Reining in Riley

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Reining in Riley Page 25

by Claire Britain

  “Oweeeee, please, Helen, no more!” she could hear Kate screaming.

  Riley shivered at the realization that she would be soon in Kate’s position. She didn’t notice the blows had stopped until Helen opened the bedroom door, amplifying the wailing from within. Riley’s face paled as Helen approached her. The paddle that had obviously inflicted so much pain on her friend dangled from Helen’s right hand and a few beads of perspiration glistened on her forehead. Riley didn’t say a word—she just handed over her helmet and keys to Helen.

  Helen placed the helmet and keys on the kitchen bar. “Riley, I need to hear it from you, do you want me to give you the same punishment I just gave Kate?” Helen asked.

  No fucking way, Riley thought to herself, but a compliant “Yes, ma’am” came sadly out of her mouth instead.

  “What’s your word, Riley, you know you can stop it at any time?” Helen asked.

  “Yes, ma’am, it’s suspension,” Riley replied awkwardly.

  “Okay, let’s get this over with, Riley, sweats down and over the arm of the couch,” Helen directed.

  Riley pushed down her sweats to her knees with shaking hands and bent over the arm of the couch. Helen hooked her thumbs in the waistband of Riley’s underwear and pulled them down to meet her sweats. The next thing Riley felt was the coolness of the paddle resting against her backside.

  “Riley, I’m going to give you ten swats for riding without a helmet and ten swats for lying, the same as I gave Kate. You ready?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  The first blow took Riley’s breath away as the heavy paddle connected with both of her cheeks at the same time and a deep pain started to sear through her behind. The second and third landed swiftly and Riley tried bravely to endure the punishment, but by the fourth blow, the pain was more than Riley could take and she began to cry gutturally as the paddle descended over and over again. Riley tried to bury her face in the couch cushion. This was by far the worst spanking she had ever experienced and she was doing her best to endure it.

  Helen paused after the tenth swat. “Halfway there, Riley, you’re doing well,” she said, rubbing her back in encouragement. “Last ten, okay?”

  Riley nodded and Helen resumed the paddling. She delivered the final five to the bottom of Riley’s cheeks before she stopped the punishment.

  “There, that’s it, Riley, it’s over.” Helen said softly, putting down the paddle.

  Riley’s backside was a mess of purple and red splotches; she had never felt so thoroughly punished and the pain seemed to intensify even though the spanking had ended. Riley sobbed into the couch cushion, trying to gain some composure.

  Helen rubbed her back. “I’m sorry I had to do that, Riley. Take your time; I’m going to check on Kate. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  After a minute or so Riley eased herself up from the arm of the couch gingerly, unable to relieve the deep pain in her backside. She pulled up her underwear and sweats over her swollen behind and wiped her tear-streaked eyes with the arm of her sweatshirt. She was thoroughly miserable and she wanted so badly for Joanna to scoop her up in her arms and forgive her.

  Helen returned from the bedroom followed by Kate, walking gingerly with a tear-stained face, looking wretched. Helen sat on the couch and the two sorry women stood before her with throbbing backsides.

  “Do you agree that what you did today was reckless and stupid?” Helen asked.

  “Yes, I’m sorry,” Riley sniffed while Kate nodded her head.

  “Okay,” Helen softened, holding out both her arms, inviting them into a hug. “Now I want the two of you to go downstairs, apologize to Rosa, and give her the tickets to the show. Come back up and we can order a pizza if you want.”

  The two women headed silently out of the apartment.

  “Shit, Helen hasn’t paddled me like that in a long time,” Kate said miserably to her friend as they rode the elevator to the lobby.

  “I think my butt must be black and blue!” Riley agreed glumly. “And I’m still gonna get it from Jo when she gets here next Friday.”

  Kate winced. “Sorry, kiddo, but I’m sure she was pretty furious. Don’t worry, she’ll forgive you.”

  Rosa saw them walking stiffly toward her with red eyes, and a knowing look of approval appeared on her face. She pursed her lips and raised her eyebrows.

