Campbell's Reaper: Soul Reapers #2

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Campbell's Reaper: Soul Reapers #2 Page 6

by J. D. Lowrance

  “Oh my god,” I exclaimed as I started to pull down the collar of Tank’s t-shirt to reveal bite marks and hickeys from where Crazy Z went to town on my neck. The hickeys were so red and irritated they looked like track marks all over the side of my neck. “What was he, a fucking leech?” I asked my reflection as I examined the rest of me. My wrists were even worse, bruised and puffy like the side of my face, but turning a beautiful shade of purple. The reality of what happened was starting to sink it.

  Holy shit! Can someone please explain to me the shit storm that just got dumped all over my weekend? I mean seriously! What kind of fucked up shit was that? I go from having a pity party about Tank leaving me for brother shit, in my pjs as I ate Phish Food ice cream, to standing in the filthiest place that ever resembled a bathroom bruised and battered wearing Tank’s ten-sizes-too-big-for-me-clothes running away like the hounds of hell were literally chasing us. Maybe they are! Damn Hellhounds.

  The more I replayed everything, the more pissed off I became. Maybe I should be shitting my pants, or be scared, but I was just fucking pissed. My resolve grew as I stared at my reflection. No more! “No more,” I yelled at my reflection. Crazy Z better stay away from Logan and me or I was going to show him just how un-vanilla I could be. No more baby girl; it was now just straight up I’m-gonna-bust-your-ass Campbell, or Sunshine for short.

  “Miss, you okay in there?” A guy’s squeaky voice came through the door.

  I pulled open the door, pushing past him. “I am now,” I said with a confidence I felt all the way to my toes.


  I had just finished topping off the tank when I looked up and saw Sunshine walking towards me. Her radiance still shone throughout even after everything she just went through. Her strawberry blonde hair blew in the breeze and a slight smile teased at her lips. I am such a fucking pussy with this girl. An air of confidence and determination surrounded her that was not there when she went into the bathroom. A glint in her eye said she had a secret that I knew I would kill to keep if she gave it to me. All I wanted was to do was heave her up against my body, her soft against my hard, and kiss her until she moaned my name.

  I looked out on the road as if I were checking for something. Anger, hold onto it damn it. I felt her warmth before she touched my arm, drawing my eyes back to hers. Just one touch, one look, was all it took for that rage to evaporate like dew in the summer sun. Where was the wrath, the hatred, the anger? Gone, like it never existed, all because of this stunning female before me.

  “Ready?” I croaked before clearing my throat. “You ready to get back?” Campbell rubbed her arms with her hands. The temperature was dropping pretty quickly. “You cold?” I asked, shrugging off my cut and leather jacket that I was wearing.

  “No, I’m good,” Sunshine said as she stepped into my space. Damn it woman!

  “Wear this anyway,” I countered, draping my jacket on her shoulders. Once she slid her arms in, I put my cut back on and took another step back. “Ready now?”

  “Absolutely. I need a shower so bad,” she replied as she glided her fingers down my arm lacing her fingers with mine. Images of her naked, in a shower, ran through my mind. Focus!

  She studied our entwined fingers for a moment before looking up at me. Her eyes were so warm and filled with admiration and something akin to love. “Thank you,” she said sincerely. Our eyes stayed locked on each other. Hell, she probably wanted me to kiss her. My mind screamed no as my cock hardened at the thought. Campbell closed the distance between us. “I mean it,” she whispered as she ran her fingers down the other arm locking her fingers with mine. “You are amazing.”

  That word alone brought me back to what needed to be done. “Stop,” was all I said before I took a step back from her, breaking our contact and creating space. Her closeness, her body, was just too much. I kept my head down as I made my way over to the other side of my bike. My leg automatically swung over the saddle as I handed her her helmet before putting on my own. “Get on,” I commanded as I revved the engine, not bothering to look at her. Campbell paused for only a second before she fastened her helmet and got on.

