counteract stress hormones
as essential for immigrants
as support for first-generation students
Social rewards
Socially active optimists(app)
Spark (Ratey)
Steel, Piers(app)(app) (app)(app) (app)(app)
Stimulus control technique(app)
Strategies for reducing procrastination (app)
eliminate choice(app)
increasing expectations for success (app)
learned industriousness(app)
mitigating task aversiveness (app)
stimulus control(app)
See also Techniques for overcoming procrastination
Stress, effects on procrastination
and benefits of attitude breathing
and benefits of exercise
and benefits of mindfulness
for college students(app)
Structures, routines
Students, college
and maladaptive perfectionism
as procrastinators(app)
as research population(app)
and survivor guilt
Success, as procrastination factor
family pressures, doubts
increased expectation for(app)
and low confidence
optimizing chances
triggers retaliation
Success, fear of
and avoiding hurting others, self
and fear of workaholism
and low self-esteem
Support enlisted from others
in cross-cultural families
parallel play
planning, working with partners
public commitments
rewards through socializing
Survivor guilt
Swiss-cheese method of time management
Task aversiveness
correlated to procrastination (app)
of difficult tasks
and nature of procrastinators (app)
overcoming, mitigating (app)
triggers procrastination
Tax Torture group(app)
Techniques for dealing with procrastinators
awareness of ADD, ED
help set realistic, small goals
individualize perspective
Techniques for dealing with procrastinators (continued)
ineffective approaches,
promote Growth Mindset
recognize valuable qualities
set limits, deadlines, consequences
See also Children, as procrastinators
Techniques for overcoming procrastination
for ADD, ED
attitude breathing
enlist support from others
get organized
goal-setting, goal-achieving
identify choice points
identify excuses
lists, structures, routines
point of performance/avoidance help
preliminary approaches (app)
rewards for making progress
time considerations (app)
work through obstacles
See also Strategies for reducing procrastination
for children
combined with medication
for cross-cultural problems
affects choices(app)
and children’s perceptions
as culturally influenced
and life stages, perception
limitations used for goal-setting
objective vs. subjective senses
with past influencing present, future
planning for uncommitted time (fig)
as root of procrastination
sense and inhibition
Time management
for ADD, ED
delegating technique
discard timewasters, clutter
80/20 rule
identify personal prime time
realistic approach(app)
reduce busyness, commitments
use little bits of time
The Time Paradox (Zimbardo/Boyd)
Timelessness, sense of, and procrastination
Twain, Mark
Unconscious motivations (app)
effective use of
recording progress
Values, expression of
Visual reminders in environment
Visualizing progress toward goals
Watchdog approach to procrastinators
Winnicott, Donald
Zimbardo, Philip
Copyright © 1983, 2008 by Jane B. Burka and Lenora M. Yuen
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. .
Burka, Jane B.
Procrastination : why you do it, what to do about it now / Jane B. Burka
& Lenora M. Yuen.—Rev. ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
eISBN : 978-0-786-72731-5
1. Procrastination. I. Yuen, Lenora M. II. Title.
BF575.P95B87 2008
155.20’32—dc22 2008034692
Published by Da Capo Press
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