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Reining in Riley

Page 6

by Claire Britain

  Riley’s eyes went wide with disbelief. “Are, are you going to spank me again?” she stammered.

  “No, Riley, trust me, okay?” Joanna replied in a sympathetic tone.

  Riley gingerly positioned herself over Joanna’s lap on the couch, her torso and legs resting on the couch cushions and her behind prominent. She tensed when she felt Joanna gently grasp the waistband of her underwear. “Trust me, Riley.” Joanna said again gently.

  Riley relaxed and allowed her underwear to once more be pulled down. She heard the top of the jar being unscrewed, then felt a cooling sensation on her blazing backside as Joanna rubbed her behind gently with the cream over and over until Riley moaned in relief. Another sensation started to take over as Riley felt her arousal betray her. Joanna’s hands strayed close to Riley’s naked parts and she imagined Joanna’s fingers slipping down into her. Riley could feel dampness growing between her legs, which she hoped Joanna didn’t notice.

  Joanna could see the slickness that was appearing, which glinted from Riley’s exposed position. A small smile crept on her face, but she would relieve Riley of her awkwardness. “Feel better, Riley?”

  “Yes, a little, thank you,” Riley said meekly.

  Joanna eased Riley’s underwear back up and slid from under her off the couch. She coaxed Riley up on the pillow. “Just rest, okay? There will be no work today since Saturday is a travel day,” Joanna informed her.

  Riley laid her cheek on the pillow, drained and exhausted both mentally and physically. Within minutes she was sound asleep.

  Joanna covered Riley with a light blanket and gazed at her fondly. Even with her tear-stained face and swollen eyes, she was intoxicating. Joanna realized she had delivered a harsh punishment, and that thought made her heart heavy. It was something for which she knew she would have to atone later when she confessed to her best friend.

  * * *

  A few hours later, Riley stirred on the couch and opened her eyes to see Joanna looking up from her work behind her desk. “Hi,” Riley said timidly. “Sorry, I guess I fell asleep.”

  “You needed to sleep, how are you feeling?” Joanna asked.

  Riley rolled over and immediately winced in pain as the couch made contact with her punished behind. “Ouch, what time is it?”

  Joanna got up from her desk and sat next to Riley, who was lying back on her stomach. “It’s a little after three. Riley, I’m sorry, I should have never spanked you when I was that angry, it was wrong of me and I will call Rae and tell her so she won’t spank you again, okay?”

  “Why? I deserved it. I’m sorry I made you so mad, I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry for the things I said; I hate disappointing you.” Riley blushed sadly.

  “No, I shouldn’t have spanked you when I was that angry. I may or may not have given you as severe of a spanking but, well, it’s just something we don’t do.”

  “And that’s right out of the spanking rulebook, is it?” Riley asked sarcastically.

  Joanna just smirked and shook her head. “Something like that, smartass, now let me see your butt,” she said as she pulled the blanket down, exposing Riley’s panty-clad behind. She gently eased her underwear down, observing the marks and bruises the paddle had left. “Oh, Riley, you’re going to be sore for a while, I’m afraid. I’ll get the cream.”

  Riley wanted nothing more than to have Joanna massage her backside with the cooling lotion, but she didn’t want to reignite the other fire that had built up in her since her trip over Joanna’s knee. “No, it’s okay, I should probably get going, I can’t believe I slept that long!”

  “Okay, Riley, but take this with you. It will help,” she said, handing her the jar of cream. “I’ll get you some sweats you can wear home.”

  Joanna got serious again as she handed Riley a pair of sweats. “Riley, make sure you talk to Rae, okay? I can still call her.”

  “No, it’s fine. I’ll tell her,” Riley insisted. “Wish me luck!”

  “Okay, Riley, good luck!” Joanna said, laying a small kiss on Riley’s forehead.

  “Thanks!” Riley waved as she walked down the driveway to her car.

  Joanna’s hand trembled as she dialed the New York number; she hadn’t been this nervous in years.

  “Helen?” Helen knew by the sound of Joanna’s cracking voice that she had something to confess.

  “What did you do, Jo?” Helen asked in a stern tone.

