The Originator Wars: Universe in Danger: A Lost Fleet Novel

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The Originator Wars: Universe in Danger: A Lost Fleet Novel Page 16

by Raymond L. Weil

  “We have other ships reporting severe damage,” added Lieutenant Lantz worriedly.

  “We’re not going to survive long against those energy beams,” warned Commander Malen, her lips tight in growing concern. “It’s only taking three or four strikes from those beams to penetrate our screens. They’re much stronger than any energy beams we’ve encountered before.”

  “Aaliss, how much longer before we can jump into hyperspace?” Jeremy knew their time was rapidly running out. On the main viewscreen, another dreadnought exploded as its screen was knocked down by the deadly energy beams of the enemy.

  “Dreadnought Avalon is down,” reported Kevin grimly. “We’re taking a lot of damage across the fleet.”

  “Another few minutes,” Aaliss said from the console she was working frantically at. “Talmorr and I just need to find the right frequency and we can jam the hyperspace field preventing us from jumping.”

  The Avenger shook violently and several red lights appeared on the damage control console. “We may not have a few minutes,” said Kevin anxiously.

  “We have several compartments open to space,” reported Commander Malen, her face showing anxiety. “We’re streaming atmosphere, and I’m activating the emergency bulkheads in those areas of the ships. Repair robots are enroute.”

  “Firing main ion cannon,” said Major Preston.

  “The ion cannons are freezing the Eternal shields so they can’t modulate,” reported Kevin. “Our missiles and our beam weapons are managing to overload some of their shields, and we’re causing considerable damage to the Eternal fleet.”

  “But we’re still badly outnumbered,” said Commander Malen, shifting her eyes to Jeremy. “We can’t win this battle.”

  “More enemy ships dropping out of hyperspace,” reported Kevin as additional red threat icons suddenly appeared around the two trapped fleets.

  “How many?” Jeremy knew if they couldn’t jump into hyperspace soon they were doomed.

  “Three hundred and seventeen,” Ariel answered. “They’ll be in combat range shortly.”

  A massive explosion suddenly occurred in space next to the Avenger causing the viewscreen to drastically dim.

  “What was that?” he knew what ship should be there.

  “The Warrior’s Pride,” reported Ariel, her eyes showing disbelief. “It’s been badly damaged. There’s a hole over two hundred meters long in its hull. Secondary explosions are still shaking the ship.”

  The viewscreen suddenly cleared and refocused on Grayseth’s flagship. The damage was directly over Engineering. Fires could be seen burning inside using up the valuable oxygen in the stricken compartments.

  “What’s the status of the Warrior’s Pride?”

  “Hyperdrive has been destroyed, and the gravity drive is only partially operational,” reported Ariel who was in contact with the main computer on Grayseth’s flagship. “All power has been shunted to the energy shield.”

  Jeremy could see that the Warrior’s Pride couldn’t take another hit. “Order Grayseth to abandon ship and set the self-destruct charges.”

  “Sending the order,” replied Commander Malen as she spoke to the communications officer on the Warrior’s Pride.


  The commanding officer of the Eternal flagship directing the battle watched in anger as two more Eternal warships exploded from the fury of exploding dark matter missiles. “Why are our shields failing?”

  “Ion beams,” reported the sensor officer. “They’re using powerful ion beam cannons to freeze the modulation in our shield frequencies, making our ships vulnerable.”

  “A defect in our shield technology,” said the commander, his face taking on a look of intense rage. “When this battle is over I will find the scientist who designed our shields. He has failed in his duty as an Eternal and his life will be ended.”

  On the main viewscreen, another of the enemy’s ships died under the concentrated energy fire of several Eternal battlecruisers. “Press the attack. Order our ships forward. This battle must end, and I need one of those ships captured partially intact. We must know who this enemy is and if these are indeed Originator vessels.”


  In space, the battle intensified. The defense globes were now firing both their ion cannons as well as their particle beams. The Eternals were still targeting the small globes, sending hundreds of them to fiery deaths as energy beams swept across them.

