Passion and Sand; Taming the Rebel

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Passion and Sand; Taming the Rebel Page 6

by Andromeda -

  “And once again, the Greek wins,” Cornelius boasted to Aurelian. “You owe me twelve denarii.”

  Aurelian cursed under his breath, but nonetheless took out the coins and gave them to his friend. Cornelius greedily put them into his pouch.

  “Is that German fighting today?” Aurelia asked Aurora.

  “Kaiser is not,” Aurora answered.

  “Pity,” Aurelian said. “That is a fight I would be more than willing to pay for and bet upon. Better yet, I would love to see him and the Greek fight.”

  “The Greek has a name,” Aurora said through semi-gritted teeth. “His name is Artemus.”

  “Father tells us that we don’t have to name the slaves,” Aurelia remarked as she ordered a slave to fan her. “It’s not like we care for them in any way.”

  “Well then, maybe you should,” Aurora said. “Unlike your slaves, ours serve.”

  “Ours serve,” Aurelian said.

  “No, they do not,” Aurora counted with a smug expression. “They obey, they don’t serve.”

  “And the difference is…?” Aurelia asked in boredom.

  “If you don’t know it, then it does not matter,” Aurora said.

  Her meaning was clear, however. While most would treat their slaves with a heavy hand, the Magnus Ludus tried to at least look after their gladiators the same way those within the imperial household treated their slave. Aurora learned long ago, that if you treated your slaves kindly, and respected them to an extent, then they would respect you back.

  Not everyone believed in this method, and she wasn’t going to force anyone to believe in her philosophy. Yet, as she watched the fights, she nodded to Ayanna, who stood the ever-present protector behind her, to go and bring them the refreshments that they normally had. The slave woman left, and quickly reappeared with deviled eggs, sprinkled with onions.

  The second Aurora smelled the onions, bile rose within her throat, and Ayanna quickly rushed to get something to help. Finding a shallow bowl, she held it under her mistress’s mouth as she vomited within it.

  “Oh my, dear,” Aurelia said when she saw what was happening. “Are you alright?”

  “I think the eggs might be spoiled,” Ayanna remarked as Aurora continued to vomit. “Do not eat them, and I shall fetch something else.”

  Aurora took the napkin another slave offered her to clean her mouth and then accepted the fresh water. Exhaling deeply, she lifted her head and turned back to the fights, but her stomach continued to toss and turn, and she did not know why. This confused her, as she was hardly ever sick, and it was the summer months. All of this confused her.

  Ayanna, however, looked at her mistress with an arched eyebrow, her sharp hazel taking in her appearance. She might not know everything, but she had her suspicions on why Aurora was sick, and she knew that her mistress was not going to like it.


  Back at the Ludus, Kaiser grunted as his wooden sword clashed with Aleron’s repeatedly as they spared. His friend was no match for him, and before long, Kaiser had knocked the sword from his hand and pointed both at his throat. The men around them, who had been watching, clapped their hands and slapped them both on their backs as Kaiser helped him up.

  “Well done, Kaiser,” Barack said as he nodded with approval. “Tell me, have you ever considered the Dimachaerus style of combat?”

  Kaiser racked his brain for the different fighting styles to remember what the Dimachaerus was. From memory, he could remember that they were equipped for close-combat fighting. They fought with semi-light armor and used twin gladius’ for both attack and defense. He had thought of the style a couple of times, as in Germania, he sometimes used two swords, but he didn’t stick with it.

  “Not really,” he answered. “Why do you ask?”

  “I believe it is good for you to switch,” Barack answered. “Come, bring both swords here and I will show you.”

  Kaiser obeyed and left Aleron to stand at Barack’s side. The African picked up two swords of his own and held them up to show him the correct beginning stance. Then he attacked. His left arm swung up to attack, while his right swung low for defense. Kaiser had to act quickly, though as Barack pressed him, it caused him to stumble and fall back.

  Barack used the stumble to leap forward, and pointed the swords at his throat. “First things first,” he said. “Learn to use your feet as a second pair of eyes. When you use two swords, your eyes have to constantly be on your opponent’s face, their hands. You do not know what they might do, so your feet must be able to ‘see’. Understand?”

  “I…I think so…,” Kaiser said slowly.

  Barack shook his head. “You cannot ‘think so’, you must know. Understand? Now, again.”