  “You two look-a like you gonna have trouble sitting down the next couple days!” Rosa said sternly.

  “More like a couple of weeks!” Kate grumbled, rubbing her behind.

  “Good, then maybe you think about that before sitting on that motorcycle with-a no helmet, capisce?” Rosa answered.

  “Sorry, Rosa, it was dumb,” Riley said.

  “Yes, sorry, Rosa, here’s the tickets for the show, they’re considered contraband at this point,” Kate said with a pout.

  “Okay, you-a promise me never again!” Rosa said, taking the tickets and giving each of the women a hug.

  “Oh, don’t worry, Rosa,” Kate replied, grimacing.

  Kate and Riley headed back up to the penthouse where they found Helen on the phone, presumably with Joanna.

  Riley felt miserable, not only because of her throbbing behind but from the guilt she felt. She knew she had let Joanna down again. “Kate, I’m just gonna go, okay? I’m really sorry, I fucked up again and got you in trouble.”

  “Riley, stop, we both screwed up, and we both paid for it, it’s over.” Kate stopped and grimaced at what she had just said. “Shit, sorry, Riley, I guess it’s not for you, but Jo loves you, you know that. After next Friday, everything will be better, you’ll see.”

  “Maybe. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” Riley said as she slunk out of the penthouse.

  * * *

  “It’s after nine and she’s still not answering and Jo said she didn’t answer her call either. I think we should go down to check on her,” Helen said the next morning to Kate, who was standing at the breakfast bar eating a piece of toast. “Not sitting, I see?” Helen smirked.

  Kate rolled her eyes, giving her girlfriend a glare. “What do you think?”

  “Better watch that tone, miss! Just because you have a sore behind doesn’t mean I won’t put you over my knee today if I have to!” Helen said sternly.

  “Fine, I’ll go check on Riley!” Kate said with a resigned pout.

  “Good. Text me when you get down there,” Helen replied, leaning over and taking a bite of Kate’s toast before kissing her on the cheek.

  Kate knocked on the door of Riley’s apartment and let herself in after getting no answer.

  “Riley?” Kate called out from the doorway.

  Kate walked into the small apartment. The first sight that met her was a good collection of empty beer bottles on the kitchen counter. Irritated, she marched into the bedroom where she found Riley sound asleep on the bed on her stomach wearing the nightshirt Joanna had bought her.

  Kate stood and watched Riley for a minute, then took out her cell phone, took a picture of Riley and then the collection of bottles. She sent them to Helen with a text that read:

  Pretty sure her day is going to begin with a sore head to go with her sore backside!

  “Riley, wake up, you need to call Joanna, she’s been trying to get a hold of you,” Kate said, gently rubbing Riley’s back to wake her up.

  “What, huh,” Riley said, confused, opening her eyes and focusing on Kate. “Kate, how, where?” she stammered, trying to comprehend her surroundings as she squinted at the morning sun coming through the window.

  Riley rolled over, then swore as her bruised behind made contact with the mattress.

  “Looks like you had quite a party by the look of all the bottles on the counter! Pity party, was it?” Kate said sarcastically.

  “Go away, Kate, my head is pounding,” Riley replied, returning her head to her pillow.

  “No, you have to get up and call Jo. You didn’t answer her call and she’s worried about you.”

  “She’s not worried a
bout me. I don’t think she even wants to talk to me. I really messed things up and she was so distant with me when I called her last night. I don’t know what the hell I was thinking. I don’t know why she wants to be with someone like me. I think now she realizes what a fuck-up I am,” Riley said sadly, burying her head in her pillow.

  “She does not! Why didn’t you call me before you decided to drink yourself into oblivion making assumptions about Joanna, huh? You’ve got things so wrong, Riley. You knew she was going to be upset, you can’t blame her!” Kate said, sitting down on the bed, trying to comfort her friend. “Ow, shit,” she winced as her own behind made contact with the mattress.

