Take Me Under (The Bratva Book 2)

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Take Me Under (The Bratva Book 2) Page 4

by Jenika Snow

  “You smell so fucking good.” This almost inhuman sound left him. “You’re so fucking wet for me, so pink.”

  The next sequence of events happened so quickly all she could do was close her eyes and ride this out. He gripped her hips, twisted her so she lost her balance, and had her on her back on the couch. He was between her thighs, and his warm breath bathed her pussy. Yvgeny pulled her labia apart with his thumbs and placed his mouth right over her pussy.

  Yvgeny pushed one digit into her pussy, and her inner muscles clenched around his finger. Then he added a second, and before she knew it, he had three thick fingers wedged inside of her.

  “So fucking good.” His words were muffled against her flesh. He started fucking her with his fingers, pulling them out and thrusting them back in. Her inner muscles clenched around those digits, and they both made gruff noises of pleasure.

  “So. Fucking. Good.” He started sucking on her clit. “This is about you. Your pleasure. Your need.”

  She was going to come. She felt it, needed it.

  He sucked on her harder, finger-fucked her faster. Yvgeny kept her pinned to the couch with a heavy hand on her belly, and God, did she love it.

  He slipped his other hand under her ass and angled her lower half up, her pussy now right up against his mouth. She couldn’t draw enough air into her lungs, and didn’t know if she would survive once this was all said and done. She was embarrassingly soaked, could feel her juices slide down her inner thigh.

  “This is about you, it always has been, and it always will be.”

  And just like that she came for him, her entire body going tense, and a tingling starting in the base of her spine. She cried out for him, riding the wave of ecstasy, and loving the gruff sounds that came from him.

  When he pulled back and looked at her she saw the evidence of her desire for him on his mouth, this glossy sheen covering his lips.

  He rose up another inch, grabbed his huge cock, which was already out of his fly, and started stroking himself. But he looked like he was about to tuck himself away, and she didn’t want that. She wanted him to find release, just like she had.

  Alexa reached out and placed a hand on his. “No. Show me.” She knew he’d be well aware of what she was referring to. He made this low sound, closed his eyes, and she saw the tendons in his neck standing at attention.

  “I want this to be about you, for you to feel good.”

  “Watching you will make me feel good, Yvgeny.” She removed her hand from his.

  He made another low, deep sound, but then started stroking himself.

  “I want you to come on me. I want it all over my belly, Yvgeny.” She’d never been so dirty before.

  He started jerking off then, his focus on her, his hand moving swiftly over his cock. He placed one hand on the wall beside him, leaning forward slightly so their faces were just inches apart.

  “You like seeing this, Alexa?”

  She nodded.

  “You like watching me jerk off?”

  Again she nodded.

  “You want my seed all over your belly? You want me to rub it in like lotion, so you smell just like me?”

  “God, yes, Yvgeny.” She was getting so turned on again.

  “Say it again. I want to come while my name falls from your lips.”

  She gasped at how aroused she was, as if she hadn’t just come.

  “Yvgeny,” she moaned, seeing the pleasure on his face. And then he came, as if her saying his name was all he needed to get off.

  She looked down and watched the arcs of cum shoot out of the tip of his cock and bathe her belly. It was hot, and she sucked in a breath every time more landed on her flesh. His big body shuddered above her, and his groans of pleasure and completion filled her head.

  When he stilled he reached out and rubbed his seed all into her skin. But God, did she like it. He was still breathing so hard, and the fact she’d been the one to make him like this had satisfaction consuming her.

  “Kiss me,” she whispered, and he did just that.

  After long seconds he finally broke away and lay next to her. Being held protectively by the man she loved was exactly what she wanted right now.

  This was who she was supposed to be with, and she knew that with every cell in her body.

  Chapter Seven

  Several days later

  Since Alexa had been with Yvgeny just days ago, her feelings for him had exploded. She loved him, wanted a future with him, but his worry for her and his fear that his lifestyle would somehow ruin her made her wonder if he could get past it all.

