The Originator Wars: Universe in Danger: A Lost Fleet Novel

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The Originator Wars: Universe in Danger: A Lost Fleet Novel Page 3

by Raymond L. Weil

  Ceres was currently being resettled with people from New Tellus as the two worlds held a special kinship in being colonized by the survivors of the original Human Federation of Worlds. Already nearly two hundred thousand people had moved into the planetoid. The massive shipyards and fleet facilities in Ceres were essential to the defense of the Federation. They were only just now beginning to get them back online. Not only that but new crews had to be found for the over one hundred deserted warships orbiting the planetoid.

  Two Marines were standing in front of the hatch to Fleet Admiral Nagumo’s quarters, and one of them stepped over smartly to the hatch and opened it, indicating for Race to enter. Stepping inside, Race was surprised to see Fleet Admiral Nagumo, Admiral Lankell, Admiral Stoddard, Alton Fleet Admiral Baasil, his sister Vice Admiral Massie Tolsen, and Alton Ambassador Tureen.

  “Have a seat, Admiral,” Nagumo said, gesturing toward the single still empty chair. “We have a lot to discuss today.”

  Race sat down, curious as to why nearly all the admirals who had been involved in the Dyson Sphere incident were gathered here. To Race this looked ominous.

  Nagumo’s face took on a grim look. “It will soon be announced by President Malle that the Human Federation of Worlds is at war with both the Borzon and the Ralift. The Senate Council has already approved a declaration of war resolution.”

  “What?” several of the admirals said, their faces showing shock. They looked at each other, wondering what was going on. The Ralift and Borzon both controlled huge areas of the galaxy. Tens of thousands of inhabited worlds were enslaved by the two slaver cultures.

  “War,” said Race confused. “How can we be at war with the Ralift? They’re on the far side of the galaxy. We have no points of contact.”

  “We do now,” Nagumo said pointedly. “Three large Ralift invasion fleets entered Shari space a little over a week ago. They’ve been laying waste to every Shari inhabited world in two quadrants. It’s the opinion of the military the Ralift fleets are heading toward the Dyson Sphere.”

  “How did they find out about the megastructure?” asked Massie, her eyes showing concern. “It’s not generally known what we found in Shari space.”

  “It’s worse than that,” Nagumo said as his face took on a haunted look. “There are confirmed reports from the Shari that a number of AI battle spheres are with all three Ralift fleets. We’re not sure how they found out about the Dyson Sphere, but it’s evident they have.”

  “AIs,” said Stoddard, his face turning pale. “I thought we destroyed all of them.”

  “No,” responded Ambassador Tureen. “It seems as if a large number of AI battle spheres were in the Astral System when their Great Project was destroyed. These battle spheres and perhaps others vanished immediately after the battle at the galactic center. We have known from the very beginning that the ones in the Astral System were missing. We just didn’t know how many there were or where they went.”

  “Now we know,” said Stoddard with a deep frown. “They must have gone to Ralift space, and now they’ve learned of the Dyson Sphere. If the AIs can gain access to it, the entire galaxy may be in danger. The technology on that megastructure is far more advanced than anything in the galaxy, including the Altons.”

  “In the beginning, we thought it best to keep it a secret that a few AIs had escaped,” Nagumo said. “We thought at the most we were only speaking of a few dozen. There was also the chance they had fled into deep space and just shut down as so many AIs did in the Astral System.”

  “They can’t be allowed access to the Dyson Sphere,” Ambassador Tureen said. “It would permit them to reverse all the gains we have made since the war with the Hocklyns and the AIs. Thousands of worlds have been freed, and they’re only now beginning to accept their slavery is over.”

  “The AIs can’t create more of themselves without their Master Codex,” stated Race as he thought over the situation. He was very familiar with Astral and what was under the City of Light. “If the AIs have returned, at some point in time they will try to take back the Astral System to gain access to the codex.”

  “That won’t happen,” Ambassador Tureen said reassuringly. “We are doubling the size of the Alton fleet in the system. We are also rigging the Master Codex so if the AIs succeed in retaking the system it will be destroyed. There will be no more AIs created in this galaxy. The ones here now will be the last.”

