“You know what doll? You need another story.” She winks at me and gives me the, I’m-going-to-help-you-get- better look.
She downs her glass of wine and grabs my hands. “Let’s go do something crazy this week,” she whispers with excitement. “What would be something that you would never do in a million years?” This girl is serious.
Hmm what would I never do? “Seriously?”
She nods.
I’m confused by the sudden, let’s-fix-Abby revelation.
Well, I can think of one thing. “Fly to Brazil.” I eye her.
“Huh?” She’s totally shocked.
“I would never have the nerve to do that.” I fumble with the ring on my finger as I wait for her response.
“Hmm…To find Marco?” She nods her head as she looks up to the ceiling.
“Well you said…”
She interrupts me. “Yeah I know what I said.” She pours herself another glass of wine, this time to the rim and sits down on the stool. “Abby, I know you miss him doll, I do, I know, but you can’t let yourself fly around the world to find a man that doesn’t want to…even call you.” She’s extremely frustrated with me now.
Well she asked me what I would never do, so I told her.
“I’ll tell you what… If I can’t help you to see the light, just give me a week and if I can’t, then I will personally pay for the trip next weekend. Deal?”
Ok so now she’s negotiating my happiness?
Really Amy?
I know that she’s my best friend and she wants the best for me, but seriously? Well I wonder how she plans to fix someone that is broken beyond repair. It can’t be done, but I’ll give her a chance.
“Ok.” I give a small smile.
“Thank you doll.” She seems so happy, maybe she can truly help. “Hey, let’s get dolled up and go out tonight, maybe some dinner and then who knows what kind of trouble these crazy bitches can get into.”
Oh dear, I know that look. She has something up her sleeve for sure.
“Sounds good,” I lie. I’d rather sit here and drink my wine. Heaven!
Amy and I effectively finished the bottle of wine and have already opened a second. We sit and talk for hours. She opens up about a guy she has been seeing in New York and has decided against continuing to see him because she’s ready to commit to Dom.
Dom and Amy have always been in a non-committed relationship that’s lasted years. This worked for them while she was in school, but I know Dom is ready for more.
“I love her… She will always own me,” Dom has said during a dinner post-Marco.
We sat on my living room floor eating Indian takeout and watching the movie Stakeout that night. I can’t believe that he opened up about it. Dom is a big teddy bear but not the, hey-let’s-talk-about-my-feelings kind of guy. I took that as the perfect opportunity to lend my shoulder for once.
The restaurant isn’t busy and I’m totally grateful for that. Amy on the other hand needs an audience for the perfection that is her. She’s slightly disappointed.
She’s wearing a long black dress that has a slit that climbs up her thigh on the right. Amy of course has dressed me in a white strapless bodice that holds detailed lace embroidery. The details are amazing with a bead encrusted waistline, a white A-line skirt, and red pumps to finish the look. My hair is swept to the right. I feel a little overdressed, but Amy is always over the top.
The waiter walks us towards the back of the restaurant near a small fountain. I can’t believe what I see as we arrive to our table.
Dom and Evan stand as we approach the large table that holds white linens, pink roses, and tea light candles. Evan is handsome, his blue eyes are the most beautiful things I have ever seen. The smile on his face says he’s happy to see me, but there is a little something that Evan needs to answer for.
Amy and Dom are chatting amongst themselves giving me the perfect opportunity to have a few words with Evan.
“Why didn’t you say goodbye this morning?” I’m trying so hard not to sound pathetic or bossy, but it really hurt me and the question needs to be asked.
“Awe fuck,” he whispers, running his hand through his hair.
I’m holding onto the back of my chair, mostly because I feel really uncomfortable for bringing this up and I need to keep my hands busy.
A lot of woman have one night stands and don’t whine about it. Why can’t I let myself be like everyone else? I drop my head.
His hand touches my chin lifting it up to look at him as he extends his other hand out holding out a single white rose.
“I’m really sorry Abby, I had to go to work and you were sleeping so peacefully I didn’t want to wake you.”
