Gone Country: Rough Riders, Book 14

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Gone Country: Rough Riders, Book 14 Page 14

by Lorelei James

  He didn’t push her to talk; he just held her.

  Once she regained control, she got brave enough to lift her head. “Thank you. That was the best sex I’ve ever had. Well, except for the other night out on the balcony.”


  She could hear the smile in his voice. “Really.”

  “So why the tears?”

  “Because I feel like a freak.” She expected he’d force her to look at him after that statement, but he didn’t. “I’ve spent my life as a single mother, Gavin. I don’t have the sexual history most women do.”

  “Why on earth would you think that’d be a problem for me?”

  “Because it’s always been a problem for me,” she said softly.

  Then he did tip her chin up to study her face.

  “The tears caught me by surprise. I’m so not a crier. But being with you…I got this rush of happiness, followed immediately by fear.”

  “We should’ve talked about this before. But the instant I put my hands on you, I lose any coherent train of thought.” Gavin’s fingers traced the line of her spine and he smoothed his palm over her buttocks. “See? I already forgot what we were talking about.”

  “Me being practically a forty-year-old virgin.”

  “Hey. No more thinking you’re a freak. You’re perfect, Ree. And I’m not exactly such a…” He snapped his mouth shut.

  “Not exactly such a what?”

  “Never mind.” Gavin got up and ditched the condom. Then he took her in his arms again. “This is a clean slate for both of us. Nothing we did or didn’t do before matters.” His eyes glowed with pure male intent. “So if there’s a position you’re dying to try, or some fantasy you have, feel free to share and we’ll act it out in explicit detail.”

  “This feels like a fantasy, lying in bed with you after we had awesome sex.” She fought a blush at confessing, “I’ve been thinking of quite a few things I’d like to try with you.” She brushed her mouth over the smooth section of flesh above his nipple. “And you promised me four times tonight, remember?”

  “You said you wanted me to fuck you four times. I never agreed because I don’t promise what I can’t deliver.”

  She loved it when the smooth businessman veneer slipped, revealing his raw masculinity. “I like it when you say crude sex things.”

  Gavin flashed his teeth. “So noted.”

  Rielle rolled and straddled his groin, sitting on top of him. She placed her hands by his head, leaning over him. “Know what else I like?”

  “Please tell me it’s giving blowjobs.”

  She threw her head back and laughed.

  “You don’t do that enough.”

  “What? Give blowjobs?”

  “No, smartass. Laugh. I love to hear you laugh.” He dragged his finger from the tip of her chin down between her cleavage.

  “I laugh more with you than anyone else.”

  “Also good to know.” Gavin traced a circle around her nipple until it drew into a rigid point. “Now you were about to tell me something else you liked.”

  “Kissing you. I get a little dizzy when you kiss me. I feel like a teenager saying that, but it’s true.”

  He wrapped his hand around the back of her neck and kissed her. After he thoroughly ravished her mouth, he murmured, “Dizzy yet?”


  “Me too. And hard. Grab a condom.”

  Rielle tore the package open, taking time to enjoy his every hiss and moan as she touched him.

  “Push back and lift up over me. I want to watch your pussy swallowing my cock.”

  As soon as every inch of that hard shaft filled her, he reached for her. “Ride me hard. I want to see your tits bouncing. Oh yeah, just like that. Fuck me.”

  Who knew she liked a bossy, dirty-mouthed man in bed?

  Rielle’s internal alarm clock woke her up even on the weekends.

  So…what to do, lying in the arms of a naked man, in the early morning hours?

  Be bold like you were last night, putting his hand between your thighs in the car. Seduce him.

  But what if he was one of those cranky morning guys? Grumbling about being woken up and thrashing away from her?

  She’d be better off surprising him with breakfast. Rielle pressed her butt into his groin and arched her spine away from his chest, expecting he’d release her and turn over.

