Little Girl Gone

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Little Girl Gone Page 27

by Brett Battles

  Daeng had told Logan there would be five of his Burmese refugee contacts waiting at the wide spot if they ended up needing them. So Logan was a little surprised to find nine of them there. It seemed the only ones missing were the kids and a couple of the others.

  He pointed at the two cars parked nearby. “Yours?”

  “Yes,” one of the man said.

  “Who’s driving them?”

  He signaled for a couple of the other men to join them, and Logan quickly explained what he wanted to do. The main guy had to do a little translating for him, but they all got the gist of it.

  “You guys okay with this plan?” Logan asked when he was through.

  “Okay,” the main guy said. “No problem.”

  “Excellent. Then they should get ready. It’s almost time.”

  The two drivers got into their cars, and started their engines.

  “Just tell me when you want them to go,” the headman said.

  Logan nodded, then, after a moment, said, “Daeng said you might have a gun I can use.”

  “You sure you want?”

  “Better to have it than not.”

  The man retrieved a pistol from the back of the closest car, and gave it to Logan. “Police catch you, not good.”

  “I’ll remember that,” Logan said.

  He quickly found a good spot, then looked up the hill. Through the trees, he could see a small stretch of the road that was beyond the curve just up from their position. He kept his eye on it, waiting for the van to appear. Finally, the gray van moved by, then passed out of sight.

  Forty-five seconds, tops and they’d be here.

  “Now,” Logan said.

  The headman waved at the two parked cars. Instantly, they pulled into the street. Only instead of merging with traffic, they drove across the lanes, and halted, creating a roadblock. The lead car was all the way on the road, while the second car hung partially over the shoulder.

  Immediately cars slowed to a stop and began honking, but the Burmese drivers didn’t move.

  The van appeared around the curve only a few seconds later than Logan thought it would. A quick calculation told him that it was going to be about six cars back in the jam up. Other cars were still coming around the bend after it, so it would immediately be hemmed in.

  “Stay in the outside lane,” Logan whispered to himself, as he backed into the cover of the bushes. “Stay in the outside lane.”

  It did.

  Then, as it came down the final part of the hill, it slowed to a crawl, and finally to a stop at the back of the traffic jam.

  “Okay,” he said to the headman, then pointed at the line of traffic. “Start them moving around.”

  The man nodded, then he and several of his men ran over to the car that was sitting halfway in the wide area. Together they pushed it all the way onto the road, as if it were stalled. Then the headman got the attention of the driver of the first car the outside lane, he moved his hand in an arc, directing the guy into the wide area so he could drive around the blockage.

  Soon the next car in line was following suit.

  Then the third. And the fourth. And the fifth.

  Finally it was the van’s turn.

  Logan gave the blockade driver a wave, and the guy acknowledged with a quick nod.

  The van turned cautiously off the road, rocking a little on the uneven shoulder, but not stopping. Then, just as it pulled abreast of the roadblock, the blockade car shot backwards, slamming into the van’s front wheel well.

  There was a crunch and a rip and an expulsion of air as the van’s tire went flat. It was better than Logan could have hoped.

  Quickly, he stepped out from the bushes and over to the back of the van.

  As he was sure would happen, someone on the inside turned the handle and pushed one of the back doors open. Logan slipped around the side, out of view, not worried about being seen in the side mirror. He could hear one of the Burmese men arguing with the van’s driver up front on the other side, keeping him busy.

  The van rocked, and three people step out. Whoever they were, they headed around to see the damage, and deal with the problem.

  If Logan hadn’t miscounted, the only ones left inside would be Bell, his Myanmar client, Elyse and Sein. There was also the driver, of course, if he had access to the back area. But he was currently preoccupied.

  On hands and knees Logan crawled past the open back door so as not to be seen. Once he was clear, he got up, and peeked around the other side. There were five of the refugees there now, one talking to the driver, while the other four talked with three men who’d gotten out to see what was going on.

  When Logan was sure the only people who were able to see him were the refugees, he took a step out, and gave them a quick wave. The one who saw him first said something to his friends.

  Suddenly there were guns in their hands pointed at Bell’s men. Logan held a finger to his mouth, reminding them they all had to stay quiet, then turned toward the back doors.

  Before he entered, he pulled out the small, palm-sized digital video camera. This would be the cherry on top of the other footage Daeng’s friends had taken. He turned the camera on, and stuck it in the front pocket of his pants so that only the portion with the lens and the microphone were exposed.

  He then took two deep breaths, gripped his gun, and jumped into the back of the van.


  “Everyone stay where you are,” Logan said, sweeping the interior with the barrel of his gun.

  Immediately, he saw he’d made a miscalculation. Instead of the four people he expected to find, there were five.

