The Doctor and the War Widow

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The Doctor and the War Widow Page 15

by Russell, Viola

  Harley saw him approach like an apparition. She’d searched the whole house, running futilely from room to room. He was dead, and she’d never see him again. Suddenly, she didn’t care if the flames took her, too. What did life matter if the man she loved was lost in a furnace? Then, he was at her side, lifting her like a rag doll and racing down the stairs with her.

  “You crazy woman!” Abisi set her on her feet but held her tight. “What in the name of God were you thinking?”

  Harley’s heart thumped inside her breast. She fought for breath as she gazed up at him. He was supporting her. She couldn’t stand by herself, and her legs trembled painfully. Through blurred vision, she saw Donna and Mike run from their car with Nico trailing them. She gasped, “You’re alive. I thought you were dead. You’re alive.” Suddenly, the world was spinning out of control and went black.

  Chapter 14

  “Don’t fuss, please.” Harley sat in her bed with Nico at her side. The dog was licking her arm, his tail wagging energetically. After only a few hours in the emergency room, Harley was released and declared fit. Abisi and her friends hovered over her, insisting she rest in bed. Harley found the attention embarrassing and rolled her eyes as Abisi scolded her for taking unnecessary chances.

  “Oh, how were the chances I took unnecessary? I thought you were burning like a piece of bacon in there.” She rounded on him, trying to sound annoyed, but his obvious concern was endearing. “You also could have been suffocating.”

  He shook his head, exasperated. “How would you have saved me? I’m a lot bigger than you.”

  “I’m stronger than you think.” She took a sip of iced tea. “Don’t patronize me.”

  “Why didn’t you ever tell me you had mitral valve prolapse?” Abisi arranged the pillows behind her.

  Harley shrugged. “It’s no big deal.” She hated admitting to her illness or anything that made her vulnerable. Unless she had undue stress, Harley’s condition didn’t bother her. She could run on a treadmill, work on an elliptical machine, and ride on a stationary bike for an hour without experiencing any physical complications.

  “You have palpitations. It’s a big enough deal, especially when you’ve decided to be female action hero.” Abisi kissed the top of her head. His hands shook as he took the iced tea from her hands. “No caffeine, absolutely none.”

  Harley stared at him in disbelief. She was trying hard to muster some real annoyance, but she’d almost lost him and couldn’t. “Give back my tea, for God’s sake.” She placed a hand over his and squeezed. “I’m hardly an action hero. You’re the one who saved my life.” She smiled up at him and scratched Nico’s ears. “I think you enjoyed the White Knight role.”

  Abisi visibly paled. “You were only in danger because of me. Don’t downplay what happened to you.”

  “As I said, don’t worry about it. We’re both okay.” She leaned against him. “You did get your pictures, didn’t you?”

  He grinned at her and kissed the top of her head. “Yes, everything was okay once Donna and Mike convinced the fire department that I was under extreme distress. Otherwise, I’d be in jail right now. Anyway, Mike collected the albums while Donna argued with the man. I was carrying you to an ambulance. I didn’t care if they arrested me later. I wasn’t going to let anything happen to you.”

  Harley giggled. “I never thought I’d see the day when a respectable man like you would hit a public official.”

  “I had to save the woman I love.” He grew serious. “Harley, never put yourself in danger again. I’d rather die myself than live without you.”

  Harley threw off her sheets and turned to him. Her eyes blazed. “That works two ways. I thought you were dead in there. You don’t want me running into burning buildings like the Bionic Woman, don’t ever give me reason to.”

  “It’s not like I planned it, darling.” He stroked her hair and gathered her into his arms. “Is it all right if I stay here?”

  Harley wrapped her arms around him and smiled mischievously. “Well, I help at the homeless shelter. I guess taking you in will be brownie points in heaven.” She laughed and winked. “You’ll just be one more homeless guy.”

  Abisi kissed her hand. “Harley, I have to ask you—”

  “Dinner’s ready for you two.” Judy’s voice interrupted their conversation. She pointed at Harley. “You, woman, are having dinner in bed.”

