Fateful Attractions

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Fateful Attractions Page 8

by Lucretia Stanhope

When they walked in, Gwen was still in Sebastian’s arms.

  “Coffee,” Shane said.

  She stepped over, kissed him, and took the cup. “Thank you. I need to talk to Dillon, so he can get back to the station.”

  “Of course.” Shane watched them walk outside.

  He half listened to what Sebastian said as he watched Gwen and Dillon talking just outside the glass room. There was clear tension between them and her body language said Gwen wasn’t feeling anything affectionate. He turned back to the older man.

  “She deserves better than some arranged fling to appease a monster.” Sebastian could feel Sergei lurking, but not too nearby. “Do you even realize what you have been gifted?”

  “Tell me how you really feel, pops.” Shane cut his eyes at Sebastian when he felt the air start to buzz. It wasn’t cold like when Dmitry or Sergei were near, but it was different to the magic he felt from Gwen. “She feels better; you do that?” Shane asked as he noticed she was buzzing again and he could feel it from outside.

  “Yes, I did.” Sebastian pursed his lips. “She needs so much more than an arrogant witch for the path she will walk.”

  “What makes you think I’m not more?”

  There were a million things Sebastian wanted to say or do. It startled him that one of them was drain Shane dry. He could sense a lot just standing beside him. There was untapped elemental magic, he’d leave it that way, unless directly ordered otherwise. The smugness and reckless nature that radiated from him, meant he wasn’t ready to harness any power like that. It also meant he wasn’t what Gwen needed. As much as it hurt to watch, he liked Dillon. Dillon was a good soul and loved her with the same intensity that he did. He could have been happy for her and Dillon. Not this witch.

  “I hope for everyone involved you are more.” Sebastian grew another smile when he saw Gwen and Dillon approach. This distance between them was more than physical. Sebastian could read pain and confusion coming from them both.

  She walked to Shane. “It’s late, we should get to bed if we are going to make our appointment tomorrow. I checked with Dillon, neither of us has to stay, and a day at the spa will do my soul good.”

  Shane looked at Dillon and smiled, then kissed her forehead. “Wonderful. When we get back, fish, beer? It’ll do your heart good.”

  “I’m not off until Saturday.” Dillon frowned at them, and then looked away.

  “Three days then. I’ll get the beer while we are in the city, something special.” Shane patted him on the shoulder.

  They told everyone bye, and as soon as they were alone, he kissed her deeply. “We’re not really going to a spa are we?”

  “Not tomorrow. Raincheck?”

  “Count on it. What’s the plan?”

  “Sebastian agrees that the link is probably people I loved, and we have to act fast. There is only one more name between past and present.”

  He cocked his head. “You were serious?” He wrapped two fingers together.

  “Yes, but what’s important is finding out who or what, and why. Sebastian said he didn’t sense Fannie. So, that eliminates my biggest suspect.”

  Shane walked with her back into the house. “Okay, thoughts?”

  “Before Ser…we need to go now.” She peered out the window, making sure Dillon was gone. “Take my hand, just hang on.”

  She stepped into a shadow and they appeared on the campus under the tree where she used to spend her nights reading.

  “Wow.” He looked around, trying to get a sense of where they were. Not at her house. The trees looked old, almost weepy, and were draped with a Spanish moss that reminded him of home. “Where are we?”

  “My old school. Louisiana.” A nostalgic look washed over her face, followed by a sad one as she looked at the buildings.

  “Another brooding teacher type?” He took her hand. “I’m going to get a complex. You know I’m not the intellectual sort.”

  Her focus shifted to Shane and his handsome face. His eyes sparkled with promise of happiness.

  Again she thought about how much it meant that he was a witch. They could share that part of her life, at least to some degree. “No, but you are my type.”

  “Oh, is that so, Miss Hensley?” He winked at her and smiled an infectious smile.

  “It is. I will never put you second to anyone in my heart, but first, killers.” She looked at him seriously.

  “Ha. You are quite adorable. Should I wait at a bar or something?”

