Sinfully Supernatural

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Sinfully Supernatural Page 6

by Multiple

  Her shoulders rose and fell in one big breath. Finally, after what felt like minutes, she turned around, leaned back against the counter, and looked at him; a glint of nervousness shining in her eyes.

  “Hello Jett,” she said softly.

  Jett studied the woman in front of him, body rigid. Her gaze flicking to the slider every few seconds when they weren’t hungrily roaming over his body.

  He could only guess she didn’t want her brother to walk in on them talking.

  “You don’t have anything to worry about. I told him I’ve been to the bakery a couple of times. He would expect we would have something to say to each other.”

  With one last nervous glance at the slider she licked her bottom lip, her body relaxing minutely. “It’s good to see you.”

  Inwardly he sighed, his Tiger calming down a fraction. He could tell she was wound a little tight, but took her talking and not yelling as a good sign. “It’s good to see you too. I’ll admit though that I didn’t expect to see you again this soon.”

  “Sorry. That’s my fault actually. Sam was talking about you, and I said he should invite you over.” She dipped her head down taking great interest in the floor. “You didn’t have to accept though if you didn’t want to come back here. I would understand if you didn’t want to see me.”

  Jett’s body was in motion. She looked defeated and vulnerable. He snatched up the steaks that were sitting on the counter next to him and walked up to her, crowding her in against the counter. Electric currents shot through his body on contact. Taking a deep breath, he pulled in as much of her essence as he could, his eyes rolling to the back of his head in sheer bliss.

  He dipped his head placing his lips next to her ear. “Of course I wanted to see you. I couldn’t get you off my mind. I’m sorry about last night.”

  Her head shot up, emotions he couldn’t read fast enough passing over her face.

  “Before you even say anything silly, I’m not sorry about the sex. I’m sorry I reacted so poorly to the news of your brother.” Unable to resist, he traced the shell of her ear with his tongue. A gasp escaped her glossy pink lips, the sound sending heat straight through his veins. Arousal stirred in his gut as his dick, which had been getting harder by the second ever since he saw her again, twitched behind the zipper of his shorts.

  “Did you miss me kitten? Lord knows I missed you.”

  The quake of her body as he spoke was all the answer he needed.

  He checked to see where Sam was. When he didn’t see him, he knew they were safe for now. Quickly, he brushed his lips against her ear before moving down the column of her neck. Sucking on the sweet spot where neck and shoulder met. The spot he bit last night.

  Corrine’s cool hand wrapped around the back of his neck, holding him in place. “Oh, god,” she moaned.

  Jett pulled away, licking the tortured skin before pulling back and forcing her to drop her hand. Studying her face, her eyes were closed and mouth open slightly, delight and arousal clearly stamped across every feature.

  He was satisfied with that reaction. “I think you did miss me.” With the steaks still in his hand he stepped back and walked away. Needing to escape before he let go and took her on the counter, regardless of where her brother was and what he would do to him. At the slider he looked back at her. “You might want to let your hair down, and cover that spot on your neck.”

  She blinked a couple of times before speaking. “You might want to brush the flour off your neck.” Pushing off the counter she walked out of the room as if the hounds of Hell were on her feet.

  Jett pushed open the door, whistling as he walked out into the sun. It looked like it was going to be a great day after all.

  Chapter Six

  Corrine didn’t know whether to be pissed that Jett was here and it was her own damn fault, or that he’d revved her up so quickly by doing so little then left completely unaffected. Damn man!

  She was really doing her best not to melt into a puddle of goo once she realized he was there. That was one of the blessings about baking. She could forget everyone and everything around her. The world could crash down, and as long as her kitchen was intact and delicious treats were in the oven, she would never know.

  She thought she was prepared to see him again except when she turned around and he was standing right there, she freaked and screamed like a girl. Okay, granted she was a girl but she didn’t need to act like a silly one.

  Taking her shock and frustration out on her brother did feel good though. So did the completely unnecessary trip to the laundry room to wash her hands and grab Sam a t-shirt. It gave her time to pull herself together and come up with a temporary plan.

