Tales From The Wyrd Museum 3: The Fatal Strand

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Tales From The Wyrd Museum 3: The Fatal Strand Page 3

by Robin Jarvis

  'Oh Ursula!' her sister objected. ‘I wouldn't—you know that, you do, you do!'

  She pulled a face as if she were about to cry once more, but Ursula was already lifting and so Miss Celandine quickly forgot the offending remark and assisted her in hoisting their dead sister off the ground.

  'Why, the dear darling's no weight at all!' she exclaimed.

  'Come,' Miss Ursula said. 'We must bear her down the great stair.'

  With Edie Dorkins treading solemnly at their heels, the despondent trio were quickly swallowed by the intense and stagnant dark as they began their descent, deep beneath the museum's foundations.

  Down into the severe blackness which filled the underground stairway and mocked the pitiful flame of the oil lamp, they slowly made their way. The plummeting path was perilous and progress was painfully slow. Inch by inch they bore Veronica's body, avoiding the slippery patches where dripping water and the tread of countless ages had worn the steps treacherously smooth. Beneath lengths of mouldering pipework they ducked, until Edie suddenly called out and pressed her ear to the crumbling stone wall.

  'There's summink behind it!' she cried. 'Listen—it's gettin' closer.'

  Miss Ursula tilted her head to one side and tutted with irritation. 'Remember what I told you, Edith dear,' she began, 'how near this secret stair brushes against the advances of Mankind? A meagre few inches beyond this very wall runs one of their subterranean railways. Brace yourselves, both of you—the engine approaches.'

  All three could now hear the faint roaring noise which vibrated through the shaft, causing a tremor to ripple through the steps beneath their feet. Swiftly the sound soared, mounting to a trumpeting clamour that blared up the stairway. Edie fell back from the wall, expecting it to explode at any moment before the unstoppable force of the train which was surely about to cannon its way through.

  The steps were shuddering violently now and the body of Miss Veronica swayed unsteadily upon the stretcher as her sisters endeavoured to remain standing. The din was deafening, a screaming rumble which reverberated through Edie's chest, and she opened her mouth to yell amidst this clangorous thunder.

  Then it was over. Beyond the narrow barrier of stone, the Underground train had passed and all that remained was a juddering echo, which flew up the spiralling stairs and vanished in the winding gloom above.

  Catching her breath, Edie lifted the oil lamp to peer around her. The surrounding masonry was crazed and fractured and, from the still quivering cracks, fine rivers of dust were pouring.

  'One day our sanctuary shall be unearthed and all our secrets laid bare—but not yet,' Miss Ursula assured her. 'Come, Celandine, there is still some distance to travel before we can lay our sister to rest.'

  In the wake of the train's tumult, the ensuing silence was horribly oppressive. It made the pool of darkness, which constantly receded before them, seem resentful and full of invisible, unfriendly eyes.

  The overwhelming hush made Edie uneasy; she did not like silence. She had only recently been plucked from the time of the Blitz, with its constant din of exploding bombs and the crackle of the anti-aircraft guns. Not since the time when she had been imprisoned under the ruins of her home, with the bodies of her mortal family around her, had she known such deathly quiet. She started to make small noises to fend off this unwelcome absence of sound.

  At first she hummed tunelessly then, true to her feral nature, she tried a gentle, droning growl. After a short while, Edie was amused to find that her echoes sounded as though some little animal really was in there with them. Once she was almost certain that a snuffling bark had not stemmed from her at all, and she flourished the lamp behind her to check that nothing was hiding in the shadows. But before she could prove her suspicions, the descent was over. The staircase came to an abrupt halt and the space opened up around them, changing the nature of the echoes completely.

  'Edith,' Miss Ursula instructed, 'you must proceed in front and light the way. Nirinel is at hand.'

  Through a network of caverns the girl led the Websters, until at last they came to a large metal gateway which swung open before them.

  Immediately, the golden radiance of many flaming torches flared up to greet their straining sight. Edie ran forward to gaze up at the magnificent spectacle of the last surviving root of the World Tree—astounded afresh by its titanic majesty.

