Hot SEAL, Undercover Groom (SEALs in Paradise)

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Hot SEAL, Undercover Groom (SEALs in Paradise) Page 7

by Maryann Jordan

  “Okay with what?”

  “Come on, Lynn, this is me. Your best friend, remember? I knew I wanted you to do this for me and had no idea who I might get to help until Nolan was practically plopped in front of me. But I also know how much you cared for him at one time—”

  “Jesus, Nancy. That was high school. Ten years ago. We all had stupid crushes back then.”

  “So… um… you’re good?”

  Holding the phone to her ear with one hand, she plucked at a loose thread in the knitted afghan on her sofa. Hesitating, she sighed. “Truthfully? I don’t know that any of us ever forget our first crush. But spending today with Nolan was okay. Better than okay. I had a good time, although the whole wedding planning experience was surreal.”


  “Because I was looking at everything as though I was actually planning. The flowers, cake, photograph plans. So it was all kind of real even though we won’t go through with the ceremony… making it surreal.”

  “Did you get everything taken care of? With getting into the office, I mean.” Nancy snorted, adding, “That’s a stupid question. I know my brother, and he’ll have everything planned and coordinated perfectly.”

  “Yeah, we’ll have a diversion right before the ceremony, get into the office, and then just slip out a side door. They’ll think we got cold feet or something. We gave the paperwork to them today, so it should just be a quick in and out tomorrow. Then, we’ll take advantage of the rooms at the casino. I figure Nolan can enjoy himself at the pool or casino while I start looking over the financial records.”

  “That’s not a very exciting wedding night!” Nancy laughed.

  The idea of a real wedding night with Nolan slammed through her for the millionth time. She had kept those thoughts at bay until they'd visited Cupid’s Chapel and had such a good time in Gatlinburg. Every time he held her hand, linked fingers, focused on her fully and listened as she talked, even wrapped his arm around her when they left the venue the second time… it had become harder and harder to pretend she wasn’t affected. Realizing she had gone quiet, she forced her voice to lighten as she rushed, “Yeah, I can only hope when I finally get married for real, my wedding night won’t be looking at financial records for fraud!”

  Disconnecting, she tossed her phone to the coffee table and flopped back against the sofa cushions. Her thoughts tumbled around in her head as she tried to sort them. The irony was not lost on her that she spent two years in high school desperately in love with Nolan, dreaming of the day they might get married. She wrote his name in her notebooks, even scribbling her name alongside his as though she was already Mrs. Lynn Bell. She and Nancy used to look at bridal magazines, promising her best friend would be her maid of honor. Even after Nolan rebuffed her advances when she was sixteen, she’d been mortified, but her feelings only diminished slowly with age and time.

  And now, today, with Nolan at her side holding her hand, she planned her fake wedding to him. She shook her head slowly. I must be an idiot—or a glutton for punishment—to have agreed to this assignment for Nancy.

  Sucking in a deep breath, she planted her feet on the floor and stood. Grabbing her empty glass of wine, she rinsed and left it in the sink before flipping off the lights and walking back to her bedroom. Might as well try to get some sleep. Tomorrow’s going to be a crazy day!


  Lynn stood in front of her mirror, staring at her reflection as she waited on Nolan to arrive. Her hair was curled a little more than usual, and the waves hung down her back as the front was gathered into a decorative clip. She had chosen her clothing with care, eschewing anything tight, wanting to appear bridal and yet be able to move around easily.

  Her sundress was cream-colored, with decorative butterflies embroidered in silk. The bodice was fitted with lace straps over her shoulders. The multilayered skirt flared about her hips, hitting her just above the knees, giving her full movement to bend, squat, and run if needed. Run? God, I hope I don’t have to make a run if someone discovers me in the office! On that last thought, she glanced down at her shoes and wondered if she should trade them for white track shoes.

  Her makeup had been applied with a light hand, although slightly more dramatic than usual. After flipping off the light in her bathroom, she walked down the hall and grabbed her overnight case. Stuffed with toiletries, a change of comfortable clothing, and her laptop, she set it near the front door just as the doorbell rang.