“I thought you changed your mind.” I don’t know why I just said this to him, but it’s how I feel so why not say it. I don’t want to play games with him.
I bring my hand up, accepting the white rose, grazing his hand with mine, electricity shooting through my body. Evan takes a deep breath alerting me that he feels it too.
“Seriously?” He ask surprised.
I nod
“No, everything that I said last night was sincere. Every single word Abby.”
“What are you love birds talking about?” Amy winks at me.
“Nothing.” I shake my head leaving Evan’s gaze.
We all sit at the very beautifully set table. No one says a word and everyone is staring at me. I guess they’re waiting for me to be pissed that they set this up and didn’t tell me, but I can’t be mad, it really is sweet.
“Why white?” I know that all roses have different meanings depending on the color. Red means love, yellow is friendship, but I don’t know what white represents.
Evan’s lips curve into a smile. “It’s for an angel.” He eyes me.
I lift my wine glass to my mouth, blushing at his words.
“Abby, I'm very sorry that wasn’t able to say goodbye this morning.” His words seem true.
“It’s ok, I get that you had to work.” I wave my hand. I said what I had to say about this already and if I dwell on it I may look weak. I damn sure don’t intend to look weak. Not in front of Evan, not tonight.
I’m not going to give away that it bothered me. I would just be seen as pathetic little Abby. I don’t want to be pathetic in my life, I want to be…. No let me correct that. I WILL be a strong independent woman that doesn’t need to be saved from anything. I want to be the one that saves for once.
I can’t say that anyone has actually saved me, but every time they see my sadness they feel the need to try. I hide my sadness because I can control this one little thing in my life. If nothing else, I can control this.
As the night goes on everyone is having a great time laughing and drinking. Evan is a lot of fun and very smart. I can’t take my eyes off of him. He just seems so happy in this moment. His hand gently takes mine and caresses it. He doesn’t speak, he only watches me.
Sarah McLachlan’s Angel comes over the speakers.
“Will you dance with me?” His face is soft with this question.
“Yes.” It’s all I can say. He slowly stands, taking my hand into his. He places his free hand on the small of my back and stares into my eyes, not saying a single word through the entire song.
I can’t speak; my mouth is paralyzed. Butterflies are fluttering around in my heart and stomach. I’m trembling, oh my God what I see in those eyes. He brings one hand to my cheek and the other to my chest holding me tight to him. I can stay like this forever. He’s warm and smells of the woods, fresh citrus, and spice. What an amazing scent. My head sinks into his chest. I feel great comfort in this moment, my moment, our moment. I am all about living in the moment and this is going to go into the top ten for sure. Hmm, well maybe top five is more like it. I can’t quite say what I’m feeling, but I’m going to forget my sadness for now.
Just as the song ends Evan whispers, “Angel.”
We sit and continue with our meal, Amy and Dom are telling Evan the sto
ry of how they met when a woman approaches our table. Evan’s face and body language change immediately; his body becomes cold and hardened. He squeezes my hand subconsciously, I think.
She’s beautiful. Long, blonde hair, tall fierce body, very curvy in all the right places. She’s wearing a sheer crimson dress. With long unforgiving legs. I eye Evan as he’s becoming upset under his breath. I haven’t realized that it’s me she’s watching.
Amy and Dom watch as Evan appears ready to pounce on this poor woman. What in the world can be causing this much turmoil for Evan?
He doesn’t let go of my hand, in fact, if anything, he holds on a little tighter.
She speaks to Evan while not taking her eyes off of me. “Evan?” She smirks. “Who do we have here?” She nods her head towards me, turning her gaze to Evan.
I think Amy might actually take off her pump and hit this woman over the head after the glare she gives me.
“Monica.” Well it’s clear the two know each other, but is someone going to introduce the rest of us? “Now is not the time for this.” Evan’s teeth grind together as he speaks.
“Oh Evan now is exactly the time, we need to talk,” she continues. She’s starting to look like maybe she isn’t such a pleasant person after all.