  Harley’s mouth dropped open. Taking orders from Abisi was one thing. The man was obviously shaken. She could humor him, but taking orders from Judy was totally unacceptable. “No way. I won’t miss all the fun conversation or have you talk behind my back. Besides, Nico would sit on my lap and try to lap up my food if stay in bed. I won’t be able to eat a thing with his begging.”

  “Well, dinner will be ready in a few minutes.” Judy stared severely at Harley. She turned to Abisi. “Is she okay to get up?”

  He nodded, studying her. “I think so.”

  Harley’s pulse quickened as she stared at him. “If I faint again, you’ll have to take care of the patient.” She winked. “You know, put me to bed for a nap.”

  “Harley!” Judy winced but laughed.

  He laughed and tweaked Harley’s nose. “I’ll go and wash up.”

  Donna appeared in the doorway as he left. She was munching on a celery stick. “You know, this vegetarian thing is getting a little old. We really had to scrounge to come up with anything remotely resembling dinner.”

  Harley rose from the bed. Nico spread out on her pillows. She was in an oversized T-shirt and slipped on a pair of shorts. “Hey, I eat healthy. You two should do the same.”

  “Well, we are tonight.” Donna grimaced as she bit into the celery stick. “No wonder you’re thin.”

  Harley laughed as she looked in the mirror on her dresser. She finger combed her hair and sprayed perfume on her wrists and behind her ears. “Well, I hope you can cook vegetarian because I’m starving.”

  Judy studied her for a long time. “You’ve fallen in love with him, haven’t you?”

  Harley averted her gaze. “Let’s eat.” Ever since she’d lost John, talking about love had been difficult. She’d loved John and lost him. She couldn’t lose someone else again, and today, she’d almost lost Abisi. The words somehow just died in her throat, but love him she did. Harley could deny it no longer, even to herself. She’d faced a raging inferno to save him. The realization surprisingly gave her real pleasure. Her face grew warm.

  Donna winked at Harley. “Judy, did you ever doubt it? She’s been in love since the first date.”

  Judy shook her head. “I think you both should leave town until this crazy person is caught. The woman’s deranged.”

  “I second that idea.” Donna took the last bite of celery stick and grimaced.

  Harley took a tube of lipstick from her dresser and applied it. She stared into the mirror. The thought of Kimberly stalking her house sent cold ice through her insides, but she wouldn’t be intimidated into living another life because of some psychotic woman. “I won’t run from this bitch.”

  Judy tossed her hands in the air, exasperated. “Look, Carville came by while you took a nap. They can’t find her anywhere.”

  “Of course, they can’t. She’s a cowardly, harassing arsonist. She’s gone underground.” Harley leaned against the bedpost and grinned evilly. “Don’t worry. I will skewer the bitch in fiction. She’s the antagonist to my protagonist in the next manuscript.”

  Donna rolled her eyes. “Remind me to never make an enemy of you.”

  “You and Judy could never be my enemies, D.” Harley laughed lightly and turned back to the mirror. Suddenly, the room spun and a wave of nausea swept over her. She swayed on her feet. The panicked faces of Judy and Donna floated before her. Nico jumped from the bed, barking. Her heart wasn’t racing. Why was she blacking out?

  Somehow, Harley found herself in bed. Abisi was listening to her heart with a stethoscope. He then took her pulse, a deep frown on his face. “Your heartbeat isn’t irregular, but tomorrow, you’re going for a physical.”

  “It was nothing. I think I’m just worn out.” Harley laughed weakly. They were alone. He’d banished her friends to dinner. “You’re making too much of this. Besides, it has nothing to do with the fire.”

  “I’m inclined to agree. We need to get to the bottom of this.” He felt her neck. In the time since they’d been together, Harley had seen him work many times, and his hands never shook. They did now.

  “I’m not going to die, you know. You won’t get rid of me that easily.” She clutched his hand and brought it to her lips, letting them linger against his skin. The warmth of his body sent tingles down her spine.