  Throwing open the door, the smile on her face froze as she stared up at Nolan. As hard as it was to tear her eyes away from his face, she dropped her gaze slowly from his head to his shoes and back again. Dressed in a dark suit that fit over his muscular shoulders perfectly, a white shirt and navy tie, he was delectable. Clean-shaven, with his hair still slightly damp, her breath caught in her throat.

  A memory slammed into her, one she hadn’t thought of in many years. She remembered when she spent the night at Nancy’s house and watched Nolan leave for his senior prom. As sophomores, she and Nancy couldn’t go, but as she stared at the vision of eighteen-year-old Nolan dressed in a dark tux with Rita fussing over him and Nick reminding him to drive safely, she’d promised that one day he would look just that way as he waited for her at the end of the aisle on their wedding day.

  “Wow, Lynn, you’re gorgeous.”

  Hearing his voice, she blinked, her gaze jumping back up to his face. “I was just thinking the same thing about you.”

  They continued to stare at each other for a moment and then suddenly he jolted and glanced downward. “Is this all?”

  It took her a second to realize he was indicating her overnight bag, and she jerked her head up and down. “Oh, yes. Um… I wasn’t sure what to take, so I made sure to have a change of clothes and my computer.”

  “Sounds good.” He reached down and picked up her bag, then stuck his elbow out, offering it to her. “You ready to get married?”

  His words pierced her heart and she wondered once more why she agreed to help Nancy with this case. She and Nolan were friends, and that’s all they would ever be. Memories of teenage wishes needed to be pushed back into their box. Holding his gaze steadily, she smiled widely. “Absolutely.”

  Closing and locking her door, she allowed him to escort her down to his vehicle. With her case stowed in the back along with his duffel, she sat in the passenger side, her hands nervously clasped in her lap.

  Driving back through Sevierville and Pigeon Forge, this time she felt less like a tourist, knowing what was at the end of the road. He focused on their plan, reviewing it several times, and she could feel his nerves zapping inside the truck. Wanting him to trust her ability, she tried to remain calm in the face of his repeated questions.

  “So, you don’t think you’ll have a problem getting past his computer security?”

  “I talked with Nancy last night and got the latest information that Sally gave her. Plus, I have a program that can extrapolate the information that we need, and that includes getting through his password. According to Sally, he doesn’t have an extensive security system on his computer.” Shrugging, she added, “While that might seem strange to us, I don’t think he’s very worried about security. He only has Junelle as his one full-time employee and for the fancier weddings, everyone else is hired on an as-needed basis, such as bakers, musicians, florists, and photographers.”

  “And once you get into his computer?”

  “I need five minutes to transfer what’s on his computer.”


  “Nolan! We’ve gone over all this.”

  He swung his head around, his face holding contrition. “Sorry. I know.”

  She reached over and placed her hand on his leg, feeling the tight muscles underneath the material of his slacks. “What are you worried about? I know I’ve never done anything like this, but I’ve extrapolated material from people’s computers before.” She shrugged and sighed. “Granted, they brought their computers into my office, and I haven’t had to resort
to skulduggery to get the information, but I can do this.”

  He scrubbed his hand over his face and shook his head. “It’s not you. Well, that’s not true. It is you. I looked into the background of Errol Hightower, and he appears to be just an average guy, but if he’s doing what his soon-to-be ex-wife says he’s doing, then he’s got a lot to lose. I’m used to walking into a possibly dangerous situation.”

  “You think this is dangerous?”

  “I think people who are desperate to hide illegal activities are dangerous. That’s why we’ve gone over and over what our plan is today.”

  “But you have the written authorization from Sally, who’s listed in the business as a co-owner, to obtain what’s in the computer, right?”

  He nodded. “Yes, but it would be nice not to have to use it. It would be nice to be able to get the information we need without him knowing. That would give you more time to analyze it, and him less time to possibly contact the casino to hide anything that he’s been doing.”

