Triple Play

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Triple Play Page 12

by B J Wane

  “Too perfect,” Mac muttered grudgingly, his eyes hungrily eyeing her hard nipples.

  “Nervous?” Sam asked her as he saw her gnawing her bottom lip.

  “A little, but I’m ready.”

  “No, you’re not. We brought a few things for you to wear under that. Take it off, baby,” Mac said as he opened a bag he had carried in and withdrew a few items.

  Eyeing the objects, Ella stepped out of the dress she had just donned, her pussy dampening quickly as she stood naked before them. Sam draped a gold choker consisting of large loops around her neck as Mac attached matching gold nipple rings to her hard nubs. Ella moaned softly at the tight pinch which she felt all the way down to her cunt, causing her juices to seep out, dampening her thighs. Mac then brought the thin gold chains attached to the nipple rings up to the collar, where he attached them to the loops.

  “How does that feel?” he asked, eyeing his handiwork.

  “Fine.” Smiling widely, she added, “Good.”

  “I think good is an understatement,” Sam commented as he knelt in front of her and spread her swollen lips apart to reveal her red, aching clit. “We can’t neglect this little treasure, now can we?”

  Ella grabbed Mac’s arm and gasped as Sam attached a clamp around her clit and then drew the attached chain up to hand to Mac who attached it to the chain dangling between her breasts connecting her nipple and clit rings together. Every time her breasts swayed, the chain would pull all three rings tight, then loose, in a constant parody of stimulation.

  With a hard swat to her right buttock, Mac announced, “One more thing and we’ll be ready.”

  Ella groaned, so turned on she didn’t know if her over stimulated senses could handle one more thing. Sam laughed at her discomfort, saying, “Don’t worry, Blondie, you’ll like it.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of,” she muttered.

  Both men chuckled, enjoying her openness. “Bend over, sweetheart,” Mac instructed from behind her.

  Oh God, she thought as she bent slightly at the waist, Sam’s arms supporting her, they weren’t going to leave her an ounce of dignity. She wondered why that thought didn’t bother her and then didn’t wonder about anything except the pleasure that speared her as Mac inserted a well lubed dildo up her ass, its width and length filling her rectum snugly.

  “What do you think?” Mac asked as she heard a small click and felt the dildo vibrate.

  Her hips jerked as her buttocks clenched around the pulsing shaft, her chains pulling on her nipples and clit until she was on the brink of exploding. Right as she reached that pinnacle, Mac turned off the vibrator and Sam held her body still, denying her the pleasure her over stimulated senses craved.

  Gasping, she snapped, “That was mean!”

  Another hard swat on her ass made her yelp. “Behave,” Mac admonished while Sam picked up her dress and slipped it over her once more.

  “Make us proud tonight, and we’ll let you come all you want,” Sam said magnanimously.

  Ella brightened at that boon. “Promise?” she demanded, not trusting them.

  “Promise,” they both responded at once, boyish grins lighting their faces and making Ella doubt their sincerity.

  The club was packed, as usual, on a Saturday night. Ella tried not to appear self conscious as Mac and Sam conversed familiarly with the bouncer at the door, but that was difficult to do with all the eyes peering blatantly at the obvious fact that she was naked except for some strategically placed jewelry under her dress. The appreciative looks and bold compliments made to Mac and Sam as they moved towards the bar caused her heated embarrassment, something she had been subject to but nevertheless enjoyed on each visit. Her thighs were sticky from her constantly dripping pussy, her clit was swollen, tender, and aching for fulfillment from the constant tug of the ring and the on and off again anal stimulation the boys kept subjecting her to. She was wonderfully, achingly miserable and enjoying every second of her torment.

  “Hi, Ella, guys,” Cathy greeted them as they stopped at the bar. “What’ll it be tonight? The usual?”

  “Nothing tonight, Cathy, thanks,” Sam answered. “We’re headed upstairs.” There was a strict rule about no alcohol being served to those who would be participating in any of The Loft’s indulgences. The owner’s wanted to make sure that all participants were willing and in control of their faculties. Alcohol could easily cause a Dom to get carried away or a sub to agree to something she normally wouldn’t.

