Reining in Riley

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Reining in Riley Page 14

by Claire Britain

  Helen and Joanna sat down opposite Riley and Kate. Several of the women came by the table, complimenting Riley on her tennis skills and dropping off bottles of champagne, which seemed to be flowing freely at all the tables.

  “Wow, this place is great!” Riley smiled as a third bottle was brought to their table.

  “It’s because they’re all happy you beat Beverly. Not many people can and she’s such a conceited bitch!” Kate sneered.

  “Well, I didn’t really beat her, I had to stop, remember? I could have taken her though,” Riley sulked.

  “Oh, Riley, you got hurt, that’s ridiculous. And anyway you were only supposed to play one set to begin with, which you won!” Kate said dismissingly.

  “Still,” Riley pouted as Joanna looked at her sternly, raising her eyebrows.

  “Listen to Kate, Riley, let it go before your ankle is not the only thing that’s hurt. You’ll have another chance at Beverly!” Helen said with a grin, filling up their glasses.

  Riley’s mood lightened the more champagne she drank and she soon forgot about her ankle and Beverly.

  “Well, Riley, I did have a surprise before we head back to LA tomorrow, but it depends on how your ankle is,” Joanna said.

  “It’s fine, what is it?” Riley asked, smiling expectantly.

  “Broadway show tonight, we have founders circle tickets!” Joanna announced.

  “Oh, excellent, I really wanted to see a show, which one?” Riley asked excitedly.

  “Kinky Boots, I heard it’s fabulous!” Joanna answered.

  “Well, that’s appropriate!” Kate laughed, nudging Riley. “I haven’t seen a show in ages; it will be great! I’m bummed you two are going back tomorrow though, this week has been a lot of fun.”

  “I know, it seems like we just got here yesterday, but you will both be in LA for Christmas. It’s only a few weeks away,” Joanna said thoughtfully.

  “Okay, I’ll bring the car around so Riley doesn’t have to walk so far,” Helen said, signing the tab and getting up from the table.

  “I’m fine, really, how did you two get here?” Riley questioned Kate and Joanna.

  “The subway, of course,” Kate smiled.

  Riley said goodbye to some of the ladies who remained and limped outside to the waiting car. She sat in the back seat with Kate, Joanna insisting she prop her foot up on the middle console.

  “I’m going to help Riley up with her stuff,” Kate said when they got back to the parking garage.

  “Okay, come up whenever you’re ready, Riley. We’ll get a cab to take us downtown; you’re not walking on that ankle. I made dinner reservations for six,” Joanna announced, walking over to the elevator with Helen as Riley and Kate headed to the hotel next door.

  “Thanks, Kate, just throw the bag on the bed, I’m really fine, though,” Riley said as they reached Riley’s room. Riley gingerly removed her shoe and flopped down on the bed.

  “Okay, now give me the dirt, what happened last night?” Kate asked excitedly, flopping herself on the bed next to Riley. “You and Joanna have been making eyes ever since we went out dancing!”

  Riley grabbed a pillow and heaved it at Kate. “Nothing, she’s not interested in me like that, Kate. I think she’s great but I work for her.”

  “Newsflash, Riley, I used to work for them too when they first set up the firm. Helen and I flirted and teased for weeks. She used to tell me I was impertinent and cocky. Which I was, of course! I was a legal consultant at the time, I just ate it up and egged her on. Then it happened, right before the office opened. I got a little too cocky one day and wound up over her knee getting a spanking. God, it was hot, we didn’t get out of bed for two days! Although I think we did come up for air and ice cream a couple of times,” Kate giggled.

  Riley blushed but wanted to know more. “But it wasn’t real, the spanking I mean, you were playing?”

  “I was doing whatever Helen told me to do!” Kate said, grinning. “But yes, the real spankings came later in our relationship, unfortunately.”

  “I don’t know what to think about that, Kate. I mean Joanna and I made a deal, I guess, but it’s so weird!” Riley said, bemused. “There was nothing hot about the spanking Joanna gave me but I guess I felt better afterwards.”

  “Well, it wasn’t supposed to be hot,” Kate laughed. “Joanna does adore you, you know. You like her too, don’t you?”

