
Home > Romance > WhereDangerHides > Page 17
WhereDangerHides Page 17

by Desiree Holt

  “If the clues are there, I’ll find them.”

  Taylor rose from her chair. “I’m going to change. Do whatever you need to with your computer and get out of your suit.” She hugged John again. “Noah will come get you in a little bit and we’ll eat in my suite. Oh, John, I’m really counting on you.”

  “We’ll do it, Taylor. Don’t worry.”

  Noah walked back down the corridor with Taylor. John Martino was a lot younger than he’d expected. His mind had conjured up the image of a paunchy, middle-aged man, so the real thing was an unpleasant surprise to him. For reasons he didn’t want to acknowledge, watching Taylor hug the man made his gut twist, a feeling that irritated him.

  All the feelings she stirred up in him irritated him. Last night he’d exposed more of himself to her than he should have. Okay, so she’d had a tough day. What perverse emotion had prompted him to care for her like a lover at the same time testing her to see just how far he could take her? He couldn’t afford to feel anything. Not where Taylor Scott was concerned. And Josiah and the outside world had nothing to do with it. His black secrets made any relationship with her impossible.

  He’d wanted to pull back today, determined to place distance between them and try to regain some control over the situation but fate conspired to thwart him at every turn.

  “You and John are pretty cozy.” You asshole. Keep your moth shut.

  Taylor looked up at him, surprised. “Why, Noah, you sound almost jealous.” Her voice had a teasing tone to it but underneath was the edge of irritation due, he knew, to his attitude.

  “Just curious.” Yeah, right.

  “I told you, John was a client. I built a very nice portfolio for him and he’s been very pleased with the way I handled it.”

  “I’m surprised a good-looking man like him isn’t married.”

  Taylor huffed a breath. “He’s divorced but I don’t see what that has to do with anything. We hired his skills, not his personal life. John and I are friends, nothing more.”

  “You looked more like old lovers to me.” Noah snapped then wished he hadn’t said anything.

  She stopped in mid-stride, her brows drawn together, irritation in every line of her body. “What’s wrong with you, Noah? I don’t feel I have to explain any of my relationships to you.”

  “Nothing.” His voice was as flat as glass. “Nothing’s wrong.”

  Anger flared in her eyes. “I’d think after impressing on me the fact we had nothing but sex and saving Arroyo between us it wouldn’t make much difference to you. And what if John and I are lovers. What business is it of yours? We can stop this thing between us any time. Just say the word.”

  His hands gripped her shoulders with painful intensity. “If John Martino is your lover he’s done a piss-poor job of teaching you about sex. And you can bet your sweet adorable little ass we’re not stopping anything. We haven’t even started.”

  “Oh, damn you,” she shouted and raced down the hallway, anxious to put space between them.

  Noah Cantrell stared after the slim figure running headlong away from him. Disaster was written all over this. This was no ordinary situation and Taylor Scott was no ordinary person. He’d already made his share of mistakes with her and feared the worst was yet to come.

  He was in big trouble and he knew it.

  Watching her at work had given him an unreasoning sense of pleasure. It wasn’t just her body but the movement of it, the gestures she made that had become so familiar to him in such a short time. The tiny straightening of her spine that indicated displeasure. The upward thrust of her chin that was like a sword heralding battle. Her razor-sharp mind that could cut a person to ribbons and walk away while they were bleeding. She called to him with a song that evoked every one of his senses. Her very presence was a visceral punch that clutched at him without release.

  Seeing another man’s hands on her tonight even in an innocent gesture made his blood boil and fed an unreasoning surge of jealousy.

  He wanted to possess her. To own the body that gave him a raging hard-on just by proximity. To have that golden fire in those emerald eyes blaze for no one but him. To know that he was the only one who could put that look of wanton pleasure on her face.

  That was his problem and had been from the very beginning. But what was he to do? No amount of effort on his part kept him away from her, or killed that sensation deep in his gut that a jungle animal gets when he senses he’s found his mate. And that simply was not possible. Not now. Not ever.

