The terror and wonder of nothingness: it would have been nice to tell another story, but I think that’s how this one is going to end.
The day when, already having signed the contract for this book, I was faced with the inescapable duty to start the first draft, it suddenly seemed to me an impossible enterprise, like climbing an inaccessible peak: at any rate an enterprise considerably beyond my abilities. I would never have got even halfway if it had not been for the invaluable help I received on the journey.
However, before thanking those who gave me a hand, I have to make a few apologies: in my dreams of glory for my character, I misappropriated other people’s successes. I must therefore apologize to Alberto Puig for the skirmishes at Jerez in 1992, and to Bradl and Shimizu for stealing their places on the podium. I have partly compensated Puig with a victory five years later, again at Jerez. I also apologize to Kevin Schwantz for having him actually beaten by two points in the 1994 rankings, and to the great Mick Doohan for having him beaten at Mugello in 1997. What can I say? We all need our little satisfactions, and can only hope they are harmless.
I must also apologize to Roger Penrose for borrowing and partly twisting his model of Conformal Cyclic Cosmology for the trivial purposes of the story.
But coming to those who supported me in the undertaking, my first thought goes to the adorable Anna Zoccarato and Vito and my friends in Glasgow for their kindness, their willingness to help, and all their stories.
Thanks, too, to Alberto Nicolis: even before we had a chance to talk, the mere fact that he was only thirty-five and already teaching at Columbia had already dispelled half my doubts.
My warmest embrace goes, however, to Professor Nicolao Fornengo: if my character has any credibility, it is thanks to the time that Nicolao devoted to me, and his anecdotes and his e-mails and the books he recommended I read. Among other things, exchanging ideas with such a sharp mind was an infinitely satisfying experience. Thanks, too, to Paolo, who introduced us.
Another flood of hugs, and something more, goes to Matteo and Derick, who have been supporting me for ever, and to Nicole and Olivia, who have consequently had to give me accommodation.
Thank you, finally, to Nico. He knows why.
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Original text © 2011 Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A., Milano
English translation © 2013 Howard Curtis
Enchantment first published in Italian as
Incanto in 2011
This edition first published by Pushkin Press in 2013
ISBN 978 1 908968 16 6
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Set in 10.75 on 14 Monotype Baskerville
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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