  “God, yes, I wanted so bad to kiss her while we were dancing the other night but I know it’s never going to happen. I mean sometimes I feel like I fit right in and other times I’m like, what am I doing here, you know? I’m kind of a fuck-up, Kate. It’s a wonder I still have a job!” Riley said, resigned.

  “Riley you’re not, you don’t give yourself enough credit. And you better not let Joanna hear you talking like that. I was young and wild when I met Helen too. Trust me, if you and Joanna end up together, she’ll whip you into shape, literally; you can be sure of that!” Kate grinned.

  * * *

  “Jo, I’m going to jump in the shower, then I want to come over and talk, okay?” Helen told more than asked Joanna in the hallway dividing the penthouses.

  “Uh, okay, but I’m not in trouble, am I?”

  “Of course not, you goof; I’ll be over in thirty!” Helen stated.

  Helen told Joanna about the talk Riley and she had in the car that morning as they sat on the couch in front of the fire in Joanna’s apartment.

  “So let me get this straight. Riley found out that we only do felony checks and applied with us instead of The Morrison Group?” Joanna asked.

  “Yep, in a nutshell!” Helen smiled.

  “Well, thank God we only do felony checks!” Joanna said, smiling.

  “Joanna, I’m going to ask you something and I expect a truthful answer, okay?”

  Joanna stared into the fireplace and took a deep breath, anticipating what Helen was going to ask. “Okay.”

  “You’re falling for Riley, aren’t you?” she asked seriously.

  Joanna kept her gaze on the fire and nodded her head. “Yes,” she said softly. “Oh, God, Helen, what am I going to do, I can’t possibly date Riley!”

  “Why not, Jo? Riley is wonderful and she adores you. Why fight it? I haven’t seen you this happy in a long time,” Helen said, putting her arm around her best friend. “We can figure out work; it’s not a big deal.”

  “I don’t know, Helen; what if it doesn’t work, then what? Riley is so young, why would she want the kind of relationship I can offer her? Frankly, I don’t know if I can handle her!”

  “Like I said before, Jo, I think you two need each other,” Helen insisted.

  Chapter Twelve

  Riley looked out of the window of the 747 as the New York skyline disappeared through the clouds beneath her. She looked back at Joanna, who was watching her intently. “It was a wonderful week, wasn’t it? I didn’t want it to end.”

  “It was, Riley. Do you think you’re going to like New York? You’ll be back in about six weeks.”

  “Yeah, I love it, but…” Riley stopped mid-sentence.

  “What, Riley? You having second thoughts?” Joanna asked.

  “Oh no, not at all. It’s just, well, you won’t be there, it will be different, I guess,” Riley said, blushing.

  Joanna smiled. “I’ll be out a lot more with the new contract; you’re not getting rid of me that easily, miss!”

  Riley looked at Joanna with a twinkle in her hazel eyes. “I hope not; in fact, I would like to see a lot more of you, Joanna. Probably not a good idea though, is it? You, fraternizing with a rebellious, troublemaker employee like me. Who knows what kind of trouble we would get into?” Riley replied seductively. “Besides, I’m not sure you could handle it, Ms. Armstrong!”

  “You forget yourself, Riley, I think I know exactly how to handle it!” Joanna replied with a confident grin. “Are you flirting with me, Ms. Carrington?”

  “Maybe I am, but you know what I think? I think you know how to handle t
he naughty girl, but I can be good too, very good. I would ask you to dinner tonight at the Left but Rae eighty-sixed me for a month after the Cheryl thing. You know, I may be able to cook, dance, and play tennis a little, but I have other hidden talents I’d like to show you, Ms. Armstrong,” Riley said in a sultry tone, licking her top lip.

  “More champagne, ladies?” the flight attendant asked, interrupting the flirting banter going on between the two women.

  “Please,” Riley said coolly, offering her glass to the flight attendant without breaking eye contact with Joanna.

  “If we weren’t at forty thousand feet, I’d whip your impudent backside for you, young lady!” Joanna said with a grin, sipping her freshly filled champagne.

  “Ooh, promises, promises. Ms. Armstrong!” Riley replied, a slight blush on her face betraying her confident cockiness, which made a wide smile appear on Joanna’s face.

  “Be careful what you ask for, Ms. Carrington. Unless you enjoyed your last trip over my knee, I suggest you check your mouth. It tends to get you in trouble, you know,” Joanna said with a smirk, raising an eyebrow.

