Shadows 02 Celtic Shadows

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Shadows 02 Celtic Shadows Page 27

by K C West

  I stood at the river’s edge watching the wild water gurgling, burbling, and leaping over and around the boulders in its path. Despite the obstacles, the river kept moving.

  That’s what I had to do: keep moving. But how could I do that when I felt so devastated, so betrayed?

  I was older than PJ and had sometimes wondered whether she was uncomfortable with the difference in our ages. But damn it all, Terry was only five years younger than I was. Age couldn’t have been that much of a problem. Five years is five years, though. And Terry was here, providing an easy way for PJ to end our relationship.

  Damn it, why couldn’t she have just talked to me about it? There had been no warning of her discontent, no previous distancing between us.

  Terry was worldly, smooth, and good-looking. She had a line that would snag even the most reluctant of women, or men, for that matter. She used them, too, whenever it was to her advantage.

  She had even tried it on me again. But she found that I was on to her little games. Maybe I shouldn’t be so surprised that she got her hooks into PJ. Terry would play with her awhile until she’d had enough, and then she’d discard her, as she had me. By the time PJ realized what was happening, Terry would have destroyed her, too.


  Finally, I returned to the inn. I didn’t want to face Arwel or any of the staff, so I let myself in through a back door. My pants were waterlogged and my hair plastered against my skull. Shivering, I summoned up the courage to knock on Frederick’s door. I didn’t know what else to do, where else to go.

  Luckily, he was in and alone. He took one look at me, and his mouth fell open. “What the hell happened to you?”

  My teeth were chattering and my voice was husky, but I managed to blurt out, “PJ and I - it’s over.”

  “Come in, woman. You’ll catch your death.” He refused to listen to anything I had to say until I went into his bathroom, removed my wet clothes, toweled myself off, and wrapped myself in a thick warm blanket that he had pulled off the bed.

  “Here, drink this,” he said, when I came out, handing me a tumbler of scotch. It burned going down, making my eyes water on top of the tears.

  Frederick listened patiently to my halting story, including the part of my having lived with Terry at one time.

  He looked uncomfortable. “I hate to say this, but you’re right about one thing. They were together this morning. I know that because Terry left a note for me at the desk, saying that she had just left Priscilla. That was around eleven-thirty. I didn’t understand then, and I still don’t, why she felt the need to tell me that she had been to the room, unless-“

  “Unless she wanted to be sure I knew about their liaison.”

  “Damn it! I thought that daughter of mine had finally settled down. Sometimes, she doesn’t use good sense.”

  “Frederick, your daughter is considerably younger than I am. Perhaps she feels I’ll hold her back as I get older.”


  “Something pushed her into Terry’s arms.”

  “Look here, I want you to move into the adjoining room. You can use it for as long as you’re here. It’s right through that door. But first, I’m going to insist you have something to eat. Then, I’ll fetch some of your clothes.”

  “I’m not hungry, Frederick.”

  “I’m sure you’re not, but I insist. A bowl of Cook’s hot soup and some fresh baked bread isn’t a cure-all, but it will do wonders for the chill.”

  I wasn’t just chilled to the bone; I was chilled to the depths of my soul. I doubted that soup could fix that.

  Frederick opened a cupboard and pulled out a soft bath towel. “While I’m having the kitchen rustle up something for you to eat, I want you to soak in a warm tub.” He handed me the towel and his tartan wool robe.

  “Thank you,” I murmured, tears stinging my eyes.

  He gave me a hug. “Things will look brighter after a hot meal, Kim, and after you’ve rested.”

  “If you say so.” I turned on the bath water, and he left on his errands.

  Frederick’s soft, well-used robe smelled faintly of his distinctive aftershave. When I put it on after my shower, I found it strangely comforting.

  Chapter 26

  When a knock sounded on the door, I hoped it was Kim returning to apologize for her part in our fight and separation. Even though I was still very angry and confused about what had happened, I was prepared to forgive her.

  It was Dad, however, who filled the doorway.