I begin to squeeze Evan’s hand in my own, demanding need for control. I don’t like where this is going. There is something about her that screams, Evil Bitch! Evan laughs at her statement, not impressed with her demands.
“Why are you with this little tramp?” Her glare is on me again.
“Excuse me?” I can’t believe this bitch just called me a tramp.” I’m not going to be spoken to like this. I can’t help but to laugh though, she seems to be losing control of the intrusion on our evening. I know exactly what it looks like when control is lost.
I’ve never had control of anything. I’ve always felt it started with the accident. When that car pulled out of nowhere and killed my twin sister and nearly left me for dead. A tear falls from my cheek as I remember her, my angel, my sister.
“My name is Abby,” I correct her.
“Oh, Abby the tramp. My mistake.” Just as she finishes her insult two men approach, asking her to go with them, both wearing suits reminding me of the two men from Club en Fuego. My eyebrows lift remembering that night. The husky bald man whispers something to her and she leaves willingly.
“Well that was interesting,” Amy speaks, tapping her freshly manicured nails on her wine glass. Her eyes are daggers and their target is Evan. I dare not speak, I don’t know what to say.
“Ex-girlfriend? Evan?” she continues. “How dare you allow her to call Abby a tramp?” When Amy is upset about something that has to do with someone she cares about, there is no stopping her.
“Ouch! Did you just kick me?” Evan grumbles.
“Yea Evan I did. That is completely out of line! You didn’t even defend her honor.”
Evan’s eyes find mine with a silent apology.
“What the hell Evan?”
“I don’t think it’s that woman you need to worry about.” Evan’s eyes are dark now, I don’t recognize this Evan. He shifts his attention to the front of the restaurant. “Yes, she’s… someone I know.” Evan finally answers Amy’s question.
“Well, get a leash for your dog Evan or I will,” Amy says seriously. I’m grateful to be on her good side.
Evan’s eyes take mine again and hold on for dear life. My heart beats fast and hard in my chest. I am full, full of jealousy, fear, and doubt. I am full and I need a release. Our perfectly glorious evening is ruined by his ex.
“Are you in a relationship with her Evan?”
“I was, I’m sorry Abby.” His head drops and his eyes close as he takes a deep breath.
Are you kidding me? Great, I’m not even invested in this relationship and I have the ex’s coming out of the wood work.
Dom has been quiet after our uninvited guest had arrived. He eyes Evan with concern, but really the concern appears to be for me. I’m ready to go, I don’t like how things have ended.
“Hey, we really need to go somewhere so you can show us off. We are some sexy bitches.” I nearly choke on my wine when Amy speaks. I’m really not in the mood for another barhop heyday with her.
“I’m in,” Evan answers as he watches for my approval.
“Sure.” Why not, might as well since my lonely apartment isn’t calling my name, but the release is.
Chapter Six
Evan and I decide we will grab a cup of coffee instead of going to some ridiculous club. “I know the best place.” I feel relieved, maybe I can be myself.
I really want to get to know Evan on another level. We had the most amazing sex and yet we know nothing about each other.
We drive through town in his black Hummer. The seats are warm, soft leather; digital universe would be the first words that come to mind as I look at the dash in front of me. I wouldn’t even know how to work the radio in this monster.
“What is all of this stuff?” I really don’t even know what to call it.
“Just… a hobby.” He hesitates. “Here, put your seat belt on.” He reaches over, pulling it around to my waist.
“Excuse me, I don’t wear seat belts!” I look down to my hands as I start to shake. I feel that familiar sick feeling creeping up.
“It’s for your safety Abby.”
“Well I don’t give a damn Evan.” He’s being a smart ass, I can be one too. He eyes me cautiously noticing he has stepped on a land mine and isn’t sure if he should move.
