His Angel: The Angel Trilogy Book One

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His Angel: The Angel Trilogy Book One Page 21

by Kimberly Blalock

  “Sir, I need room to work on her,” the woman says.

  “I’m not leaving her side, so figure it out.” I will never leave her side. If she dies, I die. If she jumps off the edge, I jump off the edge, its Abby and me forever. I’m never letting anyone or anything get in the way of that and if they do, well my demons will surface and I will handle it the way it needs to be handled.

  The ambulance quickly stops and the driver opens the door. He asks me to get out so that they can get Abby inside. The gurney is being wheeled into the hospital and the doctors and nurses of the emergency room run to her side.

  “Oh my God, it’s Abigale Hayes,” a nurse whispers to the attending physician. Abby’s parents worked in this hospital. This is the same hospital her sister was brought to after the accident, and this is where she died. My Abby isn’t going to die here, I’m not going to let her die.

  Everyone moves so fast, the staff speak to each other in a foreign language; foreign because I don’t understand the medical terms.

  “Sir?” I turn to see a red-haired woman with freckles covering her round face. “Sir, I have some paperwork that needs to be filled out. Can you please come with me?” she asks nervously.

  “Sorry, I’m not leaving her.” I turn back around, watching as they pull her into a room, closing the curtain behind them.

  A nurse peeks from behind the curtain, closing it again and then exits, walking towards me. “Sir, my name is Tory. I’m one of the emergency room nurses. We are going to be working on Abby, ok?”

  “I wanted to come out here and just get a bit of information for the doctor. Are you her boyfriend, friend?”

  How the fuck is this going to help Abby? “Yes, boyfriend.”

  “Ok, have her parents been contacted?”


  “Sir, Abby has lost a significant amount of blood, her blood pressure is very low. We will be administering blood and fluids.” Her soft smile doesn’t tell me anything. Is she going to be ok? That’s all I want to fucking hear from these people.

  “Is there someone we can call for you? Will you be contacting her family or would you like us to do that?”

  I run my hands through my hair, kneeling down to my knees. “Is she going to be ok?” I cry like a fucking baby. Calling people for what? It’s the here and now, is she going to be ok? Will she really leave me? Can I let her go?

  The woman that stands in front of me is my link to the only person in this world that I can ever love. I’m going to lose control; Abby is the only one that can stop me from that.

  “Is she going to make it, be ok?” My hands cover my face, hiding the pain. I look up from the floor when she doesn’t answer and she’s crouched down with me.

  “I don’t know, but I can tell you that we are doing everything that we can, ok? I will go see how she’s doing. There is coffee over there and I will be back soon.” Her hand meets mine. She can see the pain in my face and I’m grateful for her caring demeanor.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I have been sitting in this waiting room for a fucking hour. I can hear each second tick by on my watch and it’s starting to make the craziness sneak in through the hole that sits in my heart. The couple that entered fifteen minutes ago are chasing after their children and checking the messages that come over their phones. They seem so normal. Is normal good? I want normal; I want that with Abby. I want to yell at them to show some damn respect. I just want to yell, break or hit something. I feel helpless and hopeless all at the same time.

  Michael and Natalia texted me, asking how Abby was doing. I’m so fucking glad I have Natalia following that bitch Monica. If Natalia hadn’t called me from that coffee shop I don’t know what would have happened. Fuck! I put my head down again, thinking of the things that could have happened to Abby. My angel is strong, but Monica could have hurt her. I’m responsible for Abby being in that position.

  The car that hit her will be dealt with, I will see to that personally. I need to call her parents. I don’t know what to say to them. I run my hand down my scruff, deciding the best way to approach this. They have been through so much as parents. I can’t bear to put them through that again. My head hangs in defeat.

  Picking up my phone I dial the number I dread.

  “Hello?” Abby’s mom has such a sweet voice; you always know you can trust her, just like you can Abby.