  The situation was impossible. He had a debt to discharge to Josiah, which meant he couldn’t take the easy escape and run away from this. Yet being with her every day was close to torture. He’d tried to make it just about sex but in his hidden places he knew that was a lie. Despite what his brain told him, he’d never be able to stay away from her.

  Damn it.

  * * * * *

  Taylor slammed her door and leaned against it, her breathing as harsh as if she’d just climbed a mountain. The light outdoor scent of Noah’s cologne still clung to her nostrils and the heat of his body wrapped itself around her as if he was still beside her. Her breasts throbbed and she felt moisture glide from her sex onto her thighs.

  Ridiculous! Insane!

  She slid to the floor, bending her knees and touching her forehead to them. How could he affect her this way? Today she’d been outrageously aware of him watching her the entire time she worked. And wondering why his attitude had taken such a drastic turn overnight?

  She had to pull herself together. How in the midst of the turmoil she’d been thrust into could she become so obsessed with a man whose feelings for her seemed as chaotic as hers did for him? If despite today he showed up in her room tonight she’d welcome him. Open her body to him, let him do whatever he wanted with her. To her.

  Josiah, what have you done to me? Is he my reward or my punishment?

  Finally she pulled herself to her feet and headed for the bathroom. Before long dinner would arrive and with it the realization again of the danger she was in. She needed a clear head for tonight’s discussion. She only hoped Noah would feel the same way.

  * * * * *

  “I took a quick look at the insurance information you left me” John told them as they met for dinner. “Just a brief glance.”

  They’d finished the incredible food Lupe had prepared for them and Taylor refilled everyone’s wineglasses. John lounged at one end of the couch, Noah at the other.

  Like twin gladiators sizing up the arena, Taylor thought.

  “I knew you wouldn’t have much time to study anything until tonight but did anything catch your eye?”

  “One thing stands out. There aren’t any policies for the plant in Idaho. That makes no sense, unless it’s a small plant and the division head wanted to throw a little business to the locals.”

  Noah shook his head. “Kate would have made that decision. She handled all the insurance, she and Paul Hunter. She would have handled the annual review this year if she hadn’t been in that car accident.”

  “I want to go through the coverages for all the other divisions before I make any snap judgment. It’s possible we’ll find the same thing in other areas. Sometimes business like that goes a long way to buying local good will.” He took a swallow of his coffee. “I want to look at the summaries of the division reports tonight, then tomorrow start going through everything line by line.”

  “I can’t really tell you anything, either,” Taylor told him. “Just what I’ve learned from Noah. But something spooked Josiah and I think the rumblings about a takeover when he…died is part of it.”

  “I agree.” John leaned forward. “And taking over Arroyo would be the easiest way to keep the status quo. Taylor, what would have happened if you hadn’t popped up? Who’d be running the company?”

  “That would be up to the board of directors but if I hadn’t shown up Josiah’s stock would have gone to set up a foundation with the director having voting privileges. My guess is they wou
ld have probably picked Kate Belden. She’d be a logical choice because of her position.”

  “I’ve reopened the investigation into the background on both her and Paul Hunter, by the way, after someone took a shot at Taylor.”

  “Good idea,” John agreed. “Well, if it’s there to be found, I’ll find it. That’s what I get the big bucks for.” He smiled and winked at Taylor.

  Taylor saw Noah frown and hid her smile. “Thanks, John.”

  John finished his coffee and rose. “Pleasant as this is, it doesn’t get my work done. Noah, if you can access those files for me I’ll get started tonight.” As if sensing the undercurrent in the room, he leaned over and kissed Taylor lightly, an amused smile teasing the corners of his mouth.