  Sitting on the bench that ran along right were Bell, Elyse and the guy from Myanmar. On the bench to the left were Sein, and the man who’d been sent to kill Tooney.

  Tooney’s attacker stared at Logan, shocked.

  “Nice to know you remember me,” Logan said.

  “Remember you?” Bell asked. He looked at his man. “Who the hell is he?”

  But the guy seemed too stunned to speak, so Logan explained for him. “We met last week in a refrigerator in Cambria.”

  “Cambria? Wait. You’ve got to be kidding me, right?” He looked at his man sitting next to Sein. “This is the guy who screwed you up? What the hell’s he doing here?” He turned back to Logan. “Hey, what the hell are you doing here?”

  “All of you. Toss your weapons over here,” Logan told them.

  “I asked you a question,” Bell said.

  “And I gave you an order,” Logan told him.”

  Bell smiled and shook his head. “You have no idea who you’re dealing with, do you? If I were you, I’d back right out that door, and get the hell out of here.”

  “Is that right? Well, I’ve recently been told I’m stubborn, so that’s probably not going to happen.”

  “If you’re still here when my men come back, I’m not going to be able to let you go. But I’ll tell you what. If you leave now, I’m willing to forget about it.”

  “You’d do that? You’re a real generous man, Mr. Andrews.” Logan paused, then said, “Oh, sorry. I should probably call you by your real name. Mr. Bell.”

  Bell’s smile faltered.

  “Yeah, I do know who I’m dealing with,” Logan told him. “I also know your friend here is with the Myanmar secret police. And, if I’m not mistaken, that you were planning on transferring these two ladies to him. Now, I’m not a lawyer, nor do I work for one like you do…what’s that firm’s name? Bracher Schwartz?…Anyway, this looks a lot like human trafficking to me.”

  “What’s your name?”

  “Logan Harper.”

  “You are so out of your depth, Mr. Harper. This is not going to end well for you.”

  “Are you threatening me?”


  “How, exactly, do you think you’re going to pull that off?”

  “My reach is a hell of a lot longer than yours.”

  “Oh, that’s right. You’re the guy who makes
things happen, aren’t you? Like this business deal? Sein, here, for Burmese offshore oil rights? I’m pretty sure LRB Oil’s shareholders aren’t going to be too happy when news of this transaction comes out.” That had been the connection Logan had found during his web search on Daeng’s Phone, a direct link between LRB Oil and Lyon Exploratory Research.

  Bell glanced at his man. “Perry, shoot him. Now.”

  Perry fumbled with his coat, then started pulling a gun out from under it.

  “Don’t do it, Perry,” Logan told him.

  But he didn’t listen. As soon as Logan saw the handle of the man’s pistol, he pulled his own trigger.

  Logan had killed two men before that moment, including the man who shot Carl. Perry was his third.

  In the distance, he could hear sirens. They weren’t the same rhythms and tones he was used to from the States, but there was no mistaking the police were on the way.

  “Either of you two armed?” he asked Bell and his client.

  Bell shook his head, while the Myanmar man reluctantly pulled a gun out of his pocket, and tossed it on the floor.

  “Good. So, shall we just sit and wait?” Logan asked.

  “Do something,” the man from the secret police said to Bell.

  “You can have the women,” Bell told Logan. “Just let us go.”

  “No!” the other man blurted out. “That woman is traitor to her country.” He shot up from the bench, and stepped towards Sein. “She commit crime against my government. She tell lies everywhere she go. She come with me.”

  As he reached out to grab her arm, Logan said, “You don’t want to touch her!”

  But he did it anyway, or at least he tried. As his fingers brushed against her arm Logan pulled his trigger again. The only difference this time was that he wanted this guy to live. The bullet hit the man just below his knee, and he collapsed screaming onto the floor of the truck.

  Bell, who had been keeping Elyse close to him, suddenly let her go. “She’s all yours. Please, I’m not going to do anything.”

  Sein immediately rushed over to her daughter, and threw her arms around her.

  “Take her outside,” Logan said. “And shut the door.”

  Sein looked at him for a moment, then nodded, and helped Elyse to her feet. As they passed, she whispered, “I’m sorry I didn’t trust you.”

  “Don’t even worry about it. Just get her out.”

  As soon as the door was closed, Bell said, “What are you? Some kind of mercenary?”

  “No. Auto mechanic.”

  Logan pulled the camera out of his pocket. He stopped the recording, then started it again so he’d have a new file, and then pointed it at Bell.

  “Let’s you and I have a little talk.”


  To say it was a bit of a diplomatic mess was probably an understatement.

  The only way to stem the fallout on the U.S. side was to swiftly move to arrest those suspected of being involved in the “Kidnapping for Oil Scheme,” as it was soon labeled by cable news.

