Astounding Science Fiction Stories: An Anthology of 350 Scifi Stories Volume 2 (Halcyon Classics)

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Astounding Science Fiction Stories: An Anthology of 350 Scifi Stories Volume 2 (Halcyon Classics) Page 458

by Various

  "You smell good," he said.

  "You don't, Pops. You smell like a sot. Naughty!"

  "Where's Ken?"

  She moistened her lips nervously and looked away. "He couldn't come. He had to take a driver's lesson. He really couldn't help it. If he didn't go, he'd lose his turn, and then he wouldn't finish before he goes back to the academy." She looked at him apologetically.

  "It's all right, Nora."

  "If he missed it, he wouldn't get his copter license until summer."

  "It's okay. Copters! Hell, the boy should be in jets by now!"

  Several breaths passed in silence. She gazed absently toward the window and shook her head. "No jets, Pop. Not for Ken."

  He glowered at her. "Listen! How'll he get into space? He's got to get his jet licenses first. Can't get in rockets without 'em."

  Nora shot a quick glance at her mother. Martha rolled her eyes as if sighing patiently. Nora went to the window to stare down toward the Keith terrace. She tucked a cigaret between scarlet lips, lit it, blew nervous smoke against the pane.

  "Mom, can't you call them and have that racket stopped?"

  "Donny says he likes it."

  Nora's eyes flitted over the scene below. "Female butterflies and puppy-dogs in sport jackets. And the cadets." She snorted. "Cadets! Imagine Ron Keith the Third ever going to space. The old man buys his way into the academy, and they throw a brawl as if Ronny passed the Compets."

  "Maybe he did," growled Old Donegal.


  "They live in a different world, I guess," Martha sighed.

  "If it weren't for men like Pops, they'd never've made their fortune."

  "I like the music, I tell you," grumbled the old man.

  "I'm half-a-mind to go over there and tell them off," Nora murmured.

  "Let them alone. Just so they'll stop the racket for blast-away."

  "Look at them!--polite little pattern-cuts, all alike. They take pre-space, because it's the thing to do. Then they quit before the pay-off comes."

  "How do you know they'll quit?"

  "That party--I bet it cost six months' pay, spacer's pay," she went on, ignoring him. "And what do real spacers get? Oley gets killed, and Pop's pension wouldn't feed the Keiths' cat."

  "You don't understand, girl."

  "I lost Oley. I understand enough."

  * * * * *

  He watched her silently for a moment, then closed his eyes. It was no good trying to explain, no good trying to tell her the dough didn't mean a damn thing. She'd been a spacer's wife, and that was bad enough, but now she was a spacer's widow. And Oley? Oley's tomb revolved around the sun in an eccentric orbit that spun-in close to Mercury, then reached out into the asteroid belt, once every 725 days. When it came within rocket radius of Earth, it whizzed past at close to fifteen miles a second.

  You don't rescue a ship like that, skinny-britches, my darling daughter. Nor do you salvage it after the crew stops screaming for help. If you use enough fuel to catch it, you won't get back. You just leave such a ship there forever, like an asteroid, and it's a damn shame about the men trapped aboard. Heroes all, no doubt--but the smallness of the widow's monthly check failed to confirm the heroism, and Nora was bitter about the price of Oley's memory, perhaps.

  Ouch! Old Donegal, you know she's not like that. It's just that she can't understand about space. You ought to make her understand.

  But did he really understand himself? You ride hot in a roaring blastroom, hands tense on the mixer controls and the pumps, eyes glued to instruments, body sucked down in a four-gravity thrust, and wait for the command to choke it off. Then you float free and weightless in a long nightmare as the beast coasts moonward, a flung javelin.

  The "romance" of space--drivel written in the old days. When you're not blasting, you float in a cramped hotbox, crawl through dirty mazes of greasy pipe and cable to tighten a lug, scratch your arms and bark your shins, get sick and choked up because no gravity helps your gullet get the food down. Liquid is worse, but you gag your whiskey down because you have to.

  Stars?--you see stars by squinting through a viewing lens, and it's like a photo-transparency, and if you aren't careful, you'll get an eyeful of Old Blinder and back off with a punch-drunk retina.

