Sinfully Supernatural

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Sinfully Supernatural Page 8

by Multiple

  He released his grip on her hand, sliding his fingers under her shirt and up her smooth, silky skin. Brushing against the bottom of her breast before he found her lace-covered nipple. Slowly working it between his thumb and index finger until it was hard and needy.

  “I told you I understood. You wanted an extended hook-up. That’s all you needed to say. I’ve never been offered a ‘no-strings attached’ proposition, so I probably would have slept with you anyway.”

  He clenched his teeth at her words. Pinching her nipple harder than he intended.

  “Oh god that feels good!” She released a long groan.

  He opened his mouth to set her straight. To tell her again he was just a little thrown with the mention of Sam, that he knew what he wanted with her, but a noise caught his attention. With a healthy dose of reluctance he let go of Corrine, taking a few steps backward.

  She sagged against the counter, head down, palms flat, sucking in a lungful of air. “You’re playing a dangerous game right now. If you don’t want Sam to catch you, you might want to stop sneak attacking me.”

  Jett gritted his teeth in frustration at Sam’s crap timing. Maybe I want Sam to catch us. I’m just afraid you don’t want me in the way I’m beginning to want you. Damn, he needed to get his head together.

  Crossing to the fridge he pulled a beer out, standing in the open door for a few seconds praying the cool air would calm his body down, knowing it would do little to help his situation. He was just sitting down at the kitchen table when Sam came in the room rubbing his hands over his face grumbling.

  Jett tipped the beer back, taking a giant swig, swallowing the cold liquid down along with the words he needed to say. The erection tenting his loose cargo shorts wasn’t going to go away anytime soon, and it didn’t look like he’d get more than five minutes alone with Corrine to slake his need. Jett snorted. He wanted a hell of a lot more than five minutes with her. He wanted hours to explore her and do everything in his power to make sure she wanted him and only him.

  A surreptitious look at Corrine showed she had already pulled herself together. Going back to the forgotten batter and muffin tins he didn’t notice earlier.

  “You have a good nap there sleeping beauty?” Jett asked Sam.

  “Har, har. Did you sleep at all, or were you up here bugging my sister the whole time?”

  Sam grabbed his own beer, joining him at the table.

  Jett looked in her direction. He had the strangest urge to make her as uncomfortable as he was. “Not bugging her. Just trying to get to know her one-on-one. Isn’t that right Corrine?”

  Her back stiffened for a second before tossing an eye roll in their direction. She let out a halfhearted irritated huff. “He wasn’t bugging me. Just standing around clueless like most men in the kitchen,” she said, her voice light and breezy.

  “Clueless?” he said questioningly. Waiting for her to turn her attention his way, their gazes locked. “Next time you can give me a hands-on demonstration of exactly how you like it done in the kitchen.” He winked before lifting the beer to his lips to polish it off.

  Chapter Eight

  Corrine woke up at the crack of dawn Monday, thrilled to get back to her regular routine. She was only too happy to forget the chaos of her weekend.

  After a quick shower and cup of coffee, she made her way down to the bakery. The short walk to the building always helped her focus on the tasks for the day.

  She was popping the first batch of muffins in the oven when MJ sauntered through the door. “Morning chickie. How great was it to sleep in your own bed?”

  Corrine wasn’t sure if the grunt that came from MJ meant good or bad. “Hey, you never told me how things went at your parents’ place.”

  “You want to talk about my problems first?” Shaking her head MJ walked right past her and straight to the fresh pot of coffee.

  Setting to work on the next batch of goodies, Corrine grinned. “Yep. You told me you’d tell me when you got home, and I’m not ready to face my issues yet. Therefore, it’s your turn to spill.”

  MJ snorted. “Let’s just say my parents have lost their minds, and I’m not playing along. Don’t get me wrong, the guy they want to marry me off to is a damn good looking and fairly decent guy, but honestly, he didn’t have to look like he was going to the gallows whenever we were forced together. Which completely pissed me off more since this was his damn idea. Regardless, he isn’t the one for me and I refuse to settle.”

