The Backstage Series Box Set

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The Backstage Series Box Set Page 12

by Dani René

  “You want me before we land in Paris?” The flicker of recognition in his eyes doesn't go unnoticed, the meaning in my statement is obvious. His life was an open book. To me. To the world. The only thing he had kept secret was me. We had ultimately decided that it was best, but now I wondered if it was.

  He grips my shoulders roughly, the frustration marred his perfectly handsome face. Those sky-blue pools turned dark and stormy. “Tayla, I am yours. How would you like me to prove that to you?” My mouth opened and closed. Words failed me. I was too distracted by his hard body pressed against me to start this fight.

  “Callum, forget it.” My palms flat against his chest, I pushed, but he didn’t relent. He was stronger than me and I didn’t stand a chance getting him away from me.

  His eyes sear into mine. “No, I will not. For God’s sake woman, I want you. How can you not see that?” His voice grew louder than we both expected. I peered at him, not finding an explanation to my uncertainty. I knew it was my insecurity, not being good enough to be dating a famous rock star. Someone that could have any girl in the world, and yet, he is standing locked in a toilet with me. We both remain silent for a minute and when nobody knocked on the door to find out what the shouting was about, he hoisted me onto the counter.

  His lips were on me in an instant. He devoured me. Sucking my bottom lip into his hot mouth. His teeth sinking in, biting, causing me to moan. Our tongues fought for control, I let him have it. I taunted him by sucking on his tongue, flicking my own over his. The groan I loved, rumbled deep in his throat. My concerns about groupies forgotten, because at that point, all that mattered was me and him.

  His body flush against mine and I felt his thick cock pressing against my core. I was wearing a skirt, and I was so glad I did. “Callum…” I moaned into the kiss.

  He ignored me and nipped at my neck. Teeth grazing the soft sensitive flesh, sucking it into his mouth. The sound of his zipper was music to my ears. He shuffled his jeans and briefs to his knees. Then I heard the familiar foil ripping and his hands were on my thighs. Splaying me before him. He nudged my thong to the side and his index finger dipped into my molten core. Slipping through my drenched folds. Those beautiful fingers that can strum any guitar string to perfection, were now strumming my clit, making music with my body.

  Those expert digits were replaced with his hard shaft. With a torturous slow movement, he thrust into me. As soon as he was fully seated, he stopped. My legs wrapped around his waist and my arms held on to his neck. Dark blue bore into brown pools. The emotion in them was evident. Something I never considered I would have. It was scary. Love. He didn’t say it, but he didn’t need to. I saw it.

  Our bodies moved simultaneously. Perfectly in sync. My head dropped as he drew out till only the crown was inside me. With sudden ferocity he slammed back into me. So deep, every nerve in my body came alive with pleasure. He reached between us and teased and tortured my hardened bud with the pad of his thumb. The intense orgasm that tightened in my abdomen, splintered through me. I squeezed my eyes so tight, stars burst behind my eyelids. My mouth latched on his shoulder and my teeth sunk in, biting, to keep from screaming out loud.

  My pussy pulsed around him and his body tensed. His cock thickened and jerked. With a rough growl his orgasm shuddered through him. “God, you will be the fucking death of me woman.” He hissed into my hair as he calmed. I clung to him for a moment not wanting to see the love in his gaze. It disarmed me and I needed to stay strong. Love was something I couldn’t accept. Not now. If he said it and I found him with another girl, I would be destroyed.

  He lifted me off him and let my legs down. “Will you please believe I want you?” His plea was thick with emotion and I couldn’t find my voice. I nodded and smiled.

  When we took our seats nobody even noticed we had left. I pulled my Kindle from my bag and opened my latest novel. Callum’s hand on my thigh was warm and welcome. The memory of him filling me moments before made the butterflies in my stomach flutter.

  Glancing over at him, I mouthed. ‘Not here.’ With a cheeky wink, he leaned in and his hot breath on my neck sent a tingle to my core.

  “I love keeping you distracted.” With a slow and deliberate movement, he traced his tongue along the shell of my ear, sending another jolt of pleasure over my body.

  “Stop it.” I hissed at him and he laughed. Liam glared over at us.

