by Cat Warren
Brieger, Ludwig, 60
Buchanek, Michael, 156
Buck, Linda, 29, 31
Byrd, Robert, 238
Cablk, Mary, 89, 241–42
Cadaver Dog Handbook (Rebmann), 18–19, 66, 79
Cadaver Dog Program, Kentucky State, 232
cadaver dogs
accuracy of, 90–92
alerts of, 86–87, 89–90
background about, 19–25
bloodhounds as, 59, 235
books about training, 18–19, 66, 79
Cat’s decision to train Solo as, 18
Cat’s early research about, 19–25
dead sheep alerts of, 86–87
at disasters, 64–65
gender issues and, 272–73
Hamburg case and, 90–92
handlers effect on reliability of, 90
historic human remains and, 233–35, 241–43
importance of, 184
Labradors as, 59
and lack of resources for law enforcement, 114–15
leash on, 96
missing of bodies by, 177, 182
Oesterhelweg study of, 91–92
recovery of dead soldiers by, 192–97
scent recognition by, 70–72, 90–92
and scent/smell of decomposition, 18, 84–88, 89–90
scientific studies about, 90–92
and selection of Solo’s successor, 267
shepherds as, 59
signal of, 70–72
Solo’s training as, 69–72, 93–95, 96–98
training of, 18–19, 85–86, 92–96
Vass views about, 228
volunteers as handling majority of, 115
water searches and, 201–4
See also body dogs; specific crime scene, disaster, person or dog
Cady, Linda and Lisa Ann, 55–56
Calgary, Canada: George’s water search in, 211
Campbell, John, 44
Canada: body dogs in, 54
canaries, 258
cancer, 255, 257, 258, 259, 260
Candy (Labrador), 233
canine ergonomics, 73–74
canine predation, 23
Cary, Peter, 225
Casey (German shepherd), 251, 275
cats, 59, 258
cemeteries, 191, 243–48
Center for Public Integrity, 225
Central Identification Laboratory, U.S. Army, 193
Cerberus (mythological dogs), 22
The Chain Gang (movie), 43
Cher, 217
Cherokee (cadaver dog), 107, 164
Chihuahuas, 38, 39
chocolate: studies about smell of, 32
Christensen, Ann, 240
Civil War: recovery of dead bodies from, 43, 93, 191–92, 233–35, 245
clandestine burials, 61–62, 183–84, 228, 243, 245
Cleaveland, Nehemiah, 231
Clem (bloodhound), 45, 61
Clever Hans (German draft horse), 145–46, 154, 155, 194
coatis, 52
Coda (German shepherd)
as name of Solo’s successor, 268, 279–80
as Solo’s first name, 4, 5
cognition: smell and, 34–37
collies, 42, 190
Colonel of Redstone (body dog), 56
Columbo (vulture), 227
importance of, 105–8
for Solo, 105, 135–36, 147, 153, 246
See also specific command
“commit” of dogs, 160
conenose bugs, 223
confirmation bias, 152
Connecticut: Oppel case in, 61–63
Connecticut Health Department, 60
Connecticut State Police, 45, 63, 64, 67, 115, 186, 188
Cool Hand Luke (movie), 43
Cooper, D.B., 53
Coote, Robert, 156, 157
Cora (German shepherd), 6
corpse flower, 85
corpses. See bodies; body dogs; cadaver dogs; death; decomposition
court system
acceptance of tracking evidence by, 39–40, 45, 56
and claims about accuracy of dogs, 154–59
and convictions without a bodies, 63
and dog-sniff privacy issues, 151
role of scent evidence in, 154–55, 156
Coyote (German shepherd), 66, 81–82
coyotes, 24, 51, 183
Crafts, Helle and Richard, 63
Craighead, Frank, 30
Creature Countdowns (TV show), 29–30
crime scenes
body dogs at, 61–64
dogs at, 57
training of body dogs and, 61
See also murders
CSI (TV show), 23–24
Dachshunds, 37
Daughters of the American Revolution, 243
David, Edward, 25, 59, 66