  The only thing she could think to do was turn away and not stare at him like he was a long lost cinnamon roll. If she kept her back to him, then she could think and talk like a normal human being. Out of sight, out of mind would have to become her new motto. At least until she knew she had her mind and body under control.

  Heading back to the laundry room again, she took off her vintage apron. Without thought, she tossed it in the washer while peeking out the window of the laundry room door to catch a glance of Jett.

  Sam stood at the grill, beer in hand, yammering away as Jett stood a few feet back listening. They looked at ease and content. Like they were home.

  Her heart skipped a beat as she took in the cozy scene while her mind created images of future family gatherings—picnics and holidays, births of babies and a myriad of other things. Corrine with Jett. Sam with MJ. It would be the perfect scenario, however completely out of the realm of reality.

  Turning from the view, she grabbed up the rest of the aprons and threw them in the washer. It needed to be done anyway so she may as well do it now. It would keep her busy just a little bit longer. Stalling the inevitable when she had to face him again.

  Finished with the task, Corrine checked on the guys one more time before strolling through the house heading up the stairs to the safety of her room.

  She closed her door most of the way, leaving it cracked open so she could hear if they called her name. It was a habit from her youth that stuck with her to adulthood. Even when she was alone in the house, she kept it open a little. A quirk of her nature.

  Flopping on the bed, she snatched up her phone and speed dialed MJ, who picked up on the first ring.

  “Please tell me you need me home right this minute. That there’s some emergency you can’t handle on your own,” MJ rushed out.

  “Hey to you too. I take it things aren’t going well there.” Corrine couldn’t help the light chuckle that came out. Just hearing her friend’s voice relaxed her more than she knew she needed.

  “Oh my God, it’s even worse than I thought, and no one is listening to me at all. They think I’m acting childish and should be grateful they’re doing this for me.” MJ released a sound of disgust. “I’m to the point I’m about to tell them I’m a lesbian and you’re my lover.”

  Corrine couldn’t help but fall into a fit of laughter. It wouldn’t be the first time someone thought that about them.

  “Stop laughing, Rini. This is horrible. Plus, you would be lucky to have me as your undercover lover.”

  They both giggled and some of the tension Corrine felt coming over the line died away.

  “So tell me what you’ve been up to?” MJ asked on a huge sigh. “Did you finally get out for that midnight run you’ve been dying for?”

  Mention of the night before brought back the sharp memory of being beneath Jett as he pounded her from behind. A shudder worked down her spine.

  “Corrine? What’s going on? You made a funny moaning noise.”

  “I made it out like I planned.”

  “There’s something else. Something happened last night, and don’t you dare try to deny it. I’m in Hell right now and need you to take my mind off all of this.”

  Corrine could picture her standing there hands on her hips, eyes narrowed, refusin
g to back down.

  “Sam’s here,” she said in an attempt to deflect her friend.


  MJ’s interest in that tidbit of news was too easy to hear. “Yeah, got here this morning. He even asked about you.”

  “He probably wanted to know where I was so he could pick on me, the jerk.”

  “No. He did want to know where you were, but got upset when I said you were out of town.”

  “Bullshit. That man couldn’t care less if I was out of town.”

  “That’s not true MJ.” She hated that Sam and MJ were being so stubborn about each other and their attraction. Before she could say anything else MJ spoke.

  “Whatever. Sam wouldn’t be the reason you just moaned.”

  Corrine closed her eyes and steadied her nerves. For a moment she was hoping MJ would forget about the moan that slipped out. “Something did happen, and I really don’t know what it means.”

  “I knew it! Okay, hit me. I’m great with other people’s problems, and apparently suck at figuring out my own.”

  Corrine heard her friend’s frustration. “You want to talk about it?”

  “Don’t try to change the subject again. I’m not ready or willing to talk about it over the phone. I’ll tell you all about their twisted plan when I come home. I need a little time to think about a few things anyway.”

  “Whenever you need me I’m here. I just want to put that out there,” Corrine said. Knowing her friend already knew that.