  Taylor grinned. “How about if we meet here for breakfast at eight? I’d love to eat out on the patio but I don’t want to take a chance on eavesdroppers.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  Noah stood also, looking like a thundercloud. “I’ll walk you back to your rooms and pull up those files for you.” His voice was like a bullwhip. He turned to Taylor. “Then I’ll check back with you about what we’re doing.”

  What we’re doing,. Fucking our brains out.

  “Of course.” She could be as smooth as he could. “John, if you have any questions, no matter how late, just pick up the house phone in your room and dial five. That connects directly to me.”

  “I’ll try not to wake you.” With that amused smile still on his face, he planted another kiss on Taylor’s check. “Okay, Noah, Let’s get it done.”

  Taylor thought about taking a shower while she waited, then decided she needed to be fully dressed for Noah. The quintessential alpha male would take any advantage she gave him and some she didn’t. And his behavior tonight had irritated her. His possessive attitude was out of place when he was so careful to remind her all they had between them was sex.

  She was pouring herself a glass of wine when Noah walked in without knocking, a habit he’d gotten into very quickly. Just like locking the door behind him.

  “Don’t bother.” She made her voice as cool as possible. “You won’t be here that long.”

  He was beside her before she could lift the wine to her lips, eyes blazing into hers. Muscles bunching at his jawline.

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “Just exactly what I said.” She turned away from him and walked to the other side of the room. Space. She needed space. Lots of space.

  “Don’t you walk away from me,” he ordered, his voice tight with anger.

  From several steps away Taylor turned to look at him again. “Since when do you give me orders?”

  She could see the tension riding his shoulders. He shoved his hands in his pockets and leaned his hip against the arm of the big leather chair. “I beg your pardon, Miss Scott.” He was furious under the even tone of his voice. “I ask that you not walk away from me when we’re talking.”

  Taylor sipped at her wine, taking time to collect her thoughts. Even with this distance between them he put her off balance. Damn the man, anyway.

  “I’m not walking away. Just staying at a safe distance.”

  In three strides he’d closed the space between them and was gripping her arms. The wine sloshed over the rim of her glass onto her hand.

  “Just exactly what the hell is going on?” he asked between clenched teeth.

  Taylor had to fight to keep her mind focused. No matter how she tried to discipline herself, the minute she felt his power surrounding her, his male scent teasing at her nostrils, she turned into a blithering pile of hormones. No! He wasn’t going to do this to her this time. She had questions she wanted answered.

  She picked up a napkin and blotted her hand. “I want to know, as you say, what the hell is going on. Why you acted the way you did today. Last night. You spell it out for me that we have nothing but sex between us. Fine by me. Then last night you were almost like a lover and today John Martino pushes your jealousy button. So what is it, Noah? Tell me what’s going on.”

  She had no sense of him moving until he was there again, the wineglass out of her hand, his mouth so hard on hers she was sure her lips would be bruised. With his tongue sweeping the inside of her mouth and the tip flicking every nerve ending, her heart stumbled then picked up the beat and she could hear her blood roaring in her ears. Her legs were suddenly so weak she had to grasp his upper arms to steady herself. And still the kiss went on.

  By the time Noah lifted his mouth from hers she couldn’t remember what it was she was so mad about or even what they’d been talking about. She was dazed and disoriented, her body a throbbing mass of need. Her panties were soaked yet the simple act of the kiss released another flood of her liquid. This was more than a need. It had become a craving as essential to her as food and water, a complication she hadn’t expected to deal with.

  When she raised her unfocused eyes to Noah’s she could see the same thing reflected on his face, feel the blood thrumming through his veins. She watched him struggle visibly to control his breathing.

  Finally she found her voice. “Is that an answer or a question?”

  He thrust her away from him and walked to the other side of the room. He was silent for so long she might have thought he’d left, except she didn’t hear the door open or close. Then she heard him moving behind her, pouring ice water into a glass. When he spoke his voice was like the splintering of wood, a log cracking into pieces.