  Up into the lofty, vaulted shadows the massive shape stretched, where no leaping lights could reach. The child's eyes traced an imagined arch down to where the momentous root plunged back into the flame glow and thrust through the chamber's far wall. It was a monumental vision of permanence, the oldest of all living things, the most wondrous of secrets hidden in the forgotten deeps of the earth—Nirinel.

  From history's cradle the Webster sisters had tended it, guarding their sacred charge against the relentless corruption of the marching years. It was only fitting that Miss Veronica would remain beneath its enchanted bulk for the rest of eternity.

  'Careful,' Miss Ursula scolded Miss Celandine as they approached a large circular dais built in the centre of the cavern. 'Lay her down gently'

  The ancient wellhead, from which divine waters were once drawn to anoint the ravages of age afflicting the great root, was now choked with moss and a hay-like growth of dead weeds. Upon their dry, cushioning layers the stretcher was placed and Edie put the ebony cane in Miss Veronica's lifeless hands.

  'And the blade,' Miss Ursula directed. 'It should be beside her.'

  The girl obeyed, carefully removing the deadly weapon from the bag. Then she caressed the dead woman's cheek with her fingertips and whispered, 'You can rest now.'

  Regarding the child keenly, a curious light glittered in Miss Ursula's eyes and she returned her attention to her dead sister.

  'Are you in truth at peace?' she asked, intently scanning the lined face. 'Is your soul finally free? You were never content, Veronica. In our youth I denied you your happiness and to this unending existence you were irrevocably fettered.'

  Edie kissed the dead woman's forehead then gave Miss Ursula a conciliatory smile. 'At the end,' she told her, 'Veronica said as how she were sorry and didn't blame you for what happened.'

  On hearing this, the eldest of the Fates squeezed her eyes shut. Then, when she had mastered herself, she took the oil lamp from Edie and leaned forward—holding it over that cold, expressionless face, as if the answer to what troubled her could be found amongst the countless wrinkles which mapped its aged contours.

  How different those familiar features now appeared. Without the inner spark to kindle that mottled flesh and fire it into life, it was like viewing some poorly executed sculpture of her sister. No trace of the character that had once burned within her could be glimpsed or guessed at. The absolute stillness was hideous to see and the pallid skin reflected the lamplight in a cadaverous ghastliness.

  Still searching that beloved face, Miss Ursula muttered in a voice which at times cracked with despair.

  'Of this world there is little I do not understand,' she said huskily. 'But to this plane alone, and of those who are bound unto it, does my wisdom extend. Beyond the frontiers of life, Urdr has no knowledge. Outside the immutable confines of this strangling reality, is there an end to care and suffering? Can there indeed be a paradise? Is that where you are now, my dearest little Verdandi? Is all your hurt now healed?'

  Listening to this, Miss Celandine snivelled into her handkerchief once more. It frightened her to hear Ursula so uncertain and questioning.

  'Is Veronica with Mother now, do you think?' she spluttered.

  Her elder sister lowered the lamp and let out a long breath. 'I do not know,' she replied with a bitter edge in her voice. 'And I doubt whether I shall ever discover the answer. For how may the immortals ever know the truth of that—the most hidden secret of all?'

  The woman lapsed into silence as she continued to survey the wizened corpse lying upon the dried weeds.

  'How small she seems, and how ignominious her journey
to this place. Verdandi, princess of the Royal House, and yet she was carted here as though she were of no more import than a sack of coal.'

  Spreading her hands wide, Miss Ursula lifted her eyes to the towering vastness of Nirinel as she contemplated the pomp and dignity that her late sister truly deserved.

  'In the forgotten past, the funeral of this daughter of Askar would have been effected with the highest ceremony. A legion of horns and trumpets would have sounded the heavens, and banners of sable flown from the city walls to mourn her passing. What solemn elegies the poets would have composed, what glorious outrage to inspire the balladeers' songs.

  'In every window a candle would burn in memory of her. Across the land, monuments would rise and the brightest star in the firmament would be named anew.'