  “We need to stop at the clubhouse first to see what is going on before we go anywhere else.” I saw her nod out of the corner of my eye. “Alright, let’s do this.”

  Campbell tightened her hold on me as I took off, almost as if she never wanted to let go. Fancy that! Well I was about to see how far her new found confidence and determination would last with me once we got home.



  Our little exchange at the gas station left me wanting more as we sped towards home. All I wanted, no needed, was Tank to finally acknowledge that something was going on between us, but he kept putting up road blocks. He obviously hated the word amazing. Stupid man. Did he not see how amazing he really was?

  A few hot-as-hell kisses and a couple of orgasms were no longer enough. This fire burning between us needed to be acknowledged or it would explode causing us both pain. I knew he felt it as much as I did. Yet, Tank was always the first to pull away, to create distance between us yet his eyes always told the truth. The longing never left them and what I thought was love, or at least the beginnings of it. When I first met him his eyes were black, like a bottomless pit, but every day we spent together his eyes lightened up revealing the most unique amber-colored irises. The more his eyes lightened, the more I could read them and what he was feeling, even if he did not say it out loud. But now? Why was he starting to push me away again?

  The night provided the perfect cover as we sped towards the clubhouse. It was still pitch black all around us, with the only light coming from the single headlight from Tank’s bike. We were still hours from home and I could feel the weight of the day catching up with me. I scooted closer to Tank trying to block the wind with his broad shoulders, while my cheek came to rest on the middle of his back. I snuggled into his warmth, breathing in his scent. He was everywhere. I was so lost in Tank and the darkness surrounding us that it took a minute for me to realize he was talking until I felt his chest rumble again. The wind carried off his words so I straightened up and yelled over his shoulder, “What?”

  The impact to the bike came without warning. I screamed as my nails dug into Tank’s waist trying desperately to cling to him. “Hold on,” he shouted over his shoulder. I felt the jerk of the bike as Tank picked up speed. I looked over my shoulder to see a large, black SUV practically on top of us. “Faster,” I screamed as the SUV threw on its headlights blinding me. I turned my head, squeezing my eyes shut as dots floated across my eyelids. The deadly sound of tires screeching across the pavement happened right as I felt the SUV hit the bike’s back tire. It all happened so fast. My eyes popped open and I looked forward right as Tank tried to counter steer against the push, jerking the bike back and forth across the road.

  “Oh my God,” I screeched as the balance of the bike slipped out from under us. I felt Tank take my hand as he yelled, “Get ready.” Get ready? Get ready for what? As the bike listed back to the left he literally flung me into the air and off the bike onto the grass median. I hit the ground hard and rolled as my momentum carried me across the grass. And then there was darkness.


  Fuck me sideways. Everything was masked in darkness as we cruised down the highway. No streetlights, no movement, just the inky blackness that accompanied riding at night. Even the moon conceded to the darkness as it hid behind clouds; my headlight providing the only source of light.

  Probably out of gas or something I thought as we sped past a large, black SUV abandoned on the side of the road. It was not until the moon peeked out that a reflection of light in my side mirror drew my attention to that same damn SUV that was now only 50 yards away from us and closing fast. I yelled to Campbell to hold on. I heard her yell back in response right before the SUV bumped us. Campbell wrapped her arms tighter around me as I picked up speed. The increased torque jerked the bike as I tried putting more distance between
us and them. Right as I thought we were making headway I saw the SUV swerve as it threw on its headlights basking us in a hollow light. The distance I tried to put between us was not enough as the SUV clipped my back tire messing with the weight distribution of the bike. I tried counter steering to right the bike but it was too out of control. Campbell’s yell hit me in the gut as all thoughts turned to her safety. I told her to get ready as we came close to the grass median with every intention of jumping off with her but as I took her hand and felt the bike vibrate uncontrollably under me I knew I needed to stay on to steer it away from her. As we got closer to the median I heaved with all my strength to get her up and over the bike and onto the median.

