Wild Rides: 10 Blazing Hot Alpha Bad Boy Biker and MC Romance Box Set

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Wild Rides: 10 Blazing Hot Alpha Bad Boy Biker and MC Romance Box Set Page 71

by Dez Burke

  “The proposal will be in your box tomorrow- I emailed you the original options and Mr. King still hasn’t approved them. I can’t make him do this any faster.” I tried to stay calm and put what I hoped passed for cheery on my face. She rolled her eyes and stormed off, her blonde hair swishing as she walked. She was quite pretty, I thought. Pretty awful. I looked over at the clock to see it click to 4:30. Finally, time for something to happen. I closed my computer and headed up to Mr. King’s office.

  Mr. Thayer was already there, tapping his foot nervously, but confidence plastered across his face. He grinned up at me as I entered the room, Mr. King’s smile following right behind. I sat at my spot at his desk and waited.

  Mr. King’s email pinged as a new message hit.

  Where is my money?

  Mr. King calmly hit reply and typed, It’s not coming. Send.

  Ping. Your funeral.

  Mr. King nodded to Mr. Thayer, and we stared at his computer screen. The screen flicked as Cirrus attempted to activate the virus. Thayer’s tracking program initiated and dominated the screen.

  “It found the IP address. It's part of a subnet that's licensed to a motel chain in Miami. In fact, only one motel in the chain doesn't require a credit card to rent a room.” He grinned, his excitement humming through the room at the success.

  “Perfect. Inform our friends.” Mr. King relaxed into his chair, barely able to keep a grin off his face.

  Within ten minutes the local police had the only room in the motel rented by a single man who paid cash under surveillance. I imagined what it must have looked like, in a dingy motel room in Miami, Florida. Cirrus bent over his computer, angrily triumphant and releasing his revenge on King Enterprises, when suddenly the door is beat down and men in black suits storm the room.

  I tried not to giggle as I thought of the look on his face as the FBI Cyber Crime unit took him down. He was going to go to prison for a long time, and King Enterprises was safe. We had won. Mr. King stood behind me as a phone call from the FBI came in saying they had caught him with all the evidence they needed. His hands felt warm and perfect on my shoulders and he squeezed them in victory.


  I played with the pearl necklace he had given me a few months ago as I sat, Mr. King across the table staring at me. We had just finished dessert, a Sacher Torte. It was at least 3 layers of dark chocolate fudge cake, with apricot jam & chocolate ganache between the layers, and dark chocolate glaze on top. I had never tasted anything so delicious and decadent. He smiled at me and filled my wine glass up, his eyes dark with desire. I craved him. I wanted him covered in a dark chocolate glaze.

  He must have been able to read my thoughts, because he stood and held his hand out for me. His hand felt warm in mine, and I carried my wine glass with us as he led me to his bedroom. As we reached the door, he paused at the door, his hand lingering on the handle. With a smile, he pushed the door open to reveal the bedroom bathed in candlelight. Tea light candles adorned the furniture, dozens of candles flickering with a soft golden glow. It was beautiful. I set my glass down and kissed him passionately, our lips meeting with joy.

  The door closed softly behind us, as he kissed me again, taking me into his arms and questing his tongue deep into my mouth. I moaned into his kisses, his hands sliding up and down on my satin dress. He found the zipper and undid the back, letting the dress slide off and onto the floor. A sweet smile crossed his face as his hand grazed my pearls, obviously happy I had worn them to dinner. With gentle kisses, he crept down my neck, down my shoulders and down my arm to my hand. He brought my hand to his lips and kissed it like a gallant knight.

  I wondered how happy silly my smile was as I slipped off my shoes and he brought me around to the bed. I noticed that he had a single black satin sheet on the bed and that it had a smattering of pink rose petals. I picked one up and twirled it in my fingers, trying my best to look coy.

  “I thought you earned a romantic evening after this week’s excitement. I couldn’t have done it without you.” His voice was low and husky, making my skin itch with desire. I started to speak, but he placed a single finger over my lips, gently shushing me.