  “Are you coming out with us tonight?”

  She looked over at Vasilisa. “Where?”


  She knew of the clubs the Russians owned within the city, but had never been to that one. Alexa had heard there were drugs that usually got exchanged through the younger, techno clientele, and it was not something she’d ever wanted to be in the middle of. “It’s not really my scene.”

  “You know Yvgeny and the others make sure everyone is safe. They don’t allow shit to go down.”

  Alexa nodded. “I know, but I heard there were drugs—”

  “That was before. This is now.” Vasilisa moved an inch closer. “Do you know what they did to the man they found out was selling the drugs in their club?”

  Alexa could only envision what had gone down.

  “Use your imagination on the grisly details.”

  She felt her throat tighten as thoughts slammed into her, images of what they probably had done. But she didn’t feel disgust at the thought Yvgeny might have been in the thick of it. Alexa didn’t flinch that he had a dark past, present, and future.

  She wanted him regardless.

  “Come on,” Vasilisa said, her accent thick, but her voice sweet. Vasilisa knew about the Bratva, and from what Alexa could see, Aleczander had taken an interest in her a few nights ago. Curiosity got the better of her, or maybe she was stalling in responding to Vasilisa.

  “What’s going on with Aleczander?”

  Vasilisa looked down, her cheeks turning pink.

  “Nothing is going on between us.”

  Alexa found that hard to believe because when a man like Aleczander wanted something he usually got it. And that feeling was confirmed by the look on Vasilisa’s face.

  But a man like Aleczander—like Yvgeny or any other man in the Bratva—didn’t take what they wanted if it came from an unwilling woman.

  Maybe it was stereotypical for people to think that because they were the Russian mafia they liked to kill, rape, and torture. But the raping part was a no-go. She knew that, and loved Yvgeny and the Bratva because of it.

  Without them her sister Zoey wouldn’t be where she was. Without Yvgeny and Sergei, and the rest of the Bratva stepping up and taking care of Zoey’s abusive ex, her younger sister would have probably been dead right now.

  “It’s one night. You’ll be safe there, and I think we both could get some us time.” Vasilisa smiled.

  Alexa couldn’t deny or argue those points. “Okay,” she agreed. “But if it sucks we’re gone.”

  Vasilisa grinned wider and nodded. “Absolutely.”

  Alexa excused herself to finish paperwork, and although she knew this probably wouldn’t be her scene, she was looking forward to letting loose, or at least she hoped that was the case.


  Vasilisa watched Alexa leave to get ready for Odin-Dva, glad she’d been able to talk her into getting out and enjoying herself. After Vasilisa had heard about what happened between Alexa and her sister Zoey, Vasilisa had wanted to get to know the woman better. She’d become somewhat close with Alexa, or so she felt.

  Vasilisa might not know how things worked over in America, at least not fully, but she knew isolation and pain. She’d seen plenty of it in Russia in her life. That’s how she’d gotten involved with the Bratva … they’d saved her, and destroyed the ones that had hurt her.

  She’d seen the pain in
Alexa’s eyes over what happened to Zoey, and that had touched Vasilisa deeply. It had put them on the same level, and since then she’d wanted to be friends, wanted to be there for the other woman.

  Even if that meant taking her to the club and letting her get some steam out.

  But another reason she wanted to go to Odin-Dva was because she knew Aleczander would be there. He seemed like he didn’t know her when they’d spoken just days prior, even though they’d met years ago.

  Why would he remember a then eighteen-year-old? Why would he even remember a girl that had been broken? He probably had seen me as a ruined little girl.

  But he also hadn’t known her real name, because she’d been too afraid to reveal much about herself at that time in her life. She’d been no one important.

  He was older than her, experienced in life, and deadly in everything he did. And since that night all those years ago when she’d been saved by the Bratva and brought to Aleczander, she’d always thought of him.