  “I was angry, and I spanked Riley. I was really angry!”

  “I see, well, we’ll talk about this on Saturday and probably again on Sunday!” Helen declared dryly and hung up the phone.

  Joanna swallowed hard, her fears confirmed. After Saturday she probably would not be sitting comfortably until Thanksgiving.

  * * *

  Riley had an uncomfortable ride to the Other Left. She was contemplating going home for a while, but since she got one punishment out of the way, she craved Rae’s forgiveness as well.

  Rae saw Riley slip in through the side door and head toward the kitchen. They briefly made eye contact before Riley disappeared behind the swinging door. Rae finished serving her customer and took a deep breath before she made her way into the kitchen.

  A trepid Riley looked at her with sad eyes and an ashamed expression.

  “Riley, go upstairs and wait for me!” Rae ordered.

  Riley complied, giving Tracy one last sad glance before she headed up the stairs.

  “Rae, please don’t do this. Riley’s been beating herself up all night and day and…”

  Rae cut Tracy off. “Yes, and she still pulls this crap and with her record! This time I’m going to give her something to think about!” Rae announced, determined.

  “But Rae, Joanna already walloped her this morning and she shouldn’t have…”

  “Enough, Tracy! One more word from you and you’ll get a dose of the strap after I’m done with Riley, do you understand me?” Rae asked her girlfriend angrily.

  “You’re a bully!” Tracy accused angrily, trying to defend her friend.

  Tracy saw Rae’s green eyes flash with anger and bit her tongue as she watched Rae ascend the stairs.

  Rae stormed into the living room where Riley was waiting nervously.

  “Can you give me one good reason why I shouldn’t thrash you right now? Well?” Rae demanded impatiently after getting no response from Riley.

  “No.” Riley sniffed, desperately wanting her friend’s forgiveness as the tears started to well up in her eyes.

  “Well, then, it’s a good thing Joanna called me and told me you already had quite a day today. Jesus, Riley, why didn’t you say something?” Rae said with an incredulous look on her face.

  “No, it’s okay, please just spank me, Rae,” Riley sobbed. “I screwed up and I don’t want you to be mad at me anymore and I promise I won’t…”

  “Oh, Riley, come here, there’s definitely been enough spanking for one day,” Rae said as she scooped Riley up protectively into her arms and sat down on the couch hugging her tightly. Riley cried into her friend’s shoulder. Rae had never seen her this upset.

  “Riley, why didn’t you tell me?” Rae asked again.

  “Joanna said she was going to call you and tell you so you wouldn’t spank me again. I told her no, that I would tell you, but I just wanted you not to be mad at me anymore so I thought if you just…”

  “Riley, Riley, no! That’s not how this works, no one wants to hurt you. You screwed up and deserved a punishment, yes, but not like this! You should have told me! What the hell happened with Joanna, can you tell me?” Rae asked softly.

  “It was my fault, I got angry and called her and her girlfriend a few choice things, and then I left,” Riley confessed. “Joanna was furious!”

  “Oh, Riley, when are you going to learn to control that mouth of yours?” Rae said with a small smile.

  Rae’s expression got serious again. “Riley, what do you think is happening between you and Joanna?”

  “What? Nothing, she’s cute but she’
s way out of my league. I know that and she’s my boss, remember?” Riley said dismissing Rae’s question with a smile.

  “Hmmm, you sell yourself way too short, Riley; she’s very invested in you and I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  “And I suppose you use the word hurt loosely!” Riley said with a smirk.

  “Okay, okay, point taken, smartass!” Rae laughed. “Just don’t get too close, okay? Joanna obviously cares a lot about you, I see that, but I don’t want you to get the wrong message.”

  “I know; she’s got a great ass though, huh?” Riley smiled at her friend.

  “You are incorrigible, miss, but I think it’s your ass that seems to be getting most of the attention lately!” Rae grinned. “Oh, and consider yourself eighty-sixed for a month!”

  “What, no! Come on, Rae!” Riley protested.

  “You rather I spank you then?” Rae questioned dryly. “You fight in my bar and you pay the consequences, miss!”

  “Okay, fine, I guess I’ll be in New York for a week anyway!”

