The Doctor and the War Widow

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The Doctor and the War Widow Page 21

by Russell, Viola

  “Do you see what your bitch whore did to my cousin?” Her stare was harsh. “Harley’s going to die because you fucked the wrong woman. Jesus, I always knew you were trouble.”

  “Harley won’t die. She can’t!” Abisi turned in the direction of the room where another doctor and staff worked on Harley.

  The nurse, Marie, glared at Judy. “Ma’am, this isn’t helping. Please, wait in the outer room.”

  Carville strode over to Abisi. “Ms. Harley managed to tell me that this woman had help from an old acquaintance.” He gazed at his notes and continued. “A Mrs. Saltaformaggio let Ms. Cheramie know when your wife’s friends left the house. We sent a car to her house. She’s been taken into custody for conspiracy to murder. She’s the woman my grandmother saw fighting with Ms. Harley earlier in the week.”

  Abisi merely nodded, grief-stricken and numb. The whole scene was a nightmare. Harley was fighting for her life because of some jealous rival and his own poor judgment. He cursed himself and the whole crazy Saltaformaggio family. Why hadn’t he killed crazy Kimberly himself and had that vengeful Mary Ann arrested? Now, one of the crazy whores was dead because Harley had the courage he had lacked. He wished he’d murdered that pathetic Mary Ann instead of calling her sleazy husband. Abisi pushed back the bile rising in his throat.

  Donna and Mike bolted through the doors with Vera at their heels. Donna’s stare moved from Judy to Abisi. “Carville’s grandmother called me. Jesus, I must have just left when that bitch—”

  “She’s going to die.” Judy’s voice was flat.

  Donna put up a cautionary hand and shook her head. “This isn’t helping.”

  “You swore you’d die protecting her.” Vera gazed at him with undisguised hatred. Her mouth was a thin line, her voice a cold hiss. “If she dies, I hope you rot in hell. John would never let anything happen to Harley. He adored her. All you did was expose her to danger. She first has to deal with a dangerous pregnancy. Now, she’s had to defend herself against some psychotic maniac.”

  “Vera, stop. This won’t do any good.” Donna glared at her, ran a hand through her hair, then locked hands with her husband.

  Judy slipped an arm around Vera’s shoulders and led her to the waiting area. Neither turned back.

  Donna turned to Mike. “Follow them. Make sure they’re okay. I’ll be right behind you.”

  Mike nodded to Abisi and made his way to the waiting area. Donna placed a gentle hand on his arm. “I know you love her. She wouldn’t blame you for this.”

  Abisi buried his face in his hands and groaned. He swallowed hard but said nothing. The whole scene was surreal. Without answering, he burst through the emergency room doors and into his office. He paced and pulled at his hair, hoping to find a suitable vehicle for his rage. With a cry, he hurled himself on the file cabinets and punched them. Gritting his teeth with each punch, he groaned with frustration. His cries echoed through the room.

  When Dr. LeBlanc peered into the office, Abisi was clutching the file cabinets, weeping like a man who had lost his world. He looked at his colleague with tear-stained eyes. “My wife?”

  Dr. Nancy LeBlanc gazed at him with compassion. She was a woman some twenty-five years his junior of medium height who always wore sandals and jeans under her lab coat. She walked over to him and bent down. “Your wife will be fine. I stopped the bleeding.” She took a deep breath and stared at him. Her eyes glistened with tears. Abisi read genuine sympathy in them. “She won’t ever have another baby.”

  Abisi stared at her like a drunken man and nodded. Harley was alive. Nothing else mattered. If he had her in his arms, Abisi could accept not having the child. He shuddered when he thought of how devastated she would be. Judy and Vera were right, he thought bitterly. He was the cause of her problems. He was the reason she was suffering. He loved her, but he wondered how good he was for her.

  Dr. LeBlanc’s voice took him from his reverie. “Would you like to see your wife now?”

  He nodded like someone in a stupor and let the woman lead him to Harley. Two orderlies were transporting her to a room. Abisi clutched her hand and murmured in her ear, “I’m so sorry, my darling,” but she was too heavily drugged to respond.

