Secret Husband

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Secret Husband Page 4

by Normandie Alleman

  By the time she finished her drink two big guys came out of the back. The bald one addressed her. “Goddess Venus sent you?” he asked.

  Finally, somebody who might help her.

  “Yes. How did you know? Can you tell me where I’m supposed to get the serum?”

  He looked confused at the mention of the serum, but motioned for her to follow him anyway. She walked behind him, the other guy trailing, sandwiching her between them.

  The bald guy opened the door to a room and ushered her inside saying, “Someone will be right with you.”

  He stepped back into the hallway.

  “Is it Persephone? Will she have the serum that I need to bring back to Venus?”

  He nodded at her patronizingly. “That’s right, sweet cheeks. Someone will be back to take care of you.”

  With that he closed the door behind him, leaving her alone in the room. She heard the lock turn in the door, and her heart stopped.

  She looked around the room. It contained only basics—a bed with sheets that looked like they’d been washed a few too many times. She wrinkled her nose, hoping they were clean. Other than that, the room was dimly lit, and the lone bulb had something of a red hue to it.

  If she didn’t know better she would’ve thought this place was where people came to have illegal sex.

  Wait, this place did seem kind of like a sex club.

  Could it be that this was what Persephone did besides selling beauty serum? Maybe she didn’t sell the serum, maybe it was like a drug and this was some sort of undercover deal that Venus had sent her on.

  That made more sense. The goddess did say it would be dangerous, and Psyche didn’t put it past Venus to use an illegal product to enhance her beauty. Something about Venus made her think the goddess’ moral compass might be slightly off.

  Psyche swallowed hard. Whatever it was she had to do, she would do it if it would get her in Venus’ good graces so she would help her work things out with Cupid.

  But she waited and waited for what seemed like hours until she considered laying back and falling asleep on the bed. When she finally heard the lock in the door opening she realized she must’ve done just that because she was lying on the bed. Groggily, she opened her eyes and sat up. In walked a woman with crazy red hair that stuck up in all different directions. “You the girl looking for Persephone?”

  “Yes.” Psyche stood up and approached the woman. “Venus sent me. I’m supposed to get a beauty serum and bring it back to her. Can you help me with that?”

  The woman looked at her like that was the funniest thing she’d heard all week. She chuckled. “Beauty serum? For the most beautiful creature in the universe?”

  “Yes. Or do you know someone who might be able to help me?”

  She laughed again. “That’s a good one. Didn’t it ever occur to you that the goddess of beauty doesn’t need a beauty serum?”

  Psyche’s blood ran cold. “What are you talking about?”

  “All I’m sayin’ honey, is that if you fell for that, you’re dumber than you look.”

  Psyche’s mouth dropped open.

  She’d been had. She should have realized her mother-in-law might not be on the up and up. But when she thought about it, the only thing she knew about Venus was that she was the epitome of beauty. If she was this devious, it was no wonder Cupid had yet to introduce Psyche to her.

  “I can see why she banished you.” The redheaded woman shook her head. “There’s nobody in the universe more envious than Venus. I’m afraid your beauty has gotten you exiled to the underworld.”

  “Exiled?” Psyche gasped. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean that you belong to me now, and there are plenty of creatures who’ll pay a lot of money for time with you.”

  Chapter Eight

  FOR THE NEXT COUPLE of days Psyche was held prisoner in that room.

  She was given meals and a portable toilet, but was never allowed to leave the room. The only people she saw after the redheaded woman left were the two big men. She considered fighting against them, but they were so much bigger and stronger than her that she figured out she’d probably need to use her mind rather than her body to escape the prison her mother-in-law had tricked her into.

  On the third day of her captivity, the redheaded woman came back and threw a slinky gold dress on the floor next to the bed.

  “Put this on,” she said. “Your first customer will be here to pick you up this evening.”

  Psyche’s bottom lip trembled. “What do you mean? I’m leaving here?”

  “Just for the night. It will have you back by tomorrow. And you’ll probably still be in one piece.”

  “But, but surely I’m valuable to you. You can’t just let me leave with some strange . . .”

  “Beast?” the woman finished her sentence for her.

  Psyche’s skin pricked with goose pimples. “He’s not human?”

  “You’ll learn not to ask. Not to care. Your job is to please whatever he, she, or it that comes for you. The best thing you can do is cooperate. Make them happy and things will go better for you. This is your life now. The sooner you accept it, the better.”

  Rage rose up inside Psyche’s chest. “How can you do this to people? This is slavery.”

  The redheaded woman nodded. “And it’s been around as long as humans have been in existence. And it will be around longer than you and me. It is what it is, girlie. You’d best start wising up. Now put that dress on and be ready when it comes to get you.”

  When Psyche didn’t respond the woman said sharply, “I don’t want any trouble with you. If I do, I’ll be forced to turn you over to that big bald fella, and then you’re going to be sorry.”

  The woman left, and when Psyche was alone in the room again, she considered her options. Living here, under these conditions seemed hopeless. Could she really bear such an existence?

  She had to keep the faith that somehow she could convince someone to set her free.