  The bike listed once again as the back tire gave way and I lost all control of it. It zoomed across the lanes slamming into the guard rail. I felt weightless as I flew over the handlebars ducking my chin into my chest, curling my shoulders into my body. I knew that I had to try and roll with the impact once I hit the ground if I was still conscious. The ground approached faster than I was ready in 3 – 2 – 1.


  I awoke as fast as I passed out. The events from moments before slammed into me as I scrambled to my feet. No pain? The adrenaline must have been pumping through my body as I stood taking in the carnage. Tank’s bike looked as if it had melted into the guard rail becoming a permanent part of it.

  “Tank,” I screamed as I raced across the two lanes. “Where are you?” I looked around frantically as I tried to see him but it was too dark. There was a steep decline on the side of the road where Tank must have fallen. Everything was swallowed up by the darkness. I could barely see what was right in front of me. Should I hop the rail and look for Tank? Where did the SUV go? “Shit,” I hissed. “Tank,” I tried calling again. “Tank!” I said more forcefully. I felt the tears trying to break free as reality started to set in.

  Fuck! I turned in a circle trying to figure out what the hell I was going to do. I saw red tail lights up ahead. I ran my hands through my hair gripping it as I tried to hold onto my sanity. I noticed my leather covered arms and immediately started to pat down the jacket praying that his phone was in a pocket and not on him. I reached into the last pocket, my heart hammering as I brought out his phone. The screen was cracked but with trembling fingers I swiped it, bringing it to life. I hit the phone icon and then recent to find 25 unanswered calls to the phone. The name below sang to me as I hit the name Colton. It rang once and Colton’s glorious voice came through.

  “It’s Colton...” I interrupted him before he even had a chance to say anything else. “Colt, oh my God, there was an accident. You have to help us.” I paused and my stomach dropped. “. . . leave a message,” Colton’s voice said, indicating I was in his voicemail. The adrenaline started to leave my body and the pain started to set in. I stared straight ahead at the taillights wondering if they could see me as I waited for the beep.


  “Colton. Oh shit. Oh shit. Fuck. Some fucking car just bumped us and shit . . . we crashed . . . I can’t find Tank. I think he slid down the fucking side of the road. Tank,” I yelled, “Tank. Answer me damn it.” I paused trying to catch my breath when I noticed the taillights were becoming headlights. “Shit . . . oh shit. The fucking car is turning around. Shit . . . what am I supposed to do? It’s coming back. Oh. My. God.” I turned, running away from the car. I could hear the roar of the engine as it sped towards me. “Stay away,” I screamed as the car stopped right next to me. “No, don’t fucking touch me. No. Tank!” I yelled as I heard their footsteps getting louder as they got closer.

  “Come here bitch,” one of them yelled as he hit me in the back of the head and all went dark, again.



  The sound of doors closing was the first thing I heard. Tires moving along the pavement, then the shifting of gears came next. The steady purr of an engine followed as it picked up speed and rode off into the distance. What I felt next was misery. Burning. Throbbing. Pain and more pain. I tried sitting up but had to settle for rolling to my side and easing my way up onto my forearms before sitting all the way up. My lungs burned as my shallow breaths hammered my aching ribs. I took stock of my arms and legs finding them all in one piece but much worse for the wear. My arms were bloodied from scrapes and scratches while my pants had several large tears in them with frayed edges that were covered with blood. My trembling fingers on both hands made contact with my face, traveling over it and into my hair where I felt a knot the size of a golf ball. No wetness or dampness which told me no bleeding from the head or face. Thank God.

  I must have stayed conscious long enough to actually roll into the impact. As the fuzziness started to recede, I took in my surroundings wondering what the fuck just happened. God, my body felt like it had the one time I was thrown from my bike. Holy Shit. Images of Sunshine, the gas station, and then the SUV assaulted me as everything came into crystal clear focus. It took me three tries to get up and even then I bellowed as pain raced through my body making me feel sick to my stomach. I hobbled up the side to the road. My arms and legs protested against my brain’s commands but I powered through when I closed my eyes and saw Sunshine’s face.

