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27 Steel, P. (2007), op. cit.
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59 Steel, P. (2007), op. cit.
ADD. See Attention deficit disorder (ADD)
See also Attention deficit disorder (ADD)
Akerlof, George(app)
Alienation, sense of
Anxiety disorders
Attention deficit disorder (ADD)
differences among procrastinators
importance of details
need for habitual structures, routines
and point of performance/avoidance help
problems with self-control
and self-regulation(app)
and time perceptions
Attitude breathing
Atwood, Margaret
Auditory reminders in environment
Autonomy, need to prove
of children
in controlling families
and fear of independence
and motivation related to self-regulation(app)
by resisting control of others
and task aversiveness(app)
See also Control exerted through procrastination; Rebellion, of procrastinators
Barkley, Russell
BDNF. See Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
Beery, Richard
Behavioral goals(app)(app)
experimenting with one goal
using sacred pause
planning time for achievement of
using un-schedule
See also Goals
Benson, Herbert
Benson’s relaxation response
Biologically-based conditions, states
mind-body techniques
See also Neuroscience and procrastination
Bipolar disorder
Blank slate, as procrastinator
Blanke, Gail
The Blind Assassin (Atwood)
Brain functions
benefits of challenges
benefits of exercise
benefits of therapy
Brain functions (continued)
effects of stress on
and individual procrastinators
and language learning
See also Neuroscience and procrastination
Brain lock
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
Breathing, as stress-reducer
Burns, David
Categories of procrastination
Change, stages of
Characteristics of procrastinators
conscientiousness, low(app)
fear of failure(app)
intention-action gap(app)
Procrastination Page 34