  “Mrs. Hayes…Um, Abby has been involved in an accident.” I feel like such an ass for waiting so long to call them. I guess I was hoping when I did call there would be good news and there hasn’t been any news at all yet. No one coming out here to tell me my angel, the only one in my world, my entire world, will be ok.

  “Oh my God! Evan is she ok? What happened?” She gasps in horror. How am I going to tell her Abby isn’t ok?

  “No, and I think you should come now. I’m waiting to hear from the doctors or nurses, and no one will tell me anything. Maybe if you call they will tell you something.” I’m silently pleading now.

  There is muffled speech on the other end. “Evan we are on our way, we will get on the first flight out ok? I will call the hospital right now. When one of us knows something the other will call, ok?” She hangs up with haste. She knows by the sound of my voice she needs to be here. Abby needs all of us to be here for her.

  I walk up to the counter where the nurses busy themselves, asking if Abby is ok. They only repeat what they have been saying every fifteen minutes I have asked. “We don’t know anything yet.” My phone beeps with a text.

  Natalia: How is she?

  Natalia has never officially met Abby, but she has seen her behind the scenes and like everyone around Abby, it is hard not to fall in love with her.

  Evan: I don’t know.

  Natalia : I know this is a bad time, but I lost Monica after she left your apartment.

  Evan: Ok let me know when you find her, keep her on a short leash.

  Natalia: Got it.

  She ends.

  I have always been the strong one for Abby and now more than ever I need her to be strong for me. I need her to hold up her end of the bargain. I will love her forever and she will love me forever. My forever is coming to an abrupt end.

  I pace the waiting room, another hour rolling by. I have held my temper for Abby’s sake, but these people are about to find out where I’m willing to go for the information I need. My breathing is becoming forced and hard. The police are here asking questions. I don’t have answers for them and even if I did, I plan on dealing with this myself. I will find the bastard responsible and I WILL deal with them.

  “Mr. Young?” An older man in blue scrubs and a surgical hat calls out as he enters the waiting room. I jump to my feet in a split second.

  “Yes, is she ok?” I need the information only this man can give. I want to grab him and shake out the answers that I so desperately need.

  The doctor removes his surgical hat and looks to me with defeat on his face and in his eyes. My world goes black. I can’t feel my body, I sink into the floor, I’m falling into the depths of hell and I don’t care. I want to fall because she’s gone. My angel is gone and now I will die. I will find the fucker responsible and torture him until I’m ready to end their miserable existence and then I will die too.

  I collapse to the floor crying out in pain. I can’t help it. I woke up this morning to the most amazing woman in the world and now she’s gone. What else can I do? I love her, I live to love her, where she is, and I am. She’s my heaven, my angel, my every fucking thing.

  “Sir, Abby isn’t gone.” The sound of this is in my head. I want it to be true. I want him to really be saying this to me. I continue to cry like a fucking baby. “Mr. Young, she isn’t gone,” he continues. I quickly raise my head to search his face.

  I’m not seeing defeat, I’m seeing exhaustion. I rise to my feet, wiping the tears away. “She’s alive?” I beg.

  He offers me a gentle smile. “Yes, but I want you to know that the damage is severe. W
e performed surgery on the trauma to her head. She’s badly bruised with broken and cracked ribs, a broken arm, and multiple bruises. The swelling on her brain is of the most concern to us and the next twenty-four hours are going to be the hardest.

  “I am sad to say, however, the baby didn’t survive the accident. There wasn’t a heartbeat.” He hangs his head low as he offers me a slight squeeze on the shoulder. Shock washes over me, my mouth drops.

  “Baby?” I ask.

  The doctor looks at me with confusion on his face. “Didn’t she tell you? Are you the father?” he asks. “Fuck yes I’m the father, if there was a baby I’m most definitely the father. I just didn’t know she was pregnant,” I respond.

  “Well that makes sense. Her OB/GYN is affiliated with this hospital and they had added her information regarding the pregnancy just this morning. Looks like she found out this morning. She probably wanted to surprise you. Nevertheless she was six weeks gestation.” He pats me on the arm again.

  “We were having a baby,” I respond when all the information sinks in.