  Adventure?--unless the skipper calls for course-correction, you float around in the blast-cubicle with damn little to do between blast-away and moon-down, except sweat out the omniscient accident statistics. If the beast blows up or gets gutted in space, a statistic had your name on it, that's all, and there's no fighting back. You stay outwardly sane because you're a hog for punishment; if you weren't, you'd never get past the psychologists.

  "Did you like horror movies when you were a kid?" asked the psych. And you'd damn well better answer "yes," if you want to go to space.

  * * * * *

  Tell her, old man, you're her pop. Tell her why it's worth it, if you know. You jail yourself in a coffin-size cubicle, and a crazy beast thunders berserk for uncontrollable seconds, and then you soar in ominous silence for the long, long hours. Grow sweaty, filthy, sick, miserable, idle--somewhere out in Big Empty, where Man's got no business except the trouble he always makes for himself wherever he goes. Tell her why it's worth it, for pay less than a good bricklayer's. Tell her why Oley would do it again.

  "It's a sucker's run, Nora," he said. "You go looking for kicks, but the only kicks you get to keep is what Oley got. God knows why--but it's worth it."

  Nora said nothing. He opened his eyes slowly. Nora was gone. Had she been there at all?

  He blinked around at the fuzzy room, and dissolved the shifting shadows that sometimes emerged as old friendly faces, grinning at him. He found Martha.

  "You went to sleep," said Martha. "She had to go. Kennie called. He'll be over later, if you're not too tired."

  "I'm not tired. I'm all head. There's nothing much to get tired."

  "I love you, Old Donegal."

  "Hold my hand again."

  "I'm holding it, old man."

  "Then hold me where I can feel it."

  She slid a thin arm under his neck, and bent over his face to kiss him. She was crying a little, and he was glad she could do it now without fleeing the room.

  "Can I talk about dying now?" he wondered aloud.

  She pinched her lips together and shook her head.

  "I lie to myself, Martha. You know how much I lie to myself?"

  She nodded slowly and stroked his gray temples.

  "I lie to myself about Ken, and about dying. If Ken turned spacer, I wouldn't die--that's what I told myself. You know?"

  She shook her head. "Don't talk, Donny, please."

  "A man makes his own soul, Martha."

  "That's not true. You shouldn't say things like that."

  "A man makes his own soul, but it dies with him, unless he can pour it into his kids and his grandchildren before he goes. I lied to myself. Ken's a yellow-belly. Nora made him one, and the boots won't fit."

  "Don't, Donny. You'll excite yourself again."

  "I was going to give him the boots--the over-boots with magnasoles. But they won't fit him. They won't ever fit him. He's a lily-livered lap-dog, and he whines. Bring me my boots, woman."


  "The boots, they're in my locker in the attic. I want them."

  "What on earth!"

  "Bring me my goddam space boots and put them on my feet. I'm going to wear them."

  "You can't; the priest's coming."

  "Well, get them anyway. What time is it? You didn't let me sleep through the moon-run blast, did you?"

  She shook her head. "It's half an hour yet ... I'll get the boots if you promise not to make me put them on you."

  "I want them on."

  "You can't, until Father Paul's finished."

  "Do I have to get my feet buttered?"

  She sighed. "I wish you wouldn't say things like that. I wish you wouldn't, Donny. It's sacrilege, you know it is."

  "All right--'ano
inted'," he corrected wearily.

  "Yes, you do."

  "The boots, woman, the boots."

  She went to get them. While she was gone, the doorbell rang, and he heard her quick footsteps on the stairs, and then Father Paul's voice asking about the patient. Old Donegal groaned inwardly. After the priest, the doctor would come, at the usual time, to see if he were dead yet. The doctor had let him come home from the hospital to die, and the doctor was getting impatient. Why don't they let me alone? he growled. Why don't they let me handle it in my own way, and stop making a fuss over it? I can die and do a good job of it without a lot of outside interference, and I wish they'd quit picking at me with syringes and sacraments and enemas. All he wanted was a chance to listen to the orchestra on the Keith terrace, to drink the rest of his whiskey, and to hear the beast blast-away for the satellite on the first lap of the run to Luna.