  The woman's voice trailed into nothing and she looked again at the wasted body upon the wellhead. ‘I regret that such ceremony is forever behind us,' she admitted, 'but still we will do what we can. Verdandi may indeed have to remain in this blessed place until the end of all things, but not for a moment shall she be alone. In this, her tomb, we shall take it in turns to sit beside her. However, on this grievous day, we shall all keep watch.'

  'Oh yes!' Miss Celandine cooed. 'And when it's just her and myself, I shall bring down a plate of jam and pancakes to put at her side and tell her everything that happens—I shall, I shall.'

  Under Miss Ursula's instruction, they each took a torch from the carved walls and fixed them into the soil around the wellhead. Then, together, they knelt before Miss Veronica's body and the long vigil commenced.

  With her head to one side, and the torchlight sparkling in her bright eyes, Miss Celandine rocked backwards and forwards upon her knees, murmuring the snatches of old rhymes and songs she remembered from the ancient city of Askar and the days of her youth.

  ‘Oh see within that sylvan shade,

  the fairest city that e'er was made.

  A mighty tower roofed withhold,

  where dwells the Lady so I'm told.

  Queen of that ash land she may be,

  with daughters one, two and three.'

  Turning to the old woman in the nightgown, Edie saw that large tears were trickling down her walnut-like face as she recited. But Miss Celandine's memory soon failed her and the words trailed into nothing. Humming to herself, she twisted the end of her plaits around her knobbly fingers, whilst her whispering voice slowly began to chant another half-remembered rhyme:

  ‘...thus spurred by need she wove her doom.

  Then all were caught within that weave

  and from its threads none could cleave.

  The root was saved, but by the Loom

  all things are destined, from womb to tomb...’

  At Edie's side, the girl thought that she saw Miss Ursula flinch when these words were uttered and wondered what she was thinking.

  '...How fierce He roared, she cheated him

  of the ruling power hid within...’

  Again the poem faltered, but Miss Celandine continued to drone the rhythm until a sad smile suddenly smoothed her crabbed lips when a different thought illuminated her muddled mind. Clumsily, she rose to her feet and, assuming a dramatic pose, pointed a big, grime-encrusted toe. Then, very carefully, she started to dance.

  Edie shifted around to watch her. Swathed in her ragged nightgown, the old woman's less than graceful movements were a peculiar sight. In other circumstances Edie would have laughed, but here in the midst of their grief, Miss Celandine's shambling performance possessed an aching poignancy.

  Around the Chamber of Nirinel Miss Celandine waltzed, twirling and revolving with her arms flung wide. At times she looked like a collection of tattered sheets torn from a washing line and caught in a buffeting gale, but there were moments when the crackling torch flames clothed her in an enchanted light and the endless years fell from her shoulders. In those brief moments Miss Celandine was beautiful; her hair burned golden and her supple limbs skipped the steps with dainty precision.

  Then the vision was lost as she sailed out of the torchlight and reeled towards the entrance, where the metal gates formed a perfect backdrop for the rest of her display.

  'Oh what heavenly dancing there used to be,' she pined, temporarily interrupting her tune. 'What darling parties we had back then. Terpsichore, the gallants called me—Terpsichore, Terpsichore.'

  Flitting behind Miss Celandine, a dozen shadows stretched high into the darkness above, magnifying her every move. Edie stared, enthralled by their grotesquely distorted, whirling shapes.

  Even Miss Ursula had turned to watch her sister, yet the eyes which regarded her clumsy cavorting were filled with pity.

  All their attention was diverted from the corpse which lay upon the wellhead, so not one of them noticed when the withered hand of Miss Veronica began to move.

  With painful slowness, the arthritic fingers twitched and flexed, creeping across the bloodstained robe like the legs of a great, gnarled spider. Down to her side the hand inched, until the groping fingers closed about something metal and in that instant the old woman's eyes snapped open.

  'Such is the demented doom which awaits me,' Miss Ursula breathed, still following Miss Celandine's ungainly prances. 'As Nirinel rots, so too does her mind. That is the measure of how closely are we bound to it. Veronica was the first to fall victim. Then, piece by piece, Celandine followed until she became this witless fool. How many years are left unto me I wonder, before I too hitch up my skirts and join her in that abandoned madness?'