  “Can I see her?” I beg.

  “She’s in recovery right now, but I will let the staff know that as soon as they have her settled into the ICU they are to come and get you. Alright?” He finishes with a handshake. I nod my head as I run my hands through my hair, horrified about the baby.

  She has to be ok, she has to get through this. I will be right there for her. I pick up my phone to call her parents and it goes straight to voice mail. They must be on the plane. I decide I need to send a text.

  Evan: She’s out of surgery, lots of broken ribs and swelling of the brain, but she’s alive. She has to be ok.

  I send this to Natalia and Michael, the only people I trust enough with any information about Abby, other than Amy and her parents. Oh shit. I realize I forgot to call Amy.

  Natalia: She will be E. I caught up with Monica, I think I’ve been made, but I don’t know for sure. Ttyl.

  My phone beeps again, but I ignore it to call Amy. She screams and cusses me out for not calling her sooner. That woman is crazy when it comes to Abby; like a momma bear protecting her cub.

  Abby don’t leave me in the dark with the demons that are trying to take me over. The clouds are moving in and I don’t know how to deal with it. Where do I send them? How do I control them? Hell follows me into the dark. I didn’t know that I could be so free with you by my side, but without you they will eat me alive. I don’t know if I can go on.

  “Mr. Young?” a female voice calls.

  I bring my head up to see the young nurse watching me for a response. “Yeah, that’s me.” I stand up from my chair.

  “You can see Abigale now. I’ll walk you back.” She swipes her badge against the wall and the white double doors click and open.

  I follow her as she walks through a long hallway and then turns right down a shorter hall. Each step I take I can feel Abby’s pull. A smile threatens as my body realizes she’s close.

  “My name is Emily. I am going to be Abigale’s nurse for the night,” she says as she stops in front of a room.

  “She prefers Abby,” I whisper.

  “Ok, I will call her Abby.” She offers a kind smile.

  “If you need anything just press the red button. Ok?” she continues.

  I turn to the left and see someone in the bed with tubes and wires everywhere. “Is this her room?” I close my eyes, knowing it is her, but terrified she will say yes. I don’t want to see her like this, not like this.

  “Yes, she’s in critical condition and we will be monitoring her closely. Visiting hours are over for the night. I will give you a few minutes and then I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

  I look at the nurse; she has to be kidding me. “I’m not leaving her. I will be with her until she wakes up and even then, I’m not leaving her,” I spit.

  “Sir, it’s our policy.”

  “I don’t care what your policy is, get the director or chief of whoever down here and I’ll tell them the same thing.” I stand tall, knowing I’m scaring the shit out of this nurse, but I don’t care. “I’m not leaving her. End of.” I wave my hand and slide the glass door open.

  My strides are long and I reach her in three steps. My hand magnetically goes for hers. I stop just before the contact; I don’t want to hurt her. I have to be strong for her now more than ever.

  I run my hands through my hair as a tear escapes my eye. Fuck! She’s so broken. I collapse in the chair that sits next to her bed. I have seen a lot of shit in my life, but nothing could have fucked me up more than this. Nothing.

  Her head is wrapped in a white bandage and what hair I can see is matted against her head. Her eyes are closed and bruised. Dried blood covers her face. Her arm is held in place by a cast. Her mouth holds a large tube that is hooked to a loud beeping machine. Monitors ring everywhere. My hand gently holds hers. Lifeless and cold is all I feel from her grasp.

  I want to talk to her, to tell her all the reasons she should stay with me. I want to tell her how loving her has healed a part of me. I want to tell her how just like her, I am broken too. But, most of all I want to tell her how she brings me to my knees and the love I feel for her consumes me. I can’t say any of those things though. I can’t say anything right now.

  I lay my head down on the bed next to her. I find comfort knowing she’s close and that if the machines continue to beep then that means she’s ok for the time being. That her heart is still beating and there is hope.

  “You need to move now!”

  My body jumps to attention.

  “Get him out!” Someone leads me out of the room.