  “Do you need a ride to the airport on Saturday?” Rae asked as she saw Tracy poking her head cautiously around the living room door.

  “No, Joanna is sending the car,” Riley said with a grin, making quote marks in the air.

  “Come here, miss!” Rae said sternly, crooking a finger toward Tracy.

  Tracy looked at Rae, then Riley, then back at Rae, trying to get a clue as to what had transpired until Rae put her out of her misery.

  “There will be no more spankings today, hon,” Rae said affectionately to her nervous girlfriend, causing a huge grin to appear on Tracy’s face. “But Riley, please promise me you will behave yourself in New York, okay?”

  “Always!” Riley said, smiling.

  Chapter Six

  Riley could barely contain her excitement as she heard the knock on the door at seven on Saturday morning. She opened the door expecting the driver and was surprised when she saw Joanna standing in the doorway. Riley stood for a moment admiring the woman in front of her wearing skinny jeans, black boots, and a cashmere sweater that showed off all her assets.

  “Well, are you going to stand there all day or get your bags? We have a plane to catch!” Joanna said with a smile.

  “Yes, yes!” Riley said, a little flustered. “I just wasn’t expecting to see you!”

  “Oh, you think I took the private jet earlier, Riley?” Joanna said sarcastically. “And I have your tickets, remember?”

  “Yes, of course!” Riley said, happy that Joanna would be traveling with her at least to the airport.

  Riley grabbed her bag and coat and set them down in front of the apartment door before she locked it up. Joanna picked up her bag and coat and headed toward the black limo parked at the front of the building.

  “Ms. Armstrong, I’ll get that!” Riley protested as she hurried after Joanna, attempting to relieve her of the bag.

  “Riley, I have it, now get in the car,” Joanna replied as the driver hurriedly approached them, grabbing the luggage and escorting the two women to the back of the limo.

  “You ready, Riley?” Joanna asked, smiling as Riley got in the car and grinned around her at the limo’s interior.

  “Yes, ma’am, I am!” Riley said excitedly.

  “Ms. Armstrong, good morning!” the skycap greeted them as he opened the door of the limo. “Miss,” he said, extending a hand to help Riley out of the car. “It looks like you both are pre-check so it should be easy through security,” he announced as he tagged the last bag and put it on the baggage cart.

  “Thank you, Steven,” Joanna said as she tipped the skycap while Riley just looked on. Joanna led them into the terminal and quickly through security to their gate.

  Riley nervously took in the busy terminal at LAX as the boarding announcement came over the public address system.

  “Come on, that’s us, Riley,” Joanna announced as she made her way to the boarding gate.

  “Okay,” Riley replied, following Joanna’s lead as she ushered Riley toward the ticket checker. The gate agent greeted them and swiped both boarding passes. “Row one, seats A and B,” she said cheerfully.

  “You want the window, Riley?” Joanna asked as they stopped at the very first row of the aircraft.

  “Shit, first class?” Riley exclaimed when she realized she and Joanna had the two front seats. “Yes, thank you!”

  The flight attendant immediately rushed over to offer them drinks. “Ms. Armstrong, good to see you again. Can I get you ladies some champagne?”

  “Coffee for me, please,” Joanna replied.

  Riley looked at Joanna, who gave her an approving nod before Riley answered in the affirmative for champagne. Riley just sipped on her champagne with a grin on her face as the rest of the plane boarded.

  “Okay, Riley?” Joanna asked, seeing Riley’s grin.

  “Well, you know, it’s a little rough but I’ll manage!” Riley replied with a smirk, making Joanna chuckle.

  “Well, I’ll join you with champagne after we take off, but coffee first. I didn’t have time to get it this morning,” Joanna said.

  “Oh, I know what you mean, I have to have my coffee too. I had a double latte after my run this morning,” Riley concurred.

  “You went running this morning, Riley?”

  “Yep, couldn’t sleep, I was too excited!” Riley grinned.

  “Well, Kate’s an avid runner, she’ll show you some trails through the park, I’m sure,” Joanna smiled.