  She stopped walking and considered his suggestion. It wasn’t a bad idea. “If it makes it easier. It was a disastrous mistake, with a lot of emotional wreckage.”

  “Let’s go meet your disastrous mistake.” He stopped walking. “How past is this?”

  “I should have left you at home with Sebastian.”

  “Nope. I’m good.” His arm tightened around her and they started walking again.

  She listened to the soft sound of their footfalls on the gravel path. “After we make sure he’s okay, not missing, we can focus on records. You sounded like you have some experience with that.”

  “I do.” It wasn’t exactly true, but he’d heard somewhere that libraries were helpful and most things were public domain.

  They walked across the campus toward the science buildings. “I just want to make sure he’s still teaching here. We can go from there.”

  They approached a small group of five students who sat in various relaxed states on the steps just outside of a building.

  Gwen put on a friendly smile and walked over to them. “Excuse me, is there still a Mr. Greenly teaching advanced biology?”

  One of the girls looked up and nodded. “Sure, his office is always opened.” Her tone and giggle that followed gave Gwen a flash of grief.

  “Is he in today, still at the end?” Gwen felt herself stiffen at the thought he might actually be there.

  Shane felt the change as well and rubbed his hand on her arm.

  “Yeah,” the girl said, and then returned to whatever they had been talking about.

  Gwen looked at Shane after they walked away from the students. “Well that’s that, he’s not missing. Let’s go home. We can come back tomorrow, and search records.”

  “Don’t you want to even make sure? We bothered to come.” He tucked her closer. “Go on. I’ll wait here.”

  She looked back at the door and back to Shane, then smiled, walked into the building and down the hall. There were a few night classes in session, and as she neared the end of the hall she saw a light on. A million memories came rushing back. The door was ajar. She drew in a deep breath.

  The baggage and unsaid words seemed to dump out as soon as she saw his messy desk and collection of half-empty coffee cups. It felt like no time had passed. This was where it all happened. The first time, her first time, and the discovery she was not his only student that stayed late for hands-on biology lessons.

  She hadn’t seen his face since the night he looked up from his other lover to lock eyes with her. After that, she dropped his class and picked another subject for that credit. They did not get married after she graduated, as they talked about. His calls went unanswered; as did her questions. Unanswered questions. That was a theme that seemed to carry on.

  “Gwendoline! Look at you.” Steven walked out from the small supply closet.

  Gwen felt frozen in his crystal blue eyes. The lines had deepened some, but he still looked young for his age. He still wore his hair as a brown shaggy mess that somehow looked intentional. As she always had in his presence, she felt like a child and had no idea what to say. That stunning presence allowed him to manipulate the situation with many students she imagined.

  “To what do I owe such a lovey surprise?” He stepped around his desk.

  “I was just in town.” She took a step back, stumbled over her own feet, but recovered. You facedown vampires, this is just a heartless jerk, she told herself.

  “And you came to see me? I’m not busy, let’s do dinner and wine.” His eyes look
ed her up and down. “Or did you have something else in mind?”

  Her features wrinkled. “No, I came to show my fiancée where I grew up. He’s waiting for me. I should go.” The words fumbled out, she hadn’t thought about what she was going to say, and had never been good at lying.

  “You came for closure? Interesting.” His brows arched. “Very well then, I’m sorry I hurt you.” The words held no sincerity.

  “Yes, and thank you for that. I should go now. You must be busy. That’s all I needed, and now I feel better.” She held her hands behind her back and stood still, wondering how she could keep him safe without sounding like a lunatic.

  He turned his head and used the patronizing tone that she used to melt at. “Delightful. You haven’t changed in so many ways, darling. What is it you really want?”

  “Not that.” Her concern for him wavered, but she refocused. He was certainly a mistake, a disastrous mistake, but he didn’t deserve to die in some brutal ritual. There was nothing she could say that wouldn’t sound crazy. “I guess I just wanted to see you again before, to put things behind me. I appreciate your apology. I hope you are happy and well.”

