Ashes (The Firebird Trilogy Book 1)

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Ashes (The Firebird Trilogy Book 1) Page 19

by Stephanie Harbon

  Pulling back the curtain, I was almost disappointed when I didn’t see anything. But the feeling grew stronger still and instinctively I fumbled with the lock, carefully sliding open the glass window doors which lead to the tiny balcony.

  Instantly the icy wind hit me, blowing my freshly washed hair across my face, whipping at my bare skin. Blinded momentarily, I wrapped my arms around myself as protection from the plummeting temperature. I jerked my head sideways to resurrect my vision. Then I noticed Kieran.

  My heart sputtered dramatically as I swept my eyes over him. He was in that strange courtyard I’d noticed when he’d shown me his wing brace, next to the pavilion filled with weapons and training equipment. Now I understood it was a practice ring. He was standing in the middle of the centre training circle, brandishing a double set of knives and practicing slow graceful movements followed by swift pivots and throws of the blades into various targets. He shouted every time as he struck the target.

  He wore no shirt and as he moved, I watched in fascination as the muscles of his back stretched and contorted. As the tempo of his training heightened with more intense exercises and weights, sweat dripped down his naked torso, following the indentations of his abdomen, like the artists fingers had pressed a little too hard as they sculpted his immaculate body.

  There was pure concentration on his face; no other emotion except perhaps fatigue or pain. I understood the pain. When his shirt was off I couldn’t help but see those deep, sometimes bleeding lacerations carved into his back. They didn’t look red or particularly inflamed, but they looked painful. Why the hell was he training with those split open? He didn’t even have any bandages on. It made no sense, especially after his reluctance to train me himself. My first day of training was tomorrow morning with Jayson, who he absolutely hates.

  After a while Kieran sat down on a bench, breathing deep and glancing up at the sky. He was completely oblivious to me watching, slightly perversely, from a distance. He rummaged around in his pocket, withdrawing that small wooden box.

  I heard a shuffle of footsteps behind me. I glanced back, surprised, to see Briseis awake. I smiled at her, pretending I hadn’t been staring at Kieran, but she knew.

  “He does it every night,” she commented quietly, walking beside me. “He’ll go for a long run later too.”

  Well that explained the abs. “But why?”

  “He doesn’t sleep otherwise,” she murmured apathetically. “This is his way of tiring himself out. I think his dreams haunt him. When we used to sleep together he used to move in his sleep, always restless, sometimes he even used to say things.”

  I looked at her curiously, asking gently as she gazed at Kieran, “Do you love him?”

  She glanced over at me with a half-smile, “I used to, but he broke my heart. I can’t ever forgive him for that. I can pretend but,” she sighed, “I can’t.”

  I looked at her again, seeing an invisible scar as visible as light in her eyes. I went to bed with what she’d said in mind. I kept those words close to my heart.

  I still couldn’t sleep though. When I eventually I did, my own dreams haunted me, dreams of attack and deep blood-red eyes. When I woke up it was obvious I’d barely slept more than an hour. Sighing irritably, I got up.

  Tiptoeing across the wooden floor I left Briseis sleeping in her bed, then carefully made my way downstairs, lacking a plan. On my way past the bathroom I noticed feet dangling over the threshold. I looked closer, seeing a familiar scene to what I’d witnessed at my last party; one of Alex’s back home.

  Chara had collapsed onto the bathroom floor, her head awkwardly twisted on the side of the toilet seat. It smelt a bit grim in there, but when I tried to wake her up and gently move her she growled at me and mumbled something about staying there. I assumed a similar interaction had happened with her and Nik so I left her alone.

  Travelling downstairs, I headed outside. I knew what I was going to do, I wanted to fly again. I wanted to feel that miraculous wind through my feathers, breathe in ultimate freedom and, hopefully, tire myself out. As I stepped through the door I realised that the storm that had been brewing earlier had finally struck. Slushy cold rain soaked my hair instantly, sending a deep chill straight to my bones. I glanced about the sky, seeing rolling grey clouds and intermittent strikes of lightning. The rain fell in sheets from above, pattering the grass in a way that made it dance to and fro. The sound was relaxing; a contrast to the almighty claps of thunder.