  Gavin’s throaty, “Mmm,” rumbled in her ear, sending a shiver down her spine. “You going somewhere?”

  “I can’t sleep. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  “Is it like five in the morning or something?”


  He groaned. Then he pressed a hot kiss on the side of her neck. “So if I let you up, what are you going to do? Wash windows? Knit socks for every needy kid in Crook County? Bake muffins for the rest home?”


  “Not ambitious enough for you?” he murmured against her throat.

  “Funny. I’m not always working.”

  “True. You’re always slaving.”

  “Is that how you see me?”

  “You are one of those busy worker bees in your hive. Mind focused on finishing one task so you can fly to the next one before your buzz wears off.”

  Did he think she was incapable of kicking back? “That’s not all I am.”

  “So prove it.” His mouth teased her ear. “Let’s play a game.”

  “What game?”


  She snickered. “Really, Gavin? Honeypot?”

  “Yep. This morning you are the queen bee and I’m your drone, servicing your every need.”

  “You do realize that immediately after a drone mates with the queen bee midair his penis is snapped off and he plummets to his death?”

  Gavin went motionless. “You’re kidding me, right?”


  “Jesus. That is just plain nasty.”

  If Rielle hadn’t felt both his hands on her body she’d swear he was cupping his junk.

  “Speaking of nasty…how about if I do naughty things and make you forget everything except my hands and mouth?”

  Another shiver tightened her skin, but she managed a droll, “Well, you can try…but my to-do list is pretty extensive.”

  “Oh, so you’ll be composing a to-do list while I’m doing this?” Gavin sank his teeth into her nape and pinched her nipples. “Or how about this?” Rielle gasped when he pulled her outer leg over his hip and stroked her slit.

  His chest was hot against her back. His mouth was everywhere; on her neck, her shoulder, her ear. Then his fingers were inside her, stroking her. He murmured, “You’re wet. I like that you’re wet.”

  Rielle arched into him. “You’re hard. I like that you’re hard.”

  “Hold that thought.” Gavin eased his fingers out and she heard the crinkling of a condom wrapper. He hooked his arm behind her knee, lifting it for better access to her pussy. The head of his cock circled the mouth to her sex and he slowly pushed his shaft inside. “Okay?”

  “Very okay.” In this position she felt a deeper penetration. She felt stuffed full.

  “Good.” His tongue traced the shell of her ear. “I’m not feeling sweet and romantic right now, Ree.”

  A shiver of want, of anticipation, rolled through her and he felt it.

  “You like that.”


  “You are a naughty little thing, aren’t you?” Gavin shifted his upper body and then his hand was tightly, almost painfully, gripping her short hair.

  Rielle gasped softly. Wow. That was sexy hot, how he just held her head where he wanted it.

  “Touch yourself. I don’t have enough hands.”

  She blushed.

  “Do it.” He sucked on the skin behind her ear. “I want to look down your body and see your fingers moving as I’m fucking you.”

  She slid her right hand down her belly, following the rise of her mound to her clit. As soon as she started to stroke, so di
d he.

  Sweetness became body-pounding passion as he thrust into her so hard the bed jiggled. His mouth found all her hot spots on her neck and shoulder and nape—he zeroed in on the one that caused her to moan and try to twist away but he held her in place.

  The combination of his deep, hard thrusts and the constant pressure of her fingers on her clit sent her headlong into orgasm. A throbbing, pulsing, blinding surge of pleasure.

  Gavin’s cock hammered into her and then he growled in her ear as his release followed on the heels of hers.

  She hadn’t opened her eyes or leveled her breathing when he whispered, “So…how’s that to-do list coming?”

  Rielle and Gavin made breakfast together—unlike other times they’d cooked together. He continually touched her. Nuzzled her. Kissed her. By the time the bacon was finished, his sweet eroticism had her so worked up she would’ve let him take her right on the counter. A shocking scene for Sierra to stumble upon on a Sunday morning.

  Which was a pointed reminder she and Gavin needed to talk.