dead-mouse juice, 165, 166
Dean, Edward E., 49
of dogs, 21–22, 259–63
dogs connection with, 19–25
dogs as harbingers of, 23
scent/smell of, 18, 21, 80–82, 83, 84–89, 200
See also bodies; decomposition
length of time of, 87
rate of, 83–84
research about, 84–85
smell/scent of, 18, 21, 80–82, 83, 84–89
training and, 85–86, 95–96
Vass studies about, 85, 86–87, 88, 89, 92
See also bodies
deer, 51, 52, 86
Defense Department, U.S., 48, 49
DeMello, Debbie, 186
dementia patient searches, 182–83
Dennis, Brad, 172–73, 183
and Cat’s ambitions, 110–11
of clandestine burials, 228
dogs and, 52–53
fake noses and, 217–22
and ferns as detectors, 223–24
honeybees and, 48–49
and insect ambush detectors, 222–23
and LABRADOR project, 228–29
national set of best practices for, 86
pigs and, 50–51, 54, 60, 88–89
SwRI research about, 47–52
and “The Wasp Hound” patent, 219–20, 223
turkey vultures and, 226–28
Dick, Wendi, 259
Dick (working dog), 198
Diesel (German shepherd), 119, 128–29
difficult terrain searches, 182
disaster dogs, 54, 55, 64–65, 74, 190, 267
disease: dogs as warning system for human, 257–59
Disney, Walt, 43
Dixee (Malinois-German shepherd), 170, 207, 236
DJ (German shepherd), 251–52, 270, 271, 276
DOA (decomposition odor analysis), 85
dog meat: people as eating, 25
in ancient times, 232–33
claims about accuracy of, 154–59
death of, 21–22, 259–63
distractions for, 165
euthanasia of, 23
evaluation of, 269
expertise of, 73
gender issues and, 272–73
as ignoring handlers, 160
as infallible, 168
and killing of dogs and handlers in Afghanistan, 212–13
longevity of, 256
motivation for, 76–79
in popular culture, 23–24
replacements for, 217–25, 226–28
retirement of, 250–52
as sacrifices, 22
as teachers, 275–76
toxic exposure of, 255–57
trusting, 167, 169, 177
as trusting their nose, 160
as warning system for human disease, 257–59
See also specific breed, dog, or topic
double-blind problems, 149–50, 153
Douglas, Gabby, 74
drive, 73, 268, 274
and alerts of narcot
ics dogs, 72
“commit” of dogs and, 160
court cases about detection of, 151
detection/smell of, 33, 38, 86, 90, 218
and dog’s trust of nose, 160
Durham K-9 unit and, 114
fake/artificial noses and, 218, 219, 220
false alerts about, 151–52
handler-dog relationship and, 160
Lit study about dogs’ detection of, 151–52
Solo searches for, 132
Sprouse-Rick incident and, 124
training of patrol dogs and, 166
training for search of, 76
in Vietnam, 33
See also narcotics dogs
Dupa (German shepherd), 63
Durham Police Department
aging of police dogs with, 254
Baker as head of K9 unit for, 112
Baker’s retirement from, 270
K9 unit at, 114–15
and selection of Solo’s successor, 268
Durocs: detection studies on, 50–51
Dusty (Beauceron), 240
Dutch shepherds, 41, 116, 259
Eagle (Doberman-pointer mix), 158
electric fence: Solo at, 101
electronic nose, 218–19, 220–21, 226
“endangered” people, 176
“evaluating effluvia,” 31
expertise: building, 73–74
facial recognition, 88
false alerts, 146–50, 152, 159, 164, 177
false claims, 150–53
Fargo (movie), 63
Faust, Drew Gilpin, 191
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), 158–59, 170, 228
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), 81
Ferguson, Roy, 107–8, 161–67, 169, 205–6, 273