  He smiled at her. “And I won’t let you get away, but you’ve been through a terrible ordeal.” His voice held a command. “You’re having a physical. I’ll take no arguments from you.”

  “I blacked out earlier because I was so bloody relieved to see you in one piece and not a cinder.” Harley good-humoredly put her tongue out at him.

  “Well, why did you get sick just now?” He stared her down, frowning at her with his arms folded and his feet set firmly apart.

  Harley shrugged. “I don’t know. I just felt sick to my stomach all of a sudden. Besides, it’s past now.” She giggled with evil relish. “Maybe it was thinking about what Donna and Judy were making in the kitchen. Neither of them knows how to prepare a thing that doesn’t involve killing a cow.” She lowered her voice but still grinned. “Oh, please don’t tell them I said that.”

  Abisi suppressed a smile and tried to look severe. “I’m taking you to your doctor tomorrow.”

  A very familiar voice interrupted their conversation. “My God, Harley! Are you all right?”

  Harley bolted upright. Her heart swelled with joy. “Vera, is that you?”

  Abisi turned to reveal Vera standing in the doorway. He cast a puzzled glance in Harley’s direction but quickly recovered and smiled at the newcomer.

  Vera strode to Harley and wrapped her in a tight embrace. She focused on Harley. “My neighbor works at the hospital. She told me about what happened. Are you sure you’re all right?” She ran a hand through Harley’s hair and studied her before clasping Harley again in her arms. She then surveyed Harley at arm’s length. “Oh, God, if anything had happened to you, I don’t know what I would have done. Harley, I’m—”

  “This is Abisi Sharif.” Harley’s gaze drifted from one to the other, willing them to be polite. She’d told her lover some of the resistance she’d encountered from her mother-in-law to their love affair. Her stare warned Vera not to misbehave. She wanted this encounter to progress smoothly. “Abisi, this is Vera Gaiennie, my mother-in-law.”

  “I’m pleased to finally meet you, madam. Harley’s told me a great deal about you.”

  Vera nodded and silently took the hand he offered. “It nice to meet you as well. I, er, just came to check on Harley.”

  “Please join us for dinner. I’m sure you smelled the delicious meal her friends were preparing. All healthy.” The smile never faded from his face.

  Harley studied this encounter with a mixture of concern and amusement. Vera had obviously come prepared to dislike Abisi, but his old world manners could charm any woman. Hell, that gentlemanly style sure worked on Harley. She swung her legs over the side of the bed. “Join us. Please.”

  “Well, I only came to check on you.” Vera ran a tongue over her lips. Her gaze drifted from Abisi to Harley. She stared hard at Abisi. “Is she really going to be all right? Did you get her in this mess?”

  “Vera!” Harley sensed the blood rushing to her face. Her pulse quickened, but she said no more. Something told her that Vera and Abisi had to deal with this themselves.

  Before Abisi could answer, Vera moved within inches of him. “Let me warn you of something. Harley is like my own daughter. She’s all I have left of my son. I lost him. I won’t lose her. She loves you. I can see it in her eyes. Can you take care of her?”

  Abisi’s tone was grave. “I certainly will die trying.”

  Vera nodded. “You seem like a decent man. Harley accused me of bigotry. She was right, but I won’t see anyone hurt her. You will deal with me if she’s ever put in danger again or emotionally scarred.” She paused. “In any way.”

  “I fully understand your feelings, Mrs. Gaiennie.” Abisi folded his arms and met her stare. “I want nothing more than to live the rest of my life with Harley.”

  Vera sniffed but seemed appeased. “Good. Make sure it’s a long one.”

  “You still didn’t say if you’d join us for dinner.” Harley cast a hopeful glance in Vera’s direction. A frightening day was improving rapidly.

  “Yes, I will join you. I want to talk to Dr. Sharif after.”

  Harley groaned inwardly, but she forced her expression to remain neutral. She didn’t want Vera’s visit to evolve into one dogmatic lecture. She’d invited Vera, and come what may, Vera was her guest. Harley would respect what she said.

