Awakening the Demon's Queen

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Awakening the Demon's Queen Page 11

by Calle J. Brookes

  “Hello, brother. You’re looking pleased with yourself. What have you done?”

  “Just changed the future of our kingdom, pet.”

  “I love how you think every action you take affects the world.” Danae had a snarky spirit that Rathan had always adored. “You’re an egomaniacally arrogant demon, Rath.”

  “But one you adore.” He smiled at the girl then turned serious. “Have you heard anything from Ren’s camp?”

  “Nothing that tells me that he’s trying to overthrow you. Are you sure he is? I mean, he’s our brother, too.”

  “Half, pet. Half. It means the world of difference to Renakletos. And do not forget that his mother was one of those rare breeds of women, a Warrior.”

  “I did hear something of that nature. Seems that the king of Warriors is seeking ways to compensate for his people’s serious lack of females. Said he’s consulted witches, warlocks, and Druids. Sent his people to the other kingdoms searching for answers. Rumor also has it he was given a prophecy about how to help his people.”

  Rathan filed that information away for a later time. “Many of our kingdoms face dire situations now. I believe it was predicted centuries ago.”

  “And our situation is just political. At least we don’t have to worry about not having any women. There are plenty of demon women. And plenty of us witchy women!”

  “And I am thoroughly grateful that you are the main witch in my life, pet. Discounting Mother, of course.”

  “Of course, but who counts her anyway?” Danae leaned against the wall and peaked through the ether into his new quarters. “You in a prison somewhere? This isn’t exactly Hottie Wolf’s house.”

  “Stop that!” Her persistent crush on Rand was the one thing that filled him with consternation. His sister was not to think of any male that way. It was not right. “And he’s found his mate, so now he’s off limits.”

  A sadness entered Danae’s eyes. Rathan could have cursed himself; most witch females found their mates long before their seventieth year. That Danae hadn’t was a sore spot for the girl, and she had been the brunt of sharp ridicule at their mother’s hands because of it. Rathan knew Danae wondered about her mate, and whether she would spend her life alone.

  Loneliness was a real bitch; Rathan knew that keenly.

  His thoughts turned to his woman. He would never feel that loneliness again. It would take him time, but he would see to that they were happy together. They both deserved it. “I need you to do something for me, poppet.”

  “Anything except save the world.” She smiled then, her blue witchy eyes flashing her humor. “I’ve not the power to do that, yet.”

  “Yet. You will. You were destined for great things, little one. I need you to contact Phelius, our chief healer. I want him to record every bit of medical science we have.”

  “Wow. Sounds like something major is going down?” Her words held a definite hint of her curiosity. She was smart, inquisitive, humorous, and good-hearted. She had been raised well and he took great pride in that.

  “It is. I have spawned, little sister. With a Dardaptoan woman.”

  “A dar-what woman? Is that even close to being a demon?”

  Rathan thought a moment. “I suppose so. They are close to the human legends of vampires. Have you never met one?”

  “Nope. Someone keeps me pretty well sheltered here at Castle Doom.”

  “It’s for your protection, poppet.”

  “Yet you get to go out and travel the worlds? Sexist, big brother. Someday, I will go on a remarkable journey. Just you wait. Anyway, back to the dar-what woman. Is she nice, is she good to you? When will the spawn be here? Why this medical stuff now?”

  Rathan smiled then turned more serious as he thought of threats that now hung over his woman and spawn. “Dardaptoan people are sophisticated in many ways, but they were cursed by a god centuries ago.”


  “Something to do with the goddess who created Dardaptoans falling in love with him.”

  “She fell in love with him and he cursed her? Wow. Thought our people were vindictive and crazy. Go on.”

  “He spurned her, she got angry and turned his people into what amounts to werewolves—”

  “Like Hot Stuff Taniss. Ok. Continue.”

  “She tried to fix what she’d done but it was too late. He cursed her people to have primitive medical care that nothing of their world can fix, no matter what, and cursed the women—including her—to be weak physically.”

  “And you think that something of our world can help them?”

  “Mesmus works beautifully on her.”

  Danae groaned. “Don’t tell me you knocked her out to spawn. You know that’s illegal in several realms, right?”

  “No, nothing like that. She was attacked by a Lupoiux and hit her head. I simply killed the pain. Something they do not even have. Pain killers. I cannot have someone as delicate as she going through spawning with no pain killers!”

  Danae sobered. “I get it, big brother. I’ll get you whatever I can find, through this entire damned realm.”

  “Good girl. I will check back with you tomorrow.” Rathan watched as she nodded and stepped back toward the ether. “Take care, poppet. Soon, I will return and the kingdom will be whole once again.”

  “See that you do. In the meantime, I will prepare the people.” She waved a hand and the black mist she had arrived in parted. “Love you, brother.”

  “And I you, sister.”


  She was stretched out over the silk blankets when he returned to her side. One delicate female hand rested over the spot where their babe nestled within her. Rathan raised that hand to his lips before returning it to its resting spot. She hummed before rolling to her side. Satin pajamas in Dardaptoan white hugged her thin body, separating her skin from his. He was torn; should he wake her? Feed from her like he so wanted, or let her get the rest she so obviously needed. Dark circles were visible under her eyes even in the low moonlight shining through her windows.

