His Angel: The Angel Trilogy Book One

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His Angel: The Angel Trilogy Book One Page 16

by Kimberly Blalock

I turn around to see that I have just heard him correctly.

  Becky’s mouth drops open. “What? I thought I was going to go. You brought me here as your date Hollister,” she hisses.

  “Not after the way you have acted in this home. You will be heading home in the morning.” His eyes never leave mine. I smile and exit to my room upstairs.

  Well at least I’m not the only one that thought she was a total bitch.

  I run a bubble bath and call down and ask Sue if she would please bring me a bottle of ibuprofen and a bottle of water; she agrees. I settle into my bed and fall asleep hoping to dream of Evan.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “Abigale, wake up. It’s time to get ready.” I hear my mother calling me from my sleep.

  “I want to sleep!” I whine.

  “It is already nine thirty Abby, we have things to do, sweetheart,” she says excitedly.

  “Oh dear lord what can be so important at nine thirty in the morning?” I groan from under my pillow.

  “Sue, would you please bring Abigale a cup of mocha?” my mom asks over the intercom.

  “Extra-extra shot. Too many martinis,” I say. My head is pounding and I need caffeine to bring the life back.

  “Would you like to explain your little outburst last night?” my mom asks with a stern voice. I pull the pillow off of my head, looking up at my mom.

  “Really? She was a complete bitch mom.”

  My mom is trying very hard to hide her smile so she turns her head. “I know, she was a complete hag!” She turns back to me and bursts into a fit of laughter and I follow suit.

  “Thank you so much Sue,” I thank her as she brings my much needed caffeine reprieve.

  “Sweetheart, drink your coffee and get a shower. We have an appointment at noon for hair and nails,” she says as she kisses me on the forehead. “Oh Abigale, the phone lines are being fixed as we speak.” She winks and walks out of the room.

  “Oh thank God.” I curl up in my bed with the down comforter, drinking my coffee. I open the bottle of ibuprofen Sue has left me taking three and wash it down with my mocha.

  I jump into the shower and dress in a pair of skinny jeans, a blue long sleeve t-shirt, chocolate scarf, and brown ankle boots. I walk downstairs tossing my lip gloss and phone in my cross-body bag.

  “Mom?” I call through the house.

  “I’m here sweetheart.” My mom emerges from the hallway.

  “I’m ready, and I’m dying to get out of here so I can get a signal.”

  “I have one!” I yell as we pull into the salon parking lot.

  “Oh dear.” My mom laughs.

  I quickly call Evan’s phone. I desperately need to hear his voice.

  “Hello,” he answers.

  “Evan.” I’m finally whole.

  “I have called you a thousand times. I miss you baby.” I smile at his words.

  “I miss you so much Evan.”

  My mother pulls into the parking spot and goes inside, leaving me alone to talk freely.

  “What have you been up to?” I ask.

  “Work and missing you,” he answers.

  “We are going to a gala tonight. I have to wear a very revealing gown and look gorgeous. Gosh I sure wish my boyfriend was going to be there, but work comes first,” I tease.

  “Abby?” He pauses. “How revealing?”

  “Very and it just seems like such a waste.” I pout then giggle. I need to touch this man. I need him to touch me.

  “You do the craziest things to me with that laugh,” he growls.

  “I have to go, my mother is waving me into the salon. We are getting ready for the gala. I’ll call you later. Ok?”

  “I will most definitely be waiting. Abby, I love you,” he whispers.

  “Good and I know you do baby.” We hang up the phone.

  “The car is here, let’s go,” my mother calls.

  I hold my silver pumps in one hand and clutch in the other as I very carefully maneuver downstairs in the long, silver, and very revealing gown. I have to use tape in several places so that my girls don’t play peek-a-boo all night.

  “I’m coming,” I yell from the other end of the house. “Ok!” I say, out of breath as I make it to the foyer. “I’m ready.” The limo waits in the driveway as my mother, father, and I get in.

  The drive to the gala is a bumpy thirty-minute ride. The bar in the limo is stocked. I decide to help myself to a few shots of tequila.