  Not long after there was a knock at the door. The red-haired woman returned, this time she had a truly frightening creature with her.

  Its face resembled that of a turtle, and it had tiny teeth that looked as sharp as knives. Lizard-like scales covered its body which was the size of three men, and it had a thick slithering tail that whipped out from behind it at random intervals.

  “Hello,” Psyche managed as she wondered if it was possible to die of fright. Psyche had heard about the monsters of the underworld, but nothing could have prepared her for this.

  “Greetings,” The creature responded in a gruff voice that had a distinctly human quality to it.

  “Now, Psyche, you will go with Mr. Cubane and do as he asks. Be a good girl for him and things will go fine for you.” The woman then turned to the creature. “She’s a new girl. We’re just breaking her in.”

  “Ah, delicious!” Its eyes lit up, and to Psyche’s horror, it licked its lips.

  A cold shot of fear froze her on the spot, and when she did not immediately come into the hallway with him, the redheaded woman slapped her hard across the face.

  Psyche’s hand went immediately to her stinging cheek, but she took a step forward.

  “Move, girl,” Red barked.

  Just then Mr. Cubane took her by the arm with a firm but slimy grip and pulled her alongside him.

  All she could do was focus on breathing and staying upright. She was afraid if she fell down, that would be the end of her right there.

  When they got outside it was night. Everything seemed to be night here. Did daylight even exist in the underworld? Ever since she’d been here everything had been a black haze, and she’d lost the concept of time.

  Once they were out of earshot of the woman and her henchmen, Psyche said, “I don’t know how to tell you this, Mr. Cubane. I realize that you’ve probably paid for my companionship, but I don’t think you know who I am. This is all a big misunderstanding, a huge mistake. I’m sure if you sent word to my husband he would pay to have me

  She was not at all sure this was the case, but she prayed it was. She hoped with all her might that if she got word to Cupid, he would pay for her release, if only for her safety. Their marriage might be over. She may have lost his trust, but perhaps he would help her get out of this hellhole she found herself in.

  Gruffly, he picked her up and set her in the passenger section of a space pod. Again, this was a different type of transportation that was only used in the underworld. He skulked around to the other side and got in, closing the glass around them.

  Psyche placed the palms of her hand against the glass. What she wouldn’t give to be free again. To be back with her horses and her sketch books. More importantly, with her husband.

  She wished so hard that she could go back in time and stop herself from looking at him, betraying his trust, and ruining everything.

  She stopped herself. It wasn’t the time to feel sorry for herself. She had to try to escape from this creature before he did unspeakable things to her. She didn’t even want to imagine what he had in store for her. Buying a human for the night—that couldn’t lead to anything good.

  The pod rose into the air. As it lurched forward, she tried again. “Please, if only you knew who I was you’d understand. You’d let me go.”

  This time the massive creature turned its head towards her, its glassy black eyes piercing hers. “Oh, don’t worry, my dear. I know exactly who you are.”

  Chapter Nine

  THERE WAS SOMETHING about the creature that seemed familiar, but she couldn’t place it.

  “Close your eyes and rest until we get to our destination,” the creature commanded, and even though she couldn’t imagine being able to sleep in such a terrifying situation, she was exhausted. She didn’t want to disobey him so she closed her eyes to appear as if she were going along with his request.

  She listened for any clues as to where they were going, any information that might help her get away later. After what seemed like ages, they arrived in a place that reminded her of an old French Château. Getting out of the pod he led her inside and through the corridors. She hoped to see a servant or someone else around so she could alert she was being held against her will. Perhaps someone like that would help her. But alas, there was no one there but the two of them.

  He opened the door to what looked to be a bedroom and gestured for her to enter. After she did he announced, “This is the room where I will take you. Undress and prepare yourself. I shall return shortly.”

  The dim candlelight reflected in his sharp teeth, and a shiver of fear zipped down her spine.

  What should she do to prepare?

  And what was he going to do to her anyway? She assumed he planned to rape her, but what sort of equipment did a monster like that have, anyway?

  Her mind flashed to the thick tail he dragged along behind him, and she shuddered.

  She hoped she survived it.

  She didn’t have any birth control, so it wasn’t like she could do anything about that. Bile made its way into her throat, but she choked it back. Interspecies breeding—that couldn’t be possible. At least, she wanted to believe that.

  In an attached bathroom, she splashed water on her face and then opened each drawer, looking for something she might use as a weapon. But every drawer she opened was empty. So were the cabinets. The only towels were the ones hanging on the towel racks. Everything else was bare. She noticed there was one more cabinet over the commode in the water closet.

  She stood on her tiptoes checking it, when a growl behind her made her jump.

  “What are you doing?” it asked, sounding angry.

  Psyche spun around to find Cubane towering over her, glaring at her with those reptilian eyes.

  “Just looking for a toothbrush,” she stated and pulled herself up to her full height, determined to hold her own.

  “Take off your clothes and go lie down on the bed,” it snarled.

  She gulped, then disrobed quickly and covering her private parts with her hands as best she could, she climbed onto the bed.