  * * * * *

  It's going to be my last day, he thought. My eyes are going fuzzy, and I can't breathe right, and the throbbing's hurting my head. Whether he lived through the night wouldn't matter, because delirium was coming over him, and then there would be the coma, and the symbolic fight to keep him pumping and panting. I'd rather die tonight and get it over with, he thought, but they probably won't let me go.

  He heard their voices coming up the stairs ...

  "Nora tried to get them to stop it, Father, but she couldn't get in to see anybody but the butler. He told her he'd tell Mrs. Keith, but nothing happened. It's just as loud as before."

  "Well, as long as Donny doesn't mind--"

  "He just says that. You know how he is."

  "What're they celebrating, Martha?"

  "Young Ronald's leaving--for pre-space training. It's a going-away affair." They paused in the doorway. The small priest smiled in at Donegal and nodded. He set his black bag on the floor inside, winked solemnly at the patient.

  "I'll leave you two alone," said Martha. She closed the door and her footsteps wandered off down the hall.

  Donegal and the young priest eyed each other warily.

  "You look like hell, Donegal," the padre offered jovially. "Feeling nasty?"

  "Skip the small talk. Let's get this routine over with."

  The priest humphed thoughtfully, sauntered across to the bed, gazed down at the old man disinterestedly. "What's the matter? Don't want the 'routine'? Rather play it tough?"

  "What's the difference?" he growled. "Hurry up and get out. I want to hear the beast blast off."

  "You won't be able to," said the priest, glancing at the window, now closed again. "That's quite a racket next door."

  "They'd better stop for it. They'd better quiet down for it. They'll have to turn it off for five minutes or so."

  "Maybe they won't."

  It was a new idea, and it frightened him. He liked the music, and the party's gaiety, the nearness of youth and good times--but it hadn't occurred to him that it wouldn't stop so he could hear the beast.

  "Don't get upset, Donegal. You know what a blast-off sounds like."

  "But it's the last one. The last time. I want to hear."

  "How do you know it's the last time?"

  "Hell, don't I know when I'm kicking off?"

  "Maybe, maybe not. It's hardly your decision."

  "It's not, eh?" Old Donegal fumed. "Well, bigawd you'd think it wasn't. You'd think it was Martha's and yours and that damfool medic's. You'd think I got no say-so. Who's doing it anyway?"

  "I would guess," Father Paul grunted sourly, "that Providence might appreciate His fair share of the credit."

  Old Donegal made a surly noise and hunched his head back into the pillow to glower.

  "You want me?" the priest asked. "Or is this just a case of wifely conscience?"

  "What's the difference? Give me the business and scram."

  "No soap. Do you want the sacrament, or are you just being kind to your wife? If it's for Martha, I'll go now."

  Old Donegal glared at him for a time, then wilted. The priest brought his bag to the bedside.

  "Bless me, father, for I have sinned."

  "Bless you, son."

  "I accuse myself ..."

  * * * * *

  Tension, anger, helplessness--they had piled up on him, and now he was feeling the after-effects. Vertigo, nausea, and the black confetti--a bad spell. The whiskey--if he could only reach the whiskey. Then he remembered he was receiving a Sacrament, and struggled to get on with it. Tell him, old man, tell him of your various rottennesses and vile transgressions, if you can remember some. A sin is whatever you're sorry for, maybe. But Old Donegal, you're sorry for the wrong things, and this young jesuitical gadget wouldn't like listening to it. I'm sorry I didn't get it instead of Oley, and I'm sorry I fought in the war, and I'm sorry I can't get out of this bed and take a belt to my daughter's backside for making a puny whelp out of Ken, and I'm sorry I gave Martha such a rough time all these years--and wound up dying in a cheap flat, instead of giving her things like the Keiths had. I wish I had been a sharpster, contractor, or thief ... instead of a common laboring spacer, whose species lost its glamor after the war.

  Listen, old man, you made your soul yourself, and it's yours. This young dispenser of oils, substances, and mysteries wishes only to help you scrape off the rough edges and gouge out the bad spots. He will not steal it, nor distort it with his supernatural chisels, nor make fun of it. He can take nothing away, but only cauterize and neutralize, he says, so why not let him try? Tell him the rotten messes.

