Triple Play

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Triple Play Page 2

by B J Wane

  Ella exhaled and slumped back into her chair. If she weren’t so upset over Melanie’s fate, she’d be able to appreciate much more the quick thrill that shot through her at the sight of the two detectives. Mac’s hair was pitch black and tied at his nape. His blue eyes contrasted sharply with his dark Indian complexion the same way Sam’s dark brown ones did against his fair hair. Both men were several inches over six feet and were dressed in jeans and sports coats that did nothing to hide the rock solidness of their bodies. At another time, in another place, she would have enjoyed, immensely, the rush of heated dampness that filled her panties at the sight of them.

  “I’m sorry. I had no right to lash out at you.” She looked longingly at Melanie. “It’s just that she’s all I’ve got. I simply can’t lose her too.”

  “I know it’s little consolation, Ms. Ward, but she’s alive; and, as long as she is, there’s always a chance she’ll come out of this,” Sam said. “And there is good news. Her rape kit came back negative.”

  Tears of relief sprang to Ella’s eyes, but she quickly blinked them away. She’d wait and cry her heart out when she got home.

  Mac got out a small notebook and pen before asking, “Do you know if she was a regular at Legends?”

  “No, Detective. One of the other victims, Cindy Matthews, was her cousin. Last night was Melanie’s third visit there. She was trying to find clues to her cousin’s murder.”

  “We don’t have to tell you how naïve that was. We really are on top of this case,” Sam said, his voice hard.

  No, they didn’t have to tell her that; but, for the first time, Ella could understand what drove Melanie to take such risks. Rising stiffly, she walked past them, intending to leave before she really made a fool of herself and broke down in front of them.

  “Ms. Ward, could I get your number and address in case we have any further questions for you?” Mac asked.

  Ella gave them the information and accepted their cards, promising to call if she thought of anything that might help.

  “Are you as hard as I am?” Sam asked of his friend and partner when the door closed behind Ella.

  “So fucking hard I won’t be sitting for a while. You ever see hair that shade before?”

  “It was almost white it was so blond. And those green eyes reminded me of a cat.”

  Mac chuckled, “I bet she purrs really nice once the claws are sheathed. If we weren’t balls deep in this case, I’d see what she was made of.”

  “Not if I got to her first,” Sam retorted.

  Both men laughed softly, thinking the same thing. They’d just make it easy and share her, like they had done numerous times in the past.

  A week later, Melanie still had not regained consciousness, and Ella found herself preparing to do exactly what she had cautioned Mel not to do. She was going to Legends to see what she could find out about Melanie’s attack. Now that it was someone she cared about, she couldn’t remain on the sidelines waiting for the cops to find the bastard who was preying on these girls. If she was lucky enough to catch any clues, hear any news whatsoever that might help catch this guy, she would pass it on to the detectives in charge of the case.

  Nervous excitement had her palms sweating as she drew out a short, black sheath from her closet. Spaghetti straps left her shoulders bare, the scooped neckline revealed a large amount of cleavage, and the light, flimsy material did nothing to hide the shape of her bare breasts and pointed nipples. A black thong left her buttocks bare and the sensuous feel of the dress as she slipped it over head felt wonderful. Two inch black heels and the mid thigh length of the dress set off her long, bare legs.

  Ella glanced in the tall mirror and quickly ran a brush through her shoulder length hair. Grabbing her small black purse, she quickly left her apartment before she lost her nerve. Legends was located a few miles outside of the city and would take about thirty minutes to get there. Though she had never been inside the popular club, she had been by it several times when heading out for a weekend of camping whenever she had a few days off.

  The parking lot was crowded when she arrived, and she had to park a ways from the front entrance. Luckily, it was well lit and there were several people coming and going. The bouncer checked her ID at the door and then held it open for her. She felt his gaze on her breasts, and her nipples instantly hardened into stiff peaks. She rarely went braless, her breasts were too large; but, when she did, she loved the feel of them swaying loosely, the press of her nipples against soft material. If nothing else, maybe she would get laid later. She really ached to feel a hard cock filling her again. It had been too long since her last affair and that had been unsatisfying as usual.