  Riley followed along in the aircraft instruction guide intently as the flight attendant went through the preflight ritual. Joanna just looked on in amusement as Riley fastened her seatbelt and stowed her laptop. The aircraft’s engines roared to life at the end of the runway as Riley sat back in her seat apprehensively gripping the armrests as the aircraft accelerated down the runway.

  “Holy shit!” Riley said under her breath, her white-knuckled hands in a death grip on the armrests.

  “You okay, Riley? Don’t like flying?” Joanna asked.

  “I’ll let you know when we land!” Riley said with a stifled voice. “Is this normal?”

  “Oh, honey, yes! Is this your first time?” Joanna asked as she put her hand on Riley’s reassuringly.

  “Uh huh,” Riley answered, staring straight ahead with a terrified look on her face.

  “It’s okay. When we go airborne it will feel a little like a roller coaster. Then it will settle down as we climb, okay?”

  “Okay,” Riley said as the aircraft left earth. “Whoa!”

  Joanna smiled as Riley started to calm down and look out the window as she watched the veins of the city disappear beneath her through the billowy clouds.

  “You alright, Riley?” Joanna asked.

  “Yes, I think so, just wasn’t expecting that!”

  The two women sipped on champagne as they chatted about the trip and the agenda for the week. Riley had become more comfortable about flying except for the odd pocket of turbulence, which made her heart pound in her chest.

  “So Monday I’ll give you the tour of the office and you can meet the team. Tuesday we meet the new clients and I want you to be the lead on this one, Riley. Then Wednesday is pretty much a half day and we usually play some tennis if the weather permits. Helen was all-American in college so she’s quite good,” Joanna informed her. “But don’t feel obligated to play if you don’t want to. Then the rest of the week is free!”

  “No, that sounds great. I play a little, not an ‘all-American’ but I can hold my own,” Riley replied. “Are the courts in Central Park?”

  “No, fifth floor of the building. Pool too, but it’s closed for the winter. Helen and I both have hot tubs if you want to soak!”

  “Wow, sounds great, does Kate play too?” Riley asked.

  “Yes, she’s a runner like you but she plays pretty much everything. In fact, you two are a lot alike,” Joanna said in a deliberate tone.

  “Oh, so smart, funny, and devilishly charming?” Riley
retorted, grinning.

  “Hmm, I was thinking more like smart-mouthed, reckless, mischievous, impatient, and impulsive,” Joanna replied wryly.

  Riley flushed. “Joanna, can I show you a couple of ideas I have for the new contract? They are a little edgy, but I think they fit the demographic we’re targeting.”

  “Yes, of course, let me see them,” Joanna replied as Riley retrieved her laptop from the overhead bin.

  Riley waited eagerly as Joanna scrolled through the PowerPoint presentation. She started to explain some of the concepts but Joanna put her finger up to silence her as she studied the screen. Riley tried to read Joanna’s face through her glasses, searching for Joanna’s approval. For a moment Joanna looked up from the screen and put her finger on her lip in deep thought as she stared at the bulkhead in front of her.

  “Riley, these are good, very good. I want you to present these on Tuesday. We’ll scrub them on Monday with Helen but they are already presentation quality and I want to jump on these with the new client. You’re right, these are edgy, but that’s exactly what they’re looking for!”

  Riley beamed at Joanna’s recognition. “Thanks!”

  “This is exactly why I hired you, Riley!” Joanna said smugly. “More champagne?”

  The aircraft touched down at JFK just as the light was beginning to fade over the New York skyline. Riley was excited to be in the Big Apple and Joanna was nervous about the talk she knew was inevitable with Helen.

  Riley stared in awe out of the taxi window as they made their way slowly to uptown Manhattan. “Is that Times Square?” Riley asked excitedly as the neon of Broadway illuminated the streets.

  “Yep, crazy, isn’t it? But I do love this city!” Joanna replied, smiling. “We’re nearly there. I’ll drop my bags at the building then we’ll get you checked in.”

  They entered an exquisite white marble lobby where a happy-looking woman sat behind the elegant front desk. “Meez Armstrong, good to see you! How long will you be staying?”

  “Hi. Rosa, just for the week this time. This is one of my associates, Riley Carrington; she will be staying in the apartment after Andrea goes home in a couple of months.”


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