  In the Originator fleet formation, another ship was under heavy attack before being cut in two by the powerful energy beams of the Eternals. Almost instantly self-destruct charges blew the ship into thousands of pieces.


  “Aaliss? We’re running out of time!” Jeremy’s eyes were focused on the Warrior’s Pride, waiting for the evacuation shuttles to begin launching. What was taking so long?

  “Another minute,” called out Aaliss as she used her neural implant to set up a program, which should allow the two fleets to escape into hyperspace.

  “Major Preston, set the remaining defense globes to overload their antimatter chambers and ram the nearest Eternal ship. It might buy us the time we need.” Jeremy leaned forward in his command chair, watching the viewscreen intently as the view switched to show the battle raging around the ship. The fight seemed to come alive around him with the bright flashes of energy beams, exploding dark matter missiles, and dying ships.

  “Command sent.”

  Suddenly all across the screen massive two-hundred-megaton explosions shook the energy shields of nearly every Eternal vessel. Some of the ships were targeted by dozens of exploding defense globes. Numerous Eternal ships were blown apart from the sudden and unexpected attack.

  “That pared them down to size,” cried out Kevin excitedly. “We took out forty-seven of their ships. A number of others are heavily damaged.”

  “That’s all of the defense globes,” said Major Preston as he continued to fire the ship’s weapons.

  “The Eternal vessels are still inbound,” warned Ariel. “Jeremy, we have one on a collision course with the Avenger!”

  On the viewscreen, an Eternal warship seemed to grow until it filled a major portion of the screen. Jeremy knew this was the end. There wasn’t time to destroy it or to avoid it. Suddenly another vessel appeared heading directly toward the inbound Eternal vessel.

  “It’s the Warrior’s Pride!” cried out Kevin in shock. “It’s attempting to intercept the inbound Eternal ship.

  Grayseth’s flagship was in a bad way. It was streaming atmosphere and huge holes covered its hull. Even as Jeremy watched two more energy beams struck the vessel, causing additional damage. Huge sections of the hull seemed to peel away and drift off into space. The ship looked as if it could come apart at any moment. Suddenly Jeremy’s ship-to-ship communicator lit up. Jeremy quickly answered it.

  “The glory of the hunt is now yours,” Grayseth said solemnly. “Tell my clan and my people we died in the hunt and for the glory of all Carethians.”

  “Grayseth, get off that ship!” Jeremy’s eyes were glued to the viewscreen. The two ships seemed as if they were about to touch.

  “No, my friend. My life is ending. It is the way of the hunt. Goodbye, my clan brother.”

  On the viewscreen, the Warrior’s Pride slammed into the Eternal warship. In a tumultuous explosion both ships vanished in a fiery blast, sending flaming debris in all directions.

  The Avenger shook violently from the nearness of the explosion. Several pieces of wreckage slammed into the energy shield.

  “Hyperdrive online,” shouted Aaliss as she sent a mental message to the ship’s main computer.

  “Ships are jumping,” reported Ariel as she sent the program to all the surviving ships in the fleet.

  In front of the Avenger, a blue-white vortex opened and Ariel sent the dreadnought flying forward on its gravity drive. Just as the ship entered the vortex, Ariel fired all the ship’s dark matter missiles to the locations where Originator dreadnoughts had died setting them to e
xplode to remove all traces of wreckage.

  Jeremy sat in his command chair too shocked to even speak. One of his oldest friends had just died sacrificing his life so Jeremy and the Avenger might live. It was hard for Jeremy to imagine life without Grayseth. The Bear’s booming voice had become a part of Jeremy’s life.

  The Avenger made the transit into hyperspace. The command crew was silent as they recognized what had been lost. Unlike Rear Admiral Barnes who had come back from the dead, they all knew Grayseth would not be returning from this.


  The Eternal commander stared in frustration at the ship’s viewscreens. Fading explosions marked where the fleeing enemy ships had turned the debris of their destroyed ships into nothing more than glowing gas and plasma. A search would be made for any pieces that might have escaped, but it wouldn’t be much. Sixty-four Eternal ships had been destroyed in the battle. However, they had destroyed thirty-one ships of the enemy. Strategy meetings would have to be held at the highest levels to determine just who these attackers were. It might even be necessary to send a few reconnaissance missions into Originator space. The Eternal commander was not overly concerned about this new enemy. Adjustments could be made to the energy shields to prevent ion beams from freezing the frequency modulation. With the resources of over ten thousand conquered galaxies, this new enemy would stand no chance.