  “What can I get you?” the bartender asked as Ella took a seat at the bar. Dressed in a white blouse and black slacks, she was short and slightly plump with curly red hair and an engaging smile.

  “Rum and coke please,” Ella smiled back at her. The music was loud so she had to lean forward to be heard. Her dress gaped and the bartended blatantly took in the eyeful.

  With a wink, she replied, “Coming right up.”

  Tables and booths surrounded a large dance floor filled with gyrating bodies. Like several other clubs she frequented, it was crowded and noisy. The difference she quickly saw was in the open sexuality exhibited by these patrons. Her drink came, and Ella sat back to watch the scene. Several couples on the dance floor did nothing to hide their roaming hands, and the sight of breasts and asses being caressed so openly had her pussy swelling with need and dampening her thong. One man’s hand slid under his partner’s short skirt while the woman grasped his cock, rubbing him through his jeans as they ground their hips together. Such a crude and open display would have gotten them evicted from any other club; but, while here, they were watched openly and without censure.

  “Would you like to dance?”

  Ella looked up at the attractive man who was blatantly eyeing her exposed cleavage. “Sure.” Smiling, she downed her drink and took his hand.

  Ella loved to dance, fast or slow, it didn’t matter. The popular rock tune playing had her moving and swaying to a fast beat; her partner drawing her close and swinging her away as they bumped and grinded together. Ella soon forgot why she was here and simply let herself enjoy the feel of her body swaying sensuously and the heated look of lust in her partner’s eyes. Two songs later, the tempo was reduced to a slower beat for which she was grateful. She had worked up a sweat and was out of breath when he pulled her close.

  “My name’s Mark. I haven’t seen you here before.”

  “Ella, and that’s because this is my first time.” Ella didn’t have a chance to say anything else before a tap on Mark’s shoulder drew his attention away from her. Irritation turned swiftly to surprise when one of the detectives she had met in Melanie’s room last week butted in.

  “She’s with me,” he said curtly a hard look in his blue eyes.

  “I didn’t know she was here with anyone,” Mark said.

  “Now you do.”

  Before Ella could dispute his claim, he took her in his arms and whisked her away. Bending over her, he whispered in her ear, “We’re undercover, so don’t blow it.”

  “Mac, isn’t it?” Ella said, not at all displeased to be found held tightly in his arms.

  Mac nodded as his eyes bored down into hers and his hand clasped hers tightly. “What the hell are you doing here, Ella?”

  Even with her heels on, he was a good five or six inches taller than her. Looking up, she smiled sweetly, “Why, Mac, I’m just out for a good time just like everyone else.”

  “You’re playing a dangerous game, little girl,” he warned. “Do you want to end up like your friend?”

  “I’m being careful; and, if I hear anything useful, I’ll report it to you right away.”

  “What you’ll do is leave now and don’t come back. Let us handle this.”

  “Is Sam here too?” Looking around, she spotted the other detective glowering at her from the bar. A thrill shot th
rough her at his dark, possessive look. Between his stare and the lean hard body she was pressed tightly against, Ella’s body came alive with lust.

  “You’re leaving. Now.”

  Mac grabbed her hand and pulled her off the dance floor. Sam thrust out her purse that she had left for the bartender to watch as Mac dragged her by.

  “Let go of me! You can’t make me leave!” Ella tried futilely to pull her hand from his, but his grip was tight, his tug unyielding as he dragged her out the door.

  Once they were far enough away from the entrance, Mac swung around and gripped her arms. Giving her a slight shake, he stated emphatically, “I can and I will. If you make a scene, I’ll arrest you for disorderly conduct and haul your ass in. Do I make myself clear?”

  Ella glared up into his furious face and backed down considerably when she noted the fear and frustration in his eyes. “I won’t blow your cover, and I’ll be careful.”

  “I’ll bet that’s what Melanie said too.”

