Like Arrows (Cedar Tree #6)

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Like Arrows (Cedar Tree #6) Page 14

by Freya Barker

  "Feel free to hang on to your nuts. I've got a fully functioning pair myself, thank you very much." He's still smiling when he turns his back on me and starts furiously tapping the keyboard of his laptop. Leaving him to do what he's good at, I head over to Gus's office to make a call.

  I haven't talked to Kim since Sunday morning when I kissed her knees weak of her in the small bathroom down this same hall, but she's never been far from my mind. I purposely have gotten updates from Katie, instead of directly calling. From the sounds of it Kim has opened up a little with the women and although I'm glad she's opening up, something Katie said gave me pause. A remark made in a flippant way, but I know Katie well enough to hear the underlying concern. Something about hurrying up the case because Kim had to be back for Thursday next week. An important appointment on April twenty-eighth. It was slipped into the conversation in such a way it shouldn't have stuck, but it did. I'm an investigator. I'm trained to notice hairs out of place, and April twenty-eighth stuck up like a damn hair out of place. Did she have a job interview? Meeting someone important to her? I don't know and don't much like being out of the loop of anything to do with Kim's life. I was already uneasy about her going to Vegas when from what I gather, something pretty significant went wrong there for her. I was surprised she wanted to go back there after all these years, but her wanting to leave town for even a few days had seemed like a good way to get her out of harm's way. I needed to focus and work to get her safe on a more permanent basis, and her mere presence proved to be very distracting for me. The unease was back in full force, however. I've survived forty-two years relying on my instincts and right now they were sending up red flags everywhere.

  Gus is not in his office and I slip behind his desk and pull out my cell.


  "Kimeo," I say simply.

  "Hey Mal," she replies softly, a hint of a smile in her voice. Enough to make the ball of tension sitting on my chest release a bit.

  "Having a good time, baby?"

  "I am, but I miss Boo."

  "Just Boo? He's fine. He's taken to sleeping on the bed with me. You never told me he's a cuddler."

  The sound of her laughter does something to me and I feel a responding smile cracking my face.

  "He is, but he's got a bad case of morning breath," she jokes.

  "No shit. I opened my eyes this morning to his head on your pillow and almost passed out when I caught a whiff."

  "My pillow?" she asks softly.

  "Master bed is bigger, babe. I like to stretch out. Besides, until the dog decided to join me last night, it smelled of you."

  "Oh." Her voice sounds breathless and a little surprised.

  Wanting nothing more than to keep the conversation going in this direction, the faster I get my answers, the faster I can get her safe and in that big master bed beside me. Fuck the dog.

  "Have you heard the name Jacob Hartnett before? Texan?" I jump right in.

  "Yes I have,”Kim says, surprise evident in her voice. “He left a few messages for Martin when we couldn't find him. Was quite persistent too, seemed very eager to find out where he might be. Why? Has he shown up at the office? I'd looked for any kind of agreement with him after we picked up the office files, thinking I should probably let him know what happened, but there was nothing. No contract, no notes and I couldn't find the message slip I'd left for Martin to call him back."

  I let her ramble on while the puzzle pieces slide home in my head. Along with the excitement over our having confirmation now, comes the realization that Kim holds a real threat for Hartnett. It's not just the files on the flash drive he's wanting to get rid of, it's Kim herself.

  She's been witness to too much and it would appear she's the only one who can confirm his personal connection to Vedica. She's in even more danger than I thought.



  I'm giddy.

  I don't know if it was the conversation with Mal this afternoon or the two glasses of wine we had earlier, sitting at the bar by the pool, but I find myself putting a lot of effort into getting dolled up tonight. At Emma's insistence I pull out the black dress. She was thrilled to find I brought it with me and I have a suspicion she planned a fancy night out, simply so she could get me to wear it.

  I feel fantastic, despite the fact the fabric is skimmed tight over my chest, the light flare of the skirt underneath seems to hide most of my flaws. I leave my hair down and spritz some of my favorite Light Blue by D&G in the air in front of me before walking through the mist. I almost convince myself it isn't because Mal mentioned 'my smell' on the pillow that I pull out the Light Blue.