  The Avenger dropped out of hyperspace and Jeremy still sat in his command chair. He hadn’t said a word since they left the scene of the horrific battle.

  “Jeremy,” said Kevin as he stepped over to stand next to him. “Are you all right?”

  “He’s gone,” Jeremy said in a soft voice laden with emotion. “How could he sacrifice himself that way?”

  “He was a Carethian,” Kevin answered simply. “He died with honor protecting his best friend. You would have done the same.”

  Jeremy took a deep breath trying to bring his emotions under control. “What do we have left?” There would be plenty of time to mourn Grayseth and the others who had died later. Right now he needed to concentrate on the survivors of his fleet and getting them home safely.

  “The Avenger and six other dreadnoughts,” Ariel reported. She didn’t know what to say to Jeremy. All she knew was that he was suffering from the loss of his friend. “All have suffered damaged.”

  “Two ships from Grayseth’s fleet and four from ours,” reported Commander Malen. “All of our other vessels were destroyed.”

  “I fired off black matter missiles as we entered the vortex,” added Ariel. “Most of the wreckage from our destroyed ships should have been obliterated.”

  Jeremy stood and stepped down from the command dais. This was the first defeat he had suffered in a long time. The Eternals had smashed his fleet with impudence. Only the sacrifice of the defense globes had allowed any of his ships to escape. It was a tactic which wouldn’t work again.

  “Ariel, set a course for home. Vary it so the Eternals can’t trace where we’re going.”

  “Our long-range sensors are clear,” reported Ariel. She could still see the pain in Jeremy’s eyes. For the first time in her long life, she didn’t know what to say or what to do.

  “Then take us into hyperspace,” Jeremy ordered. “Get us out of this galaxy! If you need me, I’ll be in my quarters.” Jeremy turned and left the Command Center with Commander Malen walking over to take his place in the command chair.

  Moments later the Avenger and the other six dreadnoughts entered vortexes and made the jump into intergalactic hyperspace. It was time to return to the Communications and Transport Hub to heal the wounds suffered in the battle, wounds that in some ways would never heal completely.

  Chapter Eleven

  Admiral Race Tolsen gazed at the tactical display as his fleet dropped out of hyperspace in the Marlode Star System. The Federation fleet consisted of nearly one thousand ships of which forty were supply ships and six were fleet repair vessels the rest vessels of war.

  “Contacts,” called out Captain Davis as numerous green icons began appearing on the tactical displays.

  “It’s High Lord Droll,” reported Commander Arnett. “His flagship is the Dark Victory.”

  “All ships are to stay at Condition Three,” ordered Race as he studied the tactical displays. “I don’t want there to be any misunderstandings. Lord Droll’s fleet has been fighting the Ralift ever since they crossed into Shari space. I’m sure they’re a little trigger happy, and I don’t want an incident.”

  “There are 3,217 Shari warships showing on the sensors,” reported Captain Davis.

  “That’s a few more than we were expecting,” said Colonel Cowel approvingly. “We’re going to need every ship we can get.”

  “It will still be a few days before High Lord Tabor arrives with the Shari Second Fleet,” added Madelyn. “We don’t dare engage the enemy until he arrives.”

  “The Ralift are still a ways off,” replied Race. “We’ll have time to make our plans.” From what Tabor had revealed about the movement of the Ralift and AI fleets they should still have four to six days before they arrive in the proximity of the Marlode System.

  “I have a communication from High Lord Droll,” reported Captain Denise Travers. “He is requesting permission for him and several of his officers to come over to the WarHawk.”

  “That was quick,” said Colonel Cowel, his eyes widening in surprise. “I really expected the Shari High Lord to demand we come over to his ship.”

