Kara reared back, shaking her head like she was walking in a house full of cobwebs. “How?”
Holly really didn’t feel like rehashing, but, there were very few people she felt comfortable talking to. Doctor Hapley was a good friend and a colleague, yet he was also her boss. Although he had counseled her in the past on many issues, she could never bring herself to discuss certain things with him, namely sex. There was just something wrong about having the head of the department aware of when you’d gotten some. Regardless of her impropriety with Scott on a professional level, she never would have shared it with Rommel because it pushed the boundaries of her comfort zone.
She did feel infinitely more relaxed discussing this with Kara, so she relayed all the details of her encounters with Scott, only leaving out the information personal to his therapy, which she would never have told a soul.
When she finished, Kara raised a lone, perfectly arched black eyebrow, peering at her across the rim of a tall glass of Diet Coke. “Thank God. I thought I was going to have to reach across this table and slap you.”
Holly frowned, as usual, perplexed by Kara’s strange wit. “What are you talking about?”
“Look, I’m sorry to interrupt your little guilt party, but you didn’t sleep with a patient.”
“I comprised his therapy by letting my personal feelings intervene,” she scoffed.
“You’re human. It happens,” Kara responded quickly. “You wouldn’t be the first psychologist…”
“Psychiatrist,” Holly corrected.
“Whatever! The point is you wouldn’t be the first doctor to make a mistake. And you rectified it by doing the right thing. You tried to transfer him and the decision left your hands. Added to that, you didn’t technically ‘do the do’ with him until after he was already released. So therefore, you didn’t sleep with a patient.”
Kara’s logic rang with a strange truth, but still… “Sounds like semantics to me.”
“Call it whatever you want, but the point is, you didn’t sleep with a patient.” Kara smiled, set her glass down and grabbed another piece of bread. “Now it sounds to me as if you have other issues that need to be resolved.”
Holly rolled her eyes, wondering why she hadn’t ordered something stronger than Diet Coke. Judging from where this conversation was heading, she might need it. “Save the analyzing for your prison inmates, doc.”
“Well, I don’t know. At the moment, sounds like you may need it more than they do.”
Scratching the tip of her nose with her middle finger, Holly grinned at Kara wickedly. “Touché.”
“Ouch! I’m sensing a lot of hostility here. You sure you don’t want to come back to my office so we can talk about this?”
She was saved from the smart remark bubbling in her throat by the arrival of the waiter setting two large steaming plates of food in front of them. Not having Kara’s adventurous spirit, Holly eyed her shrimp tandoori greedily before looking over at her friend’s beef kabab unhappily. “It still looks alive,” she mumbled.
Kara grimaced, taking a wary sniff with her nose. “It still smells alive,” she muttered, pushing the special of the day far to the other side of the table. “Can I have some of yours?”
Holly grinned, nodding. “Yeppers.”
Companionably they ate, talking sporadically about current events, colleagues they both knew and general bullshit they both liked.
When only the last bit of food was left, Kara, as a good friend should, patted her belly, leaned back in her chair, and left the last shrimp for Holly. “Okay, so now that we’re full, let’s talk about you and Mr. Mysterious.”
Holly shook her head, munching. “Seriously,” she said between mouthfuls. “I’m not sure I even know what’s going on. He’s in the military and, well, I’m not sure I can deal with that.”
“Okay, so tell him ‘adios’.”
Holly felt her heart beat like it had arrhythmia at just the thought of saying goodbye to Scott. “I’ll tell him,” she vowed.
Chapter Twelve
Holly reminded herself of her promise every day for the next four weeks. Though whenever she got close to saying the actual word “goodbye”, Scott always found some way to distract her. Before she knew what was happening their “relationship” had settled into a comfortable existence.
Of course, they screwed like bunny rabbits eager to procreate, which thanks to her Depo-Vera wasn’t a literal reality. But the simple fact was whenever Scott could be inside her he made sure to ruthlessly make it happen with consistent frequency.