“My sister,” I whisper. I don’t talk about the accident much, but it is relevant right now. Evan eyes me even more cautiously now. “There was an accident, she died because she was stuck in her seat belt, and…I couldn’t pull her out of the car.” Evan places his hand on top of mine now, showing his concern and support. “My Shree- doctor says it’s called PTSD. I have panic attacks when I wear them. I don’t know…it just isn’t good.” I fumble with the edging on my skirt.
“Are you ok?” he asks.
I didn’t realize he pulled the car over to the side of the road and turned in his seat to take all of me in.
I’m so embarrassed, I barely know this guy and now I’m throwing all of my emotional garbage in the back of his Hummer. I quickly raise my head and turn to the window, nonchalantly wiping away a tear while plastering the ‘I’m fine’ face on.
He eyes me cautiously again as he speaks. “I’m very sorry that happened to you Abby.” Evan looks straight ahead with no emotion in his words.
“I’m good, I just don’t talk about it much, so when I do it’s hard.” I’m not even close to being ok, but he doesn’t need to know the loneliness I feel for my identical twin sister.
“Hey, I want to take you somewhere.” He seems relieved of the trance he has been in. “It’s sort of lame though, so don’t laugh.” He shoots me a smile.
“It can’t be that bad.” I laugh.
We drive to Vernon Park and I follow Evan to the fountain. “What’s so funny about this? I’ve been here many times. I run the track here.”
“It’s not the where we are it’s the, what we are going to do.” Evan sits at the edge of the fountain and removes his black dress shoes and socks, rolling up his suit pants.
“Um Evan what are you doing?” I whisper, sure he has lost his mind.
“I like to sit with my feet in the cool water.”
I can’t help it, I explode into laughter. “You’re right, this is lame.”
“I like to come here when it’s all too much, I close my eyes and imagine I’m somewhere else.”
“Why not just take a vacation?” I take a deep breath.
“Yeah, that sounds good. Maybe I’ll take you with me.” He reaches over, grazing my hand with his. Electricity ignites in response, I’m paralyzed from the contact.
Evan’s phone buzzes, he hisses under his breath, placing it on the concrete ledge.
The fountain is lar
ge. “Last spring they created this water garden,” I say as Evan seems stressed about something.
The colors are amazing, they take my breath away. I step out of my red heels and follow Evan into the water, sitting all the way back so I don’t fall in.
Evan sits very still, holding his eyes closed for several minutes. I become caught up in the serenity, closing my own eyes. I take a deep breath while splashing the water with my feet. It feels so cool and welcome.
When my eyes open Evan is watching me. “I told you. It really is something.” I blush as he speaks.
Evan is confident, but he doesn’t seem to know it and that is a complete turn on. He’s quiet, strong, and beautiful. I feel trapped in my own body when he’s around. My soul begs to jump out to take him. I am scared to let go like that again. I have a bitterness for the loss in my life and getting past that may never happen. We sit as we absentmindedly splash each other.
“Thank you.” My smile is real this time, I do feel better. “Tell me something about you Evan.” I splash him again.
“What would you like to know?” Evan clenches his hands to his sides.
I can tell it isn’t easy for him to let people in. Maybe Evan’s just as messed up as I am or maybe he doesn’t think enough of me to say. Either way, if we’re going to continue whatever this is, I need to know something.
“Where are you from?”
His jaw is clenched now. “I’m from here. LA.” He doesn’t relax.
I continue splashing my feet in the water grateful for the absentminded task. “So, what do you do for a living? Or do you get paid to be hot like Dom?” I laugh, trying to lighten his mood.
“I’d rather talk about you.” Evan quickly reaches for my waist pulling me onto his lap, taking my breath away. Damn!
He pulls my face to his, his forehead presses to mine. “I’d rather talk about you in my bed, Abby.” My name rolls off his tongue like cool cream in the warm sun. “Let me take you home.” He presses his lips to mine, slowly entering my mouth.
Everything around me falls away from my grasp. I don’t control this, I don’t control my breath, or my heart beat, I’m bare. Everything is him, the warmth, tingling, taste, touch, but the lust belongs to both of us and we know it.
His Angel: The Angel Trilogy Book One Page 6