  “Guys, get a room!” I turned to him watching his glare travel down to my thighs. I didn’t realize why until I followed his gaze. Callum’s hand pushed my skirt up a little higher than it should have. Tugging it back down, I straightened in the seat.

  “Aren’t you meant to be working, Liam?” My reply was terse. He smiled slowly, there was something dark in his eyes. He didn’t trust me. Cal told me he had voiced his concern about me selling my story to the press. That’s what Callum’s ex did. She ran straight to the papers when things went south between them. Somehow, I wanted to assure him I wasn’t a fame whore. No way did I need it or want it. I hated people who used others and if it took all my life to prove that to Liam, I would. I was falling for Callum. There was no doubt about that. He accepted me for who I am. My feelings for him were the most real I had ever known. The connection we had was intense. If that turned to love, then I needed to curb my insecurities and make it work.

  As we pulled up to the Terrass hotel in black SUV’s with blackened windows, I noticed there weren’t many photographers around, yet. We didn’t have time to update our social media to let everyone know we had arrived. It was easier to travel from the airport to the hotel without being pursued. The reception was quiet, and when we got to the desk, a polished receptionist glanced up with a perfect smile.

  “Bonne après-midi, Mr. Hayes. Bienvenue.” *Good afternoon, Mr. Hayes. Welcome.*

  “En anglais s'il vous plaît?” *Can you speak English, please?* She nodded.

  “My apologies, Monsieur. Let me check you in. I will have the luggage sent up to the individual suites.” Her accent was perfectly French, but her English impeccable. She handed out the keys to the crew, and we said our goodbyes. Agreeing to dinner downstairs at eight that evening.

  Callum and I made our way up to our room. He opened the door and allowed me to step inside first. I gasped. This isn't your average room; it was the penthouse suite. Spacious. Luxurious. Exquisite. The contemporary furniture was a contrast to the impressive view of the city from the floor to ceiling patio doors. It had an open plan living room complete with a sofa, coffee table and desk. In the opposite corner was a miniature bar fridge and two wingback chairs. The terrace had a table with two chairs that overlooked the rooftops of Paris below including the Sacre Coeur and the famous Eiffel Tower.

  I wandered into the bathroom which had black tiles along the walls and an enormous shower and separate bath. A Jacuzzi overlooking the rooftops and a private sauna called my name. The bedroom, sheer luxury, a king-size bed sat in the center of the room up against one wall with a private outer area. Everything screamed decadence. It wasn't over the top, but understated opulence that was not lost on me.

  “Callum, this is crazy. We’re only here for three days.” When I turned to face him, his expression is filled with excitement. He shrugged casually.

  “Only the best.” He winks and grabs his laptop. “I need to finish work before dinner.”

  “Okay, I will have a shower. I stink.” He chortled. Leaning in, he sniffed me and peered into my eyes.

  “You’re right. You smell delicious.” Poking my tongue at him. I tugged off my shoes and padded into the bathroom. Turning on the taps, letting it heat, I shed my clothes. As I step into the warm spray, it massages my aching muscles. I shampoo my hair with the lavender scented bottle they supplied.

  Stepping out onto the plush rug, I grasp the fluffy towel and dry myself. The complimentary robes were soft and warm. I pulled one on and made my way to the bedroom. Callum was standing in the doorway of the terrace. Dressed in a pair of sweats, with a bare torso. He was
deep in thought and didn’t hear me behind him. I took a moment to watch him. Drinking him in hungrily. Enjoying the view of my man.

  “You can stop gawking at me now.” He stated in an amused tone, startling me from my blatant staring. I stepped further into the room. There was music playing on his laptop from the bed. I recognized the song that just started, Monster by Aaron Richards.

  “Don't flatter yourself, Hayes. I had an amazing shower.” He twisted and grinned.

  “Take off the robe.” The rough, demanding timbre of his voice sent a tingle down my spine. I loosened the sash and slipped the robe over my shoulders. My hair was knotted in a loose bun, the tips were still soaked, dripping onto my back. His hungry gaze roamed from my face to my neck and over my breasts. The trail of his eyes left fire in their wake.