  “Well, if he’s gone for lunch today like he always is on Wednesdays, there should be no problem.”

  They remained quiet for the rest of the drive. She had felt more confident before Nolan’s nerves transferred to her. She had focused on the bizarre aspect of the fake wedding planning with her teenage crush, but it was obvious he had no such qualms. Of course not. He never thought of me that way. It seemed his only concerns were whether she could do the job. Sucking in a deep breath through her nose, she let it out slowly. No worries… I can do the job. And that’s all this is—a job.

  Nolan hated the way he kept barking questions at Lynn as they drove, but it was the only way he could keep his mind off thoughts of how beautiful she looked. No stranger to attractive women, there was something about Lynn that captured—and held—his attention. If I was looking for a relationship, she’d be the type of woman I’d want. Strong, smart, independent, and gorgeous. But he was definitely not looking for a relationship. He had pushed her away when she was sixteen years old, knowing the timing was not right. And ten years later, it’s still not fuckin’ right.

  Forcing his eyes away from her trim legs and the curve of her breasts, he pulled into the parking lot. He heard her sigh, but it sounded more like a hiss, and he jerked his head to the side to see her wide eyes as she glanced around. “You ready?”

  With a quick nod, she replied, “Yeah, let’s get this done. The sooner we can get the financial data, the sooner we can put this place behind us.”

  As much as her words should have made him happy, there was a strange prick near his heart as she dismissed this place so quickly. Climbing from his truck, he walked around and assisted her down. His gaze shot to the small purse in her hands, but before he had a chance to question her further, she assured, “Yeah, I’ve got what I need. My thumb drive is in here along with lipstick. Believe me, Nolan, I’m ready.” Linking fingers with hers, they walked back into the wedding chapel.

  Junelle’s eyes were just as bright as yesterday, and her hair was teased to an impossible height. Today, she was wearing a light blue, Sunday-best dress, ready to stand in as their witness. “Oh, the lovebirds are here!” She immediately jumped into her efficient wedding day persona, looking over Lynn’s dress and excitedly showing her the fresh bouquet with its stems dipped in water. “And, for you, the handsome groom…” She stepped around the counter and moved directly to him, pinning a boutonniere onto his lapel with practiced ease. He glanced down, unsure if he was more afraid of the long pin in her hand or the talon-like fingernails so close to his face. Breathing easier as she stepped back, he glanced up to see Lynn grinning at him.

  “I have your marriage certificate right here, ready to be signed as soon as the ceremony is over, and since you agreed to spend your honeymoon night at the Casino Resort, there will be slices of a complimentary wedding cake and a bottle of champagne waiting for you there.”

  Lynn's hands shook slightly, making the flowers jiggle as she murmured her appreciation. He wasn’t sure if her show of nerves was real or pretend.

  Junelle continued to beam widely and pronounced, “I’m so glad you got here a few minutes early. The Justice of the Peace is already here, and Mr. Hightower will stand in as the other witness.”

  He tried to hide his surprise, but Lynn audibly gasped. “Oh, but I thought he’d be at lunch,” she said, shooting Nolan a glance before sending tremulous smile toward Junelle.

  “He’ll be leaving right after the ceremony,” Junelle agreed. “Our usual witness became sick, and so Mr. Hightower said that he’d stand in and leave right after you two lovebugs have said your vows. Now, follow me!” She turned and walked down the hall toward the chapel.

  Following her, it was obvious that Errol’s office door was standing open, and he was sitting at his desk. Nolan captured Lynn’s wide-eyed stare, and he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her tight.

  “What are we going to do now?” she whispered.

  “We’ll have to do the ceremony first and then, when he leaves, we’ll get what we need.”

  “Ceremony?” she whispered-squeaked, her panic evident as she jerked around in his embrace, her front now plastered to his side. The flowers slammed against his chest, several petals floating to the floor unheeded as her wide, pale blue eyes searched his.

  “It won’t be real, remember? Mom didn’t give our correct information on the marriage application.”