  “We’re also sending more Marines to Astral,” added Admiral Nagumo. “We don’t want to lose access to the computer center under the City of Lights. There’s just too much knowledge there that can be beneficial to every race in the galaxy.”

  “What’s the plan?” asked Race. He had a strong feeling he would soon be going back into battle.

  Nagumo’s face took on a serious look. “Your dreadnoughts have been updated and will be returned to your command. In addition a few more have been built to replace the ones you lost in battle.”

  Race felt surprised. The dreadnoughts had been returned to the Altons after he returned from the Dyson Sphere mission. The Altons felt they were too advanced to be used in the Federation and unnecessary for the missions the Human Federation of Worlds was currently carrying out.

  “All the former crews of the dreadnoughts are being transferred from their current vessels back to the dreadnoughts,” added Nagumo. “The entire Federation fleet is being placed on alert. The ships in the reserve are being reactivated. We’re also in the process of informing all of our allies of the declaration of war. We’re going to need them in the coming conflict.”

  Race took a deep breath. The Altons, Carethians, Zanths, Darvons, Kessels, and New Providence were the primary Alliance worlds. There were other worlds that were once controlled by the Hocklyns, which had joined the Alliance, but it would be years yet before they had fleets of sufficient size to be of use in a major battle. “What are our orders?” Race had hoped his days of serious fighting were over; it now seemed he was wrong about that.

  “The Ralift seem to be the biggest threat,” answered Nagumo. “However, the Borzon have entered Federation space in four separate locations and are pushing deeper into what was once the Hocklyn Empire. We’re still scrambling to put sufficient forces in front of them to slow down or stop their advance.”

  Race knew since the defeat of the empire, the Human Federation of Worlds had taken over and freed all of the former slaver worlds. The Hocklyns still controlled a small area of space around their primary worlds and that was all. However, even the Hocklyn’s primary worlds had seen a major reduction in population due to the collapse of their empire. Unfortunately, in order to maintain peace in former Hocklyn space, major portions of the Federation fleet were scattered across tens of thousands of light years giving assistance.

  “Are there AI ships with the Borzon?” asked Massie.

  Fleet Admiral Nagumo hesitated briefly and then nodded his head. “A few, not as many as there are with the Ralift. We believe the attack by the Borzon is an effort to tie up Federation fleets while the Ralift move on the Dyson Sphere.”

  “We all saw the defenses the Dyson Sphere is equipped with,” said Race, his eyes narrowing. “If the Ralift or the AIs approach too close it will destroy them.”

  Fleet Admiral Nagumo was silent for a long moment and then spoke. “Are you suggesting we allow the AIs and the Ralift to approach the Dyson Sphere?”

  “There are Humans on the megastructure,” Race pointed out. “We know some of our Marines and a science team were inside it when it fired on the Shari fleet. I spoke to Reesa Jast a few minutes before and she indicated the Dyson Sphere would activate automatic defenses if it was fired upon. We all saw what it did to the Shari fleets. Our people inside the megastructure will surely explain to the AIs controlling the Dyson Sphere what the battle sphere AIs represent and who the Ralift are.”

  “That’s what concerns me,” Fleet Admiral Nagumo said uncomfortably. “We have two different sets of AIs that will be speaking to one another. There’s
no way to know how that conversation will turn out. What if the AIs in the Dyson Sphere side with the other AIs against us?”

  “I don’t believe that will happen,” Race said. “Reesa talked as if the AIs inside the sphere were similar to Humans. Keep in mind these AIs were built and programmed by the Originators. They have nothing in common with the ones we’re familiar with.”

  “Let’s hope not,” Nagumo said, sounding unconvinced. “However, we’re not going to take that chance. We’ll be sending out a major fleet to deal with the Ralift. Admiral Tolsen, you will command the fleet from the Command Center of the WarHawk.”

  “What about the Borzon?” asked Alton Admiral Baasil.