  Cringing, Ella pulled away from him, somewhat surprised he let her go. “My car’s in the second row,” she said stiffly. “Thank you for walking me out.” Without a backward glance, she strode quickly to her car.

  Mac watched her until she pulled away. Lust and irritation fought for supremacy as he recalled her body pressed against his. The desire in her bright green gaze couldn’t be missed; and, if they weren’t so tied down with this case, he would have loved showing her who was the boss. Getting into Ms. Ward’s pants was just one more incentive for them to find this bastard quick.

  Ella spent Saturday debating on whether to return to Legends that night or not. Mac had been right, Melanie had promised she’d be careful and it had done her no good. She still ended up a victim, albeit a lucky one so far. But as she recalled her pale face and still body, she new she couldn’t sit at home tonight doing nothing. Besides, she thought, the other attacks were several weeks apart, so she felt relatively safe attending the club again tonight and maybe next weekend.

  As she dressed in a short white skirt and a blue and white crop top, she justified her actions by telling herself that Melanie would, and did, the same thing for someone she loved. Tonight, she wore a bra and plain white panties. She hoped having more underclothes on would protect her from portraying her attraction if she happened to see either of the detectives again tonight.

  Ella rehearsed her plan all the way to the club. Sit at the bar, sip one drink, and keep her eyes peeled for any suspicious moves while watching for Sam or Mac. If she saw either of them, make a beeline for the ladies room or the exit.

  Her same seat at the bar was vacant, and the same redhead smiled at her as she sat down. “Welcome back. Rum and coke?” she asked.

  “Thank you. You have a good memory.”

  “Comes with years of experience. I’m Cathy.” Sliding her drink across, she held out her hand.

  “Ella,” she replied shaking her hand. “So you’ve worked here a long time?”

  “Here for about a year, but I’ve bartended for about five years now. Holler when you’re ready for a refill.”

  As she moved away to fill an order, Ella turned on her stool, sipping her drink, and surveying the crowd. She loved people watching, and there was an abundance to take in at a place like this. She turned down several offers to dance, instead keeping an eye on women’s drinks, watching for any sleight of hand that might indicate someone slipping something in. She saw the same guy Mac had pulled her away from last night. He nodded politely to her but kept his distance. She couldn’t blame him after the way Mac had acted. Watching him dance with a tall brunette, she couldn’t help but wonder if she would have gotten lucky last night if it hadn’t been for that pesky detective.

  Although, she had to admit as she sipped her drink and eyed the stranger’s sexy dance moves, Mac was the better looking of the two. Plus, there was something about him and his partner that made her cream her panties. Just the thought of the two of them…

  Ella jumped, startled out of her daydream by a hard hand clamped around her arm. One of the objects of her lustful musings glared angrily at her out of dark eyes.

  Leaning down, Sam snarled in her ear, “Get your fucking ass up and come with me.”

  Ella didn’t argue. She wanted to help not hinder their investigation. Blowing their cover could only set them back weeks and land her in a world of trouble. This time she followed meekly until they got outside, and then she tried to pull away from her angry escort.

  “I’ll leave, I promise,” she said as he pulled her towards the parking lot.

  “Yes, you will, and this time, I’ll make sure you don’t come back.”

  Ella glared up at him as they reached her car, forgetting her good intentions. “How do you propose to do that, Detective?” she asked sarcastically.

  “Like this.”

  Before Ella realized his intent, he had her face down over his muscled left arm, her skirt flipped up and her panties down. Mortified, excited, and turned on, she cried out frantically, “Wait!” but she was too late. Sam’s hand came down hard on her bare ass, the slap and her shriek resounding in the parking lot.

  “Be quiet,” he ordered as he smacked her again and again. “Mac is making sure no one comes to your aid. A good hard spanking is common at this club, so don’t expect any reprieve.”