He never asked about protection either. Matter of fact, that didn’t even seem to be a blip on his radar. Under normal circumstances, she would have been bothered by this casual attitude, but nothing about Scott was normal and a part of her sensed there was something else behind it.
He’d taken her against numerous walls, in the back seat of her car and his. And when she came to his office one day with the thought of breaking things off, temptation proved to be the greater lure as he lifted her skirt, pulled down her panties and fucked her from behind with hard, quick strokes. Had it not been for the large hand across her mouth, she probably would have screamed down the entire building.
Yet aside from the incredible sex, which was frequent, whenever Scott climaxed he clutched her close, almost as if he was trying to get her pregnant. Holly wasn’t sure what to think about that. Though, she admitted to herself, the thought of carrying his child did fill her with excitement. She easily explained her temptation away as baby-envy, a common condition for the single woman over thirty. She remained hard-pressed to understand his motivations, however.
A warm Virginia breeze blew across her face, signaling the beginning of spring. She sighed, brushed a wayward lock of hair from her face and leaned further against the wood railing of Scott’s patio deck.
This was her favorite season. With the festivities of winter ended, life moved at a slower, more leisurely pace. This year, more than ever, she felt caught up in the metamorphosis of change. Without knowing how, her life had moved in a direction she wasn’t even sure she wanted to travel because in the short span of a month, she’d fallen in love with Scott Gilcrist.
The truth had hit her a week ago like a brick in the face. She’d been running late for work because of Scott’s ever-persistent libido and the words came to mind out of nowhere. She wasn’t even sure what brought on the great epiphany. But, fortunately or unfortunately, the truth was undeniable.
Being a woman open to self-discovery, owing much to the fact that she was a psychiatrist, she deciphered her feelings, processed them and analyzed the situation equitably so she could understand the why.
For her, the why was infinitely more important than the how or when.
Diagnosing her fascination with Scott and his dynamic persona, she relished each new revelation of his character.
Although extremely competitive, he was loyal to those he called friend. Scott might not admit it, but he liked being needed. When they were together, she felt radiant and continually wanted to bask in his warmth.
Surprisingly, for as closed-mouthed as he had been in sessions, he now had no compunctions about revealing intimate details of his life. He talked openly about his mother, the strained relations with his father and his desire to be a man of action, which was one of the primary reasons he’d become a SEAL.
The guilt he felt over his mother’s death and the young woman who had been killed in combat, showed the depth of his soul as a human being. She didn’t completely understand him, but she wanted to. And that, perhaps more than anything else, led her feelings to grow stronger each day she spent with him.
His physical attributes were also a draw. Holly didn’t consider herself a shallow individual, but she did have a healthy respect for the urges of the body. Just looking at the man turned her on quicker than a light bulb. Plus, she confessed to herself, his sexual dominance caused a flood in her panties every single time she thought of him grabbing her, and taking her. He wa
sn’t into whips and chains, but in the bedroom his word was law. She had never been a rule-breaker and following his direction to the “T” made her happy. On a deep level, she desired to submit to him.
Turning her head, Holly peered through the open bay window, smiling as she watched Scott in his kitchen preparing the steaks for the grill. She had a sudden image of domestic bliss and she frowned, looking back at the large oak tree shading his deck.
She figured her imagination was running wild because she felt so at home, in his home. The spacious four thousand square foot homestead had been built by Scott’s great-grandfather before the turn of the century and sat on nearly two acres of land. He’d inherited the property from his grandmother just after he joined the Navy and had lived here ever since. Because he was a SEAL, he didn’t have to worry about moving, as much as deploying, so this was his primary residence. He also, she noticed, hadn’t changed much of the furniture from when his grandmother had lived here.
The house retained its quaint charm, and nestled in the woody area of Chesapeake, it was the perfect setting for raising a family.