  “Abigale, stop. You will be drunk before we get there,” my mom scolds, furrowing her brows. She searches my face now. “Abigale are you ok?” she asks. I want to scream no, I want to tell her that I need Evan to help fill this void I have, but I keep that locked up safe in my mind.

  My father sits in the seat, lost in the emails he checks on his phone.

  “We’re here,” my mother announces, tapping my father on his knee. I exit the car as the photographers take pictures. The flashes are bright and unwanted. My father pulls me into his chest as I stumble on my heels. I correct my balance, standing in front of the photographers that yell at the arriving guests, asking them to pose for a good photo opportunity.

  We enter The Bella Hotel. A red carpet flows through the lobby where we are ushered in to the grand ballroom. Glistening lights hang from the beautiful ceiling. Fifty or so round tables sit to the right of the entrance. A large dance floor is strategically placed near the stage. Flowers flow freely on and around every surface. Large poster-size pictures of the children that will be helped from the funds collected hang on easels that wrap around the room.

  “Oh Baxter, it’s so very lovely to see you,” my mom purrs to her colleague.

  “Alfred, Alison. This must be your daughter.” Baxter extends his hand to me.

  I accept, cringing at the sweaty palm I have embraced. “Hello, I’m Abby.”

  “How do you like Colorado so far?” he asks with a southern twang that says he isn’t from this state any more than my parents are emerges.

  I look around the large ballroom as I answer.

  “It’s lovely, but not my home.” The only home I care anything about is the home I have in Evan’s arms. “If you will please excuse me.” I need to wash my hands and search for a signal.

  I finish in the bathroom and hold my phone in the air desperate for a signal. Three bars…Two bars…One bar…Three bars. I quickly dial Evan’s phone. His voice mail echoes over the speaker. “Evan, it’s Abby. I miss you.” I hang up. Anything I need to say isn’t being said over voice mail.

  The tears threaten as I stand in the middle of the room. I can’t break down here in this hotel. I sigh.

  “Abby, you are a stunning sight!” a voice calls from behind me. I look up from my phone to see Hollister wearing a black tuxedo, a silver tie, and he holds a red corsage. The smile on his face tells me he’s excited to see me.

  “Thank you, you’re very handsome yourself.” And he is. He’s a gorgeous man. I don’t want to seem put-off by his ogling, even though I am.

  “Would you care to have a drink with me?” His brows wrinkle, holding a bead of sweat. He’s nervous. I smile because men have never been nervous around me.

  “Sure.” I ask, the curiosity taking over. He turns his head sideways as he stares at me. He holds his arm out for me to take. The man that stands before me is a very attractive man, but I simply don’t have room in my heart to notice another man.

  I only want one man in my life and unfortunately, he isn’t here. A ping of disappointment enters my belly. Beautiful couples swim through the room in lovely gowns and tuxedos and then jealousy replaces the disappointment.

  “Blue martini?” Hollister asks as he leans against the bar. I turn my head from the crowd to him.

  “You remembered, thank you.” I smile.

  “I want to apologize for Becky, she has a temper.” He speaks, defending her behavior as he hands me the blue drink. “Where is your boyfriend tonight?”

  The ping is back. I sip my drink befo
re answering. “Los Angeles, working.” I sulk.

  A smile cracks at the corners of his lips; I don’t like that. I’m quickly reminded of Donovan.

  “When you’re back home I would love to have coffee, just to give you a heads up on medical school.”

  Little does he know I will not be attending medical school, but if I tell him that, he may mention it to my father before I get the chance.

  “Yeah that sounds great.”

  I don’t think it will hurt to have coffee, and I really don’t want to brush off one of my parents’ colleagues.

  “Great! I’m quite looking forward to it. Well I better mingle. Have a great night Abby.” He smiles and heads towards two gentlemen that are deep in conversation.

  I smile in return because I feel confident that he hasn’t been hitting on me at all, he’s simply being friendly and that is refreshing.

  I pull my cell phone out of my clutch to call Evan again. I have three bars so I dial him, hoping that he will answer this time.