  “Lie on my back or my front?” she asked, uncertain which would be worse.

  “Your back.”

  Psyche did as she was told, squeezing her eyes shut as she lied there. She didn’t want to watch what was going to happen to her.

  “Open your legs for me.”

  She winced.

  “Do it,” the creature growled insistently.

  Slowly, she spread her legs apart. Fear gripped her now. She was terribly vulnerable in this position.

  “Raise your arms above your head and keep them there.”

  As she lifted her arms, a switch in the back of her mind flipped.


  She opened her eyes just in time to see the enormous scaly creature climb on top of her naked body.

  But just before it touched her, its scales transformed into skin covering well-defined muscles. Its spiky teeth disappeared leaving behind straight white teeth behind full red lips. Dead black eyes were replaced with sparkling blue ones.

  The reptilian monster wasn’t a monster after all. It was her husband Cupid.

  “What the hell?” Psyche asked. She wanted to be mad, but she was so overjoyed she couldn’t contain herself.

  Forgetting about the command to keep her hands above her head, she threw her arms around his neck and pulled him to her.

  “Cupid! Oh my God, I can’t believe it’s you.”

  “Who said you can lower your arms?” he teased, his head burrowing against her neck.

  “You son of a bitch!” she said, remembering to be mad.

  “Isn’t that the fucking truth?” he groaned, taking her breast in his mouth and swirling his tongue around her erect nipple.

  “Ahh,” she moaned back. “You came to save me?”

  “Mmhmm,” he managed as he suckled her.

  “But how did you turn yourself into that . . . that monster?” she asked, running her fingers though his hair. Her legs wrapped around his back, dragging his hips down to hers. His erection poked hard against her.

  “I’m a god, remember?”

  “Oh yes, that’s right.”

  His mouth crashed down upon hers. And his tongue invaded her lips darting in and out, exploring. Taking. She took up the dance, tasting him, wanting to devour him.

  She could feel herself growing wetter and wetter, as his cock nudged at her opening. He hovered there, teasing her, entering her so slowly it was maddening. Teasing her, he made her want it so bad she had no choice but to beg.

  Lolling her head to the side, she broke the kiss long enough to utter the word, “Please.”

  “Please what?” he teased.

  “Please give me what I want. What you’ve made me need so desperately.”

  “And what’s that, my dear?” he asked as he plunged into her depths.

  “You,” she said simply before arching her back and giving herself to him fully.

  Chapter Ten

  “SHOULDN’T WE HAVE TALKED about everything before we did that?” Psyche asked. She and Q were curled up like spoons, his hand resting protectively on her belly.

  “Yes, I suppose we should. But you were so delectable—lying there naked. I couldn’t help myself. I had to devour you. I hope you can forgive me.”

  She laughed. “In that crazy monster disguise of yours—you almost scared the life out of me.

  He laughed. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. But I couldn’t tell you while you were still in that awful place. I needed to wait until we were out of the underworld, when I could get you alone and away from it all. It was important to make sure you were safe, before I said anything. I didn’t want to take any chances of our cover getting blown.”

  “Okay. I understand. How did you find me anyway?”

  “One of the insiders at my mother’s palace is on my payroll.”

  “Really? How did you swing that?”

  “I got this girl to fall in love with him, so he
owes me big time. He told me you went to see Venus and where she had sent you. I really can’t believe she would stoop so low as to sell my wife into sexual slavery. I can’t believe my own mother would do that.”

  “Yes, it was awful. And to think that I could have been stuck there for the rest of my life!” Psyche moaned.

  Cupid clenched his teeth. “I know. I have an idea how to deal with her, but we’ll talk more about that later. The important thing is that you’re safe, and we’re back together.”

  “But wait. I thought you were mad at me. I didn’t think you were ever coming back. What made you decide to come find me?”

  “After I heard what my mother had done to you, I realized how much I must mean to you for you to go searching down my mother, and you agreeing to do something for her like that. She’s quite a piece of work.”

  “True. Even before I realized how dangerous she was, her beauty was intimidating. I hope you understand I was just curious. That’s why I had to look at you. I let my imagination run wild, and finally my curiosity got the better of me. It’s not that I don’t trust you. I love you, and I was just foolish. It was difficult for me to understand your rules didn’t have to make sense to me.”

  “And I owe you an apology. I realized that for me to be respectful of you, I need to understand your curiosity, and I should have explained things to you. Like how we even came to be married. I feel a little guilty because there are a lot of things I haven’t told you about myself. And about our very own love story.”

  Psyche propped herself up on her elbow to stare into the bright blue eyes of her beloved husband. This was only the second time she’d been allowed to gaze upon him, and she truly couldn’t get enough. “Tell me. Tell me what I don’t already know.”

  “Well it all started with my mother”

  “What? Your mother?”

  “Yes. My mother is a very jealous goddess. Not only the most beautiful, but also the most envious of the goddesses. And when you came on the scene and everyone was talking about your beauty, how gorgeous you were, how amazing you were, my mother couldn’t stand it. So she came up with a plan to punish you for being so beautiful.”


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