  “I just came to collect Pup and pick up some of Kim’s clothing,” he said, as he entered the room. If he noticed my puffy eyes and tear-stained cheeks, he refrained from commenting.

  How the hell did he get mixed up in all of this? I was too exhausted to ask.

  Without a word, I yanked the wardrobe door open, found Kim’s suitcase, and slammed it onto the bed. Dad stooped to give Pup lots of tickles and scratches, and I felt a pang of guilt. I’d neglected our pet during the aftermath of the fight. The poor baby had kept a low profile, avoiding my unpredictable outbursts of anger and anguish, preferring to curl up in the corner with his muzzle on his paws.

  I’d like to keep Pup with me, but he was Kim’s friend first, and she had every right to claim him. My God, had it come to that? Were we about to divide our jointly owned possessions, the things we had accumulated so lovingly together? Not that Pup was a possession. No animal was. But was he the first step in the rending of our relationship?

  My stomach tightened, and I was momentarily breathless from the lump forming in my throat. I shook my head and choked back angry tears.

  All because Terry mattered more to her than I had ever thought possible. Damn that woman to hell and back.

  I spread Kim’s suitcase open, picked up her neatly folded articles of clothing, and pitched them into one side or the other. I kept my back to my father. If I faced him, I’d lose my composure, but his uncharacteristic silence was an irritation.

  “I suppose you’re going to tell me I’m being pig-headed and that Kim is the best thing that ever happened to me.”

  “That’s what I’d like to say, but I think you already know that, so I’ll settle for telling you that she’s staying in one of the empty rooms in my suite.”

  Oh, so that was how he got involved. She needed a place to stay when she left me. A few stray tears escaped, and I swiped at them. “Good. I’d hate to think of her roaming the streets in weather like this.”

  Dad cleared his throat. “I’m afraid she already did. When she arrived at my door, she looked like somebody’s drowned puppy dog.”

  I made an involuntary sound that he might have construed as concern. Of course, it wasn’t. She had betrayed me, damn it - going back to her old flame. I was the injured party here; at least, I thought I was.

  Truthfully, I wasn’t sure what had happened to us. I know we fought and parted, and now I felt like shit.

  “I know you’re concerned about her, Princess.”

  “I am not. She’s a big girl. She can take care of herself.” I folded my arms across my chest and stared at the window where rain ran in rivulets down the green-tinted glass.

  He sighed, and I imagined him folding his own arms. “Princess, I know you’re upset, and I have no right to interfere.”

  “Right. So don’t.” I finished packing Kim’s suitcase, smashed its sides together, and fastened the latches. “This isn’t Carlos or any of the fiascoes of my youth, Dad. You can’t solve this problem for me.”

  “I realize that, but I’m willing to listen to your side of the story if you want to tell me.” The floor squeaked as he took a step toward me.

  When I didn’t say anything, he moved closer, pulling me around and into his arms. “Come on, I know you’re hurting.”

  I hugged him back and rested my head against his chest.

  Damn it, he didn’t play fair. How could I wallow in my misery if he wouldn’t keep his distance?

  For several seconds we stood together. I sniffled and
struggled with my emotions. He plucked a few tissues from a box on the dresser, so I could blow my nose.

  “Dad, it was so awful.” I told him what happened, ending with the most critical piece of information. “Kim and Terry had a history before I came along.”

  He rubbed my back and kissed the top of my head. “I know. Kim told me all about it. I wish I’d never contacted that Simms woman. I should have known her availability was just too convenient, but she was so well-recommended.”

  I looked up at him. “Don’t blame yourself. It was bound to happen sooner or later. Terry knows Kim better than I do. She knows all the things that Kim likes, how to satisfy her every - ”

  “Whoa.” He pulled back, one hand gripping my good shoulder. “That’s a bit more information than I want right now.”

  I gave him a tired grin. “Sorry.”

  With a light touch on my cheek, he brushed a few new tears away. “Just let me say that Kim loves you, Princess. Only you. And this is tearing her apart inside. Just as it’s doing to you.”