  “Hello,” he answers.

  “Hey! I finally got you,” I say excitedly.

  “How are you beautiful?” My tummy flutters.

  “I’m better now that I’m talking to you.” I gesture for the bartender. When he walks over I hold up my glass gesturing for another blue martini. “What are you up to?” I sit down on the bar stool.

  “I have the best view right now…Of the most beautiful woman I have ever seen,” he answers.

  Really? I want to say. Jealousy takes its place in my gut and I don’t like it at all.

  “Evan?” Silence. “What beautiful woman?” I nearly go through the phone, giving him a piece of my mind for being so inconsiderate. His statement scares the shit out of me.

  Two hands suddenly wrap around my waist and pull me into a hard chest. I can smell his cologne and I know it’s my Evan.

  “You are the most beautiful woman in the room and I just had to make sure you knew that. He leans down pressing his lips to the nape of my neck. “I love you beautiful,” he whispers into my ear.

  I swivel around in my stool wrapping my arms around his neck. “What are you doing here?” I don’t know why he’s here and I don’t care, I’m just thankful that he is. My lips meet his warm, soft, amazing lips.

  “I missed my girl.” He smiles against my mouth.

  “I missed my guy,” I whisper.

  “Abigale, who is your friend?” I look up to see my mother and father standing over us.

  I jump to attention, embarrassed that we have just been caught by my parents. “Mom, Dad…Evan. Evan, Alison and Alfred Hayes.” I introduce the most important people in my life.

  “Sir, ma’am.” Evan extends his hand to my father.

  “Evan, I assume there wasn’t a problem getting into the gala?” my father asks while shaking Evan’s hand. I furrow my brows and tilt my head confused.

  “No sir. I provided them the information you had given me,” Evan answers.

  Ok, now I’m really confused.

  “What is going on?” I ask Evan now.

  “I called the hospital this morning and spoke with your father. I asked for permission to surprise you. I got out of work; I couldn’t go another day of not being with you. He agreed. So, here I am.” He smiles, dimples in full force. The blue eyes I have dreamt about are real. I smile.

  “And damn this dress is…Damn baby…Damn,” he says into my ear. I notice as he shifts himself. I smile, knowing that I brought him to this. Me, just me.

  “Evan, it is a pleasure to finally meet you,” my mother purrs.

  “Mrs. Hayes, trust me the pleasure is all mine.” Evan’s hand slides from the small of my back to my ass. True Evan style in full force. On the edge of seduction with a little bit of fucked up. The touch brings chills to every surface of my body. My breath hitches from the contact, immediately recognizing Evan’s strong, hot, fierce hand.

  I briefly close my eyes while biting my bottom lip, wanting the sting and the powerful force to take control of my bottom that’s covered in the silky material. Evan continues the conversation with my parents while stretching his hand over the material covering my flesh. He squeezes the pulsing skin that screams for him. A slight hiss escapes my breath.

  I quickly glance to my parents’ faces. They have not caught the erotic scene that is unfolding in front of them. Evan’s hand continues to cup my ass as I shift from the sudden uncomfortable ache between my thighs.

  “Wouldn’t you agree Abby?” someone asks. My head is spinning. The heat is rising from deep within me. I need release and I need it now.


  My head searches for the voice calling my name. I can’t concentrate. I don’t want to concentrate. I want to fuck Evan everywhere, anywhere.

  “Abigale Hayes? Are you in another world?” I recognize the voice as my mother’s.

  “I’m sorry what?” I hiss. Evan laughs. He knows he has me ready to beg for him.

  My eyes meet my mother’s just in time to see them roll. She has no idea what is going on, but she’s annoyed by the lack of attention I’m paying in this moment. After all, this is a formal event and while my mother is truly a down to earth person this isn’t the time or place to be spacing out.

  Evan releases my bottom from his control, replacing the loss I suddenly feel by taking hold of my hand. My parents turn towards the tables as dinner is begins.

  Evan searches my eyes with the sparkle that only sits in his blue pools of lust. My heart flips around with love for him. I suddenly feel that I have to tell him how very much in love with him I am.

