Desire by Blood

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Desire by Blood Page 11

by Schroeder, Melissa

  “What are you doing hitting me for no reason?” Nico asked.

  “You had a knife.”

  Nico rolled his eyes and felt the back of his head. It was damp with a little blood, and he could already fill the beginning of a lump. “Why were you following me?”

  “I wasn’t following you. I was catching up to you. I went by that duke’s house and you had already left. So I followed the path I assumed you would take home. The fact that you were walking down the street daydreaming about your wedding night is not my fault.” His frown turned blacker. “You should be more careful, Nico.”

  The fact that his cousin was correct did not mean he had to agree with him.

  “What did you need?” he asked as he started on his way and his cousin fell into step.

  “Your viscount was in a hell a few nights ago.”

  “We know.”

  “Well, why the bloody hell am I skulking around looking up information? I told your father I didn’t want to come down here, and now you have me running around for no good reason.”

  Nico glanced at him. “We just found out. He remembered playing cards with the owner.”

  “He knows his name? No one seems to know.”

  “No. He assumed he was the owner. He remembered calling him Devil.”

  His cousin snorted. “Humans.” He spat the word out as if it were poison. Saint hated all of man and vampkind, but he definitely hated humans more.

  He nodded and then winced immediately. Pain filtered throughout his head, and he felt the beginnings of a headache. “Indeed, but I am wondering if this one is a Born. He mentioned he remembered his eyes being our shade of blue. Not that humans don’t have them, but a little bit of a coincidence, yes?”

  “I agree. I am going to go back around tonight. The owner was not out in the hell last night, but I think he was there.”

  “Do you need backup?”

  He snorted. “Really, Nico, you ask the silliest questions.”

  They reached his townhouse, and he stopped to look at his cousin. Just because he was big did not mean he could handle the Born who was turning humans.

  “You need to be careful, Saint. The Born we are dealing with doesn’t give a wit about what he is doing. I cannot for the life of me understand his actions. But, know this, the Born doing this is at a level of depravity that neither of us will ever truly understand.”

  Saint studied him for a moment. “I understand depravity.”

  “Not this kind. Think of the kind of Born this has to be. He thinks nothing of turning the men…he does not even try to help them. He unleashes them on society, and I have a feeling he gets some kind of enjoyment out of watching them fall into their Blood Lust. He is not to be taken lightly.”

  Saint nodded.

  Nico drew in a deep breath then let it out. He could not let this Born get to him. That is when he would make a mistake. “Why don’t you come in for a bite to eat?”

  He shook his head. “I need to feed before going back out tonight.”

  Nico smiled. “Might it be that you’re afraid of what my mother will do to you when she finds out you knocked me out?”

  His skin paled. “Of course not.”

  Saint was only afraid of one thing. No beast or man could make him quiver in fear like Adelaide Blackburn.

  “You will be at the wedding.”

  It was not a request, and from the look on his cousin’s face, he knew it. “Your father already informed me that I needed to be there.”

  “Good, we need a show of solidarity.”

  Saint shrugged. “I’m off.”

  And with that, he left. As Nico walked up the stairs to his house, he thought of his cousin and his reasons for coming to London. Just the idea that he had come to London was disturbing enough. He rarely left the small village where he lived and avoided just about every person. While the Blackburns might have avoided society, they did not avoid the regular gatherings throughout the year for the Alliance. Saint and his family did. Always.

  He shut the door behind him and realized that his energy was completely drained. No one was around save for a footman.

  “Tell my father and mother that I am staying in this evening.”

  The young man nodded, and Nico decided that for once, he was going to indulge in a long night of sleeping. Lord knew that he would need his rest for the day ahead.

  * * * *

  “Do you know anyone here?” Diana asked Cordelia as they looked out over the ballroom. The wedding guests seemed to be enjoying the festivities. Champagne was flowing and the food seemed to be never ending.

  She glanced at her sister then at the milling crowd. “I know you.”

  Out of the corner of her eye, Cordelia thought she saw her sister’s lips twitch. "What I meant is do you know any of these people, other than the ones you have introduced me to?"

  Cordelia shook her head. "No."

  When she was a girl, she had spun dreams and fantasies about what her wedding day would be. The dress Adelaide had ordered was a vision and something any woman would want. Pale ivory, simple in its design, but it made her feel beautiful. The silk clung to her body, and the shade was perfect for her skin tone. Adelaide had known exactly what she was doing. Cordelia brushed her hand against the fabric and delighted in its sleek feel. Any woman would be thrilled to have a dress designed by Monique.

  Something tickled the back of her throat again. That panic had been plaguing her since she had found herself compromised.

  She took a deep breath and looked up. Her sister was correct. Cordelia barely knew a soul in the room. She had walked herself down the aisle since there had been no one to give her away. The only family member she had at her side barely knew her.

  She was a stranger at her own wedding.

  Tears burned the back of her eyes. For the first time in years, she ached to have someone she could share things with. Her sister was not someone Cordelia could tell her secrets to. Not anymore.