  They continued to practice, and before long, Kaiser began to get the hang of it. When the imperial carriage entered the grounds, he stopped and looked for any trace of Ayanna. A soft smile crept on his face when he saw her jump out of the carriage and help Aurora out, who looked to be sick. He took a step forward as if to help, but Barack grabbed his arm to prevent him from doing so.

  “No,” he said, shaking his head. “You cannot approach now. She needs to tend to her mistress.”

  Kaiser gritted his teeth, but he knew that the African was right. He couldn’t approach them…yet. So, he turned back to Barack and lifted his swords, wanting to continue his training.

  Later that night, as he sat with the other gladiators for his evening meal, he watched as Artemus was gifted with the finest pieces of meat, and the richest of bread and wine. This annoyed him to no end, as in his mind, he was twice as good than Artemus was, but he didn’t have the chance to prove himself, as he was constantly overlooked for fights.

  He watched as the slave girls fed him his food, and sometimes poured wine upon themselves for him to lick off, but the man didn’t go that far. He seemed to be singular minded for single women, yet the woman that he loved was untouchable for him. Surely, he knew that the emperor would never give his only daughter to a lowly slave. Surely, he had better sense than that.

  Another slave girl appeared, and Kaiser’s heart leapt into his throat when he saw that it was Ayanna. She held a pitcher of wine in her hands and was pouring it into Artemus’ cup before she went to the other men. When she reached him, her hands seemed to shake as she bent down to refresh his cup.

  “Are you nervous?” he asked her with a smirk.

  Pride instantly made her cheeks flame red. “No,” she said, “I am not. This pitcher is just heavy.”

  “Well then,” he said as his hand reached out to gently caress her hand. “Allow me to help you…”

  She quickly pulled her hands away, which left the pitcher in his hands. “I do not wish for your help!”

  He threw his head back and laughed. “Such a spirited young girl…sometimes I wonder how you would be in bed.”

  She grabbed the pitcher and overturned it over his head, unable to stop herself. “That is something you’ll never find out!”

  “Ayanna!” Barack barked, his voice sharp. “What did you do that for?” He sounded like a father scolding his daughter, who had been caught sneaking treats.

  “He insulted me,” she answered, though the heat rose at the attention she was receiving.

  “See him to the baths,” Barack instructed. “You messed him up, so you will clean him up.”

  “But…,” she began, but the look he gave her brooked no argument.

  Mumbling curses under her breath, she walked with Kaiser into the barracks and down to where the baths for the gladiators lay. She had never been in here before, as it was normally forbidden for female slaves unless they were pleasure slaves that were sent to please the men when they won a fight.

  It was warm because of the heated spring that served as their bath, and at a table there was bathing oils, soaps, the metal rod used to scrape off sweat and the thick oil that removed excess dirt, towels and more.

  “This place…is so dirty,” she said with a wrinkled nos

  “Not everyone can be dressed in silks and bathed in lavender,” he said with a smirk as he took off his tunic.

  It left him as naked as he came into his world, and Ayanna quickly had to look away as to not stare. Kaiser couldn’t stop himself from laughing.

  “What’s this?” he asked. “Are you being shy and pious? You? I did not know such a thing was possible!”

  She glared at him and rushed forward, unable to calm her temper as she gave him a hard shove. Kaiser straggled back and fell into the pool, water splashing in all directions. Now, it was her turn to laugh, which she did heartfully.

  When he surfaced, shaking the water from his blond hair, he looked at her with narrow eyes. At first, he was angry, but then he realized something: he had never heard her laugh before. She was laughing so hard, it caused her to double over and hold her aching stomach.

  “You think that’s funny?” he asked.

  “I think,” she said, gasping for breath, “that it’s hilarious!”

  He smirked. “Then you are going to find this hysterical.”

  Before she could stop him, he had left out of the water, grabbed her waist and pulled her in. Ayanna shrieked as she fell in, her nose filling with water that she quickly spat out.

  “You’re an ass!” she yelled as she tried to scramble out of the pool.

  He grinned as he enjoyed the view of her behind as the wet gown pressed against her flesh. “And you have a fine one…”

  She tried to kick at him in response as she finally got out of the pool, dripping wet. “If I had my knives, I would kill you!”

  “No, you won’t,” he chuckled. “And I know why.”

  “And what is that?” she asked, wringing out her hair.

  “You like me,” he said simply.

  She stopped a moment and then went back to work. “I do not.”

