? What the hell do you mean by spawn? Is that like...”

  “Yes. I didn’t mean for it to happen...” His voice trailed off but then he straightened. His face tightened with what could only be determination. “I didn’t use the protection spell. That means you’re most likely carrying my spawn. I can’t let you leave. I have to know you and the spawn are cared for. By me.”

  “No. No. No, you’re crazy. There’s no way, no way. It took two hundred years for me and Iavius to make a baby! You’re crazy!” Kindara stepped back from his reaching hands.


  “I’m not your damned pet!” Fury filled her and she hissed, took giant steps back. “How am I supposed to deal with this? I don’t want this!”

  “I’m not going to apologize. I didn’t do it deliberately.” Even as angry as she was, it was hard to miss the hurt on his face. He flashed to her side, and she didn’t have time to escape his hands. He held her to face him, not letting her budge an inch. “Kindara—”

  “What? Do you think anything you say can make this better? If this is true, it changes everything! All of my plans, everything. What am I supposed to do now?” Tremors shook her, her stomach clenched and unclenched with every ragged breath she took. “I can’t...”

  There couldn’t be a babe. There just couldn’t. She wouldn’t go through that again. To know a babe was growing within her and to know that she could possibly lose it like she’d lost the other would kill her. She stared at the demon, hating him with every bit of her soul.

  His face softened as if he’d read her mind and he tried to pull her to his chest.

  She gave a strong jerk, ripping herself from his arms. “No! Don’t you touch me. Not ever again!”


  Rathan was frozen in place, watching her run from him. He hadn’t meant to tell her like that. Hadn’t meant to upset her. He’d been filled with hope that she’d accept the spawn and love it like she did her daughter. Was that too much to ask?

  He mentally shook himself before following after her. He caught up with her on the second floor. “Kindara, dammit. Wait!”

  “Rot in hell!” She opened every door on the landing, obviously looking for her daughter. “You’ll be lucky if my brother doesn’t kill you! If I don’t tell him to kill you!”

  “He can try. But he won’t succeed. I am millennia old. He’s a mere fledgling compared to me.”

  “He’s the best Predatoi of our Kind. You think he’s never killed demons like you? Please.” The tears on her cheeks detracted from the venom of her words. Poor little creature; Rathan just wanted to hold her. “He’ll rip you to shreds.”

  “The father of your babe? He’d do that?”

  “Why not? I’ve raised one babe without a father; Cormac is a wonderful uncle who loves Jierra immensely. He’ll help me. If there even is a babe.”

  “My spawn will not be raised by a demon killer! Are you insane? This is the heir to all Demonkin!” He crowded her against the wall, ignoring the hissing she made.

  “Too damned bad! If there’s a babe, it’s in my body and will be raised by my Kind!” She shoved at him, the attempt pitiful.

  “Not if I don’t let you leave!”

  “Just try and stop me!”


  She avoided him for the next few hours, until the sound of helicopters flying over the mountain drew everyone to the front porch.

  Kindara clutched her daughter, and Rathan had no trouble seeing the effort she made to ignore him. She was pale and clung to her daughter as much as the girl clung to her. Hope was in their eyes, and it hurt him. She wanted to leave him.

  She wasn’t. If he had to he’d keep kidnapping her and kidnapping her until she learned that she belonged at his side. Even if it took decades for that to sink into her head. He’d be able to provide and care for her for the rest of their days. He was the king, after all, even if he ruled in absentia. But it was time he resumed his throne and he’d do that with his woman by his side. Her.

  Rand had six of his men meet the helicopter on the pad when it landed. Rathan knew they were experienced Lupoiux fighters who could hold their own against Dardaptoan warriors. Rand kept his body between the intruders and his female, and Rathan attempted to do the same.

  Kindara wouldn’t let him, stepping around him as if he wasn’t there. A tall, dark male Dardaptoan was the first to spot her. He strode to where she stood and scooped her up against his chest.

  Rathan flashed to his side, barely restraining himself from ripping the male’s arms off. “No touching her!”

  “Back off, demon. This is my brother. I told you he’d come for me.” Despite the bite in her words, Rathan didn’t miss how she burrowed into the male’s arms for comfort.

  “Kinney, did the bastards hurt you or Ji? Tell me now, because if they have I’m sure Rydere won’t have any objections to me killing them both.”

  The brother was a dark and imposing creature, nothing at all like Rathan’s female. He’d expected someone who at least favored her.

  “Not in the ways your meaning. But we’re ready to go home.” No one missed the desperation in her voice, and it cut through Rathan sharper than a blade.

  “We have some...negotiating to do.” The brother set her aside and scooped the younger girl close. He rocked her when she clung to him. “Then we’re out of here. And the next time you convince me to let you go somewhere without a dozen guards I’ll remind you of this.”