  “What I don’t get is why they are trying to marry you off already? You won’t be Dewasa for a while, and even then you have some time.” Corrine moved about the bakery’s kitchen on autopilot, keeping busy and her mind off her own problems.

  “Come on, Rini. You know my being a hybrid is an issue. My parents have been lucky they’ve been allowed to stay within the Pride. When they met Devon a year ago at his mate’s funeral, they found out how supportive Devon’s parents have been of them. So when he approached them about marrying me last month, he told them he wanted someone in his life, and even though he would never fall in love again, he would care for me and make sure all my wants were met. He knew my parents lamented the fact that I would never find a mate. They thought it was the perfect way to get those last few Purists off their asses, and for their daughter to gain the mate she would never get on her own. In their minds it’s a win-win situation.”

  “Except for you,” Corrine said softly.

  “Yeah, what does my opinion matter? They have it set in their heads that I will never find a mate, and would rather me be with someone who will provide and protect me, than for me to be alone. Personally, I think they’re just trying to soothe their own guilt about having me.”

  “Oh, MJ, that can’t be true. They love you to pieces.” Corrine moved next to MJ, placing an arm around her shoulders. She could feel her friend’s pain rolling off her. It was true, her parents loved her, but they tended to shove their foot in it most of the time.

  “They love me because they didn’t think they could have kids, and I was their big surprise. It never crossed their minds that I would be a hybrid, and how that would impact me. It’s no biggie. I told them it wasn’t happening and to just get over it.”

  The timer on the muffins went off interrupting them. “What did they say? I can’t imagine your parents just backing off. And what about – what was his name? Devon?”

  MJ’s mirthless laugh echoed in the room. “They didn’t take it well. Thought I wasn’t giving the idea the proper consideration. As for Devon, I’m not too sure. I got the feeling he understood, at the same time, he wasn’t giving up on the idea. Which is just strange. There wasn’t one moment when he was happy to be around me.”

  They continued working like they always did. Getting the first batches ready for the morning crowd. Corrine zoned out, clearing her head of midnight runs, hot manly Tigers, and sex that just thinking about made her wet.

  A thud shook the floor jolting her. Spinning towards her friend, Corrine burst out laughing at the sight of MJ covered in a fine dusting of flour from the sack that had fallen at her feet.

  “Okay, that does it. This is definitely a Monday—it’s break time. Take my mind off my problems. Tell me about Jett and what went down this weekend. And don’t leave anything out. Well, you can leave talk of Sam out. He’s not interested in me. I mean he’s not very interesting.”

  Glancing at her watch, Corrine noticed the time. Happy for the reprieve, she dashed out of the kitchen grabbing some trays of goodies. “It’ll have to wait. Time to open up, and the staff should be here in a few minutes. And don’t think I’m going to let that slip of the tongue go.”

  “Chicken,” she heard MJ call out as the door swung shut behind her.

  Depositing the treats on the counter, she unlocked the front door then made her way back.

  The bell over the door jingled announcing their first customer of the morning. The tinkling sounds always a pleasure to hear. To her it was a sig
n that the business was doing well. They were a success.

  As she called out a greeting over her shoulder, the one thing she didn’t expect assaulted her. Air stopped up in her lungs, and her heart went into overtime. Her body tingled from head to toe as Jett’s scent flowed over her.

  There’s no way he came here today. She refused to turn around. Not sure if she was afraid he would be standing in the door, or that he wouldn’t be and her mind was playing tricks on her again.

  All through the night she swore he was lying next to her in bed. The heat of his body draped over hers while in the kitchen was forever imprinted on her skin. She even refused to shower before bed, using the lame excuse that she was too tired, deep down knowing it was because she couldn’t bear to wash the lingering spice, that was purely Jett, away.

  She jumped when Jett’s thick tanned arms enveloped her. Letting out a squeak when his lips landed on her cheek.