  That made his decision for him. He lifted her carefully, smiling when she snuggled her head on his shoulder. One handed, he pulled the blanket back and placed her lovingly on the sheet. He pulled the blanket over her, not wanting his little Dardaptoan to get chilled. He shucked his clothes with barely a thought, then slipped beneath the blanket with her. He would hold her through the night, and do nothing more. On his honor, he would do nothing more.

  Chapter Seventeen

  She was warm and comforting arms surrounded her. She knew who it was, too. It was not Iavius; this smelled and felt like the demon. Gods, it felt good to be held again. Kindara opened her eyes to find the male responsible for her current predicament sound asleep in her bed. Kindara sat up and grabbed the nearest thing she could. She thumped the demon in the head with the medical book she’d placed on the nightstand days ago.

  He jerked awake with a curse on his lips and hell in his eyes. “You hit me.”

  “I hit you. What the two hells are you doing in my bed? Can you not understand that I don’t want you here?”

  “But I belong here. And will be here, no matter what.” He grabbed her shoulders and nudged her backward. For some reason Kindara couldn’t figure out, she didn’t fight him. “You will not hit me again.”

  “Or what? You’ll leave?” She pushed against a naked demon chest, fighting the urge to sink her claws in and hold on. “How is that a problem? This is my space. My space. It’s rude, arrogant, and completely disrespectful for you to flash yourself in here!”

  Momentary regret showed on his face, but he seemed to push it away. He pulled her wrists together over her head and held them there with one hand. He liked her in that position; she knew it and he knew it. She fought the urge to squirm beneath him.

  “I will be by your side as much as I am able. To protect you and to protect our spawn.”

  “Stop calling it that!”

  “Calling it what? He is ours.”

It sounds so evil. So wrong. It’s a babe. A baby. A baby...” Terror hit her and she fought the urge to roll into a ball around the babe.

  She couldn’t do it again. It just wasn’t possible. But she could see tiny hands and feet, bright eyes, and a toothless grin. Like Jierra. And it was real. Barlaam had confirmed it. There was a babe; one that was hers and this demon’s. How could she handle that?

  The demon must have sensed how she felt. His features softened, his arms tightened. Instead of a threatening male pushing her back into the bed cushions, she had a pair of loving arms pulling her close. His words were soft when he whispered, “Demon babes are strong and hardy, my pet. We will not lose this one. This I swear to you. And I am here. You will not face any of this alone. You have my oath on that.”

  She only wished she could believe him. “Go away, demon. I need to sleep, and I am used to sleeping alone. Please.”


  If she had not said please he probably would have stayed. Rathan flashed back to his quarters and stared at the empty bed. It looked cold and boring, though it was designed to be inviting. But she was not there. His skin crawled with the idea that his woman and spawn were somewhere without him, completely unprotected. He grabbed a pillow and blanket and returned to the hallway outside her door. She might not want him in her space with her, but she was for damned sure not keeping him from protecting his family. He spread the blanket out over the floor next to her door, as close to the wall and out of the way as possible. He had slept in far worse places in his two thousand years of life than a luxury hotel hallway. He would rest here, then be ready to join her in the morning on all her day’s adventures.

  He slept lightly, listening for sounds or indications that his woman needed him. He would be there in an instant.


  A booted foot plowed into his abdomen, jerking him awake.

  “A demon. In my hall.” Kindara’s brother stared down at him, evil clear on his darkly menacing face. “I used to have to hunt your kind; you’re making it almost too easy.”

  “Even if I were not a guest in your home, to kill me while I sleep would hardly be sporting. And your woman would probably object. She likes me.” Rathan stood unhurriedly, though he was poised to strike if the brother of his woman made so much as a threatening move in his direction. “Where is the beautiful Jocelyn?”

  The Dardaptoan’s face darkened. “Do not speak of her.”

  “Why? Is she well?” Rathan tensed even more. “I will tell you, Dardaptoan, I will kill and die for her. She had best be happy and healthy next I see her.”

  “And if not?” The challenge was all the more lethal due to the quiet assurance in the male’s tone.

  “Then you will not live long, despite your training in murdering my kind.” Rathan meant it. “It is only your connection to my woman that you still live. How many of my kind have you killed?”

  Predatoi were loathed by demons. Much like Lupoiux were loathed by the Dardaptoans.

  “I only kill to survive. Except Taniss. I’ll kill a Taniss on sight. And any affiliated with them.”

  Rathan smirked. “Until now.” He sobered. “If you have hurt that child any more than she already has been, I will kill you. Josey is as special to me as my own wee sister. Do you understand? I expect you to treat her at least half as well as I will treat your own sister.”

  “That will be impossible; you will not be around my sister much longer to treat her in any way.”

  Rathan hesitated. Kindara’s brother was a killer; that was written on the male’s face. But Kindara and now Josey cared for the male. Put him in a hell of a position. Had it not been for the women Rathan would have quickly dispatched the male. “That is not for you to decide. Kindara is my concern now. You tend your own woman, I’ll tend mine.”