  She blinked and brought herself back to the present. Her sister was staring at her oddly, and she realized she had spent several minutes standing there without saying anything.

  "I know some of these people. Or I should say, I know of them, who they are. They are a bit above my social circle. And, of course, everyone knows Gray."

  Cordelia glanced at Nico's friend who was surrounded by a group of men. No matter where Gray went, there seemed to be people following him. It was a bit embarrassing how many matchmaking mamas seemed to try to get his attention.

  “I met him the other night. He helped with our…situation. He is the highest ranking member in the room. Although I sense that he defers to Nico for some reason."

  Her sister glanced at her, then back out at the people. "I do not think you understand just how powerful your husband is."

  "Of course I do. He controls a lot of the aristocracy because his family has lent money to most of them. And many of them still owe him."

  Diana shook her head as her eyes grew shadowed. "It is not only that. Do you see how these people react to him? He gave them less than three day’s notice of the wedding, but here they are. And they come from different factions within society."

  "Most of them have a title in front of their name."

  The sharp look her sister gave her told Cordelia she heard the irritation in her voice. "You have a title."

  "A lot of good it did me."

  "That's true," she conceded. "But never forget that you have the blood of the Earls of Collingsworth flowing through your veins."

  She turned to face her sister. "Have you been drinking?"

  "Whatever do you mean by that?"

  "If you want to pretend that I wasn't the bastard of the family, that's okay, but do not ever throw me in with the rest of you. I find it annoying."

  Diana opened her mouth to argue with her, but Nico came to her rescue.

  "Darling, I have some family I need to introduce you to." He lifted her hand to his mouth, brushing his lips over her flesh. When he
looked up at her, the banked fires she had seen in his eyes earlier were still simmering. When he straightened, he did not relinquish her hand. Instead, he pulled it to his arm and faced Diana. She did not miss the silent message he was giving her sister. He let her know that he was by her side now that she was his wife. She swallowed and blinked a few times. It had been so many years since someone had taken the time to protect her, and Nico seemed to have been doing it since the night of the ball.

  "I hope you do not mind if I steal her away, do you, Diana? My mother was looking for you. She wanted to talk to you about something, but I am not quite sure what."

  Diana looked like she wanted to argue, but Nico had made it impossible.

  She studied them for a moment, and Cordelia wondered what was going through her mind. There was something in her expression that Cordelia could not decipher. After a long pause, she nodded.

  "Of course."

  Nico lead her through the crowd, and once again, she noticed people moved out of his way without even realizing it.

  "Thank you."

  His lips twitched. "For what?"

  "For saving me. I was not in the mood to hear about how wonderful it is to be related to my brother and the rest of the family."

  "You think I saved you? I think not. I was worried about your sister. You looked like you wanted to hit her. And while we did marry under a scandalous cloud, I did not want a scene at the reception. I believe that might be too much for my mother to accept."

  For a moment, she didn't know what to say, then she chuckled.

  "Ah, I like the sound of that. It is your wedding day, my bride. You should be happy."

  "Of course."

  He led her over to a gaggle of men and women and started to introduce her. They had a receiving line, but many of these people had been late. When he got to the end of the line, a massive man dressed in a kilt stepped forward. She had to lean her head back to be able to see his face. She thought Nico was tall and powerful, but this man was amazing.

  "Saint, I would like you to meet my bride, Lady Cordelia. Cordelia, this is my cousin, Alistair the Earl of St James."

  "Oh," she said, recognizing the name. "So wonderful to meet you."

  He looked at her, his eyes the same shade as Nico's, but somehow mesmerizing. His unbelievably long auburn hair was slicked back and tied behind his head. Then his lips curved, and he smiled. He had been an attractive man before, but now he was stunning.

  He took her hand and raised it to his mouth. Unlike his cousin, he kissed just above her skin. "It is I who should be saying that. I did not know what to expect when I found out Nico was getting married, but I would say that he picked well."

  His Scottish burr was so heavy it was very difficult to understand him, but for Cordelia it did not matter. The accent was enough to entrance her.

  "That's enough of that, Saint." Nico huffed. "And you can let go of my bride's hand."

  His cousin’s smile widened as if he knew what he was doing.

  He released her hand then glanced around the room. "I understand you have a sister?"

  She nodded. "She is with Mrs. Blackburn."

  "Do not bother, cousin."

  Saint shook his head. "No worries, Nico. I just want to see what had Malik so enthralled. By the by, I will be stopping by tomorrow to discuss my findings."

  Before he could leave, Nico stopped him. "Talk to my father. I do not know if I will be in tomorrow."

  The tone in his voice told her he didn't plan on leaving their bedroom.

  Saint gave him a salute and wandered off, apparently in search of her sister.

  “I cannot believe you said that to him."

  Nico gave her a lopsided smile that had her heart seizing. It lightened his usually serious expression. It made him look years younger, as if he did not have a care in the world. How did a woman deal with that?

  "If I hadn't, he would have been here early in the day wanting to discuss business."

  "And what did he mean about your friend Malik? And why do you keep calling me your bride?"