Ghostly images of children with reddish-blonde hair playing in the fallen leaves in the backyard made Holly grimace in awareness, and she finally asked herself the question she’d dreaded answering since she realized her love for Scott.
What could the future possibly hold for them?
Her gut reaction was nothing.
She’d grown up recounting tales of her childhood to her dad because six times out ten, he wasn’t there to experience them for himself. Her mother had been forced to be the sole caregiver. Though their father supported them financially, his other obligations had made him absent for the really important events. She’d hated it, and over the years her resentment had grown. When she and her sisters had made that vow long ago, it was as though she’d finally taken a stand against the pain. Never again would she allow herself to feel that way.
Now, though, her relationship with Scott dashed those feelings, like water against rocks. It seemed ridiculously petty and self-defeating to deny herself the happiness she thought could be possible with him, simply because he wanted to serve his country. And, she reasoned, a stable and loving home was still a stable and loving home regardless if one parent was absent more than present. Aside from missing her dad an awful lot, she couldn’t really point out anything particularly wrong with her childhood.
Perhaps this is what her sisters felt, that happiness was worth sacrifice.
Holly continued to think for a moment before finally making her decision. She would be lying if she said her footing in this new relationship wasn’t tenuous, but she was willing to give it a try.
She walked back to the house, picking up the long neck bottle of beer sitting on the round patio table and took a swig before she opened the sliding glass door. The fragrant aroma of Scott’s southwest marinade made her stomach growl and she moved behind him quietly, wrapping her arms around his waist.
“The grill’s hot,” she murmured.
He chuckled. “That’s not the only thing hot around here.”
“I just love your charm.”
“An officer and a gentleman at your service,” he said, twisting around so he could face her.
“How much longer do the steaks need to marinate?” she asked, the tips of her fingers running along his biceps.
“The baked potatoes are already done. I could put the meat on now if you’re hungry.”
Her hand meandered down the hard plane of his stomach until she cupped the growing bulge in his pants and she smiled slowly, resting her beer on the counter next to him. “I’m hungering for a different sort of meat.”
“Well, I might be able to help you with that,” he said, his voice dropping so low the tone resembled a husky purr.
“I was hoping you could.”
“I definitely can, but whether I will depends on you.” Tilting her head back, his eyes became heavy lidded with intent and her breath caught in her throat as his hot gaze traveled across her breasts and jean clad legs. “Do you think you can be a good little girl?” he asked softly.
Holly always loved his teasing sexual references; they made her feel naughty and wanton. Nodding, desire rushing her with the force of tidal wave, she sighed, “Yes.”
Scott inclined his head toward her, caressing her lips with the pad of his thumb, before leading her toward the kitchen table.
She followed willingly and her body readied itself for whatever he had in store.
When he sat down in one of the six high-backed wooden chairs, his powerful grace reminded her of a dangerous tiger. Even garbed in the dress of a modern man, Scott’s very nature screamed of the primitive. He may play the part of sophisticate, but he would always reside on the fringes of society.
“Show me how good you can be, baby,” he beckoned, his tone smooth like polished silver as he looked up at her, his eyes assessing.
Holly’s heart rate increased and her pussy clenched, wetness saturating her panties. His words were challenging in their frankness and she yearned to please him. Kneeling on the hard linoleum, she unlaced his tennis shoes, pulling them off along with his socks. She smiled faintly, examining his bare feet. His toes were long and there were some bumps on the joints, but she could tell he took care of them because his nails were clean and clipped.
Laughing quietly to herself, Holly bent low so that her hair swept the floor, and kissed the raised arch of his instep. Her hands worked their way under the hem of his pants and massaged both his calves at the same time. Scott slammed his hand against the table and moaned loudly, the muscles in his legs tensing into granite rock.
She could tell he was trying his best not to move and the power of control raced through her pores. Even though she knelt in supplication, she was the one holding the reigns. The heady thought egged her on and Holly lifted her head to stare into his cobalt eyes, reveling in the quintessential essence of the man she loved.