  Chapter 21

  Harley appeared in court to tell a grand jury about the circumstances leading to Kimberly Cheramie’s death. Carville and his partner testified that Harley and Abisi had taken out a restraining order on the woman and that she was a suspect in the fire that destroyed Abisi’s house. Abisi testified about his wife’s miscarriage and his own terror for her safety. A grand jury ruled justifiable homicide in less than twenty minutes. The same grand jury indicted Mary Ann Saltaformaggio for conspiracy to commit murder. She looked worn and old without makeup and her stylish hairdo. The woman had obviously worn extensions. She stood with her lawyer, looking naked without the false beauty enhancing her appearance. During her arraignment, her husband was nowhere in sight. The two girls barely looked at Harley. Melissa looked even smaller and heavier than she usually did, and Mallory was covered in zits. Harley only felt numb. Maybe one day she would pity the girls, but she couldn’t do it. Not now.

  Harley clutched Abisi’s hand as they left the courtroom. Reporters snapped pictures of her. It hadn’t taken them long to learn that she was a famous author involved in a shooting. This whole sordid tale was good press. She leaned against him when he slipped an arm around her waist.

  Harley swallowed and buried her face in his jacket. She took deep breaths to keep her breathing steady. “Let’s go home. Just take me home.”

  When they arrived home, Abisi unlocked the door and let Harley brush past him. Nico bounded up to them, wagging his tail.

  Harley wrapped her arms around the dog’s neck and stifled a sob. Abisi was taking care of her. To anyone observing them, he was an attentive husband, but Harley found him distant. They had once shared their deepest thoughts. She’d thought him a soul mate, but now, he revealed little of what he was thinking. Harley’s isolation threatened to suffocate her. She didn’t know what was causing the distance between them. Did he think of her as a foul killer because she’d defended herself against that hellhound? No, she didn’t think so. Rather, she feared that he’d only married her because of the baby, and now, his interest had waned.

  “How’s Mama’s big, brave boy?” Harley held the dog tight and stifled her sobs in his fur. The dog’s unconditional love warmed her in her loneliness. She ran her hand over his fur and then wiped her eyes. Nico nestled against her as if sensing her pain.

  “Harley, are you all right, my darling?” Abisi’s words were so gentle that Harley’s heart pounded with hope. She turned a tear-stained face to him.

  He took her in his arms and caressed her face. “Let me put you to bed. I’ll fix you some tea and toast.”

  Harley pulled from him. “Why are you so distant with me? We haven’t really talked since this—” Harley closed her eyes and swallowed. An involuntary, violent shudder turned her skin to gooseflesh. “Since Kimberly broke in.”

  “Sweetheart, I’m taking care of you. I haven’t left you.” He clutched her shoulders and stared into her face. “When I thought I’d lost you, I didn’t know what I’d do. I couldn’t have gone on.”

  Harley gazed at him. She wanted to believe him. “Why have you been so quiet about what you’re thinking? This is the first time you’ve told me anything about what you think, and I had to practically pull it out of you. You take care of me.” She put quotations around the words. “You take care of me, but you barely speak to me. I sometimes see you look at me in a way I can’t read.”

  “I love you, Harley.” He clutched her to his chest. “It’s just that I’ve felt so guilty that you’ve suffered because of me. You went through a difficult pregnancy because of me, and then, you went through this terrible ordeal. You wouldn’t have suffered any of this without
me.” He buried his lips in her hair. “I just don’t know if I’m good for you, and I don’t know if I can deal with—”

  Harley pulled away from him and pushed him. Fury suddenly coursed through her veins like a river. “You don’t know if you’re good enough for me? You don’t know if you can live with that?” She laughed bitterly. “Why don’t you say what you’re really thinking? You married me because of the baby, and now, the baby doesn’t exist.” She turned from him, sobbing. Her heart was a broken levee.

  “No, Harley, that’s not the truth, but when you were in that emergency room, all I could think of was that you would die, and it was my fault.” He strode over to her, almost took her in his arms, and stopped. “Judy and Vera said this was my fault.”