  Cathy raised her eyebrows at Ella. “I didn’t know you swung that way.”

  “I don’t know either, but I think I’m about to find out.”

  “Well, good luck. It’s not my thing, but I know lots of the girls enjoy that scene.” Cathy glanced at Sam and Mac; and, seeing as they were in deep conversation with another customer, she added for Ella’s ears only, “Be careful, Ella. I hear a few girls have met with a bad end after having been a visitor to the club.”

  “I know all about that, Cathy. Thanks for your concern, but Sam and Mac will take good care of me, and I’ll be careful.” Ella was warmed by Cathy’s concern. They didn’t know each other well, having only visited briefly on each night she had been here, but Cathy seemed to care about the people she met and served on a regular basis. Her friendliness made her a good bartender and earned her a lot in tips.

  “I’d just hate to see something happen to you. By the way, I love the dress!”

  “What there is of it,” Ella said with a smile before Sam grabbed her hand and pulled her away. “See you later.” With a small wave, Ella went with Sam and Mac towards the back of the club to the stairs that led to The Loft.

  “Remember, Ella,” Mac warned as he rapped on the large, double wide doors. “Don’t speak unless you’re asked a direct question. “Follow our instructions and everything will be fine.”

  Ella just smiled, pleased that her boys seemed to be more nervous about this venture than she was. Of course, they had the added pressure of trying to pinpoint who in this group could be their killer. All she had to do was parade around naked, watch others in various sexual acts, and allow herself to be double fucked by these two while others watched.

  “Sam, Mac, it’s good to see you again.”

  Ella tried not to ogle the man that greeted them as they were ushered into The Loft. As tall as her boys, he wore his dark hair long and shaggy, and his appreciative smile as he eyed Ella from head to toe revealed even, white teeth and two dimples.

  “Ward,” Sam said, taking his outstretched hand in a firm grip. “This is Ella. She’s here to view Lisa’s initiation and to see if she is interested.”

  As per their instructions, Ella kept her head and eyes lowered but chafed at that restriction. What she really wanted was to drool some more over their host.

  “She’s stunning,” Ward answered. “If she decides to become a regular with you, I’d like to be the first in her initiation.”

  “That can be arranged,” Mac agreed. “We’ll catch you later. We’re going to try to grab a lounge before they’re all taken.”

  “Don’t worry, there is plenty of equipment to go around.” Ward wandered off to mingle with the crowd as Mac and Sam steered Ella to an unoccupied plush sofa.

  “Close your mouth, Ella,” Sam chided her with a chuckle.

  “I think we’ve finally managed to shock her, Partner.” Mac sat down and pulled Ella onto his lap.

  The hard bulge that poked her buttocks when she landed in Mac’s lap told her she wasn’t the only one affected by the scenes taking place around the large room. Floor to ceiling windows covered one wall, overlooking the bright lights of the city while the remaining walls were covered in sexually explicit murals done by a very talented artist. The hard wood floors were interspersed with thick, square throw rugs upon which various pieces of furniture or apparatus’s were grouped. Their sofa was facing another one which was occupied by a man and his two subs; both were currently kneeling at his feet, lavishing attention on his cock.

  Ella wiggled against Mac’s hard cock, smiling. “You seem to be enjoying the view.”

  Mac grabbed her head and pulled her down for a hard kiss. “The only view I’m interested in is seeing that ass of yours turning red,” he growled against her mouth.

  “Switch places with me, and I’ll take care of that for you,” Sam said as he sat down next to them.

  “So soon? I mean, don’t I get a chance to….”

  “No,” they both replied sternly.

  Ella’s eyes quickly scanned her immediate surroundings as she was pulled unceremoniously over Sam’s hard lap. Several people were looking their way as he shoved her dress to her waist and swatted her right buttock hard. They didn’t give her time to balk or protest as Mac filled her mouth with his hard cock while Sam smacked her ass again and again.

  Moaning in pleasure, she took Mac’s cock deep and sucked hard, her tongue stroking his length up and down, slurping him like a delicious treat. Unconsciously, she lifted her hips, greeting each smack of Sam’s hand, the heat and fiery pain engulfing her entire backside within minutes. When one of them turned the anal vibrator on, she lost track of her surroundings and immersed herself in pleasure.