  And although they hadn’t slept together at the club, his interest had been apparent. But he’d never pushed her, didn’t make her do anything she didn’t want to. He’d been respectful, and although drunk, he’d talked to her, asked her things about herself.

  Yet you didn’t tell him about your past. You didn’t tell him you knew him, that it was his orders that had saved your life.

  But what if telling him who I really am has him seeing me in a different light? What if him remembering I was that lost eighteen-year-old has that spark I saw on his face disappearing?

  Maybe she would tell him, or maybe letting the past stay behind them was for the best.

  Chapter Eight

  It’s been a while since you’ve fought, yeah?” Aleczander said, and Yvgeny looked over at the other Russian.

  “In this circuit, yes.” But hell, Yvgeny would lay it down if need be in the back alley.

  The underground fights held at Odin-Dva were intense, bloody, and fucking violent, but they made the Bratva money, so they were heavy on the “no rules” policy. It was that policy that had the crowds coming in, that had bets being placed.

  The fighting was held below the actual club, so far down not even noise penetrated through the walls and ceiling. But they wanted it that way, wanted the intensity and wild atmosphere to be crazy.

  That had everyone juiced for more.

  Roars and cheers rang throughout the room when the first fighter of the night came into the crudely constructed ring in the center of the room. All at once, people started pushing and shoving, trying to get closer to the violence.

  No bell was rung, no announcements made.

  The fighters just went at it.

  One fighter lunged for the other, bringing his fist toward the other man’s face. The fighters were controlled, their movements precise. Punches were thrown, kicks given out. Blood started to cover the mat, the grisly reality of it all becoming clear.

  And then one of the fighters reared his fist back, slammed it into the other man’s face, his head cocking back, and down he went.

  The crowd went fucking insane.

  Yeah, this was what it was about, what Yvgeny’s life was part of.


  The club was what Alexa had expected.

  Bright, flashing lights.

  Loud techno music.

  Barely clad people gyrating on the dance floor with glow sticks in their hand.

  “Why did you want to come here again?” Alexa shouted at Vasilisa to be heard over the music.

  Vasilisa shrugged. “It’s different.”

  That it was.

  They’d been here for an hour, and Alexa was on her second drink. She was starting to feel the warmth of the alcohol move through her veins, and that light feeling encompassed her. Although this wasn’t exactly her scene, she was enjoying herself.

  Yvgeny, on the other hand, hadn’t been exactly thrilled with her going out, but with his work and Aleczander being here, his schedule was too busy for them to really sit down and talk about what had happened between them.

  Yes, they’d talked about it afterward, but it had been that after-sex talk. She thought about all the things he’d said to her, all the possessive demands, the fact she was his. Alexa knew he meant every word, but they needed to talk about this.

  I need to know what’s really going on between us.

  “Are you at least enjoying yourself?” Vasilisa asked.

  Alexa looked over and smiled. “I am, actually.”

  Vasilisa smiled wider. “I have to run to the bathroom. I’d ask if you want to come, but I don’t want to be one of those people.”

  Alexa laughed.

  “Unless you need to go, too?”

  Alexa shook her head. “But I’ll go if you want.”

  “It’s okay. Watch my drink?”

  Alexa nodded and grabbed the beer from Vasilisa. She watched the other woman push her way through the throng of bodies before stopping and speaking with one of the security guys.

  Alexa had never been much of a social butterfly, but since working at the club for Yvgeny, and especially when she had a little liquid courage inside of her, she didn’t feel like there was a lot of bad shit happening around her.

  She watched as younger people danced, wearing micro skirts, mesh tops, their hair in crazy dos. She also didn’t miss the numerous bouncers and security that were stationed around the club. It wasn’t an overly large room, but she counted at least five men wearing STAFF shirts, and she had to assume there were more she couldn’t see.

  She turned her head to look at the rush of bodies to her right, but she was pushed over by someone knocking into her. Her drink spilled, splashing onto the floor, but aside from her, everyone around her seemed oblivious.

  “God, sorry.”