  "You look amazing!" Katie blurts out behind me and my eyes find hers in the mirror. "Holy shitballs, Mal would have a coronary if he could see you. Wait, let me take a picture." She runs out of the bathroom, leaving me in a state of panic. I don't do pictures, I hate them. Hate looking at myself in them. But before I can make up a decent excuse, Katie's back with her cellphone, snapping shot after shot from behind me.

  "Uhhh, I'm sure you don't need pictures of my ass, do you?" I point out, to which she has a ready response.

  "Ass, hair, and in the reflection in the mirror, your gorgeous face and tits. Man would I kill for a rack like that."

  "A rack like what?" Emma's voice sounds from behind Katie, as she tries to peek over her shoulder.

  "Check Kim out here. She's rockin' her LBD," Katie says, stepping aside to let Emma in.


  Emma's soft words and little smile fill me with warmth. Both her and Katie have dressed up too. Katie is wearing a wrap around dress with short sleeves and a full skirt, while Emma is looking positively Bohemian with her floral tunic over black leggings and the cutest little orange flats on her feet.

  "Dresses and heels do not play well with my walker," she explains. "I gave those up a while ago. These days I aim for interesting rather than pretty.

  "Well you're more than interesting—you look stunning. Both of you do." I smile at these women who have made me forget everything these last few days. Well, almost everything. After my escape from the hot tub that first night, any tension disappeared with the morning sun the next day. We've had a blast and I can't wait for Kerry to get here. She's set to arrive tomorrow, but tonight Emma has made reservations at Tao, an Asian restaurant and club at the Venetian. She wants the full experience there including taking a gondola ride. Yesterday was a quick look through Caesar's Palace, then we hit the Bellagio with the gorgeous Murano glass ceilings in the lobby, and we ended up outside on the pathway along the manmade lake where we stood for an hour and a half and watched the fountain show three times. Emma is like a kid at Disney and it's fun to experience Vegas through her eyes. Much has changed over the past twelve years, but the anything-and-everything-is-possible atmosphere is as strong as ever. Some time ago I had thought that would be true of Vegas for me.

  Looking at my lonely Kindle staying behind on the kitchen counter, I pull the door shut behind us and follow the girls for a night on the town. With a line up of taxis already waiting by the front lobby, it takes us all of five minutes to get dropped off at the Venetian. The sound of slot machines is almost deafening, even just in passing on our way to the elevators that will take us to the second floor where Tao is located. Emma is in front and after she tells the hostess we have a reservation, we are immediately led to a reasonably quiet booth.

  "Your server will be right with you," the friendly tattooed girl with a pink and auburn pixie haircut says as she hands out menus.

  I'm engrossed in the food on offer, mentally calculating calories as I skim the ingredients, when someone approaches the table and starts speaking. A voice I recognize, even after all these years.

  "Hi, my name is Mia and I'll be your server tonight. Can I get you ladies started with a drink?"

  I freeze instantly, my mind trying to grasp the fact that fate is cruel enough to place her in my path. What are the odds? Last thing I knew she was working at the
Bellagio. If anything we could've bumped into her there. I certainly would've been less surprised. Even kept half an eye out. Finally I look up and as I watch her, Mia smiles around the table before her eyes snap back to me and get big. For a second, all I think is how fast I can get out of here, but then I watch her face change from surprise to guilt before shutting down completely.

  "I'll have a white wine, please," I manage, pretending to be cool as a cucumber, but shaking inside—not wanting to spoil the night with a scene.

  "I...uhh...sweet or dry?" she stammers and I find myself getting a small amount of satisfaction from the fact my presence is rankling her.

  I smile and ask for dry before diving right back into my menu as the others place their drink orders. This may be one of those unique times where I have an opportunity to kill with kindness. It's not usually my way to face a possible uncomfortable situation head on, but the last few days with these women have been so much fun, I don't want a blast from the past spoiling our fun nights. I convince myself it has nothing to do with the fact that I happily partook in a little pre-drinking at the condo before we left.