  “We will fight a delaying action against the Borzon until the Ralift have been dealt with. There’s a lot of space between the Borzon Empire and our own worlds. For a time it may be necessary to allow them to conquer some of the former Hocklyn slave worlds.”

  “The Borzon are of insect descent and are known for their cruelty,” spoke Ambassador Tureen with grave concern. “Every effort should be made to prevent them from conquering any worlds. There will be much suffering if they do.”

  Fleet Admiral Nagumo let out a deep sigh. “While I agree with your assessment, we just don’t have the forces to fight two galactic empires at the same time. If we allow ourselves to fight simultaneously in two major theaters of war, we risk defeat.”

  “I am willing to take my fleet to face the Borzon,” spoke Fleet Admiral Baasil.

  “As am I,” added Massie.

  Fleet Admiral Nagumo looked flustered by the disagreement to his plan. “You don’t have enough ships. The Borzon fleets have thousands of warships.”

  “I believe I can talk my people into substantially increasing the size of the fleet units assigned to both Admiral Tolsen and Fleet Admiral Baasil,” said Alton Ambassador Tureen. “My people will not want to see these worlds taken and their inhabitants tormented by the Borzon.” The Altons had pulled many of their warships back after the war with the AIs. They still possessed their powerful battlecruisers and battleships though the crews had been allowed to return home. “We will need Federation crews to help fill the rosters of our warships.”

  “I see you’re leaving me with no choice,” said Fleet Admiral Nagumo. “I’ll see if I can find some additional Federation forces to strengthen Vice Admiral Tolsen’s fleet.” He looked over at Ambassador Tureen. “I believe I can arrange for sufficient crews to help operate your warships. The Fleet Academy has a large class, which just went through graduation. We also have former crews in the reserve that can be called up if necessary.”


  The meeting lasted for several more hours as the logistics of the two planned operations were hammered out. Other fleet officers were called in and issued orders. This was going to be the largest mobilization of Alton and Federation forces since the battle at the galactic center.

  When the meeting was over everyone was allowed to go except Admiral Tolsen. He looked inquiringly at Fleet Admiral Nagumo.

  “Race, before I send you out on this mission, you need to know what happened at Ceres.” Nagumo was holding a small thumb drive in his right hand.

  “You know!”

  “Yes, the president and several others have always known. This message is from Fleet Admiral Jeremy Strong.”

  “So Jeremy was involved in what happened at Ceres.” This didn’t really surprise Race too much. He just wished Jeremy were here to help in this present crisis. His tactical skills would be a great asset.

  “Not just Ceres, over one million people left New Tellus and nearly two million Altons left as well. It’s been kept a closely guarded secret, but most of the Alton scientists at the City of Light went also. General Wesley elected to go and he took nearly twenty-two thousand of his marines with him.” Nagumo gestured toward the thumb drive. “This message was left by Rear Admiral Kathryn Barnes and was delivered to me by Fleet Admiral Hedon Streth. Hedon was active in helping to arrange this mass exodus. Go play the message and see what you think. It could have some bearing on what happens at the Dyson Sphere. Keep in mind what’s on that thumb drive is top secret. It might cause a panic if it got out. What it deals with makes our problems with the Ralift and the Borzon seem insignificant.”

  Race nodded. He was insanely curious as to what Jeremy and Kathryn were up to. They had taken millions of people from the Federation and a large number of Altons also. He was beginning to suspect why his parents had been so quiet when asked about the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of the people of Ceres. Fleet Admiral Hedon Streth’s involvement also implied the seriousness of the situation. Race strongly suspected he wasn’t going to like what was on the thumb drive.


  Fleet Commander Lanton of the Borzon gazed at the nearest tactical display as his fleet exited hyperspace into System H-387-2B. Lanton stood well over two meters tall with wide multifaceted eyes upon a strangely shaped head. A pair of long, narrow wings adorned his back, and his body was covered with a fine, stiff short hair. Lanton stood on two legs that were bent strangely, and he had four double-jointed slender arms capable of grasping and operating machinery.

  “No Federation ships are showing on the short-range sensors,” reported the sensor officer.

  “Our own ships and the AIs’?”

  “All present.”