  “Riley, I was a little like you five years or so ago. Always in some kind of trouble and pushing Helen to her limit. Hell, I must have felt that damn paddle at least once a month for the first few years Helen and I were together but I knew it was because she cared and didn’t want me making the same mistakes. Joanna is crazy about you. Now stop feeling sorry for yourself and call her.”

  “Do you think she can forgive me? I mean, do you know how she feels about the bike? It’s just hard, you know? I’ve completely fallen in love with her and she’s not here, I miss her,” Riley sighed.

  “I know, Riley, now get up and call Jo. And take a shower, you smell like a brewery!” Kate said, giving Riley a swift swat to her behind as she got up from the bed.

  “Ow, shit, Kate, not funny, still killing from yesterday!” Riley protested.

  “Yeah, no shit, call me when you’re done,” Kate chuckled before heading back upstairs.

  Back up at the penthouse, Kate practically ran into Helen coming out the door as she was coming in. “What the hell happened? Did Riley drink all those beers last night? Maybe I need to go down there and remind her how much trouble she is really in!” Helen said, determined.

  “Whoa, stow your spanking arm there, Ms. Klein! Riley’s a little fragile right now. She thinks Jo won’t love her after this. She’s beating herself up because she thinks Jo won’t forgive her. It’s hard for her with Joanna being so mad and so far away!” Kate tried to reason.

  “Well, I can’t say I approve of the drinking to cope, why didn’t she come talk to us, or call Jo for that matter?” Helen replied.

  “Helen, Riley did talk to Joanna; she said she was distant and cold with her. Probably why she drank herself to sleep last night. I’m sure Joanna was angry with Riley but I’m beginning to realize just how fragile Riley is when it comes to matters of the heart. From what I can tell this is the first time Riley has had a serious relationship, much less been in love. She’s young; remember how I was when I was her age?”

  Helen smiled thoughtfully at Kate. “Hmm, I do. Well, I think she should spend the day with us. I don’t want her being on her own and I’ll talk to Jo.”

  “Thank you, my love,” Kate said, reaching up and putting her arms around Helen’s neck and kissing her softly on the lips. “Mmm, I love these lips,” Kate purred with a glint in her eye as she took Helen’s mouth in another kiss. This time her tongue invading her mouth keenly as she pulled the zipper down on Helen’s jacket.

  “Are you sure you’re up for this, darling?” Helen said with a wicked grin as she slipped her hand under the waistband of Kate’s sweats and gave her tender bottom a little squeeze.

  “Ow, yes, as long as there’s no spanking foreplay involved!” Kate replied with sheepish grin.

  “Well, maybe there will be no foreplay at all, maybe I’ll just bend you over and take you from behind with my big strap-on, you naughty girl!” Helen murmured in Kate’s ear.

  “Oh, fuck, let’s go!” Kate breathed.

  * * *

  Riley managed to pull herself vertical and get out of bed. She cleaned up the bottles, wincing as she counted them into the trash. Her cell phone buzzed to life on the counter, startling her. Riley picked it up and saw Joanna’s name on the screen. She took a deep breath and answered it.

  “Hi,” she said sadly.

  “Riley, I was worried when you didn’t answer me earlier. I called a few times, where were you?”

  “Uh, I was sleeping, I guess, sorry.”

  “Are you okay, Riley?” Joanna asked.

  “Um, no, not really, I have a pounding headache.”

  “Riley, did you take your medication, is that why you were lying down? How long has it been going on?” Joanna asked anxiously.

  “Um, well, it’s not that kind of headache. I guess I drank a little too much last night,” Riley confessed. “I’m sorry, I was upset for making you so upset and I just didn’t know what to do. I don’t know, I felt helpless.”

  “How much did you drink, Riley?” Joanna asked dryly.

  There was a long pause after Joanna’s question.

  “Eight beers,” Riley whispered guiltily.

  “Well, thank you for being honest and telling me. Riley, we need to talk, about us. This is too difficult being so far away. I’m not sure this is working out.”