  “I don’t think you’ll have to remind me.” Kindara peaked around her brother’s shoulder. Rathan had never realized she was quite that small for one of her Kind. Worry for her safety while carrying the spawn once more consumed him. How could he provide for her and care for her if she left him? “Who came with you?”

  “Dhar Rydere, Aodhan, and their Rajnis, as well as four guards and Barlaam. Just in case he was needed.”

  “He should be with Josey. You should be with Josey.”

  “Josey and her cousin are well guarded with Theo. And she is doing well. You know I wouldn’t have left her otherwise.”

  Before anything else could be said the rest of the Dardaptoan party arrived, and Rathan was thrilled to see Rand’s twin and his oldest cousin both looking healthy and alive. Mallory walked beside a tall male with hair the color of chestnut and a menacing air about him that said he’d seen much in his centuries of living. He was larger than the average Dardaptoan and probably topped out near six foot ten. His possessive attitude was clear for all the males to see.

  The Dardaptoan king—or Dhar—was only slightly shorte
r and towered over the tiny Emily. She was the smallest of all the Taniss’s Rathan had met and barely passed five feet, though Rathan knew she possessed a will of iron. The king kept one hand around her waist as he led her toward the house.

  Rand ignored the Dardaptoans as he approached his sister and pulled her close before doing the same to Emily. Rathan knew the wolf was closer to those two females than his other relatives as they were all the same age.

  A feminine squeal from behind Rathan had him jerking around to see Jade rushing out the door. She didn’t stop until she’d thrown her arms around Mallory and Emily. “I thought you were dead! Where’s my sister, where’s Mickey? Tell me what happened, tell me!”

  Rathan saw his female’s brother staring at the young girl in confusion. Kindara explained who the girl was and the man nodded. This one was mated to Josey; Rathan couldn’t quite see it. Then he remembered what else Kindara had said. This Dardaptoan read minds. He and Rand must be careful having this one around.

  “Kindara, you and your daughter need to go inside. It is cold out here.” Rathan kept his tone commanding, letting the brother know that he was a male of importance who had a right to order his sister around.

  His female stiffened, shot him a look of Dardaptoan orange fury. “I’ll wait until my brother and my king tell me what I should or shouldn’t do. I’m not your concern anymore. Or ever again.”

  Rathan took a step closer and bent down to whisper in her ear. “You know that isn’t true; do you really want me to get into what concern you are in front of all these people right now? You know I have no objection to stating my claim publicly. Is that how you want it?” He trailed a finger over the skin just below her ear. She shivered.

  “I want you to drop dead, then rot in hell.” She whispered the words after turning her head to look at him.

  “I can’t oblige on that one, pet. How would I take care of you and the...” He lowered his words meaningfully. “You must face it. You need me now.”

  “I don’t ever need someone like you. Once I’m out of here, I’m going to forget you even exist.”

  “Good thing for me that you won’t be leaving, isn’t it?”


  Rathan didn’t know what he expected the negotiations to be like, but they weren’t like anything he’d imagined. Mallory and Jade brought everyone sandwiches and tea while Emily settled beside Kindara and they got involved in a long discussion about Kindara’s research.

  It was more about socializing than returning missing women to their families. At least for the women. The Dardaptoan king, Kindara’s brother, and Mallory’s Rajni and another male accompanied Rand and Rathan into the dining room, where they sat in stony silence for several long moments.

  Mistrust was a heavy cloud above them all. The silence continued until Rathan jumped from his chair and began pacing. “Are we to sit here all day, then? While they are having happy hour?”

  “What do you suggest then, demon?” the brother asked, his eyes hard and cold as they followed Rathan’s movements. Did he think Rathan was afraid of him? Rathan would be happy to prove otherwise, if needed.

  “Are we in agreement that the situations have changed since our initial actions were taken? On both sides?”

  “How have things changed for Kindara and Ji?” The brother’s tone darkened, but Rathan didn’t miss the worry in the man’s eyes. He loved his sister and niece and that had some of Rathan’s own hostility reducing. Still, this man was the one she said would take her from him. That made him the biggest threat to Rathan’s future. “Kindara and her daughter can tell you, if they choose. I was speaking mostly of Emily and her cousins.”

  “Emily is perfectly happy to remain with me.” The Dardaptoan king was an imposing man, but he did little to threaten Rathan. The king of Demonkin had been around much longer. “What is your stake in this again, demon?”

  “I am tied to the Taniss family through oaths. Other than that...I am Rathan Malickus, King of Demonkin. Rand has my backing and my people’s support for whatever he may need.” Including a war, though Rathan hoped it would not come to that. A war with his female’s people would not help in his political plans.

  “I see,” the Dardaptoan king said. “So what we need to discuss is how we are going to resolve things so that our mates are settled and happy, while still addressing the wrongs that have been committed.”

  “What wrongs?” Rand’s words were almost a growl. “You took part of my family, we took some of yours.”

  The Dardaptoan king sat back with a cold smile on his face. “I’m talking about your grandfather. We want him.”