  When his gaze reaches my bare pussy, my body trembled in response. “I love looking at you trembling for me.” The deep rasp in his voice was thick with lust. “Come here, Petal.” The three steps it took to position myself in front of him was easy. When I stood flush with him, I raised my eyes to find his in a fierce stare. His left hand came up and lightly trailed fingertips from my exposed neck to my shoulder. Another tremble coursed through me. Goose bumps rose over my skin. A low moan escaped my parted lips. I reached for him, but his expression stopped me. “Did I tell you to touch me?” The naughty smirk that pulled the corner of his mouth caused me to smile. I shook my head.

  His hand drifted back up and he clutched my hair in a tight grip. Holding me steady at an angle. His mouth slanted over mine as our lips crashed together. He licked the seam of my mouth and I rewarded him the access he demanded.

  The kiss becoming hungry, eager. Deep. Sensual. When he breaks the kiss, my lips feel cold without him. He still has a steady grip on me, and I can't move. His teeth graze over the sensitive spot behind my ear. Earning him a whimper. He action so erotic.





  My body came alive under his touch and I couldn’t think about anything else. Every nerve sparked when his teeth grazed my hardened nipples. He laved and teased them until they tightened. When he bit on one, he tweaked and tugged the other with this thumb and forefinger. The painful pleasure sent jolts directly to my throbbing clit.

  This man knew my body better than I did, he had my senses on high alert. I quivered, my pussy pulsed. I needed him more than my next breath. Everything past and present didn’t matter, but this moment. He licked a warm wet trail from my shoulder to my ear. Then lightly blew on the path left by his tongue. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end. “Callum, please? I can’t take anymore.”

  “You are mine. Do you hear me? Do not question me again.” He pauses and stares at me. Making sure I heard each word he said. I nod. My voice evaded me. This wasn’t the time to be talking about that. I ached for him. He pulls me over to the terrace. The Eiffel Tower winks at us in the dusk sky. The lights of the city shone below. “Hold on tight, Petal, because I am painfully hard and you are going to feel me so deep inside you, there won't be any doubt who you belong to. I will claim your mind, body, and soul. And when I am finished, your heart will be mine too.” He kicked my feet apart as I clutched the rail of the balcony in front of me. He had me, every part of me. Only I was too afraid to tell him.

  I shivered when his hot breath hit my core. I was dripping with arousal for him. At this point any touch would send me spiraling. His fingers caressed my inner thighs, teasing the delicate skin. My knees wobbled and my grip tightened, turning my knuckles white. His tongue flicked out and lapped at my sopping pussy. Skimming along the slick folds.

  “Fuck, you taste perfect, Petal. Like the sweet nectar of the gods. But you’re only wet for this god to enjoy aren’t you, baby?” His voice was so raspy I almost came undone.

  “Yesss.” My voice was a low hiss. He rose, and I heard him shuffle out of his sweats. They dropped to the floor and the foil tearing sent a shiver through me. I peered behind me, and watched him grip his thick hard cock, teasing me with the tip. I pushed back against him. Needing him inside me. Now.

  “Do you enjoy making me crazy, Tayla?” He asked hoarsely, his voice full of desire. I nodded. He rained a slap on my ass. Hard. “I asked you a question.” My voice evaded me.

  “I…” My mumble didn’t suffice, and I felt a second sharp sting. I was aching and dripping wet from the spanking he was giving me. “Yes… Yes, Callum.” I mumbled, my skin tingling, but I had never been so turned on in my whole life.

  “Then you need to be punished, Petal.” He growled as he plunged into me. So deep, as he had promised. My body completely filled. I screamed his name as he invaded my heated tunnel.

  “Callum!” He started with slow thrusts, allowing me to adjust to him. His hands gripped my hips as he drove into me. I was far beyond thinking clearly, my moans and mewls surrounded us in the darkness. Another loud smack echoed in the night. He tugged and untied my hair. When it fell down my back, he fisted it and tugged. He leaned forward and hissed in my ear.