  "First, Malik was a little...taken by your sister."

  "Really?” She searched the room for her sister. She found her next to Adelaide. Then she looked for Malik. He was across the room with a few men, but he watched as Saint ambled up to them and did the pretty. It only took a few seconds before Malik was making his way over to her sister. “I would have never guessed."

  "Well, he is. I am not sure what he is going to do about it."

  "I can assure you there will be nothing from Diana. I might not know my sister well, but I do know that she will not marry again."

  Nico nodded.

  "And the bride moniker?" she asked.

  "You are my bride."

  "I am also your wife."

  His lips curved slowly, and the heat in his eyes flared hotter. Lord.

  "You are not my wife yet."

  She swallowed as her heart started a wild tattoo against her chest.


  He nodded without taking his gaze from hers. He leaned closer, so close that she could feel the heat of him. "But you will be by tomorrow morning."

  If her face could get hotter, Cordelia was sure she would die. She could not form a word in response. He had dissolved every thought from her head.

  "Nico, I need to talk to you."

  It was Gray who stood beside them, but neither of them acknowledged him.


  She tore her gaze from his and realized that something was bothering the young duke. "Nico, Gray needs you."

  She could tell her husband did not care, but he did look at Gray. When he saw his expression, Nico's entire manner changed.

  "I will return shortly, love," he kissed her hand as his mother and Diana appeared by her side.

  "Everything will be all right, Cordelia," her mother-in-law said.

  She nodded, agreeing with her mother-in-law though not knowing what she was talking about.

  "Why don't we get a drink and talk to some of Nico's aunts?"

  She agreed, but she could not seem to stop worrying about the look on Gray's face. Just what did the duke want to talk to Nico about? She glanced at the hallway where Nico and Gray had disappeared.

  She had a feeling that she would never truly know her husband.

  * * * *

  The door shut behind Gray, and Nico was surprised to find that his father and Malik were already in attendance.

  "What is going on?" he asked.

  "There has been another attack,” his father said.


  "Mayfair." His father shook his head. “This Born is getting more and more gutsy. The fact that we know now of two peers of the realm who have been changed…I wonder how many more have? This is not a good development.”

  "Did the Made get taken care of?" Nico asked.

  "Yes, he's dead, thanks to the woman he attacked."

  "She's a Carrier?" Nico wondered how a woman was able to fight off a Made in Blood Lust.

  "Yes, and an earl's daughter. Lady Elizabeth," Gray answered.

  "Lord. She killed him?"

  Gray nodded. "She is not all that well after the attack. He raped her, or at least started, but she had taken to carrying a stake with her apparently. She struck him in the chest."

  "Where is she now?" Malik asked.

  "She is at Doctor Bingam’s house. He is caring for her."

  "For her sake, we need to keep this quiet," his father said. "Do you think we should have your mother take care of her?"

  "She will need a woman, and Bingam is a confirmed bachelor," Malik said.

  He nodded. "What did you do with the Made? Was he someone we know?"

  Gray's lip curved in disgust. "Yes, that damned Baron Walton."

  "Ah." The baron was known for his debauchery. He had even been rumored to have injured a few he was said to have killed. He was one man Nico had refused to lend money to. He was filthy, but because of his title he was allowed to do what
he wanted.

  "Well, no one deserved it more than he did. I have a feeling knowing the baron that he was in the Devil's Temptation."

  Just then, the door opened slowly, and a head popped in. It was Saint, and he didn’t look happy.

  He slipped in and closed the door behind him. "Not nice leaving me out there with all the Carriers trying to match up their daughters." He apparently sensed the mood. "What happened?"

  "Another attack," Nico said. "The woman survived. The man did not."

  Saint’s eyes widened. "Truth? I don't know if a woman has ever survived one of those attacks. Can you think of any Samuel?"

  His father shook his head. "Not only that, she fought him off and killed him."

  "The Made was taken care of, but he is definitely the kind of man who would frequent the hells," Nico pointed out. "It would be best to really infiltrate that one. We need more people."

  His father shook his head. "The Alliance will not give us any more."

  "Then we need to find them,” Nico said. “I can think of a few tonight we need to talk to.”

  “No, you don’t, son.” He glanced at his father. “I know more than anything you want to find the bastard who is doing this, but you are married and until you mate with her, you will be off your game.”

  Saint chuckled. Nico shot him a quelling glance.

  “It is true, Nico,” Malik said. “Add in the fact that all eyes are on you now because of the wedding, and it makes you a target. Let your father, Gray, and I talk to some of the others.”

  “I can help with that,” Saint offered.

  “I don’t want people to be threatened,” Nico said.

  “Some of them need to be. Because if what you are saying is right, the Born is not going to stop now. Even if he is, it might be something we deal with more often.”

  He wanted to argue with his cousin, but Nico knew it would do no good. Nico had worried what Saint had said would come true. Once some devious Borns understood what they could do by turning humans, it could be disastrous for their kind. Humans would not take kindly to the results, and they would once again be hunted.


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