  He rinsed the plates and refilled their coffee. “So what’s on your mind, Ree?”

  Damn perceptive man. “I’m new at this morning-after stuff.”

  “I know. You avoided me Friday and Saturday morning after our Thursday night.”

  “You noticed that, huh?”

  Gavin leaned forward, sliding his knee between hers and placing her left hand between his. “This conversation is about the start of something between us, not the end, right?”

  “Right.” She sipped her coffee. “Let’s deal with the elephant in the room first thing. Sierra.”

  “Part of me thinks that my sweet, but self-absorbed teen won’t notice the change in our relationship. The other part of me thinks she’s already sensed the shift in the last few weeks. Not that she’s said anything to me.”

  “Her suspecting we’re involved and her seeing us groping each other on the couch…two different things.”

  He nipped the tips of her fingers. “Will you let me grope you on the couch now?”

  “Maybe. But my point is I’d prefer to keep this between us for a little while longer.”

  “Why? You think it’ll burn out?”

  Rielle set her hand on his cheek. “No.”

  Gavin kissed the inside of her wrist. “I don’t want to hide what I feel for you. I want you in my bed some nights. But I don’t want you feeling like you have to tiptoe down the hallway so my daughter doesn’t see you sneaking out of my room.”

  “Or see you creeping up the stairs from my bedroom at the crack of dawn,” she countered. “But that does bring up my other point, Gavin. I want to spend time with you, but not at the expense of the time you spend with Sierra. And I don’t want you suddenly inviting me to do family things. We both know she’d resent that and me. I won’t put you in that position, nor will I put myself in that position.”

  “Without pissing you off, this is exactly why I’ve avoided relationships. Why does it have to be so complicated?”

  “It doesn’t.” Rielle pressed her lips to his, coaxing his mouth to open to her kiss. She loved this intimacy. The give and take. The taste of him. The feel of his breath on her face, sometimes fast and short, sometimes soft as a sigh.

  He eased off first, then kissed the corners of her mouth, the apples of her cheeks, her temples and between her eyebrows. “So we can only be like this…openly affectionate…?”

  “During the day when Sierra is at school. Or at night when we’re alone.” She gazed into his eyes. “Not forever. Just for a little while. You’ll know when the time is right to tell her.”

  “I’ll tell her? Not we’ll tell her?”

  Rielle shook her head. “She’s your daughter. I’m just a woman who lives here.” She slipped her arms around his neck. “Who is wildly attracted to her father.”

  He lifted an eyebrow. “Wildly?”

  “Uh-huh. And I’ll prove it.” She nuzzled his ear. “Did you happen to bring a condom with you?”

  “Nope. I brought two.”

  “Always prepared. I like that about you.”

  “Ree, I know you haven’t been with anyone for a long time. I haven’t been either. Can we skip the condoms?” He caressed her face. “I’d like to make love to you without latex between us.”

  “I, ah…talked to Doc Monroe last night, and she wrote me a prescription for birth control. But even if I get it filled today, it’ll take a month for the pills to be effective.”

  Gavin had a pensive look on his face.


  “There’s no chance I’ll ever get you pregnant. I had a vasectomy nine years ago.”

  Her eyes searched his. “Really?”

  “After the divorce and dealing with Ellen using Sierra to manipulate me…I never wanted to give a woman that much power again or to do that to another child of mine. So I scheduled the procedure. I love my daughter. She fills my life with enough joy that I’m content with having one kid. Are you all right with that?”

  “Do you mean was I hoping to get pregnant at age forty when I have a twenty-four-year-old daughter?” She shuddered. “That boat has sailed for me. But I already had one unintended pregnancy in my life. I wasn’t keen on taking chemicals to prevent that from happening again at my age, but I’d do it.” She kissed him. “So I’m very happy I don’t have to.”

  “Me too.”

  She hopped off the barstool. “Race you to my room. Whoever wins gets to be on top.”