  He gave her a half smile. “Sure, I’m always happy. You say he’s here, the lucky devil?”

  She swallowed. “Yes, but…”

  “But nothing, I’ll walk you out.” He took a few steps and placed his hand on the small of her back, leading her from the office.

  “I really should just go now.” She said in the hall, and stepped away from his hand.

  He put his hand back around her. “Don’t be disagreeable, Gwendoline.”

  Her name from him always had the same effect of erasing her resistance and good reasoning. “No, of course not.”

  While they walked she did her best to cast a spell of protection, not sure what good it would do. She needed to get home, get Shane to go to bed, and go see Dmitry. He could protect Steven, and he could protect Dillon, and Shane. She would have to involve the monster while she figured out what was going on.

  As they neared him, Gwen looked at Shane, who stood relaxed, leaning back against a tree with his foot supporting him, and his eyes closed. He buzzed with magic that reached out and calmed her, giving her strength.

  They walked over and Shane opened his eyes when he sensed them. He scanned the man, who looked to have a good ten to fifteen years on them, judging from the soft lines around his eyes and mouth.

  “You must be the fiancé.” Steven reached out and gave him a firm shake. “I’m so happy for my Gwendoline. When are you kids tying the knot?”

  The patronizing tone did not settle well with Shane. Nor did the way the man seemed to be judging him with a smirk trying to edge out.

  “We haven’t locked down a date yet. Shane, this is Steven, one of my old professors.” She stepped to Shane and put her arm around his waist. “We were just catching up, but we should go. I want you to see the square before it gets too late.”

  Steven watched her, looking a little impressed by how she handled the awkward situation. He glanced at Shane with a dismissive smile and then put his attention back to her, not bothering to pretend he looked at her face. “I’m glad we were able to chat. I’m sorry we couldn’t catch up properly, next time you are in town, stop by again?”

  Shane cocked up an eyebrow.

  “Goodbye, Steven.” Gwen spoke firmly and watched as the smile left his face and he walked away. “I’m sorry, he’s an awkward jerk. Some things never change. We can go now.”

  Chapter Eight

  “S o, as awful as that was, if he is alive then maybe you are wrong about the reasoning.” Shane sat at the kitchen island while Gwen made coffee. He couldn’t help but see some sadness lingered in her eyes.

  “Possibly, but I don’t think so. I did a small protection spell, but I have a feeling it’ll take more than that to deter whatever this is. It feels dark.” She poured him a cup, and when she sat it down his hand clasped hers.

  He rubbed his thumb over her hand, feeling bad that he had no more love for her than her first lover did. Before that thought had time to take root, he pushed it away.

  His life depended on him doing what was needed, no matter who got hurt. “I hope you understand, with guys like that, it’s just not about you. You couldn’t have changed him.”

  “Yeah, lesson learned. I’m sorry you had to see that.” She looked down at his hand on hers and wondered what awful outcome she could expect from them. So far she batted zero in the romance department, and the last few days had shoved every mistake in her face. “Shane, I…”

  “I’m not going to hurt you like that. I’m going to heal your heart.” He stood up beside her and let her lean against him.

  “What happens after this? I mean when the dust settles and the witch is gone?” She looked up at him, seeing his face still held happy contentment. “Do you go back to the beach?”

  “I told you I wasn’t leaving you. You are quite stuck with me now.” He trailed a finger down her nose, and winked at her, before flashing a megawatt smile.

  “Your smile is so beautiful.” She sighed. “You have a life though, a shop there, and so do I, here.”

  He chuckled. “You know what your town lacks? A charmed shop. I seriously have to go all the way to the big city to get the things I need to make magic.”

  “Shane, seriously. We just met.”

  “And we have been through a lot already. I passed the dead body test, the ex-lover test, the dueling love interest test. Oh and we made flowers when we made love. That must be a sign. Fate. I believe in fate, don’t you?” He gently lifted her chin. “I already know I want you forever.”