  There, she said it. The words Riley had been dreading but expecting to hear. Her heart sank and tears immediately filled her eyes. She knew by the way Joanna was talking to her last night it was probably over and her throat constricted, trapping any words inside she was trying expel.

  “So you’re leaving me?” Riley managed to choke out tearfully.

  “What? Riley, is that what you think?” Joanna replied, dumbfounded.

  “Yes, after yesterday I figured you’ve realized what a fuck-up I really am. I don’t blame you. I seem to do stupid things that disappoint you all the time. I’m sorry, I understand,” Riley blurted.

  “Riley, stop, that’s not what I’m saying. When I come out next week, instead of staying for two weeks, I was going to stay until the summer, three months at least. I wanted to know how you felt about it. I can’t bear leaving you each time I go back to California and even though it’s only been three weeks, I miss you terribly.”

  “You do? You will?”

  “Yes, Riley, and I don’t ever want you saying those things about yourself! I love you and I think it will be good for us if I’m there. I think you need me. I know I need you.”

  “Oh, God, Jo, I can’t tell you how happy that makes me. I was so miserable last night. Are you really going to stay?”

  “Of course, we have lots of work with the Bencom contract and I obviously need to keep a better eye on you; don’t I, my little wild one!” Joanna teased.

  Riley was so overjoyed, she decided to test her luck. “So… am I still in trouble and going to get it next Friday?” she asked with a squint of anticipation on her face.

  “Oh, yes, Riley, I follow through on what I say. You should know that by now. But then, my darling, it will be all over and we can move on. Oh, except for the little matter of traffic school you’ll be attending on Saturday and then you’ll be done!” Joanna replied.

  “What, shit! Can’t I just pay the fine and be done?”

  “Riley,” Joanna warned.

  “Okay, okay. I don’t really care, I’m just happy you’re staying.”

  “Good! Now Kate and Helen are waiting for you for breakfast. I’m going up to the stables, call me later.”

  Riley showered and dressed and downed a bottle of water along with a couple of aspirins before heading to Kate and Helen’s apartment. She was elated about Joanna staying in New York but she wasn’t sure about the reception she was going to get from Helen.

  “Riley Carrington, what are we going to do with you?” Helen asked, embracing her in a long hug after pulling her into the penthouse. “How are you feeling?” she asked, holding Riley at arm’s length by her shoulders and looking down at her. “If I hear of you drinking like that again, you’ll be over my knee, do you hear me?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Riley replied sheepishly.

  “Well, it sounds like Jo’s going to be here to take care of that for a while. You happy, Riley?” Helen asked with a warm smile.

  Riley grinned and nodded her head.

��Good, I’m starving, let’s go get breakfast!”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Riley couldn’t wait for Joanna to get back to New York. Even with the impending promise of another paddling when she got there, Riley was eager to see her girlfriend. She busied herself at work and worked out in the gym most evenings since her motorcycle was off limits. It had been nearly four months since the accident and Riley was nearly back to full strength. By the time Friday afternoon rolled around, Riley was looking at her watch excitedly as the office started to empty for the weekend.

  “You ready, Riley? Walk with me, I’m ready to go if you are,” Helen said, emerging from her office.

  “Uh, it’s only four-thirty, Ms. Klein, I’ve got another hour or so,” Riley replied.

  “Jo’s flight got in early, she’s on her way. Call it a day, Riley.” Helen smiled at her.

  Helen and Riley walked the few blocks from the office back to the apartment building together. Helen sensed the conflicting anticipation Riley was struggling with and gave her shoulder an encouraging squeeze.

  “It will be okay, Riley, chin up. It will be over before you know it,” she said with a small wink before heading to the penthouse elevators.

  Riley blushed and headed up to her apartment. She changed out of her suit and pulled on her favorite sweats and her 49ers hoodie and flopped on the bed.

  After Riley had stared at the ceiling for about ten minutes, her phone buzzed. She rolled over and looked at the text from Joanna.

  I’m here, are you home yet?

  Riley thought for a moment before texting her back.


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