He looked fierce as usual, but there was something else in his expression, an indefinable emotion sparkling from his depths. A part of her wanted to investigate, but the thick cock pushing against his pants totally took her breath away. She couldn’t think of anything more than taking him inside her mouth. Pleasing him in a way she knew he liked to be pleased.
Rising up, she unbuttoned his fly and slipped her hands inside. Scott was partial to boxer shorts so she was easily able to grasp his cock. Her mouth watered and she wanted to slide her lips across his thick, mushroomed head but she stopped herself because a part of her still felt deprived. The confined opening of his pants only allowed a small portion of him to be seen and she sighed, upset that the process of undressing him was taking so long.
Grasping the rough, acid-washed denim in both hands, she pulled the material down over his hips. Scott must have been in an amiable mood because he lifted up and in a moment fabric pooled around his ankles. She assisted him by lifting his legs one by one, her eyes reveling in the jutting, naked cock lying like a sword against his t-shirted abdomen.
Throwing his pants behind her, not really caring where they landed, she latched unto his flesh, her fingers kneading him with quick, sure strokes. He moaned, his hips bucking with the force of a stallion but she quickly settled him, whispering in indistinct murmurs and assuring him over and over of how she would please him.
Restless, he eased back, spread his legs wide and waited. Holly gulped at the beautiful sight before taking him in her mouth in a rush.
Gobbling, nibbling and licking his cock from root to tip, she took no prisoners in the pursuit of his pleasure, and hers. She feasted on Scott like a starved waif and when his hands gathered in her hair, she groaned around his cock, letting him feel the vibrations rumbling in her throat.
She knew his eyes were on her, watching like a hawk as his cock disappeared and reappeared in her mouth, but she didn’t feel any shyness, only the need to pleasure him until completion had taken hold. She felt caught in a maelstrom of need.
sp; His fingers flexed against her scalp and she knew instinctively he was trying to be gentle. Holly groaned around his flesh, letting him know she wanted him to be a little rough and continued to suck him until her cheeks dented with pressure.
Scott must have understood her silent entreaty because he suddenly grabbed hold of her face and began riding between her parted lips. His large hands framed each side of her head, holding her steady for his relentless thrusts until he tensed and spurted a jet stream of thick, pungent fluid in her mouth.
Holly swallowed each and every drop, lapping at him to make sure she didn’t miss any, and waited until the tremors left his body, as usual, amazed at how vulnerable he was in this state.
Several gasping moments passed before Scott reached down and pulled her into his arms. His breath was as ragged as if he’d run a marathon as he kissed her between breaths. “So, are you still hungry?”
Holly laughed and smacked his chest for good measure.
Chapter Thirteen
“The timeline for the excursion has been moved forward. We’ll be leaving in two days.”
Two days!
Scott shot a glance at Captain Martin. “I thought we were waiting until the compound wasn’t so heavily guarded.”
“Intel reports more reinforcements arriving daily, and it looks as if they’re preparing to hightail it to the mountains. If we don’t retrieve the target soon, we may not get the chance in the future.”
Scott was still struggling with the accelerated departure date, wondering how he would tell Holly. “And we’re sure he’s there?”
Captain Martin grimaced, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Son, you know how it goes. NSA takes bad pictures from a million miles in space and filters them through thousands of phones taps. They don’t know jackshit! This is just their best guess.”
Scott cursed under his breath. “Two teams won’t be enough.”
“It’ll have to be. They aren’t giving us any more. The fly-boys will provide as much cover as they can, but that’s it.”
Scott rolled his eyes as his brain calculated higher casualties from friendly fire before it inexorably returned to Holly. He had no idea what to tell her and he sighed, imagining his future with her swirling down the drain before it even began. She’d talked a bit about her father and he sensed her anger at his constant absence in her life. Odds were, she wouldn’t take this news too kindly.
Operation Love Page 22