  Harley rounded on him. Her heart pounded. She was so angry that her voice shook. When in hell were people going to stop living her life for her and making decisions for her? “They had no right—”

  “They were right. I love you, but I’ve brought you nothing but grief.” He turned from her. His shoulders heaved.

  Hot rage pulsed through Harley’s veins. “You’ve decided you’re no good for me. Why didn’t you discuss it with me, then? No, Abisi, you just don’t want me. You wanted the baby, not me.” She sensed the blood rushing to her face. Overwhelming loss weighed on her soul. She screamed at him, not even recognizing her own voice. “Get out, Abisi. Get the fuck out of this house and don’t come back.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you.” He held out his hands to her impotently. Tears stained his face.

  “Get out!” Harley watched him walk to the door without looking back. When the door slammed behind him, she collapsed onto the floor, clutching Nico.

  Harley heard her mother’s voice. You’re a fool. No one is perfect. You shouldn’t have made him go. Marriage is dealing with the lows as well as the highs, Princess.

  “Okay, Eden, I know what you’re saying and thinking, but you can’t always be a doormat. I won’t be his obligation.” Harley rose unsteadily to her feet, traversing the hall to the bathroom. After retrieving tissue, she faced the locked door of her parent’s bedroom. She reached into her pocket for the key.

  Harley stood in front of the sealed door and ran her fingers over the ancient key, the kind her grandma had used on every bedroom in her house. The faintest light emanated from under the door. Fury seized her. “Okay, Eden, tell me what you think. You never held your tongue before.”

  Slowly and gently, Harley inserted the key in the lock and pushed open the door, only to be greeted by reminders of Kimberly’s destruction. A picture frame lay facedown on the floor. Harley recognized the frame as one that contained two 4x6 pictures. One side held a picture of her parents, taken during a night on the town. The other was a picture of Harley with John. They, too, were celebrating at a restaurant on the Lakefront. The glass protecting both pictures was crushed. Harley clasped the picture to her breast. A wave of sadness washed over her. “Jesus, Eden, what are you trying to say?”

  The rapid beating of wings interrupted Harley’s reverie. She looked at the window and gasped. A white dove gazed at her from the window. The dove’s wings fluttered as it gazed at Harley. She heard the voice again.

  I love you. You have to make this right. It’s up to you to make your own destiny. I can’t do it for you.

  The voice faded. Harley roused herself as if from a trance and glanced quickly at the window. The white dove was gone. Hot tears coursed down Harley’s cheeks.

  Donna stared at Judy and Vera, shaking her head. “I can’t believe you two said that to the man.”

  “Said what?” Judy glared at her.

  Donna, Mike, Vera, and Judy were sitting in Donna’s living room. Harley had declined their invitation for dinner. Donna took a sip of wine. “You told him he was responsible for what happened.”

  Judy stared at her, unrepentant. “He is responsible.”

  “It had to be said.” Vera sat bolt upright in her chair, her hands folded primly in her lap. “The man has caused Harley nothing but grief. She needs to just admit the marriage was a mistake. She was lonely and succumbed to his rather unctuous charms.”

  Mike gave Vera a crooked smile. Donna shook her head. “Unbelievable. You are fucking unbelievable. He’s not responsible for what happened to Harley. That crazy bitch was, and so was that bitter, nasty Mary Ann. Now, Harley’s lonely again. She does nothing but mope around the house.”

  “Harley almost died because of his whore. You mean to tell—” Judy took a deep sip of wine.

  “Harley loves him, Judy. He loves her. Now, she’s kicked him out, and they’re both miserable. I hope you’re happy.” Donna moved into the kitchen and returned with a cheese tray. “You should both be pleased you screwed up Harley’s life.”

  “I only want to protect her.” Vera shot a horrified glance at Donna. “She’s obviously not thinking clearly since she met him. The man had her blinded by sex, and she couldn’t see the trouble he was.”