  Riley sat back grinning in her oversize leather first-class seat and sighed. It was a happy, contented sigh.

  “Riley, I want you in the senior workgroup meeting on Monday so you can brief the group on Bencom and how we are moving forward. I’ll have the deck ready you presented to Lannister. Eight-thirty, okay?” Joanna said in a business tone.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Riley answered, a little disappointed the conversation had gone back to business. “So what does your Sunday have in store for you, Joanna?” she asked, trying to shift the conversation.

  “I need to go and see my poor Adonis. I’ve been neglecting him, I’m afraid, and I need to put him through his paces.”

  Riley had a confused look on her face. “And Adonis would be?”

  “My horse, Riley, he’s up at Inland Stables,” Joanna replied.

  “Ah, but of course, the house on the hill overlooking the ocean, the Mercedes in the garage, and the horse in the stable. Everything a rich, successful businesswoman should have,” Riley stated smartly.

  Joanna’s face went dark. “Don’t judge me, Riley, you don’t know me well enough to do that. I’m not quite the spoilt little rich girl you probably think I am.”

  “I, I don’t, I mean, I’m sorry, Joanna. Ms. Armstrong, I didn’t mean anything by it, I know you’re not.” Riley’s heart sank as she tried to stutter an apology.

  “It’s okay, Riley, it’s done,” Joanna replied softly.

  Riley’s lighthearted mood was shattered. She knew she had offended Joanna and wished more than anything she could take back her smartass comment.

  Joanna could sense Riley’s anguish and tried to lighten the mood. “You ride, Riley? Horses, that is?” she asked with a smile.

  Riley saw Joanna’s smile, which made her feel a little better. “It’s been years! My dad used to take me to work with him sometimes when I was little. He worked at the track and used to let me ride the lead ponies. The stable guys used to help me and dad used to laugh at me when I fell off.” Riley smiled. “I got pretty good after a while. I didn’t fall off anymore and dad had me trotting and cantering around the paddock like a pro. Those were some good memories; that was before he started drinking and gambling his paycheck away at the track.”

  “Do you ever think about seeing him, Riley?” Joanna asked.

  “Yeah, I mean my mother was just as much to blame for him leaving, but I don’t have a clue where he is. He lost his job at the track and was gone. I figured if he wanted to see me, he knew where to find me,” Riley said sadly with watery eyes.

  “I’m sorry, Riley, I didn’t mean for you to get upset,” Joanna said, putting her hand on top of Riley’s.

  “No, I’m not, it’s fine. I just forgot about some of the good times we had, even with mom on occasion!” Riley laughed. “Joanna, look, I’m really sorry for the comment I made, I wasn’t thinking and…”

  “Riley, stop, it’s over, I don’t want to hear anything more about it, okay?” Joanna said sternly.

  “Okay,” Riley murmured.

  “What about you, Riley, what are you up to tomorrow?” Joanna asked.

  “Well, I have to go see Tracy and Rae and tell them all about my trip, then clean up the bike. I have it covered but it always gets dirty not having a garage. Then back to the grind on Monday,” Riley replied, smiling.

  “Is it a grind, Riley? You like working at the firm?” Joanna asked.

  “Oh, yes, I was just kidding and it’s been great working on the Bencom project. Thank you for giving me the opportunity, Ms. Armstrong. It really means a lot that you’re using my ideas and I have so many more for the commercial,” Riley gushed.

  “Good, then maybe we can keep you around a while. Helen and I are going to take a look at your package and see if we can’t make it a little better. I’m not sure we’re paying you enough, and with your recent work we want to make sure our competition doesn’t snatch you up,” Joanna smiled.

  “No, you’re not paying me enough. Stephen Morrison offered me quite a sweet deal after he found out I did the Martin designs. I turned him down, although I was tempted after you suspended me!” Riley said, smiling.

  “Wait, are you telling me that bastard Morrison tried to poach you, Riley?” Joanna asked urgently.

  “Yes, I guess he did; we went to lunch a couple of weeks ago. He’s a douche, there’s no way I would work for him!” Riley declared.

  “Anything to do with their thorough background checks or were you really not interested, Riley?” Joanna asked dryly.

  Riley blushed. “Oh, I guess Helen told you about that,” she said, looking down at her hands.