  Lanton took a moment to examine the viewscreens with his multifaceted eyes. Hundreds of Borzon battlecruisers were visible as well as two of the eight AI battle spheres that were with his fleet.

  “We have come sixty light years into the former Hocklyn Empire and have not yet been challenged,” said High Nest Leader Asdoth. “I would have thought the Humans would have appeared by now. Perhaps they fear engaging a fleet as powerful as ours.”

  Lanton turned his attention to Asdoth who was the commander of the ship. “Don’t forget the Ralift are attacking the Shari Empire. The Humans may be unsure of what our purpose is or those of the Ralift. The fact that AI ships are in all of our fleet formations as well as those of the Ralift may be causing some confusion and panic among their military leaders.”

  “Fleet Commander, long-range sensors are picking up a Federation patrol fleet. It is inbound toward our position and should arrive in twenty minutes.”

  “So they have found us,” said High Nest Leader Asdoth.

  “We were expecting this,” replied Fleet Commander Lanton. “That is the reason we came to this system. It is near two former Hocklyn slave worlds the Humans have been working with.”

  “Should we launch our fighters?”

  Since becoming aware of how the Humans used small ships to attack damaged vessels it had become imperative for the empire to develop their own small fighters. “Shortly,” replied Lanton. There were twenty spacecarriers in the fleet. Each one held two hundred of the new fighters.


  The Borzon fleet held motionless in space waiting for the small Federation patrol fleet to make its appearance. The minutes passed by and suddenly blue-white spatial vortexes began to form. Out of each vortex, a Federation ship exited until twenty-eight warships were in the system.


  “Report!” ordered Admiral Cynthia Knot. She was on board the battleship Hercules that was serving as her flagship. Cynthia was a relatively new admiral with little combat experience. She had been sent out to this section of the former Hocklyn Empire along with two Alton science ships to see about uplifting a number of previous slave worlds into a semblance of civilization.

  “There are twelve hundred Borzon battlecruisers, twenty large unknown ships, possibly a carrier of some type, and eight AI battle spheres,” the sensor officer informed the admiral.

  “AIs?” repeated Admiral Knot fear flashing through her eyes. “Where did they come from?” She thought all the AIs had been destroyed.

  “Unknown,” replied Captain Marsh. “None were known to have survived the battle at the galactic center.”

  “We should have known
we didn’t get them all,” muttered Knot, wondering what to do. It would take days to get a message back to Fleet Command at Earth or New Tellus. “Contact the Borzon in charge of that fleet and demand they leave Federation space immediately.”

  “They don’t recognize this as Federation space,” Captain Marsh reminded the admiral.

  “Nevertheless send the message.”

  A few minutes passed and Captain Marsh turned toward the admiral. “They’re not responding.”

  Admiral Knot let out a deep breath. Her fleet would stand no chance against the fleet arrayed against her. She had one battleship, one battlecarrier, eight battlecruisers, six strikecruisers, and twelve light cruisers. A powerful task group in most cases but not in this one.

  “Order the Potemkin to launch her full complement of fighters and bombers. Bombers are to be armed for a shipping strike.”

  Captain Marsh looked questionably at the admiral. “We can’t fight a fleet of that size.”

  “I don’t intend to,” replied Admiral Knot, folding her arms across her chest. “Perhaps if we show them we won’t back down, they’ll withdraw rather than risk war with the Federation.”

  “There are rumors of other Borzon fleets active in other quadrants along the border,” replied Captain Marsh. “Are you sure it’s wise to adopt this posture? They may look at the launching of the fighters and bombers as a form of aggression.”

  Admiral Knot slowly nodded. “If we pull back, this fleet will move deeper into Federation space. We must show them we mean business. We’ll have to take the risk.”

  “Very well, Admiral. I’ll contact the Potemkin and have Captain Braddock launch his attack craft.”


  Fleet Commander Lanton watched as the Humans launched their small attack craft from their lone carrier vessel. “They are trying to intimidate us.”

  “The Borzon cannot be intimidated,” responded High Nest Leader Asdoth.

  “Close the range with the Human fleet.”


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