  “I wanted you to be like every other woman in my life. Disposable. Someone I could use and walk away from. But you’re not. You’re inside me. Your touch, Your scent. The feel of your skin. You’re a punch to the gut that I least expected.” Ice clinked in his glass. “Last night happened because I…deluded myself into thinking for one brief instant that maybe we could have something more. But that’s impossible.”

  Disposable? He wanted her to be a throwaway?

  The passion he’d roused in her was wiped away by a surge of anger. She wanted to slap his face. To punch him. To tell him to get away from her, get out of her life. How dare he say these things to her. His arrogance was unbelievable.

  “It did show me one thing,” he went on, unaware of her reaction. “I can’t stay here. Not this close to you and retain my sanity. I’ll stay until the crisis has passed and you’re out of danger. Then I think it’s best if I leave.”

  Leave? He was planning to leave?

  Taylor swallowed hard and turned away from him, unable to look at him while she spoke. “I won’t deny I’m as attracted to you as you are to me. You wouldn’t believe me, anyway. And why should you? Whatever this…thing is between us seems to have a mind of its own. We’re apparently unable to put the genie back in the bottle.” She shoved her hands in her pockets to conceal their trembling. “And I won’t accept your decision to leave. We’ll discuss it when everything else is settled.”

  “My decision, not yours,” he pointed out.

  “And what happens in the meantime? Since we can’t keep our hands off each other or maintain any distance, do we just take every opportunity to go at each other like rutting animals? Put on an act in public? Be reasonable.”

  “Sex is never reasonable.” He moved closer to her. “Especially the kind I want with you.” He was in front of her now, his eyes burning into hers. “We have a job we’ll continue to do. But yes. I will take every opportunity to ravish you in ways you can’t even begin to imagine. Are you willing to go there with me? To have what we can now, knowing that’s all it can ever be? Not expect anything more?”

  Was she? Knowing in the end he’d just walk away? Could she put herself in that kind of emotional jeopardy?

  She knew she should be frightened. At the very least intimidated. Instead a dark fist of thrill curled in her stomach and a throbbing spread from her womb to every part of her body. Noah Cantrell was more addictive than drugs and she was simply unable to kick the habit. She wanted more. As much as he could give her. Whatever it turned ou
t to be.

  She thought of all the reasons this was so impossible. All the arguments why she should tell him they were finished now. But he had become as necessary to her as breathing, a fact she fought to conceal from him. Giving him complete control was out of the question, yet he took it without asking. She knew she would strip naked at the snap of his fingers for the touch of his hands on her, the feel of his mouth, the rough caress of his tongue.

  At last she nodded, unable to say anything, sure she was stepping off a cliff with no safety net. Wetting her lips, she met his gaze. “Fine. Okay. That’s good with me.”

  “Just don’t try to romanticize it, little girl.” His voice was harsh. “When this is finished, so are we.”

  Maybe. We’ll see about that when the time comes. But even if that turned out to be so, she couldn’t turn back now.

  “As long as we’re focused the rest of the time on the reason why I’m here at all—to find out who killed Josiah and keep Arroyo intact.”

  He studied her face for the space of two heartbeats. “All right, then. But not tonight.” He turned back to the small table and refilled his water glass, drinking half of it in two smooth swallows.

  And without another word he was gone.

  Taylor dropped into an armchair, eyes closed, and wondered how things would be now if that night at the hotel had never happened. Would she still have come to San Antonio now? He was a big part of the reason she was here. Oh, she had no illusions that this was some happily ever after. He’d made that plain enough. But just as he couldn’t stay away from her, neither could she turn away from him.

  Josiah, is this a joke you’re playing on me from the grave?

  She wondered what had happened to her well-ordered life. Here she was in a strange place with her own team of bodyguards, protecting her from unnamed dangers. Playing the role of high-powered CEO with flair she didn’t know she had while acutely conscious that every person in every meeting was a potential threat. And giving her body without reservation to a man who took her deeper and deeper into a sexual abyss with only the promise that when this was over he’d be gone.


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