  His words sounded so sincere, so unlike Steven, she thought. She wrapped her arms around him and allowed herself to think it could be different with him. They did make magic together. “I may cast a love spell, just to make sure you don’t run back to the beach when you come to your senses.”

  He laughed deeply. “You do that, but teach me too, so I can cast it on you.”

  While they sipped coffee, she continued to think about Steven and the witch. As much as she wanted to hurt him and let him know what he did to her, she knew he needed her help.

  Shane watched her run her fingers along the counter edge. The look in her eyes said her thoughts were miles away, and he assumed back on the problem at hand. “Do you think maybe the victims, even though they are related to you loosely, were random picks?”

  She couldn’t believe how graciously he moved past Steven. His face, tone, and aura all said nothing changed. He was still all in. She owed him a bit more honesty. “I need to go see some of those dark things I mentioned. They can help me keep you safe. I want to go to council, but I should really do that under their protection as well. I don’t want you to go with me tonight, because these things, they are much worse than witches. Can you understand that? It’s to protect you, not to keep anything from you.”

  “You think I will be safer here alone?” He stood back up, and brushed his hands in her hair. He’d never met anyone so sweet and concerned for others. She wanted to go enlist vampires to protect him. A twist of guilt tugged at him as his motives raced across his mind. He tried to tell himself that he would love her, just as deeply as he told her he would, eventually. People did grow to love each other in time.

  “You are never alone here at night. I will be back as soon as possible. When I go to council, if I go to council, I will take you there. If it is safe.”

  He laughed. “You will, maybe, if. Whatever you think is best.”

  She kissed him, feeling the magic still there, even amid all of the drama. It made her wonder just how magical it would be with him when things were normal. At least what passed for normal.

  As soon as she left, he sensed Sergei in the room.

  “You not escorting the princess tonight?” Shane sipped his coffee and turned to see Sergei in the door.

  “Mistress, not princess. I have orders.”

  Shane laughed and ran his
finger over the rim of the cup. “You been given Shane detail? I get my very own monster now?”

  Sergei snorted. “I could be preoccupied when the rogue witch decides to rip out your heart.”

  “I don’t have one.” He tossed his cup in the sink. Was that true? He didn’t usually, but something changed in her presence. He noticed she did that to everyone, as if that buzz she radiated made everyone be the best version of themselves. “What’s kind of thing is Sebastian?”

  Sergei slowly blinked. “An abomination that should be dead.”

  “Oh, not a fan then? I gathered he didn’t like me.” Shane tapped his fingers on the counter. “He loves her too, maybe even more than the golden boy.”

  The sound that came from Sergei was close to a laugh. “Sebastian isn’t as loyal as he should be. You’d do best not to push him where Gwen is concerned.”

  “I see, what is he?”

  Sergei walked out of the room after a snort and dismissive look.

  Shane followed him into the main room. “I asked you a question.”

  Sergei snarled. “I don’t answer to you, witch. You do what you are here for, and I won’t kill you, that is the extent of where we are.”

  “Already in. Not the worst job you could ask for either.” Shane laughed, and walked up the stairs. “Nice work with the sheriff by the way.”

  “N o, sunshine, I don’t want you wandering around council. It’s always filled with treachery.” Dmitry paced, stopped and sniffed Gwen. There was a strange mix of both familiar and unfamiliar scents. “Who have you been with?”

  “Haven’t you heard a word I said? There are dead bodies turning up, I need to speak with Jeremy.” She fought the urge to step back, as he trailed a hand over her shoulder. Goosebumps raised on her skin from both his touch and the chill his presence filled the air with.

  “Excuse me.” He smacked her, holding back his full anger. “Have you been away so long you need a refresher in who I am to you?”

  She didn’t cry or even raise a hand to her face. Compared to all of the awful things back home, being smacked by Dmitry was mild. In fact, she noticed it was mild and wondered why he hadn’t knocked her to the ground as was usually the case. “I’m sorry, Master. I need to see him. It’s a matter that can’t wait. I need your assistance to keep people alive. I need your help. You said I would have as much as your mistress.”


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