  “Morning kitten,” he rumbled in her ear. “Is anyone else in the shop yet?”

  She wiggled out of his arms, moving a few steps away. She faced him, hands clasped in front to keep from grabbing him. She plastered on her best professional look. “The staff is in back. Is there anything I can help you with sir?”

  Jett’s eyes narrowed as he stalked toward her. Taking a step forward for every two she couldn’t help take backwards. “Don’t you sir me, Corrine. We’re way past formalities. Now stop backing away and give me a proper good morning since I wasn’t able to get one when I woke up.”

  She bumped into the serving counter stopping her motion. Her feet were rooted to the spot, paralyzed by the hungry look in his eyes. He planted himself in front of her, placing his hands against the counter on either side of her, trapping her in. The familiar heat she was becoming accustomed to radiated from his body, enveloping her.

  Her nipples beaded beneath the thin cotton of her shirt and apron. The latter hopefully covering up his effect on her. The man was drop dead gorgeous in his khaki pants and dark blue polo shirt. A hint of what she thought might be his family crest tattooed on his chest peaked through the unbuttoned collar. She had the sudden urge to lean forward and lick the base of his throat.

  “Wish me the good morning I couldn’t have cause you weren’t in my arms when I woke up,” he whispered a second before he slanted his head taking her lips in a searing kiss. No other part of his body touched her, and it was driving her insane.

  Giving up all pretenses of the indifferent woman, she curled her fingers into the front of his shirt, pulling him toward her. Her body sighed in relief the second she was nestled against him. She ached to get him naked again. This time she would spend time exploring each and every inch of his body. Learn exactly what she could do to drive him over the edge. Make him lose control and take her with wild abandon.

  After Saturday afternoon’s encounter in the kitchen, he’d kept his distance. She didn’t know whether she was relieved or disappointed that he didn’t try to get her alone again. She spent the rest of the day recalling the feel of his body pressed against hers. His stiff dick nestled against her ass, and wishing like hell he would take her there. A place no other man had ventured, not for a lack of trying though. It just didn’t seem right with any of them.

  She opted out of the Saturday night run. Letting the guys run amuck without having to watch out for her. She needed the time away from Jett just to get her head back on straight.

  Sunday he hung around watching sports with her brother while drawing her into idle conversation about everything from when she was young to how she came to love baking.

  There was the occasional touch from him, nothing more than it being the normal, pass the butter kind though. Jett never made a move to get her alone that day either. As frustrated as she was with his lack of interest, he was able to charm her with stories about Sam and him during college. He got further under her skin when he talked about his younger sisters and family. The love he had for them matching the love Corrine and Sam had for their parents.

  Somewhere along the way she got comfortable with him being around, finding she wanted to learn more about him. Craving more of his voice and wondering what it would be like to be able to curl up next to him on the couch and cuddle without Sam or Jett flipping out.

  By Sunday evening she was on edge, sexually and emotionally. Her human side afraid she was falling in love with a man she barely knew. Her Tiger side, knowing Jett’s Tiger was her mate and clawing to break free.

  When her brother and Jett finally took off to head to Jett’s place, she breathed a sigh of relief and immediately took care of her sexual needs. The emotional needs were too much to deal with yet.

  She was done with having to recall the feel of his touch. She wanted the real thing and it was better than ever.

  The gentle flick of Jett’s tongue against her lips had her opening in welcome. He was slow and methodical, taking his time exploring her mouth. The sensual slide of his tongue over hers triggered a moan. As it escaped, he took possession of her mouth. Pressing harder. Delving deeper. Claiming her.

  The jingling of the bell over the door broke them apart. Jett stepped back a fraction. Looking down into her face. His pupils dilated, eyes glowing gold. Corrine’s fingers were still curled in his shirt wrinkling it without a care.

  “Good morning,” she said barely audible to her own ears. Thanking heaven for his keen hearing and not having to repeat herself.