  “Then why doesn’t she come and talk to me?”

  “She’s stubborn.” He lifted my chin. “Almost as stubborn as you are.”

  “Do you believe her?”

  “I do. More important, though, do you believe her?”

  My father was a good judge of character. If he thought Kim was telling the truth, then…

  “I want to, more than anything. I love her so much.” Tears leaked out again, trailing down to my chin.

  He dabbed my cheeks with a tissue and kissed my forehead. “Give her a little time. This is all a misunderstanding. She’ll be ready to talk when she’s calmed down.”

  “Okay, I’ll try.”

  I found Pup’s leash, clipped it onto his collar, and crouched down to bury my face in his furry neck. “I’ll see you soon, I hope. Maybe we could share custody of you.”

  “He and I don’t want to get in the middle of this.” Dad picked up the suitcase and took the leash from me. “Come on, Pup. Let’s go cheer up your other mother.”

  Pup gave me a tiny swish of his bushy tail.

  “Thanks, buddy,” I said. “I appreciate your support.”


  Arwel brought me a tray of meat, cheese, and granary bread.

  “If there’s anything else you need, Dr. Curtis, just ask.”

  “Thanks.” I couldn’t quite meet her gaze. There was an awkward pause. “Nothing right now, thank you.”

  I played with the food, rearranging it on the platter, but my appetite was nonexistent. With a sigh, I gave up all pretense of eating, put the tray on the dresser, and prepared for bed.

  Since my wound had been aching ever since my antics with Kim’s suitcase, I swallowed enough pain medication to help me sleep through the night.

  No Kim and no Pup. I was on my own. Who was going to help me get ready for bed?

  Luckily, one of Kim’s old button-down shirts was hanging in the bathroom. I slid my good arm through the right sleeve and gathered the other around my sore shoulder, leaving several of the uppermost buttons unfastened to accommodate my bent left arm. Kim’s distinctive spicy scent lingered on the fabric, filling my heart with longing. I turned down the bedcovers and switched off all the lights, except the one next to Kim’s side of the bed.

  Not quite ready to sleep, I sat on the bed and stroked Kim’s pillow, clutching it awkwardly to my chest to inhale more of her scent. Was this the first of many nights that I would have to sleep in a big, empty bed?

  When a light tap sounded on the door, I figured it was Arwel returning for the tray and I went to answer it.

  “Terry?” My chest tightened. Thrumming sounds filled my ears. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “Hi, PJ,” she said, keeping her voice low. “I’m sorry to barge in on you like this, but I felt so bad about what happened. I just wanted to see if you were going to be okay.” She was dressed in slim-fitting slacks and a silk blouse, accessorized with a pendant and a flashy ring with a blue stone. The exotic fragrance that clung to her body was probably meant to allure and attract, but it turned my stomach and left me feeling anxious.

  As she stepped through the doorway, I blocked her path. “Look, Terry, I don’t mean to be rude, but I don’t want to see you right now. In fact, I was just about to go to bed.”

  “I see. I won’t stay long, then.” She glanced at the bed. “Unless you want me to join you.”


  “Oh, I’m kidding, of course.” She favored me with the same sensual smile I had witnessed in the hospital, took off her jacket, and tossed it onto the chair. The tiny hairs on the back of my neck tingled. “You know, PJ, I give a pretty mean backrub. Perhaps it would help you sleep better tonight.”

  I shook my head, temporarily speechless.

  Her laughter startled me. “You needn’t be afraid of me.” She reached for my right hand. “I never bite on a first date.”

  My stomach tightened, and I yanked my hand free. “I’m not in the mood for this.”

  “What are you in the mood for?”

  Her gaze traveled down my body, lingering on the area that displayed an immodest amount of my chest.

  Damn it. Why hadn’t I grabbed my robe before I went to the door?

  She looked at my face again. “Poor thing, you’ve been crying, haven’t you?” She flashed a sympathetic smile, and her hand slid along my arm before I could snatch it away.