  Edie chewed her bottom lip thoughtfully. 'I'll look after both of you,' she pledged.

  ‘I know, child. To you I entrust the care of the museum and the many secrets it holds.'

  Over the carved beasts which crowded the chamber's walls, Miss Celandine's wild shadows continued to leap, and Edie narrowed her almond-shaped eyes as she watched them. Something was wrong.

  Amongst those gyrating shapes was a disharmony that she could not place. Over that stone menagerie the fleeting silhouettes licked and bounced with the same deranged vigour as before, but now a new element mingled with them—an extra shadow which did not belong there.

  At first it was difficult to distinguish this additional outline from the rest of the frenetic show. Confused, Edie peered at the strangely stilted shade with a puzzled expression upon her face. Then, with a sudden terror clutching her stomach, the awful truth dawned upon her.

  Spinning round, the girl let out a yell of fright. The stretcher was empty. There—standing directly behind Miss Ursula, her raised hand clutching hold of the rusted blade and ready to strike—was Miss Veronica Webster.

  Chapter 3 - An Unholy Abomination

  Down stabbed the spear, slicing a savage arc through the stagnant air. But Edie's shout had been enough, and Miss Ursula moved aside a moment before the weapon plunged through the space where she had just been sitting.

  Springing up, Edie pulled the eldest of the Fates to her feet and both stared in horror at the decrepit figure before them.

  Orbs of darkness glared out from Miss Veronica's haggard face in place of eyes. Like mirrors of polished jet they reflected the surrounding torchlight, but no hint of life gleamed within their inky depths.

  About her hunched shoulders, her long, coal-coloured hair snaked and streamed as though an infernal breeze blew upon it. Then, taking a lurching step forward, the apparition once again slashed the scarlet-steeped weapon in front of her.

  Edie dragged Miss Ursula clear of the sweeping blade. Then those dark eyes bent their power upon her and the girl shuddered, caught in the malevolence of their glance.

  With jerking spasms, the lifeless limbs lashed out and Miss Ursula covered the stricken child's sight as she hauled her out of range.

  'Do not look at her!' she cried. 'That is not my sister. A foulness is in possession of her body. Edith—come quickly!'

  Avoiding the spiking blows they fled, but the animated cadaver darted in pursuit, furiously ripping and tearing the air behin
d them.

  Around the well Edie and Miss Ursula ran, barely dodging the vicious thrusts until Miss Veronica's shrivelled mouth gaped open and the malice-filled spirit which drove her let loose an unearthly, echoing howl.

  At the gateway, Miss Celandine staggered to a standstill. With the folds of her nightgown swishing about her, she stared at the scene incredulously.

  'Veronica!' she exclaimed, a wide grin splitting her face. 'Veronica!'

  Overcome with joy she bounded across the earthen floor towards the horror that awaited.

  'No!' Miss Ursula shouted. 'Celandine—that is not Veronica!'

  But Miss Celandine did not heed her. All she saw was her young sister, alive once more, and she flung herself forward, squealing with wondrous exultation.

  A hideous snarl twisted the dead lips as the corpse wheeled to meet her and the spear glinted ruddily in the firelight.

  'Celandine!' Edie bawled. 'Stop!'

  Too late, Miss Celandine beheld those black, soulless eyes. She could not halt her blundering gait and went slithering to the ground at the very feet of her departed sister.

  Screaming shrilly, she frantically rolled aside just as the spear come plummeting for her chest.

  Deep into the soil the weapon bit, but the creature immediately tore it loose. Already Miss Celandine was scrambling away, but she was no match for the adamantine will which propelled that repellent carcass. From the bloodstained robe a cold hand came raking. Grasping fingers clawed at her hair, seizing one of the wildly swinging plaits.

  In despair, Miss Celandine felt the violent wrenching of her scalp and she buckled backwards, torn off balance. Down she fell and up flew the spear once more. This time there was no escaping; the fingers which yanked her head to the floor owned an unnatural strength and no amount of squirming would loosen their malignant, murderous grip.


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