  “No.” Rand stood and paced in front of the large table. “We’re not turning over a eighty-year-old man to be tortured by your people.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Kindara paced around the small sitting room where Emily had lead them earlier. “What is there to negotiate? We go home. You two choose to go or stay. Pretty simple, right?”

  “With the men in my family, especially Rand, it’s never that simple. Rydere wants my grandfather.” Emily slid a mug of tea into Kindara’s hands. “I don’t know if Rand will agree.”

  “Do you agree?” Kindara asked the smaller woman. She and Emily had grown closer as Kindara would check on the wounds inflicted to the king after the Lupoiux attack. They understood each other, and as Emily made greater inroads in taking over the duties that had been Kindara’s as the highest ranking female, Kindara suspected they’d become much closer.

  “I say tie him up with a bow and hand him over for what he’s done.” Mallory ran a hand over Jierra’s shoulder. “Never did like the old bastard.”

  “I agree with you there,” Emily said. “But I’m sure Rand will want something of equal value for his side, our side, their side. Dammit—who’s side am I supposed to be on again?”

  “Good question.” Mallory looked over her shoulder toward the room the men occupied. “Anybody else think this is totally ridiculous and archaic, and that if anyone needs to be negotiating our future it’s us?”

  “Exactly my thoughts.” Emily smiled a grim smile. “I say we storm the battlements and demand what we want. Who would know better? Kinney, you in?”

  “Of course.” Finally, it was action. “But I will warn you, I’ve never seen a group of more hardheaded male idiots in four hundred years.”

  “Then it’s time they were brought down a bit.” Mallory led the way.


  The door opened and three determined women entered, stopping the argument in progress.

  Rathan’s attention jerked toward his female as she stood between the two Taniss women. It wasn’t hard to see the determination on their pretty faces.

  The three Dardaptoan males and their king stood, bowing respectfully, first toward Emily then Kindara and Mallory. The king took his queen’s hand and pulled her to his side of the table. The Dardaptoan on the king’s left immediately moved to let Emily have his seat.

  “We’ve decided that we have just as much at stake in this joke as you...gentlemen.” Mallory took a seat beside the giant Dardaptoan, smirking at him. Rathan hid a smile, knowing Rand’s fiery twin probably gave the male quite a bit of trouble. “So, what’s been decided?”

  “Mal—” Rand started.

  “Can it. You’re on my list right now.” Mallory shot a glare at her brother. “Kidnapping women? Really, Rand? Ji was probably terrified. How could you do that?”

  “Now’s not the time,” the giant Dardaptoan took Mallory’s hand and pulled it to his mouth. He brushed a kiss across her palm. She quieted, and that surprised Rathan. Mallory was as fiery as her hair most days.

  Emily drummed her fingers against the table after her mate assisted her to her seat. “Here’s what we were thinking. The new facility for Taniss Industries...instead of Aspen, we want it in Dardano. Mallory will oversee it, along with Uncle Jason, if he’s willing. I want to expand the laboratory and research sections. The Dardaptoan people need medications and that will take res
earch. I would like Kindara to help with that—if she’s willing.”

  Kindara nodded. “Of course. In any way I can.”

  “Wonderful.” Emily smiled. “Josey is already making plans. She has a list of personnel she wants to bring from Denver.”

  “Human?” The king’s reluctance was clear for all to hear.

  “Those that we can trust,” Emily said. “No more than four, but they are our top people. Including Dr. Macgregor—Josey’s partner. Anna will help immensely.”

  “You’re staying with them?” Rand asked, his eyes on his sister.

  Mallory and Emily both nodded. “Yes, it’s where we belong now.”

  “I see.” The wolf stood and began pacing again. “So everything’s settled then? You’re just leaving with them?”

  “Yes.” Emily’s voice was firm. “And Kindara and her daughter. This petty ‘kidnapping the women for revenge’ stops with us. As for Grandfather...”

  Rand released a growl before speaking that had the Dardaptoan males shifting protectively in front of the three females. “First we want proof of what he is accused of. He’s eighty years old! I’m not just turning him over, no matter how much we all despise the old bastard.”

  Kindara pushed her chair back, a hiss escaping as she stared at the wolf. “You want to see proof of what that monster did? Let’s start with these...” She held up her wrists for everyone to see the scars. She spun, pulling the borrowed tee shirt up to her shoulders, revealing the stripes across her back that thirty years hadn’t faded. Thirty decades probably wouldn’t fade them—at least from Rathan’s memory. “Or maybe these will convince you? Or the videos Dhar Rydere has of that bastard and Al Boltier torturing my sister-in-law until she bled to death? She was seventeen years old. Or those of my Rajni as he died watching me being tortured by your grandfather? He held us for three weeks before my brother and Aodhan found us. Found me because I was the only one left! It’s all there, every last minute of it. I’m sure we can arrange for your viewing pleasure. We won’t even mention the videos of what he did to Jierra, when she was only a babe!”


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