  Her feet stuttered to a halt and her breath left her lungs in a rush. Looking down, he asked, “Are you okay?”

  Her face was pale, and he could swear there was a slight trembling of her lips. Swallowing deeply, she kept her eyes focused on his neck as she said, “I just didn’t expect to have to actually go through the ceremony. That seems so… so…” Her face grew pale as her breathing shallowed.

  “Breathe, babe. Come on, it’ll be fine.”

  She swallowed deeply. To him this is nothing. Steeling her spine, she straightened. “You’re right. Sorry, I just… well, it just… oh, forget it. Let’s just get this over with.”

  Before he had a chance to reply, she followed Junelle and marched quickly into the chapel. Sighing, he dropped his chin and stared at his polished shoes. He was not so obtuse as to not know what was going through Lynn’s mind. She had not planned on having to repeat fake vows. Hell, neither did I. If my team could see me now, they’d be laughing their asses off.

  Stepping inside, he scanned the interior. Flowers on a stand near the front. A candelabra nearby, the candlelight flickering in the dim interior of the room. Soft music playing through speakers in the background. And in the front, a beaming, round-faced man holding a black notebook standing next to Junelle. Coming through another door was Errol, dressed as he was yesterday, a smile on his face as he walked toward the front.

  Looking to the side, his gaze landed on Lynn and his breath caught in his throat. Standing in her lacy cream sundress with the bouquet of flowers in her hand, she was everything he could have hoped for in a bride. And this isn’t real.

  She looked over toward him, her lips curving into a smile worthy of the finest actress, but in her eyes were a thousand emotions, and none of them looked happy at the moment. He tried to think of a way to get the information they needed without having to go through the sham of a ceremony but, for the first time in his career, he was unable to recalculate a mission in midstream.

  “If you’re ready, let’s begin the ceremony,” Errol called out, glancing at the expensive watch on his wrist. A smile was still on his face, but his words held a touch of impatience.

  Lynn stepped forward, barely looking at Nolan as he joined her. She leaned toward the Justice of the Peace and spoke softly. “I know we told Junelle yesterday that it didn’t matter about the vows, but I’m feeling a bit queasy, so maybe we could just go with the shortest version possible?”

  Nodding, his jowls jiggled as he flipped through the pages of his notebook. “Absolutely. I completely understand. Bridal nerves, you know? Heh, heh�
��” Finding the page he was looking for, he settled his smiling gaze on Nolan and Lynn. “Okay, Mr. Bell, you stand right here and face your lovely bride. Ms. Cox, you can hand your flowers to Miss Junelle and face your handsome groom.”

  They shifted around and faced each other, reaching out at the same time and grasping hands. His breath caught in his throat as he stared down into her beautiful, upturned face. He felt the trembling in her fingers and wrapped his hands around them tightly, smiling slightly. If ever I was going to do this for real—

  “We are here to witness the marriage union of Ryan Bell and Elizabeth Cox,” the Justice of the Peace began.


  Lynn heard the names given by the officiant and recognized that Rita used their middle names while keeping their last names. She had no idea what false information Rita used to complete the other forms and wished she had inspected them earlier in case she needed the information later.

  Her hands had been trembling, but with Nolan’s holding hers tightly, she felt his warmth. She wanted to memorize each moment, even firmly grounded in the knowledge that this was all make-believe. Somehow, it would at least stave off her teenage dreams. The possibility that it might be the only wedding she would ever have ran through her.

  “Ryan and Elizabeth, today you pledge your love. From this day forward you will travel together on a lifelong journey as husband and wife. The love that you feel for one another today can serve as your guide along this path. Hold tight to the kindness and wisdom that comes from that love.”

  Still beaming, he turned toward Nolan. “Ryan, do you take Elizabeth to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love and hold through sickness and health, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, till death do you part?”

  He opened his mouth then snapped it shut. Staring up at him, Lynn had no idea what was going through his mind. He swallowed deeply, then nodded. “I do.”


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