  I was about to head back inside when a voice stopped me. “I wouldn’t go back inside on a night like this if I were you.”

  I glanced over to the source of the voice, noticing Kieran walking towards me. Briseis had been right; he had gone for a run. He had thrown a shirt on since last time I saw him, but it hadn’t done him much good. The rain had soaked him through, saturating his clothes to the point where the material couldn’t possibly hold anymore. It dripped off him in rivers. His white shirt stuck to his skin, clinging so intimately he might as well have not worn one. I could see the hard ridges of his chest; the striking tattoos that were displayed because of his exhaustion.

  He ran a hand through the drenched strands of his hair, shaking out orbs of water like glistening bubbles in a bathtub. The colour was beyond black now, so dark it shined almost blue, making his skin appear pale and luminous in the moonlight and his full lips a warm enticing shade darker than usual.

  I stared at him, confused and irritated at the thumping in my chest.

  “Are you kidding?” I wondered. “The weather’s awful.”

  He shook his head, “Can I show you something?”

  “Depends what it is,” I replied cautiously.

  “Are you in a brave mood?” Kieran asked.

  “Always,” I nodded.

  “Good, because where I’m taking you, isn’t for the fainthearted,” he warned.

  I was curious now. “Where are we going?” I asked automatically, making my way over to him. I was already soaked anyway.

  Kieran put his finger to his lips and gestured for me to follow him. He quietly led me forwards, “Chara will try to kill me if she finds me doing this again.”

  “I doubt it,” I muttered, thinking of her passed out in the bathroom. “What are we doing?” I asked, seeing lightning flashing through the surrounding conifers.

  “Go and Change. I’ll find you.”

  “Are you sure you’re not just going to leave me to freeze out here?” I asked; I wouldn’t be that surprised.

  Kieran snorted, “Don’t be ridiculous. My diabolical plans are far more intricate and clever than that.”

  I did what he said and walked into the sheltering trees, hiding myself between the largest; eventually managing to Change. It was as strange and excruciating as before; was made worse by the cold –it was hard to spark a flame within you when the temperature was plummeting dramatically.

  I left my clothes under a low branch, hopefully shielding them from the snowy rain. I clambered out of the trees, my tail feathers clumsily catching pine needles, and then finally Kieran’s dark shadow appeared. He gazed at me with those intelligent rounded eyes then took off into the air, and into the lightning.

  I opened my powerful wings, feeling high. With an almighty flap I was in the air. I panicked immediately, stopping my wings from beating again and landing on the ground. I grumbled in frustration at my own foolishness and leapt into the air, frantically moving my wings to gain altitude.

  You don’t have to do that, Kieran said as I rushed after him. Think of flying as a rhythm; find the beat that fits you. If you keep doing that you’ll tire too quickly. He instructed, then added, and don’t get struck by the lightning, I’m told it hurts.

  You think? I wailed over the thunder, Kieran this is completely reckless.

  You can go back if you’re scared, Kieran offered challengingly.

  No, I’d never hear the end of it.

  We headed north, closer to the lightning, actually following it. It was beautiful and terrify
ing and we caught up with it as we flew into the mountains. Kieran shouted that I should stay directly behind him as he dashed off into the bolting electricity, darting between the currents extraordinarily fast. I struggled to keep up, my heart racing as a hot blast nearly caught me. It was so mad, insane; we could have died at any moment. My instincts were taking their time to kick in too, I felt more wobbly and inexperienced now than during my First Flight.

  Adrenalin surged in my wings. We dived and swirled our way up, the pressure gradually creating a crushing feeling against my ribs, making it slightly uncomfortable to breathe. Eventually we reached the clouds, tumbling through them at an alarming rate.

  And then it was clear.

  Stars twinkled in their nothingness like pearls at the bottom of the ocean. The heavens were vibrantly alive with billions and billions of stars. The moon was huge; a perfectly balanced silver disk. Up here the world was as sparkling, yet clear as an innocent mind. Below was a thick cotton floor, hiding the underworld.