  Sam looked up at Mac over Ella’s red writhing buttocks and smiled. Their girl either forgot or didn’t care that she was currently being watched by about twelve people. Sam landed a hard blow right over the dildo as he said firmly, “Ella, open your eyes.”

  Mac’s hands went to her head to slow her movements as he added, “Now, Ella.”

  Ella opened her eyes as she drew up on Mac’s cock. Taking a quick look around, she instantly noted the envious, lustful looks on her audience and felt her pussy gush. The chains were doing their job pulling on her nipples and clit, her ass felt hot and throbbed with each blow, and she ached to taste Mac’s come on her tongue and down her throat.

  “There, baby,” Mac crooned as he guided her head slowly on his cock. “Show them how much you love sucking my cock, slow and easy.”

  Mac didn’t talk much; but, when he did, it was usually with words that went straight to her groin. Following his lead, she sucked him slower, savoring his taste, the feel of his hard width stretching her lips, his length rubbing her throat. Sam’s hand was now rubbing her reddened flesh instead of abusing it, making her moan in pleasure. When he removed the dildo, pulling it slowing from her gripping hole, she felt empty, bereft.

  “Easy, Blondie,” Sam soothed, acknowledging she had made some sound of protest. “Mac’ll fill you back up.”

  There were murmurs of approval as Sam lifted her and removed her sheath all in one fluid motion, baring her completely. Ella felt the eyes of those around them on her, causing her clamped nipples to tighten even further and her pussy to gush even more. It was official, she thought as Sam released his cock and spread her legs over his straining erection, she loved having an audience. Throwing her head back, she moaned loud and long as she lowered herself onto his cock. The crude suggestions and offers to join them reverberated around her, adding to her pleasure.

  Ella was lost in a world of sensation as Mac moved behind her and both their hands unhooked the clamps on her clit and nipples causing a rush of painful pleasure on those areas. She gasped as they rubbed her nipples and soothed her clit, Sam’s cock filling her pussy snuggly.

  “Sam, Mac, please,” she begged, although she wasn’t certain what for.

  “We’re with you, baby,” Mac whispered in her ear as he nudged her ass with his cock.

  Sam reached behind her and spread her buttocks for Mac’s entry, and Ella opened her eyes long enough to see several couples now engaged in pleasuring themselves as they watched them. Then Mac was pushing into her rectum, filling her completely with his cock.

  “Oh God, yes,” she mewled, loving the feel of having both her boys inside her. As they began to move, one in, one out, in a synchronized rhythm that she had come to love, she lost track of everything except the feel of their cocks and the harsh breaths on her throat and at her lips as they rocked her toward blissful oblivion.

  She came quickly, then again before they joined her, their shouts of release mingling with others around them. Some moments later, Ella lay slumped on Sam’s chest wishing he was completely naked so she could feel his crisp chest hair rubbing her sensitive nipples. Mac pulled out of her ass, and she heard him zip his jeans before he sat down next to them.

  “Okay?” he asked her as he tucked her hair behind her ear.

  “Fine.” She smiled at both of them and then dared to look around once more. As if nothing had happened, most of their onlookers had moved on and were indulging in other scenes or merely conversing with others. “Now what?”

  “Now, we mingle, take in a few scenes; and, shortly, we watch Lisa’s initiation.” Sam shifted her so he could do up his jeans but stopped her when she reached for her dress. At her questioning look, he said, “You stay as you are until we leave.”

  Ella nodded her head, trying to remember they were playing a role. Over the next hour, however, that proved to be more difficult than she thought. Her fantasy of exhibitionism had come true in ten fold. The fact that Mac and Sam were clothed made her more aware of her nudity as they mingled and watched different couples indulging their fetishes. She didn’t care for the whipping one Dom gave his sub on a large cross, raising angry, painful welts on her back and buttocks, but she enjoyed the more erotic scene of another Dom strapping his sub with a wide leather spanker on her ass and legs as she knelt between another sub’s spread legs and licked her to orgasm. She was careful to keep her eyes down and remain quiet while the men conversed, something that was grating on her nerves by the time they seated themselves again.