  "Who was that? Do you know her?" Katie hisses at me across the table as Mia walks away with our drink orders.

  My response is to snort. "You can say I know her well. Well enough to tell you her boobs are fake and she wears the same size shoe I do." The confusion on their faces is priceless and I burst out laughing. "Mia once professed herself my best friend. Of course I believed her until I found my boyfriend banging her on his couch on my birthday. The birthday she had earlier insisted on wanting to celebrate with me. I didn't stick around long enough to find out whether she'd always intended on Peter to be a part of the celebration, but I didn't really care to find out at the time."

  "Ohhh, this is gonna be interesting, seeing karma in action," Katie says with a pleased little smile, but Emma still seems to be in shock.

  "She did what? Oh hell no. When she comes back I'll tell her exactly—" She's virtually steaming from the ears before Katie cuts her off.

  "I'm thinking Kim's got this one, Emma. No violence needed."

  By the time Mia comes back with our drinks, her mask is back in place and she continues to pretend she doesn't know me. I let her, smiling big when she sets my wineglass in front of me. "Thanks, Mia. I think we need a few more minutes with the menu, if you don't mind?"

  Her lips draw in a straight line. "Of course," she forces through her tight smile and walks away.

  "I know what I want," Emma says.

  "Me too." This from Katie who had already collected Emma's menu and along with hers, stacked them at the end of the table.

  "I know," I say, feeling for once in absolute control with my little black dress on, my face and hair done up and two real friends by my side. "I just wanted her to come back to the table that one extra time."

  This time it's Katie who busts out laughing, Emma not far behind and I can't hold back a smile myself.

  "You are positively evil."

  "Remind me never to piss you off."

  I just shrug and play with my menu some more. When I see Mia tend to a table next to ours I wave her over. She's not happy, as is evident from the dirty look she sends me.

  "Are you ready to order?"

  "I think we are," Emma says, still snickering, while placing her order. Katie is next and I'm left for last. Perfect.

  "So, Mia," I say her name with emphasis after I give her my order and she's about to walk away. "How is Peter?"

  Her body stiffens, her face pales and I'm instantly regretting calling her out. I've experienced it enough myself to recognize the hit of a painful blow. "I don't know," she bites out. "He didn't—"

  I cut her off with my hand up. "I'm sorry. That wasn't nice of me. Forget I said anything."

  "No," she says softly. "I'm the one who's sorry. I can't even blame it on him. He was a dick, albeit a charming one. I don't regret causing you to get rid of his ass, since it's obvious you have found bigger and better places. But I betrayed you in the worst possible way. Don't even know what I was thinking. I realized it that moment, on that day and it was already too late to do a damn thing about it." With that she turns and takes our dinner orders with her.

  "Well," Katie pipes up after we collectively watch her go, her shoulders slumped. "That sure didn't have any of the fireworks I was expecting."

  "I feel sorry for her," I say, watching as the other two swing their gazes at me.

  "Say what?"

  "I mean, she's right. I did go on to bigger and better things, even though I'm technically unemployed right now. I own a nice house, drive a car that's only four years old and well-maintained and I have good friends. She doesn't look like she's that lucky."

  Our food is served by another waitress and we don't see Mia the rest of the three hours we're there. I manage to eat most of mine, which is a small victory in itself, but after we pay our bill and the girls are ready to hit the club, I'm suddenly hit with overwhelming fatigue.

  "Guys, I'm gonna head back to the condo. I'm wiped. Why don't you guys go on ahead?"

  "Can't," Katie says, "I'm supposed to be here looking after you—not painting the town while you walk the streets alone."

  Without warning a large hand clamps on my shoulder.

  "I've got her."


  It had taken me less than five minutes to make up my mind. Another five to track Gus down and get his support. It took me longer than that to gather up Boo and his stuff, and pack a bag for myself. Luckily Boo and my brother's dog Blue hit it off right away when I dropped him off.