  The corner of Jett’s mouth kicked up in a satisfied smile. “I’ll take two dozen mixed muffins and a coffee to go please,” he said. Voice steady, without an ounce of arousal.

  Corrine’s jaw dropped open before she remembered the customer that just walked in.

  How could he act like nothing happened?

  She let go of his shirt resisting the urge to run her hands over his chest. “Your shirt is a little wrinkled. You might want to smooth it out a bit.” Silently pleased her tone came out low and calm, nothing like she was feeling inside.

  “Thanks,” he said before proceeding to smooth the garment out.

  Walking around the counter she grabbed a box, filling his order. Glancing up every few seconds to keep an eye on him. Not that she expected he would do anything to draw attention, but she did wonder if he was paying attention to her. From the way he was studying his shirt, she didn’t think so.

  Ringing him up, she pushed the two boxes of muffins toward him along with his large black coffee. Just like he took it when he was at the house.

  Jett looked up, a sly grin caressing his lips, tossing enough money on the counter he winked before collecting his order and left without a word.

  It was all Corrine could do not to find something to throw at his retreating back. Fortunately for him, she had customers that needed help and could take her mind off him, even if only temporarily.

  Tuesday rolled around and she was walking on a cloud. Jett called just as she was falling asleep the night before to wish her sweet dreams.

  She was dumbfounded that her voice was the last thing he wanted to hear before he went to sleep. What she didn’t tell him was that she wished to hear his as well. A whispered good night left her relaxed and content. It was one of the best night’s sleep she had ever had.

  Corrine stood with her hand on the knob of the bakery door, not remembering unlocking it. Stepping into the kitchen she took a quick look around and didn’t see anything out of place.

  “Maybe MJ forgot to lock it. She was a bit distracted yesterday,” she said into the silent room.

  When no one offered his or her opinion back, not that she expected one, she went to work on the baking of the day.

  MJ showed up a couple hours later looking like something the cat dragged in.

  Corrine offered her friend a cup of coffee. “Bad night?”

  “Yeah. Parents called. Then Devon. Both pleading their cases, but in completely different ways.” She sighed dejectedly, a sound completely uncommon for her.

  Corrine wrappe
d her arm around MJ’s shoulders and squeezed. “I’m sorry. Want to run away with me?”

  MJ snorted. “When do we leave?”

  “Right after the morning crowd. That way Kacie will be in and she can feed everyone else then lock up after.”

  Corrine moved away, going back to the muffin mix she was stirring before. “Speaking of locking up. Did you forget to last night?”

  “No. I locked up. Even double checked since I knew my mind was in a different place.” MJ sounded shocked.

  “Huh, I must have unlocked it without paying attention then.” She patted her pants pockets. “Keys are still in my pocket. I must be more tired than I thought.”

  Five muffins tins and three sheets of croissants later, Corrine was being backed up to the pastry counter by Jett again. His kisses as sweet and addicting as ambrosia. His demeanor as cool and laid back as the day before, when another customer interrupted them. But today as he left he whispered how he would miss her so his leaving didn’t sting like the day before.

  That evening he called just like the night before, whispering sweet nothings through the phone. And just like the night before, she fell a little closer to being in love with him.

  Wednesday morning Corrine made sure she didn’t walk down to the bakery in a daze. The day before had been a whirlwind of customers, chaos, and thoughts of Jett. She refused to let that take hold of her and bleed over. It was a new day with new opportunities.

  At least that was what she thought as she walked into the bakery kitchen. As soon as she unlocked the door, the faint scent of roses could be smelled. She knew none of her staff wore perfumes while at work. They made it a policy so the only thing customers would smell was freshly baked breads and sweets. They didn’t want the cloying stench of something artificial to turn people away.

  Methodically, Corrine inspected the kitchen, following her nose and the path of roses. After thirty minutes she deemed the kitchen all clear. Nothing was out of place or missing. Even the aprons were still draped at each prep station just as she left them the night before.


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