  “Mine. Do you understand?” I tried nodding, but he had me in a vice-like hold. My orgasm building. Tightening in my stomach. My pussy cinching around him. I was teetering on the edge, needy for release. He pulled out abruptly, and I whimpered at the loss. Spinning me to face him, he lifted me, instinctively I wrapped my legs around his waist and held on to his neck. His lust filled eyes met mine.

  “Hold onto me, baby.” He growled and plunged into me again. Walking us to the far end of the terrace. The tiles flush against my back. He pinned me between his body and icy wall. Without warning, he repeatedly thrust into my heated pussy, fucking me. It was rough, deep, hard, and I didn’t want it any other way. The fire in my belly licked its way through my veins. My blood heated with passion as it coursed through me. My nails dug into his shoulders and he groaned in response.

  He leaned in to my neck. “I crave you so fucking much. This tight pussy is made to take my cock. Only mine. No other man will make you feel like this. Ever.” His words were my undoing. My release splintered through me and I cried out. Screaming his name repeatedly.

  A chant.

  A chorus.

  A prayer.

  He repeatedly drove into me. Once, twice, and with the third he stiffened. His cock pulsed inside me with a throaty growl of my name he unraveled. His teeth sunk into my shoulder. The pain sent a jolt to my throbbing clit and another wave of pleasure washed over me.

  “Fuck.” Callum’s tone was low as he hissed the word in my ear. Yes. Fuck. He slipped out of me gently. “Guess it’s time for dinner.” Our eyes met, and I snickered as he let me down gradually. A gentle kiss and we padded into the bedroom to get dressed.

  “At least Paris knows Callum Hayes is here.”

  “You’re fucking loud. Its seductive and sexy, Petal. I love when you scream my name.” He winked at me as he pulled his jeans on. Shaking my head, I found out the dress I planned to wear tonight. This would be an interesting tour.


  The venue was filling up with the VIP ticket holders. I looked around for Tayla, but she wasn’t in the crew area. We had the most amazing night, but this morning she seemed distant. Like she was trying to push me away. There was love in her eyes when she looked at me and that’s what scared her. I wanted to talk to her, but we’ve been so busy today. When the time is right she needs to move past the pain. I wished I could take it away. I wanted to fuck it out of her if I could. It would be my pleasure. And hers. Ultimately, it has to be her choice to let me in.

  “Bro. Did you finish the set list? I need to run through it in my head.” I face my brother. Liam didn’t trust my relationship with Tay, because of my history with Arina, but he needed to get over it. Tayla wasn’t out to fuck me over. She had her own demons she struggled with.

  “Yea, these are the thirteen songs I chose. Those three are acoustic, so you’ll have a break halfway through the set. Give a copy to Ryan.” He nodded a
nd turned to leave. Before he walked away, he cut a glance back to me. “I’m sorry if I have been harsh with her. You’re my baby brother. I don’t want to see you hurt.” Our eyes met, and I acknowledged him with a nod.

  He’s only a year older, but he likes to think that there’s more of a gap between us. Emotionally there is. He doesn’t let anyone in. Ever. Whereas I do. Well, I did once, and now with Tayla, she’s woven her way into the depth of my soul.

  “Callum!” I peer down at the group of scantily clad women in their early twenties—a guess—that were vying for my attention by waving at me. I gave a smirk and wink. Their squeals rose in decibels. When I whirled around I found Tay glaring at me. I realized she was apprehensive about me being on tour, with fans and groupies, but she didn’t have to worry. She's the only one who can make me rock hard with a smile. Tayla Quinn has been written into my heart, my mind, and into the depth of my soul.

  “You're the center of attention as always, Hayes.” Her voice strained with anger. Since we were keeping our relationship private, I can't pull her into my arms. I would love to announce my feelings for her. And I planned to do it. On her birthday. My gift to her.

  “Is this what it will be like? I can’t help it, Petal.” My response isn't what she wanted to her, because I stride towards her, and she takes two steps backward. Pain constricts my chest. “Jesus, baby, we chose to keep you off the radar for this tour.” She spins on her heel, and races off, leaving me staring at her departing form.

  “She’s a tough cookie, Cal. You need to talk to her. Go. I can deal with the crowd. Just be here for sound check or they will cause a scene.” My best friend—besides Liam—Ryan is like a brother.


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