  It had taken me all of half an hour to get sorted and on the road. The trip that would take any normal person at least seven and a half hours to make, took me six. This is one of those times when having a gadget geek for a colleague pays off big time. With Neil's 'upgrades' to my truck it was easy to steer clear of any speed traps. A good thing since I was doing at least eighty miles an hour for most of the trip.

  By air it would've taken me at least as long. Also would've been easier to track.

  When I get to Vegas, I head straight for the condo, but when I check my missed messages quickly before getting out of the car, I spot one from Katie that came through about three-and-a-half hours ago. A picture and a message.

  This girl is smokin'. Should draw some attention at Tao.

  When I pull up the image, my mouth goes dry. Kim with her hair all shiny and big around her pretty face and her body perfectly displayed in a black dress that looks fucking amazing on her. Katie must've taken the picture in the bathroom. Kim is leaning forward doing something to her face and the reflection in the mirror shows her curvy front, and with the shot coming from behind, I have an even better view of her splendid ass.

  I immediately toss my phone in the console, start the car and turn toward the Venetian.


  I have no trouble spotting the three of them as they stand right outside the restaurant chatting. The only one spotting me is Katie, but like the trained operative she is, her only 'tell' is a slight pull at the corner of her mouth. Oh yes, my sister-in-law is playing some game. She knew exactly the impact that snapshot would have. Minx.

  "I've got her," I say as I sneak up behind Kim and put my hand on her shoulder. She smells fucking fantastic when I lean in and stick my nose in her hair. She stiffens at my touch, but I can tell the moment she realizes it's me, her entire body seems to relax prior to turning around with a big smile on her face. I let my eyes roam her body up and down, before coming to rest on her face.

  "Never had cause to complain before, but babe, tonight you look especially stunning."

  A deep blush appears on her cheeks and she looks at the floor, but with a little smile still lingering.

  "Something wrong?" Emma says once she gets over her shock of seeing me here.

  "Not a thing. Decided it's been a long damn time since I've been in Vegas."

  Lame excuse, but I only wanted to make it very clear that I'm not g
onna talk here on the sidewalk inside the Venetian. A message both Emma and Katie seem to receive loud and clear.

  "You guys go have some fun. I'll take Kim back."

  "You sure?" Katie directs the question more at Kim than at me. When she nods, Katie gives her a quick hug as does Emma, before they head off.

  Despite outward appearances, as fine as they are, Kim does look tired. She also doesn't object when I put my arm around her shoulders and start walking her toward the valet station.

  Once inside my truck, she doesn't hesitate to turn to me. "What's wrong?"

  So deceptively docile, she is, but her perceptions and instincts are sharp. I tell her the truth.

  "A combination of things. Mostly because I'd feel better if I could keep my eye on you myself. Especially after our call earlier this afternoon. Seemed like a good enough excuse to come check on you."

  Her mouth twitches as she tries to hold on to a smile. I'm glad I have that effect on her and I hate bursting her bubble.

  "See, after you told me you'd actually spoken to Hartnett on the phone, I realized we may have underestimated the threat you pose to him. Jacob Hartnett is a very powerful man. He is one of the largest Texas oil barons, but with the least scruples. He's used to getting what he sets his sights on and doesn't mind paying whatever the cost to make sure that happens."

  I see a light dawning in her eyes. "He's behind the land deals. I'm guessing he was the one Martin was meeting with in Texas when he disappeared. You think something went wrong at the meeting?" She looks at me expectantly like I hold all the answers, but her guess is as good as mine.

  "Looks that way. Vedica made a mistake coming back to the office because they obviously had been keeping an eye out. Tracked him down quickly and killed him in an attempt to get rid of loose ends. Only thing is, if they haven't already, they will soon realize you are another loose end."

  I pull back into the same spot outside the condo building, turn the engine off and turn in my seat just in time to see Kim take a big swallow.


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