  Vera seemingly read her mind. “Don’t worry. I’m finished with the lecture. You said your friend was a good gardener. I want to know his secret. I’ve had a horrible year.”

  Harley sighed with relief and laughed. When everyone gathered at the table, Harley marveled at the ways in which pasta, stuffed artichoke, and red wine could promote good will. After dinner, Vera talked about John. She initially was stiff and formal, but when Abisi listened to her with great sympathy and then spoke of Jordan with great warmth, Vera responded in kind and wept unabashedly. Harley was astonished. To her knowledge, Vera had never actually shed a tear when John died, not even at the funeral. Harley understood that Vera was crying for many people. Maybe shed tears were the beginning of healing.

  “Dad, what if you’d died in that fire?”

  Abisi’s chest tightened at the undisguised fear he heard in his daughter’s voice. He’d moved into the hall of the doctor’s office. Harley was with her physician. “What if I’d lost you?”

  Abisi tried to calm her. He didn’t want to cause her any distress. “I didn’t die, darling.”

  “Can you just try to burn people up in the States and nothing happens?” Jessica gave an exasperated sigh that reverberated across the Atlantic.

  “It’s not as if nothing has been done. The authorities are trying to find her, but she’s vanished.”

  Jessica snorted. “No one vanishes into thin air. That bitch is somewhere. They just aren’t looking hard enough.”

  Abisi laughed dryly. “I doubt she’ll show up any time soon. You don’t just come out waving a flag after you’ve tried something like that.”

  “Who knows? This woman’s crazy enough to torch a house. Dad, please be careful. She’s going to come after you again. You and Harley.” Jessica was silent for a long time and then said, “What would you have done had something happened to Harley?”

  Abisi slumped against the wall. He fought the bile in his throat. Sheer hatred boiled inside his bowels like a cauldron. “I’d kill that woman.”

  “You and Harley are in danger.” Jessica broke into a sob. “What would I do without you?”

  Abisi said gently, “You have Geoffrey.”

  “Yes, and I love him, but you’re my daddy.” Her voice broke. “My mum’s gone. Jordan’s gone. You’re my family. My only immediate family.”

  “You have family in the UK and in Egypt.”

  “But I won’t have you.” She sounded so desolate Abisi wanted to reach through the phone and hold her. The frequent separations from his children had grated on his soul. Suddenly, her tone grew light. “Why don’t you and Harley come to London for a while? I’m working, but we can spend s
ome time together in the evenings.” She added excitedly, “Besides, you can see the Fall Collection. Come to the show.”

  “I won’t live with Harley in your flat, Jess, and I won’t stay in the same flat where I know you’re living with Geoffrey.” Abisi was too Old World to sleep with Harley while Jessica was near.

  His daughter giggled for the first time. “God, Dad, you’re hopeless. Okay, you two can stay in a hotel or a bed and breakfast. During the day, you can be together to sight see or do whatever you want to do.” She gave way to wicked laughter.

  “Very funny.” Abisi sensed blood rushing to his face. “Look, Harley should be coming out soon. I’ll talk to her about it.”

  Chapter 15

  Harley stared at Dr. Champagne wildly. “You must be kidding.”

  The old man scratched his head. “Do I look like I’m kidding?”

  “Can’t be.” She shook her head. The breath left her body. She felt like someone had punched her in the gut.

  “Obviously, dear girl, you can be.” The doctor pressed his glasses along the bridge of his nose. “What’s so surprising? Wasn’t Paul McCartney in his sixties when he fathered a child? See, you two won’t be the only old, er, older parents at the soccer games.”

  “I’ll be forty this December.” Harley fought to keep her mouth from dropping open. Her hands were cold. “He’s going to be sixty-one in November.”

  Dr. Champagne smiled wryly at her. “I’m glad you’re both in such good shape.”

  Harley took a deep breath. A knot formed in her midsection and throbbed against her insides. “I’m not real sure how I feel about this. I didn’t plan on being pregnant at this stage of my life. How did this happen?”


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