  “Don’t say anything. Just enjoy this.” And then he kissed me. My heart fluttered with his kiss; it was so full of want, of need. His hand slipped around and undid my strapless bra, letting it fall to the floor. He then kissed down my neck again, my hands going to his beautiful hair as he kissed each nipple, making them stand hard and erect, ready for more.

  He knelt before me and continued to kiss my breasts as his hands worked off my lacy panties. A shiver rippled through me as he blew gently on my wet nipples, letting his kiss marks cool my skin. He stood up slowly, and wrapped a black satin scarf around one wrist and motioned me up onto the bed. He loosely tied the scarf to one of the tall bedposts. It was loose enough that I could touch my face with the tied hand, but firm enough that he would always be in control. I loved it.

  I stretched out on the bed, feeling the cool satin slip beneath my skin, the rose petals soft and fragrant. I looked over to see him slowly disrobing. He unbuttoned his shirt and took it off slowly, the firelight glancing off his muscles and creating beautiful shadows. His pants slid into a pool on the floor and he stood naked, his erection growing as he looked down on my tied to his bed.

  He grinned his predatory grin, and picked up a candle from the nightstand. I raised my eyebrows as he approached with it, unsure what he was doing. He raised the candle high above my stomach and slowly tipped it, letting the wax drip and fall onto my stomach. The hot wax seared across my bellybutton, quickly hardening and the pain subsiding. My spine felt like a rod of molten metal, threatening to consume me with want.

  A low chuckle rippled through the dark as he slowly climbed onto the bed and straddled my legs. He let the candle wax build again, and brought it closer to my skin, this time dripping a long line from my bellybutton up to my cleavage. The sudden heat made me squirm with delight, and he put his weight down onto my legs to keep me still. I watched the candle flicker above me as he waited for the wax to pool again, the waiting keeping tension tight within me. That predatory grin flashed as he poured the wax across the tops of my breasts, the wax splattering and dripping down across my skin; the heat searing through to my core, making me want more.

  He set the candle onto the flat space between my ribcage and bellybutton, his hand holding it steady against my skin. With his free hand he slowly pet my vaginal lips, sending little shoots of pleasure at the soft touch. He slowly peeled me open, revealing my clit to his eager fingers. He began a simple two finger swirling motion, blood rushing to fill my clit, sensation pouring into me.

  I arched my hips up into his hand, wanting more but the motion moved the candle and caused it to spill the hot wax onto my sensitive skin. I cried out with pleasure and pain, wanting to rock my hips into his hand but fearing the sear of the wax. I could feel the thrum inside me reaching a fever pitch, my body craving release, my core a ball of fire as I approached my release.

  “Come for me,” he whispered as I slowly tipped into ecstasy. I couldn’t stop my hips from bucking upward, my body writhing with pleasure as my orgasm took me. Wax poured out from the candle, spilling across my abdomen, the heat scorching through me and adding extra sensation to my vibrating body. I screamed with pleasure as my orgasm didn’t stop, the pain pushing me immediately into a second, with no pause between. My lungs gasped for oxygen as pleasure made me forget to breathe, my body quaking with bliss.

  As I slowly stopped shaking, and my body returned to me, Mr. King set the candle on the table. I looked up at him, the candle light flickering and making his eyes glow as he slid one knee between my legs, opening me further to his desires. His erection was full and hard, my orgasm obviously turning him on. He took it in his hand and ran it up and down along my pussy lips, letting my juices cover him before he entered.

  He slowly pushed the tip against my opening, and forcefully pushed through the slight resistance to enter
me. I moaned softly, pulling my arm against its restraint as he pushed deep into me. My body sang as he filled me completely, and then cried out as he slid back out again. He straddled my leg and continued to push deep into me, pulling out slowly only to fill me totally again. We found a rhythm, him pulsing into me and me rising my hips to meet him. I let myself get lost in our rhythmic dance, the soft light making me think I was in heaven.