  "Are you finished, my son?"

  Old Donegal nodded wearily, and said what he was asked to say, and heard the soft mutter of Latin that washed him inside and behind his ghostly ears ... ego te absolvo in Nomine Patris ... and he accepted the rest of it lying quietly in the candlelight and the red glow of the sunset through the window, while the priest anointed him and gave him bread, and read the words of the soul in greeting its spouse: "I was asleep, but my heart waked; it is the voice of my beloved calling: come to me my love, my dove, my undefiled ..." and from beyond the closed window came the sarcastic wail of a clarinet painting hot slides against a rhythmic background.

  It wasn't so bad, Old Donegal thought when the priest was done. He felt like a schoolboy in a starched shirt on Sunday morning, and it wasn't a bad feeling, though it left him weak.

  The priest opened the window for him again, and repacked his bag. "Ten minutes till blast-off," he said. "I'll see what I can do about the racket next door."

  When he was gone, Martha came back in, and he looked at her face and was glad. She was smiling when she kissed him, and she looked less tired.

  "Is it all right for me to die now?" he grunted.

  "Donny, don't start that again."

  "Where's the boots? You promised to bring them?"

  "They're in the hall. Donny, you don't want them."

  "I want them, and I want a drink of whiskey, and I want to hear them fire the beast." He said it slow and hard, and he left no room for argument.

  When she had got the huge boots over his shrunken feet, the magnasoles clanged against the iron bedframe and clung there, and she rolled him up so that he could look at them, and Old Donegal chuckled inside. He felt warm and clean and pleasantly dizzy.

  "The whiskey, Martha, and for God's sake, make them stop the noise till after the firing. Please!"

  She went to the window and looked out for a long time. Then she came back and poured him an insignificant drink.


  "I don't know," she said. "I saw Father Paul on the terrace, talking to somebody."

  "Is it time?"

  She glanced at the clock, looked at him doubtfully, and nodded. "Nearly time."

  The orchestra finished a number, but the babble of laughing voices continued. Old Donegal sagged. "They won't do it. They're the Keiths, Martha. Why should I ruin their party?"

  She turned to stare at him, slowly shook her head. He heard someone shouting, but then a trumpet started softly, introducing a new numbe
r. Martha sucked in a hurt breath, pressed her hands together, and hurried from the room.

  "It's too late," he said after her.

  Her footsteps stopped on the stairs. The trumpet was alone. Donegal listened; and there was no babble of voices, and the rest of the orchestra was silent. Only the trumpet sang--and it puzzled him, hearing the same slow bugle-notes of the call played at the lowering of the colors.

  The trumpet stopped suddenly. Then he knew it had been for him.

  A brief hush--then thunder came from the blast-station two miles to the west. First the low reverberation, rattling the windows, then the rising growl as the sleek beast knifed skyward on a column of blue-white hell. It grew and grew until it drowned the distant traffic sounds and dominated the silence outside.

  Quit crying, you old fool, you maudlin ass ...

  "My boots," he whispered, "my boots ... please ..."

  "You've got them on, Donny."

  He sank quietly then. He closed his eyes and let his heart go up with the beast, and he sank into the gravity padding of the blastroom, and Caid was with him, and Oley. And when Ronald Keith, III, instructed the orchestra to play Blastroom Man, after the beast's rumble had waned, Old Donegal was on his last moon-run, and he was grinning. He'd had a good day.

  Martha went to the window to stare out at the thin black trail that curled starward above the blast-station through the twilight sky. Guests on the terrace were watching it too.

  The doorbell rang. That would be Ken, too late. She closed the window against the chill breeze, and went back to the bed. The boots, the heavy, clumsy boots--they clung to the bedframe, with his feet half out of them. She took them off gently and set them out of company's sight. Then she went to answer the door.

  * * *



  By Walter M. Miller, Jr.

  A space rover has no business with a family. But what can a man in the full vigor of youth do--if his heart cries out for a home?

  They all knew he was a spacer because of the white goggle marks on his sun-scorched face, and so they tolerated him and helped him. They even made allowances for him when he staggered and fell in the aisle of the bus while pursuing the harassed little housewife from seat to seat and cajoling her to sit and talk with him.


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