  She turned and looked at the person who’d knocked into her. He was younger, with this preppy boy look going on. He looked just as out of place in here as she probably appeared.

  “It’s fine.” Alexa wiped some of the beer off her shirt. Her drink was nothing but a puddle on the floor, her jeans, and even on her shoes, but Vasilisa’s had managed to stay intact.

  Probably because I was smart enough to put my thumb over the opening.

  “I really am sorry,” the guy said again.

  She looked over and smiled. “It’s fine, really.”

  “Let me buy you another one?”

  “It’s okay.” She shook her head. “I probably needed to toss that one away anyway.”

  He was reaching for his wallet. “Please?”

  “Okay.” He sounded pretty earnest, and she didn’t like to be rude.

  He turned and ordered another beer for her and one for him from the bartender, and she set the now empty beer bottle on the counter. Grabbing a few napkins off the counter, she wiped herself off, still holding onto Vasilisa’s drink.

  “Here we go,” he said, and she straightened. But just as he handed her the beer, he dropped his wallet.

  “I’ll get it,” she said and bent down. Standing again, she saw him straighten, a smile instantly on his face as he took his wallet and handed her the beer. He all but shoved it at her chest. She took the beer and grinned wider.

  “I’m Blake.” He held out his hand in greeting, but she lifted both of hers, which held beers. She laughed, although she couldn’t hear it too well because of the music.

  Looking behind her, she tried to see if Vasilisa was coming back. She saw her speaking to the same bouncer again.

  “A toast?”

  She jumped as she felt his breath along her flesh, and felt the vibrations move along her ear. Looking at the guy again, she took a step back. He held the beer up.

  “To accidents, but meeting new people.” He lifted his beer bottle a little higher and gestured for her to do the same. “Come on. You’re going to leave a guy hanging like this? One toast, one drink, and I’ll leave you alone. I promise not to be one of those creepy guys that is up your ass all night.”

  God, she fe
lt like a bitch. She smiled, forced herself to relax, and tapped the neck of her bottle with his. She’d just finished swallowing a mouthful of beer when she felt Vasilisa place her hand on her shoulder.

  “Having a good time?”

  Alexa shrugged and leaned in to say in her ear, “As good a time as I can feeling like I’m the oldest person in here.” They both started laughing. She handed Vasilisa’s drink back to her. She took a long drink right away as she stared at the crowd.

  When Alexa looked to the other side the guy that had bought her a drink was now gone, swallowed by the crowd of gyrating people.

  “Let’s finish this beer and get out of here.”

  Alexa looked at Vasilisa. “You sure?”

  Vasilisa nodded. “To be honest, we both needed to get out, but I hoped to see Aleczander here.”

  That surprised Alexa, but she didn’t pry, even if she was curious about it all.

  Alexa took another sip from her beer. Vasilisa did the same, and they stood there watching the dancers.

  “If I could get into this music, or maybe was drunk, I’d be all over that dance floor.”

  Alexa nearly spit out her beer at that. She swallowed and laughed. “Yeah, me too.”

  They finished off their beers and pushed their way through the people toward the front doors. Once outside, the cold air hit Alexa’s face and she felt a rush of heat fill her. Sweat bloomed on her forehead, and she wiped it away.

  “God, it was hot in there,” she said idly.

  Vasilisa nodded. “I know. I’m sweating in places I didn’t even know I could sweat.”

  Alexa chuckled, but a wave of dizziness slammed into her. “I think I shouldn’t have drunk so much.”

  Vasilisa turned to face her, her eyebrows furrowed. “You only had like three beers.”

  Alexa nodded. “I don’t ever drink, though.”

  “Well, come on. We’ll get you home.”

  One of Yvgeny’s men was taking them home, and as they made their way toward the parking lot where the Mercedes was, Alexa felt another wave hit her. She placed her hand on the brick wall beside her, the nausea slamming into her especially hard.

  “Hey, are you okay?” Vasilisa asked and placed her hand on Alexa’s shoulder.


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