  Ella could do nothing but gasp as his hand fell hard and fast, covering her ass and thighs so thoroughly she couldn’t feel anything but heated pain, utter humiliation, and the stirrings of lust. Her pussy wept, the juices coating her thighs as her buttocks swelled and throbbed. She moaned, tears leaking as she felt the beginning of an orgasm. Her legs kicked, and she clutched his hard arm, hoping he’d think it was due to the pain instead of the orgasm ripping through her. She cried out as his hand landed hard in the middle of her ass, her pussy spasming in wicked release. She shuddered in pleasure and pain, humiliation swamping her as she could do nothing but lie limply over his arm, praying he hadn’t noticed her submission to the painful pleasure.

  Ella knew her face was red from embarrassment and ecstasy as he lifted her up, his blows finally coming to a stop. Opening her car door, he shoved her into her seat, buckled her in, and then stared for a moment at her face.

  “Go home, Ella. Let us catch the bad guys.”

  Then, to her utter surprise, he leaned in and kissed her, hard. Before she had time to react, he shut her door and strode back into the club.


  “She came.”

  “What?” Mac asked, surprised.

  “While I was smacking that delectable ass, she had an orgasm.” Sam grinned unabashedly, glad that the music kept anyone else from hearing them.

  “No other stimulation?”


  “Son of a bitch. I almost came watching her squirm over your arm. If I had known she was coming instead of complaining, I probably would have. We better follow her home. Make sure she gets there in one piece.”

  “Yeah, we better do that,” Sam replied wryly.

  Chapter Three

  Ella wasn’t sure how she made it home in one piece. Pulling into her reserved carport, she leaned her head back and took a deep, shuddering breath. Her buttocks ached, pleasantly so, and her pussy was still wet from her powerful climax. Pulling up her skirt, she quickly shoved her panties the rest of the way down her legs and spread her thighs wide. Two fingers delved unerringly into her sopping cunt while her thumb pressed tightly against her engorged clit. Within seconds, she was heralding through her second orgasm, her hips rising to meet her marauding hand, her buttocks clenching tightly with each thrust. The lingering pain and heat in her ass only increased her pleasure. Recalling the feel of Sam’s hard hand on her naked flesh, out in the open, brought on a fresh gush of moistness, soaking her fingers. She cried out, her whimpers echoing loudly in the still air. She was so involved in her own bliss she didn’t hear the two men approach her car until Mac flung open her door.

  Smiling, he looked from where she
had her hand buried between her splayed legs up to Sam who was peering in the passenger side window.

  “You were right, Partner, she did enjoy being punished.”

  Even though she was completely mortified, Ella wasn’t one to back down or shy away from her desires. She loved sex, especially male dominated encounters. Her fingers continued stroking over her bare folds, coating the plump lips with her juices, and giving both men a good view of her naked pussy.

  “What if I did? It’s not a crime.”

  “No, but hindering an investigation is,” Sam snapped. “Stay away from the club, Miss Ward.”

  Ella calmly lowered her skirt and looked from Sam to Mac asking, “And if I don’t?”

  Mac grabbed her arm and pulled her from the car, ignoring the white panties left lying on the floorboard. “Let’s go to your apartment and get this straightened out.”

  Ella’s heart pounded with excited trepidation. These were not men to be trifled with. Not only were they the law, they were strong dominant men who didn’t take no for an answer. She liked that, a lot. Fumbling, she found her keys only to have them jerked from her hand by Sam. Flipping on the light switch, she tossed her purse onto her sofa and faced the two stern looking men glaring at her.

  Arms folded over their chests, they were enough to cause any woman’s heart rate to trip and her cunt to gush. Damn, she thought irrationally, she had just had several fantasies granted to her, a humiliating spanking and an audience, and she was still horny, aching for a taste of what these two could give her. She had a feeling she wouldn’t be disappointed as she had been so many times in the past.

  “I can’t stay away while Melanie is lying so helpless and her attacker is still running around free. I promise I won’t blow your cover or get into trouble. I’m good at people watching. I can help you.”

  “Your actions tonight have put a major crimp in our plan,” Mac said, his blue gaze hot with anger.

  Ella threw up her hands. “How?”


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