  “Quit your stalling and just tell me. It has to be good if you’re being this evasive.”

  The tiny chuckle MJ let out reassured Corrine that things weren’t too bad with her friend yet.

  “Fine. Here goes. So I went out last night. Had a great run and went for a swim. After I was done, I was moon bathing and just about asleep when another Tiger came out of the woods.”

  “Holy crap. No way,” MJ blurted out.

  “No interrupting or I’ll never finish this story.”

  Corrine waited for her friend’s agreement before going on. “Anyway, I’m standing there not sure what is going on when he shifts.”

  “He? Please say he was hot. And if he is, find out if he has a friend I can use.”

  “Oh, he is hot. So damn hot. And if you need a man you can use Sam. He’s the friend.”

  She heard a grunt from her friend.

  “Okay then don’t use Sam. Back to my problem. You’ll never guess who it was.”

  “It’s someone I know?” MJ’s shock bled through the line. “Well, that narrows the field. Let’s see. Hmm.”

  Both of them were silent waiting on each other. MJ was the first to break.

  “Okay, I have no idea. The only Tiger shifter I know that would be there is your brother, and I doubt you’d be dragging this out if it was just him.” The last word came out with a little heat. Corrine wished the two of them would talk and figure things out. Still, she vowed to stay out of it, and maybe if she reminded herself enough, she would be able to keep that vow.

  She sighed, knowing she would have to admit it at some point. “It was the guy from the shop. The big, beyond sexy one that came in every day and bought us out. He’s a damn Were-Tiger and was looking for me. Well, the cupcakes really, but in a round about way—me. Shit, I don’t know.”

  “No fucking way. How come I never got the were-vibe from him?” MJ asked.

  “Your guess is as good as mine. We both know your senses are a little off kilter.”

  “Hmmm, well I guess it’s hard to get the vibe from anyone when I stay in the back the entire time, now that I think about it. I did catch a glimpse of him a time or two. His fine, firm ass that is. Khakis look good on him. So that’s it? He came out and shifted? What happened next? Did he want more cupcakes? Or to see what other sweets you’d be willing to offer up?” MJ snickered.

  “If cupcake is the new term for sex, then yes. He was definitely after more cupcakes.”

  “Damn. I leave and you find a guy. Maybe I am a man deterrent.”

  “I refuse to listen to you talk like that. We both know why you push guys away and can’t settle on one. You’ve been in love with my brother for so long you can’t see the forest through the trees.” Corrine heard the sharp intake of air but plowed on. “Besides, it isn’t like Jett’s my boyfriend or anything. He talked a good game, got me thinking he might want to get to know me when all he really wanted was a good romp in the woods. We fucked and it was the best sex ever, but as soon as he found out Sam was coming for a visit, he panicked. I’m surprised he didn’t shift right on the spot and run home.”

  Corrine slumped further into her bed. Shame washed over her as she thought about what happened that night. How she let her guard down and actually hooked up with the guy. It wouldn’t have been so bad if he hadn’t talked about getting to know her, and being friends with her brother. If he hadn’t made her hope for more, even though it was the first time they really spent time with each other. There was a pull toward him she couldn’t explain. Something about him that made her want to get near him. She felt it in the store, but refused to put thought into it. He seemed so interested in Kacie.

  A voice calling her name pulled her attention back to the phone.

  “Rini!” MJ snapped.


  “First off, we won’t be talking about your misguided ideas about my feelings for your brother. At least not right now. Second, and most importantly, you fucked him? Shit girlfriend, I didn’t think you had it in you, but I’m thrilled to hear it. Not about the guy freaking out part, but that you finally let your hair down. And…was it really the best sex ever?” MJ asked in a dreamy voice.

  “You would ask that wouldn’t you?” Corrine rolled her eyes and laughed.

  Corrine and MJ talked for a while longer. Corrine tried to get more details about MJ’s mystery man and her parents’ crazy plan. While MJ tried to get sexy hook up details from Corrine. Something she wasn’t about to give her. At least not over the phone.

