“Why?” Stu’s dad said.
“Boys aren’t the only ones who can go on the road,” she answered. “You were right. Wassabee points are fun.”
The dads didn’t say anything. They just stared at the ground. The moms had really fooled them.
Johnny said, “Too bad you can’t tell anybody in Howling about this. Remember, what goes on the road, stays on the road.”
“That’s right,” Johnny’s dad said. He started smiling again. All the dads looked much happier now that the moms’ Wassabee points would be kept
a secret from all their friends in Howling. “Thanks for reminding us, Johnny.”
“Time for the buffet?” Stu asked. “Please?”
Everybody laughed. The moms got up to go to the buffet table.
Everybody got in line at the buffet table.
Except for Johnny. He stayed behind. He made sure no one was looking, grabbed a bottle of ketchup and crawled under the table where the moms were going to eat.
If they wanted to be part of the Wassabee, he thought, it was time for them to learn about shoe checks.
Sigmund Brouwer is the best-selling author of many books for children and young adults. Sigmund loves visiting schools and talking to children about reading and writing. Timberwolf Tracks is his sixth book about the Timberwolves. The other books in the series are: Timberwolf Challenge, Timberwolf Chase, Timberwolf Hunt, Timberwolf Revenge and Timberwolf Trap.
For more titles in the Orca Young Readers series, please click here.
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