Ferguson, Suzie, 162–67, 169, 205–6, 273
ferns: as bomb detectors, 223–24
Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation, 61
“Find the fish” command, 105, 136, 147
“Find Fred” command, 106–7
“Find napoo” command, 105–6
as PVC pipe training tool, 80, 81
See also “Find the fish” command
Fish (Labrador), 24–25
fleas: as detectors, 222, 223
Fleck, Terry, 39, 118, 121
flies, 84
patrol dogs in, 275
training programs in, 118–20, 125–30
Ford, Gerald, 58
Forensic Osteology Research Station (FOREST), Western Carolina University, 95–96
forensics, 23–24, 85
Fort Lauderdale, Florida: training program in, 118–20
Fourth Amendment, 151
fox terriers, 37
foxes, 51–52
Frankfurt, Harry G., 145, 147–48, 151
Franklin, Pat, 244, 246, 247–48
“freeze moment,” 173
Freundlieb, Stefan, 228
Fröhlingsdorf, Michael, 228
Frosty (golden retriever), 170
Furton, Kenneth, 86, 224–25
Gamr (mythological dog), 22
garbage dump searches, 183
gender issues, 115, 272–73
genetics, 270
Gentry, Charm, 240
George, Kevin, 75–79, 211
Georgia: Thomasville searches in, 233–37
Georgia Institute of Technology: electronic nose research at, 218
German Shepherd Dog Club, Washington State, 34
German shepherds
aging of, 252
and animals as model for study of human disease, 259
as body/cadaver dogs, 55, 64–65
as Cat’s favorite breed, 5
characteristics of, 5
as detecting dogs, 52
food for, 3
gender and, 273
handlers of, 52
as learning from mothers, 276
nose of, 52
osteosarcoma in, 255
as police dogs, 3, 41, 56
and recovery of dead soldiers, 192–97
reputation of, 12, 39
and selection of dogs, 271
and selection of Solo’s successor, 267, 272
sense of smell of, 36, 37
Solo’s relationship with other, 12
as tracking dogs, 39, 56
as war dogs, 190
See also specific dog
cadaver dog case in, 90–92
and dogs in war, 190
turkey vulture experiments in, 226–28
Gerritsen, Resi, 156
Gilbert, Avery, 32, 35, 254
“go out,” 149
Gooch, Danny, 249–51, 260, 267, 275, 279
Goodhope, Suzi, 107, 235, 236, 237
GPR (ground-penetrating radar), 228, 237, 241
Grahame, Kenneth, 201
Grandin, Temple, 273
grave scenarios, 164–65
graves, 25, 51. See also clandestine burials
Gross, Terry, 256
Gunner (Swiss mountain dog), 195
Haak, Ruud, 156
Hacker, J. David, 191–92, 234
Hadrocodium wui: sense of smell of, 29, 78
Hall, G. Stanley, 1
Hamburg, Germany: cadaver dog case in, 90–92
Hancock, Gwen, 243
apprehension work and, 120
attitudes about cadaver work of, 176–77
Baker’s views about, 118
of bloodhounds, 40–41, 42
boredom of, 75–82
bragging by, 150–53
dogs as ignoring, 160
dogs relationship with, 76–78, 149, 160, 256
and double-blind problem test, 153
effect on reliability of cadaver dogs of, 90
evaluation of dogs by, 269
exaggerations/false claims of, 151–52, 154–59
at FOREST, 95, 96
of German shepherds, 52
“go out” and, 149
“green,” 118–20, 126–30, 261
and identification of smell of death, 88
and killing of dogs and handlers in Afghanistan, 212–13
of Labradors, 52
as legends, 154
mistakes of, 174
motivation of, 76–78
of police dogs, 261
preconceptions of, 167
and preparation for appearance of body, 181–82
and retirement of dogs, 252
retirement of, 252
self-trust of, 167, 177
training of, 67, 75–82, 95, 118–20, 161–67, 170, 261, 271
water searches and, 209–10