  “You’re doing good, Ella,” Sam praised her as they sat her between them.

  “Yeah, well this kowtowing shit is for the birds,” she sniped quietly.

  Mac chuckled. “I’m surprised you’ve held up this long. Now, hush and take notes, because this is what will be expected of you next time if we continue with this.”

  Although they had explained the initiation to her, the reality of it was something else. A padded table/seat, the same as you would see in a doctor’s office, was positioned on a raised platform. Complete with stirrups and added straps, Lisa was led to it, stripped by her Dom, and lifted onto the edge. A petite girl with long black hair and large brown eyes, she looked at her lover with complete trust and adoration.

  With the help of Ward, her legs were bent to her shoulders and spread wide, her feet strapped in the stirrups and her arms cuffed to her sides. Her pussy and anus were openly displayed and well lubricated before she was blindfolded and kissed lovingly by her Dom. Ella squirmed as she watched Lisa get fucked repeatedly over the next hour. Men took turns on her, some using her cunt, some her ass, and then when the back of the chair was lowered, her mouth was filled with a cock as well as her other orifices. From her moans and the way she jerked her hips, Ella knew Lisa had come several times and was enjoying her initiation. Some were gentle, fondling her breasts and kissing her, others were rough and quick. All, Ella was glad to see, wore condoms.

  Ella was relieved Mac and Sam didn’t participate in the orgy but knew better than to read anything into it. She was sure it was because they were keeping an eye out for anyone acting suspiciously towards Lisa. With any luck, they would catch this guy before she was expected to take the next step. While it was obvious Lisa hadn’t minded her initiation in the least, and the whole scene had left Ella aching and in need of another climax, she wasn’t sure how she would feel about herself afterwards if she were to allow herself to be used solely for the pleasure of others.

  Lisa’s Dom untied her and helped her off the seat, wrapping her in a silk robe and in his arms as he led her off the stage to a loud applause. There had been no other activities during the initiation, one of the rules being to either watch or participate. It didn’t take long, however, for everyone to scatter, strip, and start indulging themselves again. Much to Ella’s relief, Mac
slipped her dress over her head and the two of them escorted her out the back door that took them right out to the parking lot without having to go through the downstairs club again.

  “You’re being awfully quiet,” Sam said as they neared her apartment. “Having second thoughts?”

  “I’d be crazy not to, wouldn’t I? But I’m not backing out. I’ll go through with it next week if you don’t catch him soon. I’m assuming you have someone protecting Lisa?”

  “We’ve got her covered,” Mac said as he pulled into an empty space and cut the engine. “You know you don’t have to go through with it if you don’t want to, Ella. We’ll find another way.”

  “And risk someone else getting killed? No, we’ve come this far, I’ll see it through. Besides, Lisa looked like she enjoyed herself. It will probably turn out to be the best experience of this whole charade,” she quipped lightly, not daring to admit that the best experience to her would be having Mac and Sam in her life, even if for a short time.

  Sam and Mac weren’t fooled by her easy acceptance; but, like she said, they had come too far to change tactics now. Not if they wanted to prevent another murder. They both walked her into her apartment and kissed her good night. Back in the truck, Sam turned to Mac, saying, “It’s not as if we’d allow anything to happen to her. We’ll stop it if she gives us any sign.”

  “Who’re you trying to convince, partner, me or you? Remember, this was your idea.”

  “Yeah, well I hadn’t counted on caring as much as I do,” Sam admitted reluctantly.

  “Well, that does present a problem, cause I hadn’t counted on that either.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Miniature golf and pizza. Ella wondered what they had been thinking as she dressed in a pair of white shorts, green and white halter top and tennis shoes. When Sam had asked her to arrange for Friday off to prepare for Saturday’s initiation, she had assumed they would be going over last minute details of their roles for Saturday night. It had been very difficult getting both weekend nights off and only her rank and seniority had enabled her to do so on such short notice. There had been no attempts after Lisa’s initiation last week, so the pressure was on for them to continue with their charade. When Mac had called this afternoon and told her to dress comfortably for some fun and games, she had been surprised, but secretly pleased, that she would be spending more time with them. She just wished this was a real date with her boys instead of part of their job and her desire to avenge a friend.


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