  He slowly pulled out, and moved off my legs, and growled softly to get on my hands and knees. I turned perpendicular to the bed, maneuvering my tied arm into position. I could feel his heat behind me as he slowly penetrated deeply into me. I screamed with pleasure, feeling him skewer me, his hands gripping my hips. He pounded his cock as hard as he could, and he spanked my ass in the same spot as he had abused the other day. A wordless cry filled the room as a spike of pain seared into my world.

  He put a hand on the middle of my shoulder blades and pushed my head down into the bed. I tucked my knees into my chest, my cheek pressed into the slippery satin. I felt his hand leave my back, and instead of feeling him grab a hold of my hip, I instead felt hot wax pour onto my back. My cry was muffled by the mattress as the wax quickly cooled on my hot skin. I could feel it harden and crack as he continued to stuff himself into me.

  I could feel his cock swelling, his pattern becoming erratic as I waited for him to come into me. The slight extra growth increased my pleasure, and the slight grunt and groan as he released, made my body respond in kind. I could feel my pussy contracting down on his cock as he released his stream of white into me. I squeezed with all my might, milking his cock for every drop I could squeeze.

  I sighed with loss as he slowly pulled out, both of us satiated and content. He ran his fingers down my spine, somehow still eliciting shivers at his touch. He carefully untied me, his fingers caressing my skin as he removed the satin. I kissed him, drinking him in as deeply as possible. He gave me the smile that he reserved for only me, the one I only saw when we were very alone and he was completely happy. I couldn’t help but feel pure happiness as I looked at him.

  He kissed my hand again, and instead of letting go, pulled me gently to the bathroom. I followed him like a happy puppy. He hit several buttons, turning on the massive shower to the settings that I enjoyed; steam filled the room as he pulled me into the water, multiple jets pouring hot water onto us both. I sighed with contentment as he began working the soap into a lather on my body, happy to have the billionaire’s trust.

  Worthy of the Biker: Saying Goodbye

  Joker walked beside me through the Prairie Devil's club house. It was nice to be out of the hot late July sun. I liked the building. It felt comfortable, like the people here belonged to it. I knew I was an outsider, but I got the feeling that if I wanted, I wouldn't have to be. Joker turned left, heading toward the Purple Room. When Tech had explained the purpose of that room, I stayed away as if were on fire. I was on my way to see Frannie.

  I followed the delicious smell of something cooking straight into the kitchen that was Frannie's domain. The older woman was busy giving giving Tech a stern talking to. She had a big kitchen spoon practically up underneath his nose and a frown that should have had him running for the door. Both sets of eyes went to me as I walked in. Frannie stepped back, but didn't lower her spoon.

  “You listen to what I said,” she growled at Tech. “You know I'm right.”

  “Frannie's always right,” I said, coming to stand next to Tech. I wondered what kind of trouble he could have gotten into to get a lecture from Frannie.

  Frannie raised her eyebrows at Tech and he nodded slowly. He put his arm over my shoulder, and started pulling me toward the door.“Come on, Claire. Let's go take a ride.”

  “Okay,” I said, turning to wave at Frannie. “See you later, Frannie!”

  She raised her spoon and gave me a friendly smile before returning to her cooking. The Prairie Devils were lucky to have her. Without her warmth in the kitchen and infirmary, those bikers would be a sorry state.

  I winced at the brightness of the July sun. It would be August in a couple of days, but it seemed like the heat of July would never end. School would be starting in a week. I hadn't thought about it much, but I wasn't planning on going back. I liked being with Tech too much. It was strange. School used to be the center of my world, and now, I just didn't care. School could wait.

  Tech got on his massive motorcycle and waited for me to get on with him. I loved this part. I wrapped my arms around his tight waist, pressing my cheek into the smooth leather of his vest. I could feel the pitchfork insignia against my skin. He started the engine, letting it rumble for a moment before urging his metallic stallion out onto the open road.

  The wind whipped at my hair and the heat made my eyes water. I loved it. I loved the way his bike vibrated through me and massaged my soul. I loved the way I could cling to Tech and let the world fly by. Things were perfect when we were like this.

  I did exactly as he had taught me, leaning into the turns and keeping my weight center on the bike. I loved pleasing him. We worked well as a team, and he had even let me help a little with some of his less illegal computer projects. He loved that I would follow his specific directions and still suggest any ideas I came up with. It was as if the two of us had a psychic connection that let us work together seamlessly and easily.