  Within 24 hours, Charles Bracher, Samuel Schwartz, David Lyons—the CEO of Lyon Exploratory Research and the “L” of LRB Oil—and several other employees of all three companies were behind bars. The government had also filed extradition papers for Scott Bell, Aaron Hughes, and the remaining members of Bell’s team with the Thai government.

  As for the secret police team from Myanmar, Logan was never really sure what happened to them. But he had a feeling that even if they were sent back to Burma, things weren’t going to go very well for them.

  He heard later there was a little bit of confusion when five Vietnam Vets showed up at the Federal Building in West Los Angeles with three people they claimed were connected to the matter. But it was soon cleared up, and Elyse’s former roommate Angie, along with a Mr. Williams and a Mr. Dean were turned over to the FBI.

  Logan was a big part of the mess. He had actually killed someone, and shot a member of the Myanmar secret police. For those reasons, it had been decided early on that his name wasn’t to be mentioned in connection at all with the case. Like what his father and the rest of the WAMO gang had decided about the attack on Tooney, Logan was apparently not involved in this incident either. That was okay with him. He wasn’t interested in the publicity.

  Still, the authorities didn’t know what to do with him, so he was detained for nearly a week, talking only to governmental representatives of the U.S. and Thailand.

  It was Sein who finally got him out.

  They were all in a room somewhere in Bangkok, Sein, two men from the U.S. embassy, three from the Thai government, and Logan. After they’d gone on for a half hour about how it was impossible for Logan to just walk away without paying some kind of price, Sein reached into her bag, and pulled out a laptop. Setting it on the table, she turned it so everyone could see the screen.

  “One,” she began. “Mr. Harper is to be release today, within the hour, with no charges made against him.” She looked at the representatives from the U.S. “This includes anything that may have happened in California before he left for Thailand.”

  Detective Baker was not going to be happy to hear that, Logan thought.

  “Two, if anything happens to Mr. Harper, now or in the future, and I mean anything, I will make a point of including both of your governments’ involvement in the blame when I talk about what happened here. And then I will show this.”

  She tapped the spacebar, and a movie began to play on the screen.

  As Logan watched, a smile grew on his face. Someone had done a pretty damn good job of cutting together all the footage that had been shot at Doi Suthep. Logan’s footage was there, too, because he made sure to slip his camera to one of Daeng’s refugee friends before the police had taken him in. But there was more than just what they had shot. Intercut at strategic points was news footage and stills showing prominent leaders from both the U.S. and Thailand in the company of Mr. Bracher and Mr. Schwartz and Mr. Lyon.

  Logan was released the moment the meeting was over, and was even given a free flight home, courtesy of the Thai government.

  He did get to see Daeng one more time, though. They had lunch in Bangkok the afternoon before his flight left. Daeng seemed energized and more focused than ever.

  “Word of our…work is spreading in Burma. More and more people know what happened to Sein Myat and her family, and that she survived to continue working for their freedom.”

  “If it helps, I’m glad to hear it,” Logan said.

  “I told you, it’s a long fight for us. Years, decades, whatever it takes. At some point my mother’s people will be free again. And you. They know about you, too, and the part you played.”

  “Yours is the one they need to know about. Without you, I wouldn’t have gotten anywhere. And you’re still here helping them.”

  “Of course they know my name. I’m not stupid.”

  They both laughed.

  “If you’re ever looking for a change of scenery, you’ll always be welcome to come here and work with me,” Daeng said.

  “Thanks,” Logan told him. “And if you’re ever back in L.A., give me a call, and I’ll drive down.”

  Daeng smiled. “I’ve been craving a little bit of that mild weather, so I’m sure I’ll make the trip soon enough.”

  “Please tell Christina thank you for introducing us.”

  “I will.”

  The funny thing was, the only person Logan didn’t talk to was Elyse. She was still heavily drugged when the ambulance took her and Sein away in Chiang Mai, and Sein had told him at the meeting that her husband and Elyse had flown home several days earlier. Logan was actually glad to hear it. It meant he’d accomplished what he set out to do, to see that Elyse got safely home.

  Thailand not only paid his flight to LAX, they also threw in the commuter hop from there to San Luis Obispo. When he got off the plane, he thought he’d have to rent a car to get back to Cambria, but waiting for him in the lobby was the entire membership of WAMO. />
  Logan got handshakes and backslaps and “well dones” all around. When Tooney’s turn came, he shook Logan’s hand first, then threw his arms around him. “Thank you,” he whispered.

  “I was lucky,” Logan said.

  “No, I was lucky,” Tooney told him. “Lucky your father convince me to trust you.”

  “I had a lot of help. So it wasn’t just me.”


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