  “Abby! Don’t you fucking dare leave me! Don’t you dare leave me!” I’m going to lose my mind. The doctors storm the room yelling instructions and asking for medications.

  I hit the wall as I stand across the hall, watching life and death unfold around me. That feeling that creeps up the back of my neck and works its way through my body…Yeah, that feeling is called fear. And every fear I have ever had in my life is wanted now, every fear, but this one.

  “Clear! Clear!” There are so many voices, I don’t know where they come from now. They are shocking her body; her heart is giving out. Fuck!

  Every moment in life has a meaning; at least that’s what Abby believes. This moment has no meaning because it’s bullshit. Why would her lying in that fucking bed have a meaning? She’s supposed to be ok, she’s supposed to be in my arms. That means something.

  My body slides down the wall, my feet unable to hold me up. I drop my head, gripping my hair into my fist.

  “Clear! Clear!”

  Fuck me! She’s dying.

  “Oh my God! My baby! My baby!” The screaming comes from above my head. Alison, Alfred, Amy, and Dom stand over me, all white as ghosts. Alfred is holding Alison, preventing her from running into the room. My eyes turn in the direction of Abby. Thirty people have taken over the room.

  The love of my life is going to die and there isn’t a fucking thing I can do about it. That’s not true. There is something I can do about it. I can find the motherfucker that hit her and bring them the same pain they brought Abby.

  “What happened? What happened to my baby girl?” Alison continues to scream for the only child she has left. My mouth won’t open. I look to the four people that stand before me. All four faces look to me in judgment; they think I did this. I did do this; it’s all my fucking fault.

  “A car hit her while she was crossing the street,” I finally answer.

  “Where is the son of a bitch that did this to her?” The terror in Alison’s eyes mirror my own.

  “I don’t know. It was a hit and run Alison.” She reaches for my hands squeezing them so tightly. “I can’t lose my baby. I can’t lose my baby girl, Evan. Please God, I can’t lose my baby girl…Please!” Alison collapses on the floor and Alfred drops down, catching her in his arms, his own pain holds his face in a look I have never seen before. Amy cries in Dom’s chest. She
’s in shock.

  “Alfred, Alison. I’m so glad that you could get here from Colorado. I’m not going to beat around the bush, we lost her for a few minutes, but we have her back now. It is touch and go, but she’s back now.” The doctor that I spoke to earlier says this to Abby’s parents.

  “She’s ok?” I ask, standing at attention now.

  “Let’s go into the consult room,” the doctor says, more to Abby’s parents. It’s probably because he knows them. He walks us to a room down the hall and to the left. There is a couch against the wall and a table and two chairs. Everyone sits, but I stand as the doctor speaks.

  I search the doctor’s nametag as he speaks, rattling medical shit off that I don’t understand. “English please,” I demand. He looks to Amy, Dom, and myself, realizing we don’t understand him.

  “Abby has trauma to her brain causing swelling. This is causing seizure-like activity. When that happened earlier, she coded…sorry…her heart stopped. That was when our code team came into the room. We were able to get her heart beating again. The next twenty-four hours are going to be touchy, but if we can get through that…Well, let’s take it twenty-four hours at a time,” he speaks.

  “Oh my God, Evan!” Alison gasps in horror. I don’t speak, I just look at her in question. “Is that my baby’s blood?” she asks, looking at my blood-soaked clothes.

  I forgot that I’m covered in her blood. “Yeah,” I say as I look down to my jeans and t-shirt.

  “Honey you need to take a shower and change right this minute. I can’t look at that.” She covers her face as she begins to cry.

  I don’t want to leave Abby, but I don’t want to put Alison through any more pain either. “If she…If some…Please call me if there is a change. I will be right back,” I say as I lay my hand on Alison’s shoulder.

  “Evan? Wait up.” Amy runs to catch up with me as I quickly walk down the hall of the ICU. “Evan, Abby just found out this morning she’s pregnant. Is the baby…Is it ok?” She holds pain in her eyes. It tears me the fuck up because that is the baby Abby carried…our baby.


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