  The man had such a competitive streak. He nearly knocked her on her butt as he raced down the hallway and jumped on her bed.

  But he let her be on top anyway.

  Gavin’s cell phone rang early Monday morning. “This is Gavin Daniels.”

  “Gavin! Good to hear your voice. This is George Krebs. I’m with the Bracken Investment Group?”

  He tried to put the name with a face but couldn’t. “You have me at a disadvantage, George. Have we met?”

  “Once, briefly, last year. At a Shout It Out fundraiser.”

  “Natalie, my media coordinator at Daniels Development Group, handles donations for those events—”

  “No. This call isn’t about a fundraiser, but we do appreciate all your support. The reason for my call is…a little odd. So bear with me.”


  “My understanding is you’ve stepped down from the day-to-day running of Daniels Development Group?”

  “Technically I’m still running DDG, but not from the Phoenix office. I’ve relocated.”


  “Why don’t you tell me why you’re so interested in who has control of my company?”

  “One of our clients is interested in buying the Golden Valley property recently listed with DDG. I assume you’re familiar with it?”

  “Very familiar.” That was the last chunk of undeveloped land his father had purchased fifteen years ago, prior to his death. Gavin had been holding onto it, waiting to see what type of development sprang up in that section of Maricopa County. It’d been completely unzoned at the time of purchase, which meant it could end up residential or commercial. Now the surrounding area contained medical complexes and high-end high-rise condos. With the possible shift in the commercial real estate market, Gavin had decided to list it right before they’d left Arizona. And if his assessors were correct, the sale of this chunk of dirt would be the biggest financial payout of his career.

  He inhaled a deep breath. “So what seems to be the problem?”

  “You’re the listing agent. Our client has tried several times to get in contact with you, but your office staff at DDG has been very vague as to your whereabouts.” He paused. “Have any messages gotten through to you about the interest in this property? Because make no mistake; our client is very interested.”

  Gavin swore and paced to the window. “No. I haven’t heard anything and I apologize for that, George.” Speculation about his diminishing role in his businesses could have serious financial repe
rcussions, so he had no choice but to explain. “Four years ago after my mother’s death, I split DDG into two companies. Technically I’m still the CEO of DDG, but in the last year I’ve taken a more active role in Daniels Property Management. The DDG office staff apparently misinterpreted my personal contact instructions and I will get that handled immediately.”

  “Good. I’ll admit we were concerned you might have health issues, as one of our event planners mentioned you’d lost some weight in the last year.”

  “That was intentional, not health related. And to allay your concerns as to my whereabouts, I’m currently living in eastern Wyoming, while my daughter finishes high school.”

  “Eastern Wyoming? Oh. That seems sudden.”

  “I discovered I had family members in this area. I’ve visited several times over the last few years and ended up buying land. Naturally, I wanted my daughter to be raised around family.” That wasn’t too far from the truth.

  “I’m happy to hear that. But that still leaves me with what to tell my client.”

  “Tell him I’ll apologize in person tomorrow for the miscommunication. Shall we meet in my office at DDG, say, around ten a.m.?”

  “That sounds perfect, Gavin. Thank you.”

  “Thank you for tracking me down. I’ll call you at this number if I run into travel delays. If not, I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Gavin had known he’d face last minute trips to Arizona when he’d opted to move to Wyoming. He called his travel agent and winced when he heard the price for a ticket to Phoenix in the economy section would set him back fifteen hundred bucks.

  A drop in the bucket if you can sell the land for the assessed value of thirty-five million dollars.

  Gavin rearranged his schedule. He called Charlie and Vi, texted Sierra and left her a voice mail. Lastly, he dragged out his suitcase and picked three suits to get him through the week. The suits had been in dry cleaning bags since the movers had packed them in Arizona. Not much occasion to wear a suit and tie in Sundance.

  Maybe there should be. You should take Rielle out for dinner when you get back from this trip.


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