  “Sunshine,” I yelled, waiting and praying for a response. “Campbell.” The only sounds were from my thrashing about as I got up to the road. Breathless and hurting everywhere I took in the scene around me. I grabbed my side as I struggled to catch my breath. My wheezing and the grating of my ribs told me they were badly bruised possibly fractured. There were only two things I could see clearly; my messed up bike and the two red taillights growing smaller as the SUV drove my life away from me.

  The moon lit my way as I limped towards my bike, taking in the destruction. The guardrail’s hold on it was too much for me as I tried to walk the bike backwards and out of the wreckage. Shit. I reached into my pocket, then the other, for my phone but came up empty. “FUCK,” I roared into the night, coughing and wheezing as I tried to catch my breath. I am a worthless piece of shit.

  My eyes sought my only connection to my Sunshine. The two red specks were both calling and taunting me at the same time. I took a deep breath as I felt the anger, the wrath, boil my blood. This dark feeling was something I was used to and had not felt since Campbell lit my world. My inner-Hulk was nothing compared to the demon inside who now took notice and was fucking pissed.

  The guard rail never knew what hit it as I wailed away at it with my feet, my fists, and my rage. I fucking owned it by the time I was done. The bike easily moved away as I gave one final tug. A quick inspection told me that my bike had seen better days but could ride if she needed to. This bitch is always willing for a ride.

  I grabbed the two helmets before racing off after the SUV. The wind ripped through me, hammering at the scrapes and scratches all over my body, drying the new blood that spilled from my work-out on the rail. Nothing was going to stop me from saving Sunshine. Nothing.



  Muffled laughter was the first thing I heard as I slowly returned to the living. My head was throbbing hardcore. It was as if my heart had moved from my chest to permanently reside there. What the hell happened? My brain was struggling to catch up as I slowly cracked my eyes open taking in my surroundings. My nose caught up before my mind as the potent smell of mildew hit me, making me gag as I tried to sit up. My progress was stopped midway when I felt my wrist get tugged back towards the headboard.

  Fuck me! Second time tonight I was fucking tied to a piece of wood, only this time it was a headboard. And not just any headboard, the fake kind that was nailed to the wall and did not connect to the bed.

  Well shit. I needed to get the fuck out of here. I quickly scooted up to sit up against the headboard, tugging on the rope around my wrist to no avail as the door to the motel opened. The brightness from outside was shocking against the darkness of the room. I lifted my unbound hand to try and help block some of the brightness and saw two silhouette
s entering the room.

  “Well, well,” came a nasally voice, followed by vile laughter that made me wish I was anywhere but here. The door closed and the distinct sound of the lock froze me in place as the faint glow of a nearby floor lamp had my eyes adjusting yet again. A cold dread raced through my body as I took in the two intimidating figures before me.

  “Glad to see you awake little girl,” the second and much, much scarier guy said as he came to stand next to the bed. His large frame towered over the bed, making me believe that he and Tank were about the same size. His cheeks were the prominent feature of his face as they protruded out, making him look like he had a square jaw. Scary was bald with eyes as green as grass, and most likely in another situation, in another lifetime, he could have been cute. But instead his intensity scared the shit out of me.

  “What should we do with her?” crackled the first guy, who had the beadiest eyes I had ever seen and was so greasy it looked as if it was dripping from his hair. I curled away from them as Scary sat on the bed next to me. He ran his hand from my knee to my ankle, gripping it as I tried to pull away from him even more.

  “What do you want?” I hated the quiver in my voice. My bottom lip trembled displaying my fear and apprehension of what was about to happen.

  “Don’t be scuuured!” Greasy said as he laughed, showing his rotting teeth and black tongue. I gagged as he rounded the bed to stand on the other side. I was stuck in the middle of these two perverts and it felt like the walls were closing in on me. My breath sawed in and out as panic started to take over.


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