  Donna laughed dryly. “Funny, she seemed blissfully happy when she was blinded by sex. Maybe everyone should let Harley decide things for herself without throwing a hurdle in her way.” She shook her head. “I really can’t believe you two. Judy, you sit there so righteous because you do everything for a good cause. Vera, you just couldn’t stand to see Harley with anyone but John.”

  Vera stood abruptly. Her wine glass crashed to the floor, smashing into tiny shards. Her voice cracked, and she bit her lip. “I’m not taking this. Harley’s not speaking to me, and now, people who I thought were her friends and mine are attacking me.”

  Donna moved to Vera and placed a comforting arm around her. “Hey, it’s okay. I know these past years have been rough on you, but you were wrong to interfere.” She looked from Vera to Judy. “I really think this separation could kill Harley. Losing John almost did, and now, she’s lost another man she loved.” Donna took a deep breath. Her fingers tightened around Vera’s shoulders. Her next words felt like a betrayal of her oldest friend. “Harley thinks Eden’s communicating with her through birds. It’s as if she’s haunted by grief.”

  Judy and Vera both stared. “What do you mean?”

  Donna grimaced. She hated breaking her word, but they had to know how fragile Harley was. “Harley thinks Eden’s communicating with her. I hope she’s okay.”

  “Oh, sweet God!” Vera’s hand flew to her throat. “When John died, Harley thought she saw him at every juncture.”

  Judy stared, incredulous. “No, that can’t be true.”

  “You are blind, Judy. Harley was having a breakdown. Abisi gave her some hope.” Donna laughed bitterly and turned from her.

  “Well, now she won’t see me. What can I do?” Judy frowned and looked down. “Look, I promised Aunt Eden I’d take care of her. I really thought this guy was going to get her killed.”

  “Well, she doesn’t eat. She doesn’t sleep, and all she does is cry.” Donna indicated a chair, and Vera sat, hunched over, her hands pressed between her legs. Donna took the paper towels Mike offered her and began cleaning the spilled wine. Vera was suddenly at her side, helping gather the glass. Donna turned a steely gaze on Judy. “Harley may die soon. Your Aunt Eden will be proud of you.”

  “That’s not fair.” Judy stood over Donna.

  “I’m not into fair. Harley’s my best friend.” Donna glared at Judy and rose to her full height. “Besides, you need to meet someone and let Harley live her life.”

  “Mind your business.” Judy sighed. “She’s my baby cousin.”

  Mike came between them. “Why don’t you two try to make this right and stop the bitching?”

  “Dad, what did you expect? You made her think you only wanted her as a baby machine.” Abisi could hear the frustration in his daughter’s voice. “A woman wants to be desired for herself. She wants to feel that she is the m
ost desirable thing in the world. You made Harley think she was your second choice.”

  “Harley is the most desirable woman in the world, but I’ve brought her nothing but grief.” Abisi sighed heavily. “Judy and her mother-in-law were right.”

  “I can’t believe you.”

  Abisi moved the receiver from his ear as Jessica ranted on.

  “You didn’t discuss your feelings with Harley until she felt utterly rejected. Dad, you made her feel like a child. It’s her right to make decisions for herself. She doesn’t want you listening to busybody relatives. How condescending could you be?”

  Abisi hadn’t felt whole since he’d walked out of the house. He performed his duties at the hospital like a man in a daze, and images of Harley clouded his vision. He would be working on a patient, and a vision of Harley bathing Nico flashed before his eyes. He would be stuck in rush hour traffic, and the memory of Harley brushing her hair by the bathroom mirror invaded his consciousness. He would be buying coffee, and the scent of patchouli invaded his senses. “Jess, I don’t know what to do. I’m not sure I can carry on without her.”

  Jessica was silent a long time. She sounded emphatic when she spoke. “Don’t do anything just yet.” She paused dramatically for a long time. Abisi could imagine her thinking. “When are you coming to town for the wedding?”

  The abrupt change startled him. “I’m leaving on December 2nd. Is the wedding still on the 4th?”

  “Yes, come with your tux and smile a lot. We have a rehearsal on the third.” Jessica abruptly rang off.

  Abisi stared at the receiver. What on earth was the girl doing?

  Chapter 22


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