  Look down, Kieran said. I glanced down at the grey rolling clouds again, seeing the lightning flash across their foamy texture. It was magnificent, so bright. It’s called ripple lightning, Kieran explained. You see the way it explodes out across the clouds like a pebble thrown into water?

  It’s amazing, I sighed.

  Nobody ever dares to come up here and see it.

  We’re here, I said.

  I heard the smile in Kieran’s voice. We are.

  We swam through the skies until the lightning moved on, grumbling as it went. I never thought I could have seen anything so spectacular and was surprised that it had been Kieran who’d shown it to me. Every strike was obvious and powerful, to a terrifying extent, lighting up the clouds like they were being zapped into life.

  Eventually it had to end though.

  We flew back down to the boring safety of the house. It wasn’t sleeting there anymore; in fact the air was so cold now that it had been snowing. The clouds had vanished too, revealing the incandescent stars and striking moonlight which made the fresh snow glitter.

  Me and Kieran Changed separately, and then went upstairs. Kieran turned to watch me go towards my room and I was suddenly frightened. Once Kieran and his reassuringly confident presence were gone I would be unsafe again, awake to await those dreams of bloody eyes. I glanced towards the window: only the stars were there to watch if my attacker returned. I couldn’t believe how scared I was, I just flew through lightning for God’s sake.

  Kieran saw the fear in my eyes, glanced at the scar that I now touched with my fingertips, the one freshly made by my attacker’s hand only this morning. He understood almost instantly.

  “He won’t come back tonight,” he promised.

  “How do you know?” I asked.

  “You stabbed him.”

  “He also stabbed me and I’m miraculously alright.” Well, sort of.

  “I’m only in the other room,” he said, “I might not be of Fire, but us Earth Assassins can throw a mean pollen attack.”

  “Really?” I wondered.

  “No,” he said, “I’m a Phoenix, Ruby, not a Pokemon.” I made a face and he sighed. “Come on, I’ll get you something that’ll make you feel better.”

  He led me into his room. There was nothing much really in there except a bed, wardrobe and a desk piled high with various weapons. It was a small room, but extremely tidy and dominated by a comparatively disproportionate window. It dwarfed the tiny room, letting in an extraordinary amount of light that reflected off the snow outside. His bed was made and he sat me on the edge of it as he rummaged in one of his draws. I tugged my fingers through my knotted wet hair.

  As he turned around his soaked grey joggers hung low on his hips, displaying the deep indentations of muscle through his damp shirt. The pale light washed out the fantastic tan of his skin, making it seem mysteriously luminous. I trembled; a strange hot fever erupting across my skin. My stomach fluttered unbearably.

  He still wore that strange gold chain that glinted over his collarbones. I’d left my own in my room before bed, how come it hadn’t snapped when he Changed? Then I saw what he carried; a small deadly knife. As he stepped directly under the window a star of light ran down the blade like a drip of liquid metal.

  Eventually he interrupted the silence as he passed it over to me. I grasped it cautiously by the pommel; unsure of how to hold it, surprised at the weight. “Keep it with you,” he said. “Even if you don’t want to use it you’ll know it’s there.”

  “Thank you,” I said appreciatively, trying not to cut myself on the sharpened edge as I placed it down on the bedside table. I glanced up at him, “Really, thanks.”

  “You’re welcome,” he uttered silkily.

  “Kieran,” I wondered, “Why can’t you sleep?”

  He sat down beside me, glancing seriously my way, “Why haven’t you tonight?”

  “I’m too keyed up tonight,” I explained, then nudged him encouragingly. He seemed different now, a softer more relaxed Kieran. There were distinctive shadows under his eyes though; I knew he was exhausted. I could smell that strange drug on him too; the smoke had recently been absorbed into his clothes.

  He nodded, “Same reason; only every night.”

  I knew he was lying, after what Briseis had told me earlier, but I wasn’t really surprised.

  There was a strange dancing light in his eyes. I couldn’t look away all of a sudden.

  He slowly leaned down, getting closer, almost unconsciously. “You shouldn’t be here.” His voice dipped to that low, seductive murmur, “In my room; alone.”