  We drove for a good hour, just soaring across the roads and watching the world go by. It was a little strange; Tech didn't usually go for aimless rides. It was as if he didn't want the ride to end, but finally he pulled up in front of the tiny apartment I was renting. He turned off the engine and waited for me to get off the bike.

  I had my keys in my hand and was halfway to the door when I realized he wasn't following me. He sat on his shiny motorcycle, leather vest and bare arms, his sunglasses reflecting the bright sunshine. His face gave nothing away. I knew that face. It was the face he had when he didn't want to tell me something.

  I had seen this face when he told me I had asked what he did for the MC. It had been a week or so after the initial dust-up with the Raging Skulls, and he had been busy for a couple of days. I had asked what he did. He was the Prairie Devil's tech guy, and thus the name Tech, but he was far more than just a computer repair man. He could program things. He had mad hacking ability. He was a computer guru. I hadn't thought much of it until a news story had come on the television about a computer virus that had somehow sent the top secret activities of the Raging Skulls calendar to the police. I hadn't asked, but I knew it had been Tech that had made it happen. It was slightly frightening to know I was dating a man that could bypass that level of computer security.

  He was looking at me like that now. Like he had something to tell me that he didn't want to. Something important that I should know, but that could change everything.

  “What is it?” I asked, letting my hand fall to my side. His face didn't change.

  “Your classes start in nine days,” he finally said.

  “So? I'm not going. I'm staying here.”

  “No, you're not. You need to go back.” His jaw tightened but his expression stayed the same neutral, unreadable one I hated.

  “I'm staying here. I care about you, Gregory,” I said, using his real name. “I don't want to leave.”

  He stood from his bike and came to where I was standing. He took off his sunglasses. He was so much bigger than me that I was in his shadow as he put his hands on my shoulders. His eyes were soft and full of emotion. This was as hard for him as it was for me.

  “This is no place for a girl like you,” he said. “You are going to do great things. You can't stay here.”

  “No,” I replied stubbornly, shaking my head. “I don't. I don't want to leave you.”

  He swallowed and pressed his lips into a thin line. “Yes, you are. I already have it arranged. If you decide not to listen, then the Devils will force you out of town.” His shoulders slumped slightly. “I don't want to have to do that, but I will. This isn't the place for you.”
  “So you don't want me anymore?” I tried to keep the sob that was building up in my chest from escaping. He touched my cheek, his calloused hand gentle on my face.

  “I want you so badly. But, this isn't the life you were meant to have. I can't let you stay here and throw your life away. You have so much potential, and if you stay here, it will be wasted.” His voice held emotion that I didn't want to hear. This was hurting him.

  “I don't care.” I knew I sounded like a petulant child. I knew he was right, though.

  “You will. In a couple of years, this won't be glamorous and new. But you'll be up to your eyeballs in club business and won't be able to get out.” He sighed. “You know you wouldn't be happy as some diner waitress for the rest of your life. That's all this place has to offer you. You need to get out while you can.”

  “What about you?” I asked. A lone tear rolled down my cheek and he carefully wiped it away.

  “I made my choice a long time ago.”

  I knew I couldn't fight him on this. When Gregory King made up his mind, it was made. There was no changing it. Deep down I knew he was right. I hated being a waitress. The only reason I wanted to stay was because of Tech. If he wasn't here, I wouldn't wait two seconds to pack. If I stayed, I would end up resenting him. I knew he was right, but I still didn't like it.

  “Will you come visit me?” I asked quietly.

  “Of course.” I knew it was a lie as soon as the words left his lips. He wouldn't come see me. As soon as I left, I was out of his world. I needed to be in order to be safe. The cutthroat world of motorcycle clubs couldn't follow me to college. I appreciated the lie though. It made it easier to swallow.

  I stared at his Adam’s apple as he swallowed. I didn't want to look up into his face. I didn't want to see the lie in his eyes and I didn't want him to see that I knew.


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