  “You promise me one thing right now, young lady—anyone else wants to talk to you, you let me or Helen know immediately, you understand?”

  Riley smiled and nodded her head. “Yes. Okay.”

  Joanna turned on her phone as the plane touched down at LAX. “Oh, Pam’s a lifesaver, she sent the car. I didn’t want to mess with a cab and you shouldn’t be walking on that ankle.”

  “It’s really fine, just a little tight today, that’s all,” Riley replied. “Probably pass on tennis with Tracy tomorrow though,” she thought out loud.

  “Well, I would hope so; you turned it pretty good, Riley. You need to take it easy for a few days. Rest and ice, you hear me?” Joanna scolded as she retrieved her laptop and bag from the overhead bin.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Riley replied compliantly.

  The company car was waiting curbside for them as they exited baggage claim.

  “Thanks, Sam,” Joanna said as the driver gathered up their bags and opened the door.

  “You’re welcome, Ms. Armstrong, good trip?” the driver asked, helping Riley into the back of the limousine.

  “Yes, Sam, it was wonderful, nice to be back in some warm weather though!” Joanna replied, smiling as she got into the car with Riley.

  “Yes, ma’am, but a storm is supposed to be here by Monday. Make us cold and wet for a couple of days, I’m afraid, after tomorrow,” Sam said, pulling out of the airport loop.

  “Thank you, Joanna, it really has been a wonderful week!” Riley smiled as the car pulled up outside her apartment.

  “Thank you, Riley, you did fantastic with Bencom and Thanksgiving dinner was just amazing. Dad is still talking about it,” Joanna said, hugging Riley goodbye and laying a small kiss on her cheek. “I’ll see you on Monday.”

  * * *

  Riley woke early on Sunday morning to the sound of gulls squawking in the still Sunday morning. Too early even for the hum of lawnmowers, the sun was just beginning to rise. Riley tested her ankle and decided it was still too sore for tennis, so she decided to head for the coffee shop for a latte. Riley was enjoying her coffee when her phone chimed.

  We’re up. Call when you get this.

  “Hey you, how come you guys are up so early on a Sunday?” Riley asked when Tracy answere
d the phone.

  “Rae wants to know all about your trip, so I thought we better get going if you want to hit the court first,” Tracy replied.

  “I don’t think I can, T, I twisted my ankle pretty badly in New York. Need to give it a couple more days. I was waiting to see how it was this morning but it’s still pretty tight,” Riley replied, looking down at her ankle with a grimace.

  “Oh, no, are you okay? Tracy asked, concerned.

  Riley could hear Rae asking Tracy myriad questions in the background. “She twisted her ankle playing tennis in New York. No, I think she just needs few days. Rae, I don’t know, hold on! Sorry, Rae is fussing over here. Ow!”

  Riley heard a faint slap. “I see nothing has changed here!” she laughed. “Let me talk to Rae before she has the paramedics dispatched!”

  “Riley, what happened, are you okay?” Rae asked in a worried tone.

  “Geeze, Rae, I’m fine, I just turned my ankle playing tennis. It’s nothing, we going to Oscar’s?” Riley asked, changing the subject.

  “Yes, we want to hear all about your trip and see the pictures. We’ll pick you up about ten, okay?” Rae replied enthusiastically.

  “Well, I can just meet you there, I was going to take the bike for a spin.”

  “Really, with a twisted ankle? I don’t think so, you stay off that bike. We’ll pick you up at ten, that’s the end of it!” Rae replied sternly.

  Riley rolled her eyes. “Okay, see you at ten,” she answered evenly, getting up from her outside table and heading back to her apartment.

  Three hours later Riley heard a knock on her apartment door and Tracy burst in, followed by Rae.

  “There you are, I missed you!” Tracy said, embracing Riley in a big hug.

  “Hey, kiddo, how are you doing?” Rae said, hugging her friend. “Hey, new painting?” she said, pointing at the easel in the corner of the room.

  “Yeah, I started it yesterday. I missed you guys too. New York was so cool, it inspired my New York series,” Riley replied, gesturing to her new painting depicting an abstract New York skyline sketch with the beginnings of a vivid color abstract acrylic. “Careful, it’s wet. I’ve been working on it this morning since I can’t go for a ride,” Riley said in a fake pouty tone.


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