  “Let’s have a seat, unless you want to have your dessert first.” I wink. My head is spinning out of control. The combination of his touch, scent, and those damn eyes have my body ready to be a very bad girl somewhere in this hotel.

  Our party of four walks in the direction of the tables, taking our seats at the table held for us in the front row. Evan holds my chair out for me. My heart swells with pride for this man. My parents are here to witness how he takes such gentle care of me. I smile knowing without a shadow of a doubt that I love this man.

  “Evan, tell us about yourself.” I want to breathe out a large sigh of relief when those words come out of my father’s mouth. Finally! How can he not tell my parents if they ask?

  Evan shifts in his seat taking my hand into his under the table. My tall, dark, and dangerous man can’t handle my father’s questions. I want to laugh, but instead I squeeze his hand for support.

  “What would you like to know, sir?” He shifts his posture straight up, the way he usually does when he’s uncomfortable.

  “Where is your family from?” my father asks as the waitress arrives with our drinks. Evan grabs his bourbon and tosses it back in one drink.

  “My mother died when I was four years old. My father…I don’t have a relationship with him.” Evan’s grip is becoming crippling.

  “Oh son, I’m so sorry to hear about your mother. Do you mind if I ask what happened?” my mother asks now. “I’m sorry you don’t have to answer that.”

  Evan’s face is pale. He shakes his head and I see that his eyes are somewhere else. “She was murdered,” he answers through his teeth. I’m not even sure if he is breathing.

  I had no idea that’s what had happened to his mother. A tear slides down my cheek and I quickly wipe it away knowing I need to be strong for him. Evan turns to look at me; his twinkle is gone and fire is the only thing I see now. The veins in his neck throb.

  My mom covers her mouth with her hands in shock. “Oh Evan, I am so sorry!” Her voice is barely a whisper.

  My father doesn’t say a word; he only watches the horror on our faces.

  “Are you ok?” I lean into him.

  Evan wraps his arms around me. “I will always be ok as long as you’re by my side,” he whispers in my ear. “I love you so much angel.” He presses his forehead to mine.

  The rest of the evening consists of casual conversation. My parents keeping it
on a light key since they caused Evan such distress with the ‘Tell us about your family’ question.

  Evan and I dance and talk the rest of the night. We can’t keep our hands off of each other and that’s the way I like it. My parents seem to really like Evan and once again my heart fills with pride that this man loves me. Maybe it is time I told him how I feel.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Evan and I finish our evening of dinner and dancing. I had the best time with him. He has a hotel room here and after the auction, we politely excuse ourselves from the party and head to his room. I can’t wait to get my hands on him. Every inch of him.

  “I’m so glad you’re here.” I kiss his cheek as we enter the elevator.

  He smiles that beautiful full dimple smile that I love as he pulls me to him. Ah. I love his smell so much.

  “Me too angel.”

  “I’m going under,” I sigh.

  “What?” He narrows his eyes.

  “Your smell. It takes me to another place.” I inhale deeply.

  Evan throws his head back and laughs a full-bodied laugh. “Are you smelling me?”

  “Yes, you smell good and I can’t help myself. You’re like a drug. You’re my drug.” I shrug.

  “I want to get you in my bed and out of this sexy as hell dress.”

  “If it’s so sexy then why do you want me out of it?” I giggle.

  “Oh baby, it’s going to be so much sexier on the floor,” he growls. I love it when his voice gets deep like that. Goose bumps always make their way down my arms and my nipples harden when he talks like that. I shudder.

  Damn! I blow out a harsh breath. “Yes, just like your tux.”

  And with that Evan picks me up in one quick response, cupping my ass through the satin gown, devouring my mouth with his. It catches my breath, but I don’t care, I don’t need to breathe, I don’t need anything as long as I have him. The elevator door dings and the doors open. Evan carries me out into the hallway not missing a beat with his mouth. Ugh, his perfect mouth.

  Evan stops in the middle of the hallway and stares into my eyes. There is that blue I missed so much. Damn!


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