  Corrine didn’t know how long they had spent on the phone chatting before she heard Sam call out her name—getting louder and louder.


  “What?” she yelled back.

  “Hey, watch the volume,” MJ complained.

  Sam pushed her door open. “Let’s go. The steaks are ready and we’re waiting for you. I thought you said you weren’t going to be that long.”

  “You could have started without me. Not like you’ve ever waited before. Besides, I’m talking to Mary Jane.”

  She heard MJ snort. “You are so not funny.”

  “Tell Mary Jane you’ll talk to her later. You guys can’t even go a day without talking, can you?”

  Corrine shrugged and stuck her tongue out at her brother. Very mature of her, but then he always brought out the childish antics in her.

  Sam narrowed his eyes at her. “You know you’re being a terrible hostess. What kind of impression are you trying to make anyway?”

  “I’m not trying to impress him at all. He is your friend. That in itself speaks volumes to his character. Now get out so I can finish my conversation.”

  “Don’t be a brat Corrine. Oh and tell Mary Jane ‘hey’ for me.”

  Sam spun around and left, leaving the door wide open.

  “Shit. Guess I have to go be sociable with them.” Corrine rolled to a sitting position on the edge of the bed.

  “His friend?”

  “Yeah. I mentioned it earlier. You think I can forget that my hookup, Jett, is Sam’s college roommate, fellow football player, and beer-chugging, girl-chasing best buddy? Sam invited him over for homemade food and a midnight run. He got here a little while ago and I’ve been keeping myself busy. I don’t even know how to deal with this. Just looking at the guy makes my knees weak. Let’s not even discuss how my Tiger acts. She’s a shameless slut clawing to get out. How they can’t tell I’m about to jump him, is beyond me. It’s so bad I ha
ve to keep my back to him while I talk or I know I’ll turn into an idiot. My nerves are completely fried.”

  “Oh honey. Make Sam go get something from the store then jump Jett’s bones. That might help. Oh, and make sure you shower before Sam comes back or he’ll smell his friend all over you. I’d hate to see how that would go over. Actually, I’d love to see it, but since I’m here and you’re there, I can’t see and I refuse to be left out of that fiasco.”

  “Thanks, you’re a ton of help. I’m afraid this is a huge mistake.”

  “Chill, my friend. It’ll all work out like it’s supposed to. Just remember to breathe. Loves, Rini.”

  “Loves, Mary Jane.”

  Corrine hung up. Making a beeline into her en suite bathroom, she checked herself in the mirror. The dark red mark Jett left stood out against her lightly tanned skin. There was no way Sam wouldn’t notice if she didn’t try to cover it. Dabbing a small amount of foundation on it, she let her hair down and called it good. She finished freshening up before going downstairs.

  You can do this Corrine. Suck it up. Be a man – uh - woman. Just pretend you aren’t attracted to him and that the thought of having sex again isn’t crossing your mind every other minute.

  With a quick stop in the kitchen to grab the rolls she made earlier and a soda from the fridge, she joined Sam and Jett at the patio table set up in the yard.

  “It’s about time. I’m starving,” Sam grunted.

  Corrine focused on her brother instead of the man whose heated stare she could feel searing her body. “I needed to talk to MJ. She isn’t having the best visit, and I wanted to make sure she was okay. You know you didn’t need to wait for me.”

  She pulled out her chair and sat between the two men, her brother to the right, Jett to the left. Figures they would sit across from each other giving her no option but to sit between them. Scooting to the right of her seat in an attempt to keep her knees from brushing against Jett’s, she banged into Sam.

  He looked at her quizzically before digging into his food.

  A low chuckle came from her left. Darting a look in Jett’s direction, a knowing grin graced his tantalizing lips. Realizing how silly she was being, she re-situated in the chair, brushing her legs against him. Startled by the contact, she abruptly clamped her knees together before sliding her feet under her seat. Being this close to him was going to be hell on her body and her imagination. She silently prayed she could make it through lunch without making a fool of herself.


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