  Race was pleased High Lord Droll was willing to conduct the first meeting on the WarHawk. That was a good beginning to the two fleets working together. “Inform High Lord Droll we would be pleased for him and his officers to come over to the WarHawk. Colonel Cowel, have a Marine honor guard prepared.”

  Brice shook his head. “Just like at home,” he muttered. “Every time an admiral comes on board they expect there to be troops lined up for inspection.”

  “It’s a military tradition that goes back hundreds of years,” Madelyn said with a knowing smile. “I need to go change as well.”

  “As do I,” commented Race. This first meeting would be very important, and he wanted to ensure nothing went wrong.


  High Lord Droll had changed into his more decorated uniform. While he despised the necessity for all the formality, he understood the reason for it. He was currently standing in the ship’s flight bay waiting to board a shuttle.

  “The Humans’ dreadnoughts are quite impressive,” said Lower Lord Malben. “The WarHawk is 3,000 meters in length.”

  “They’re larger than an AI battle sphere,” added Lower Lord Camval. “I’m starting to believe their claim they can destroy an AI ship.”

  “I asked for information on the Human admiral who is leading their fleet. It is Admiral Race Tolsen.”

  “Tolsen,” replied Malben, his eyes narrowing even further than normal. “Wasn’t he involved with the Dyson Sphere incident?”

  “Yes,” Droll replied as they began walking toward the shuttle. “From the reports he is their most accomplished admiral. He has some very impressive victories to his credit.”

  “A warrior then,” Malben said approvingly.

  “It is rumored he has already been involved in destroying AI ships,” added Camval.

  “It is well they sent such an important admiral,” Droll said as they entered the shuttle. “It indicates they take this threat posed by the Ralift and the return of the AIs seriously.”

  Lower Lord Malben paused and then asked High Lord Droll his next question. “What is the purpose of this first meeting?”

  “If we are to fight together, we must know one another. In this we must be careful not to insult the Humans or any Altons if they are present. High Lord Tabor has instructed me to turn over all the data we have of our battles with the Ralift and the AIs for the Human admiral and his staff to study.”

  “Do you really believe they can destroy an AI battle sphere?”

  “If our reports are
accurate they have done so in the past. You have seen the forty-one dreadnoughts they have in their fleet. Excluding the WarHawk, which is in a class by itself, the other dreadnoughts are comparable in size to an AI battle sphere. In the coming battle, it will be the Humans’ and Altons’ responsibility to destroy the battle spheres while we deal with the Ralift fleet.”

  “It is good that High Lord Tabor is coming with Second Fleet,’ Camval said. “We will need the ships.”

  High Lord Droll nodded his head. However, he knew even with High Lord Tabor’s ships they would still be greatly outnumbered. The entire battle would hinge on whether the Humans and Altons could destroy the AI battle spheres, ships which had probably been updated considerably since the last time the Humans and Altons destroyed one.


  Admiral Tolsen, Commander Arnett, Fleet Admiral Baasil, and Admiral Stoddard were waiting in the flight bay of the WarHawk as the Shari shuttle settled gently down to its landing pad. The hatch slid open and four heavily armed Shari descended, taking up positions on both sides of the ramp. As soon as they were at their posts, three other Shari appeared. All three were dressed in ornate uniforms with medals and decoration on their chests. They descended the ramp with the tallest and most decorated one stopping in front of Admiral Tolsen.

  “I am High Lord Droll and this is my second in command, Lower Lord Malben, and Lower Lord Camval who serves as my third in command.”

  “I am Admiral Race Tolsen and with me are Fleet Admiral Baasil of the Altons, Admiral Stoddard, and the commander of the WarHawk, Commander Arnett.”

  “You have an impressive ship,” Droll said to Commander Arnett. “If we have the time I would enjoy a tour.”

  “I’m sure that can be arranged,” replied Madelyn with a friendly nod.

  High Lord Droll took a moment to inspect the Marines lined up in two precise rows and standing at attention. “Your troops look highly skilled.”

  “They have been well trained,” Race responded. “If you will follow me we will go to a briefing room set up for our meeting. Inside you will find drinks and food palatable to your species.”


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