  “What? Oh, urn - ”

  “Let me guess.” She took a step toward me, and I retreated. “I’m good at this.” She licked her bottom lip. “You and Kim fought, she stormed out, and now you’re devastated.” She touched my cheek; her fingertips were warm against my skin. “Am I right?”

  “No.” I took another step backwards, but my legs bumped up against the side of the bed. “Listen, Terry, you’d really better go now.”

  “Come on, PJ. We’re having a friendly conversation, that’s all, getting to know each other better.” She sat at the bottom of the bed, while I remained standing. I realized that the painkillers were starting to dull my reflexes and affect my thinking.

  “I’m here to make amends, if I can,” she said. “PJ, please, sit down, or lie down. You look like you’re about to collapse.”

  “No, I’m fine.” I did sit on the edge of the bed, though, just to ease my tired legs. “It’s the pain medicine. I took some before you arrived, and it’s making me drowsy.”

  She smiled and scooted close enough to rub my back and shoulder. “You really need to lie down, sugar. Does your wound still ache?” Before I could react, her fingers tugged at Kim’s shirt, pulling it off my shoulder and exposing my breast.

  “Hey!” I pushed her hand away and covered myself.

  “Sorry, sugar. I’m only trying to help. Don’t be embarrassed. You have a beautiful body, at least what I can see of it.” Her hand moved slowly along my arm. “I bet I can make that shoulder feel better. I can make all of you feel fantastic. How about I show you something Kim used to love?”

  “No.” Her coming on to me was creeping me out. I stood, and used a more authoritative voice. “You’ve done quite enough damage already. Now, leave me alone.”

  “You’re such a sweet thing, but you’re not playing the game right at all. I came here to say I was sorry. I thought maybe we could get to know each other a bit better, you know, and it would make you feel better.”

  “Not tonight. Not any night, for that matter.”

  She pushed herself off the bed and approached me. “Kim isn’t here, you’re going to sleep alone in that big bed, and I’m finding you extremely attractive, even injured and dressed in that hideous shirt.”

  I stepped toward the door, and she followed me.

  “You want to stop the fun before it even gets started.”

  “That’s right. I do.”

  “That hurts my feelings, sugar, and I’m not used to being rejected.”

  I took a long, slow breath, trying to stay patient. “I’m sorr
y about that, but I don’t like this game you’re playing.”

  “You don’t?”

  “Not at all.”

  She put her hands on her hips. “Listen to me. I’m offering you something very special.”

  “And I’m refusing you.” I turned the knob and opened the door. “So, get the hell out of my room.”

  “I’m so much better in bed than that old fossil. I can’t believe you’d turn me down.”

  “Believe it.”

  “Very well, if you insist.” She started out, and then quickly turned around. Before I could move, she had her arms around me and my good arm pinned to my side. Pain knifed through my wounded shoulder.

  “Ahh! Jesus! Stop it!”

  Terry kicked the door shut with her foot, forced me back up against it, and pressed her body into me. I could feel her warm breath against my neck.

  We struggled briefly. She kissed me on the mouth, and I twisted my head to one side. “Stop it!” I squirmed and twisted, trying to free myself from her grasp.

  “Come on, sugar. Get naked and show me that tattoo on your ass. You know you want to.”

  I ignored the pain in my shoulder and pushed that arm against her, creating a few inches of space between us. “I want no such thing.”

  Her lips parted. She lunged at me, kissing my mouth, cheek, and neck.

  I gagged.

  “Baby, relax. Enjoy yourself.”

  She was too damn strong for me to fight one-handed. And on top of everything else, I thought my wound had reopened and started to bleed. My call for help ended in a strangled yelp when Terry’s hand clamped down on my mouth.

  “No, no, sugar. No noise. This is our little party. We don’t want any company.”

  I wrestled with her in a vain attempt to get free.

  “God, you fight like a little wildcat.” She let go of my mouth and put her cheek against mine. “I bet you’re a spitfire in bed.”


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