  The Dardaptoan slammed his arm into Rathan’s throat. Rathan let him back him up to the wall next to Kindara’s room. The Dardaptoan got in his face. “You go near my sister again, I’ll kill you. War or not. Demon king or not. No one hurts Kindara. No one.”

  Rathan jerked the Dardaptoan to his knees as the scent of sulfur rose around him. The Dardaptoan’s eyes met his, fury clear on the younger male’s face. Rathan let the flames free, knowing the full power of his rank and family would be visible in his eyes. “I will never hurt your sister. I do not hurt what is mine. Learn your place, brother. For we will be family soon. I will have her.”

  He felt the door behind him begin to open and he fell to the ground, placing himself in a supplicant position to the Dardaptoan.

  “Cormac! What are you doing?” His woman’s voice held the indignation that Rathan had counted on. A woman such as her, a healer with a heart made of compassion, would side with whomever she thought was being tormented. Bullied.

  She stood glaring up at her brother for a long moment. Then her attention shifted to Rathan. “Get up, you look ridiculous. I know the two of you are idiots; I want you to leave me alone, demon. Or it will not be my brother knocking your head into the wall.”

  “Your brother and I were just getting to know one another.” Rathan nodded toward the other male. “It will only serve us well to understand each other.”

  Her eyes narrowed on his face as she watched him.

  She sighed. “I am thinking you are meaning something entirely different. Stay away from my brother.”

  Rathan ignored her brother. “Why? He will not hurt me, not like you fear. And I will be sure not to hurt him.”

  “Sure you won’t. What was just happening here?”

  “We were merely getting more acquainted.” Rathan tried to look innocent.


  “Don’t be a nagging mother, Kinney.” The Dardaptoan male chided her. “It does nothing for you.”

  Kindara froze, a startled deer look on her face. Rathan sobered. Had the brother read something in Rathan’s mind? Did he know about the spawn?

  “What adventures do you seek today, my pet? And how may I assist you? Your brother understands the urgency of your research.”

  “Blood tests. Of our people, the converted Taniss’s, and probably Jade. I need to see what is so different.” Kindara frowned. “I’m missing something. I need to find out what. I’ll also need to test you and those damned horns of yours.”

  “Why? What do you hope to find from him?” her brother demanded, glaring at Rathan. “I don’t want you near this freak anymore. Demon are trash, all of them.”

  “That’s for me to decide. His horns contain painkillers, Cormac. That work. If I can replicate it...would you deny our people something so simple?” His woman glared at the male. “Wish that I had had something to help Josey.”

  The male’s eyes flashed pain. Rathan knew of the fury with which a Dardaptoan male would protect his woman. To see her suffer...Rathan would wish it on no male, of any race or Kind.

  The male’s visage darkened further. “See that he causes little trouble. And I will be keeping eyes upon him, as well.”


  Kindara wanted to lock them both in a cage and leave them there. She decided her life, her fate. Why did those idiots insist on thinking differently?

  Maybe it would be best if she took the babe and Jierra and moved to another tribe. Raise the babe without the interference of its father or uncle.

  The demon moved again, his lazy gestures a lie. Everyone could see the danger beneath his skin. Kindara resisted the urge to shake her head. He would never let her leave, would find her wherever she went. It was best not to even try. But that didn’t mean he—or her brother—would control her actions any longer. She had hidden behind the safety of her brother’s shoulders for thirty years now. But she had no choice—if she was going to help her people, that had to end. “Come with me, demon.”

  “To the ends of this world. And the next.” His smirk was evident on his face as he nodded at her brother. Did he think he had won something over Cormac?

  “Oh, stuff it and come on.”


; “You’re beautiful in your lab coat, my pet.” Rathan tried to bury his face in the blonde hair brushing the back of his woman’s blue robe. It was a lab coat of sorts, but was no way similar to a simple human white coat. Rathan had unintentionally brushed her mind—human lab coats were nightmarish for her. Leo Taniss had worn a white lab coat when he tortured her. “Blue brings out the cream in your cheeks and the gold in your hair. Pretty.”

  “Hold still.” She wiped a sterile cloth against one of his horns and Rathan shivered. Her delicate touch to one of his most sensitive areas of his being had fire building in his gut. Would that she would touch him much lower...

  She bagged the sample and studied him. “What else can you do? I know you floated something in that cave.”

  “I have a bit of the witchly skills. From my mother’s side, you understand?”

  “So you are half witch. Will the babe...”

  “Maybe a bit. If it’s a girl, which I doubt. My family tends to spawn mostly males.” The robes she wore hid her stomach, not that his babe would be visible just yet. He brushed his hand against the babe’s current home. “Strong, beautiful, healthy boys.”

  She nodded, but the worry was still on her face. The confusion. She shook her head. “I’ll test this; see if it can be synthesized. Reproduced somehow.”

  “I have been thinking.”

  “About what?”

  “Emily told me of the Dardaptoan creation legend, and I am not so certain that it is mere myth.”

  “How do you mean?”

  “It is said your goddess...”


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