and weaning dogs off rewards, 165
of working dogs, 149, 256
zombie, 168–69, 174
See also specific person
Hatch, Bernard, 55–56, 58
Haylee, 171–74, 206–7
Helton, William “Deak,” 36, 73–74, 254, 276
Hendrick, Ellwood, 190–91
Herrmann, Rainer, 226–27
Higgins, Lisa, 169–74, 206–7, 208, 209, 212, 235–36, 239, 243, 246, 272
historic human remains
from Civil War, 43, 93, 191–92, 233–35, 245
scent of, 236, 242
slavery and, 235, 237–41, 245, 246
on Spanish Mission Trail, 241–42
Holbert, Kathy
in Afghanistan, 212–16, 260
cemetery search by, 243
and certification of Mangus, 214
development of dog’s nose and drive by, 72–73
and dogs in war, 198–200, 212–16, 259, 260
and gender of dogs, 272–73
and Higgins’s dog Dixee, 207
historic human remains searches of, 238, 239–40, 243
in Iraq, 212, 214, 260
and selection of Solo’s successor, 267, 270, 274, 275, 277, 278, 279
Strega’s death and, 249
, 259–60
water searches of, 213–16
Holmes, Sherlock (fictional character), 27
Homer, 22–23, 212
honeybee research: at SWRI, 48–49
Hook, Lindsay, 37
Hook, Nancy
appearance of, 16, 100
and Baker’s training of Solo, 117
biting dogs and, 201
books recommended by, 18–19, 34, 66
and Cat as handler, 168, 169, 268–69
and Cat-Solo swamp search, 133
Cat’s discussion about Solo with, 15–16
and Cat’s expectations for Solo, 16–17
Cat’s relationship with, 16, 181, 268–69
command of, 105
donation of body to “body farm” by, 80
and double-blind problems for training, 149–50
and gender of dogs, 272, 273
and job for Solo, 17–18
and number of receptors in dog noses, 37
personality of, 16
and pigs as training samples, 89
and selection of Solo’s successor, 268–69, 270, 272, 273, 275
and Solo’s certification, 111
Solo’s training by, 17, 69–72, 73, 74, 75, 79–82, 93, 96, 100–104, 137–38, 149–50, 201–4, 209, 219, 253
as trainer, 17
and training of Solo’s successor, 266
views about Solo of, 71–72, 269
water searches and, 201–3, 204, 209, 211–12
hunters, 184
hunting dogs, 33
hurricanes, 54
identical twin study, 35–36
IEDs: detection of, 198–200, 225
imitation, 275–77
Indy (German shepherd), 211–12
Innocence Project, Texas, 154, 155
insect ambush detectors, 222–23
Institute of Legal Medicine, Hamburg, 91
Iraq War, 198–200, 212, 214, 225, 258, 260
Irish setters, 4–5, 277. See also Megan
Irving, Moses, 266
Isham, A.B., 83
Israel: and dogs in Sinai War, 192
jackal-dogs, 20
javelinas, 51, 52
Jayda (sable shepherd), 171
Johnson, Steven, 53
Johnston, Joan, 51, 53
Johnston, William H., 49, 51, 53, 56
Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command, 193
Jordan (Labrador), 247
Josie (shepherd), 186–88
June Bug (cadaver dog), 162, 163–65
Justice Department, U.S., 122
K9 dogs. See police dogs
Kelly, Sean, 260–61
Kennedy, Edward “Ted,” 193
Kennedy, John F., 50
Kessa (sable shepherd), 240
Kidder, Tracy, 69
Kimbo (Dutch shepherd), 250, 251, 260
King, Martin Luther Jr., 44, 50
Klaas, Polly, 172
KlaasKids Foundation, 172
Koenig, Marcia, 33–34, 66, 67, 81–82, 107, 210–11, 273
Komar, Debra, 90
Kongs, 70, 72, 101, 104, 117, 134, 251, 274
Korean Air Flight 801 crash, 66
Kornberg, Lauren, 24
LABRADOR (Lightweight Analyzer for Buried Remains and Decomposition Odor Recognition), 228–29
Labradors, 39, 52, 53, 59, 259. See also specific dog