  My eyes never left his. “Do you want me to go?” I whispered; something strange pulling me in closer to him. The power of those mesmerising eyes was ten times as strong as my siren’s voice. I wanted him to get closer.

  He shook his head, “No, I don’t want you to go, Ruby.”

  That was it, the way he said my name; it was that that made bumps rise on the back of my arms and a shiver tremble through me. The way he pronounced the R with such clarity, rolling it very slightly, accentuating an exotic edge that I was previously unaware of. It was a verbal caress the way his tongue formed the word, leaving those gorgeous lips parted slightly as he finished it; unintentionally showing his white bottom teeth. And it was my name he was saying. Me.

  There was a strange heat in the air, an electric vibe that formed a fine shine on my palms. The way Kieran was looking at me was startling; a look I’d never received before from anyone. His expression softened and all of a sudden he looked his age. The youthful skin of his face relaxed infinitesimally, smoothing out the hard lines of fatigue and stress. Without a warning he lifted his hand towards me.

  He trailed his fingers over the scar across my neck tentatively, barely touching me. He smelled deliciously of rich earthy spice and smoke. I couldn’t help myself. I could feel my body doing it before my mind gave it permission. My instincts took over as I leaned forwards, pressed my face against his cinnamon skin, inhaling deeply before leaning back and waiting for him to ask what the hell I was doing. He drew back to gaze seriously into my eyes, as if trying to understand something complicated.

  He didn’t speak; instead his words flowed through his hands as they hesitantly began sweeping my hair back, gently intertwining his fingers in its damp crimson curls. His eyes never once left mine. He smiled so beautifully I could have cried. It was my favourite smile; a soft, barely noticeable curve of his lips with no trace of bitterness or arrogant humour; a secret smile.

  I smiled back, feeling his chest press against mine as he bent forwards. His heart met mine through our clothes, our rhythms matching in perfect synchrony. My lips quivered as he moved his hand from my hair to cup it against my cheek. His hand was hot like a live wire; his palms covered in those inked tribal tattoos that were so damn sexy when they appeared.

  Lightly, his thumb traced the curve of my lips.

  My trembling hands rose thoughtlessly, wrapping around his shoulders as he drew clo
ser; catching the rough scars on his back. My insides seemed to leap from my body and disappear somewhere else, leaving my body to take control. His lips were millimetres from mine. My eyelids began to close instinctively. I could feel his uncertain breath as he removed his thumb from my mouth…

  But then an awesome current of energy burst from his fingers.

  Kieran pulled back abruptly, still just centimetres from me. I was breathing too fast, feeling high, ecstatic, and strangely…healed.

  My hands flew to my throat; it no longer hurt at all, no remnants of that constant nagging feeling I’d had all day. “You healed me,” I said with blank astonishment.

  He grinned that mischievous grin of his that set my mind on fire. “Cool,” he said lazily, his eyes watching my face with an absorbed, hungry look that tightened the muscles in the pit of my stomach.

  His next movement astounded me. He sprang forwards, his lips immediately crushing mine in a wild hot kiss that left me gasping. I responded automatically, my stomach doing a bizarre flip. I yanked him down onto me, our bodies in line. I could feel the weight of his hard muscular form pressing down on me. The kiss grew rough, desperate. His hand ran down the side of my body, following the curves. His fingers were hot, gripping me tightly with such ferocity. I moaned against his mouth with pleasure. His tongue ran deliciously across my bottom lip; then he bit it lightly. My heart leapt, sensations bubbling across me.

  “Ruby,” he muttered my name against my mouth and I gasped; my body fantastically awake and alive, and hot…very hot.

  He stopped suddenly. His expression transformed as he seemingly caught up with what had happened, heard that it was my name he’d been saying. “Holy shit,” he swore, scrambling off me faster than if I had leprosy. “Mistake, big mistake. Bad-word. Double bad-word.”

  I just looked at him, hurt. “That was a mistake?”

  He nodded vigorously as he paced across the room.

  I could feel my heart tear in my chest, my face fell. I whispered, “Why?”


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