  “Yes, you do,” he chuckled. “Don’t be so shocked. I like you, too.”

  “You do?” she asked.

  “Of course,” he said with a grin. “And now that we have that out of the way, come, let’s go to my cell and we can—”

  “Is that all you want?” she said, interrupting him. “My body for your pleasure?”

  “Don’t act so surprised,” he said. “I mean, you’ll have my body for yours. And besides, we will have a lot of fun.”

  She gritted her teeth and searched for the nearest thing she could find to throw at him. “You are such a…such a…such a man!” she yelled.

  “I’m…sorry?” he said, confused.

  “Do you really think all women are…are just objects to be used for your pleasure?” she hissed. “Well, others might, but I am not! You aren’t even worth a second of my time! Go find one of the other slave women, who I am more than sure will love to have you between their thighs. So, read my lips carefully. I am not interested!”

  Turning around in a huff, she stormed away, leaving him alone. Instantly, shame washed over him. He didn’t mean to upset her, and his words did seem to be a bit crass and uncaring. She was a very blunt woman. He thought that all she wanted was to spend time in his bed like all the other women who looked at him.

  Could I be wrong? he wondered to himself as he bathed. Could…could I have messed up something that hadn’t even begun yet?

  Chapter Fourteen

  Aurora looked at herself in the mirror and tenderly tried to touch her breasts. The pain that shot up her body put a stop to that instantly, and with tear-filled eyes she dropped to her knees, sobbing. That had just confirmed her worst fears, her worst idea of what was wrong with her. It had been three months since the last time she had lain with Artemus, and already she was reaping a terrible reward. All she wanted was love. All she wanted was light in the never-ending darkness that seemed to be surrounding her. Well, now, the darkness was most likely going to consume her.

  She was with child.

  All the signs were there.

  She had not bled in months.

  Her appetite had increased.

  She did not sleep as well as she used to.

  Her waist seemed to have expanded.

  She was sick in the mornings.

  Her breasts were tender to the touch.

  All these signs pointed to a single answer: she was with child, and from the way she felt, it was still in its early stage.

  How could I be so stupid? she thought to herself. Father is going to kill me! He’s going to kill Artemus! He’s going to kill my baby!

  She overreacted just a bit. Her father loved her too much to kill her, but the same could not be said about Artemus and her unborn. Artemus would undoubtedly be killed, and as for her unborn…, she did not have a full answer for that yet.

  Rising to her feet, she walked to the bed and laid back on it. She did not know what to do, she did not know what there was to do. She was the daughter of the emperor. She had no place laying with gladiators and yet…, oh how she loved Artemus.

  How fortune seemed to mock her when she saw some of the other slaves with their families. How fortune seemed to mock her when she saw her friends with their families. She was the richest woman in all of Rome, and yet how could she feel so poor? How could she feel as if she had nothing to herself?

  That’s because she did.

  Aurora knew it more than anyone that she was more a slave to the Empire than anyone else. If she was her brother, she might have more freedom, but no, she had to be born a woman and be forced into eternal servitude.

  The sound of her sobbing attracted the attention of Ayanna, who was entering to give her some food. But the moment she saw her friend, she rushed over and dropped to her knees at her side.

  “Aurora, are you OK?” she asked. “Aurora, speak to me.”

  “I’m fine,” Aurora said, though she opened her eyes to look at her, red and puffy from crying. “But not for long.”

  “What’s the matter?” Ayanna asked.

  “Aya…,” Aurora whispered. “I…I…I’m carrying…Artemus’ child…”

  The room spun, and Ayanna blinked as she was sure that she had heard Aurora wrong. But the look on her friend’s face told her that she had heard right.

  “What are you going to do?” Ayanna asked.

  “I do not know,” Aurora whispered. “But please, promise me that you will not tell anyone. Please, promise me!”

  “Of course,” Ayanna said. “I promise, I won’t tell a soul. You can trust me.”

  She wasn’t sure entirely how they were going to hide this secret, as soon Aurora’s belly was going to swell and people would know. But she owed Aurora her loyalty above anyone else. They were going to figure out how to fix this.


  Kaiser watched as Ayanna placed the platter of food before him, and then turned to leave. He quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her to him. He hadn’t seen her around for a while, and he wanted to know why.

  “Let me go,” she said tensely.

  “No,” he said back. “You’ve been avoiding me.”

  “And what if I am?” she asked. “I have been busy. Lady Aurora has…”

  “I give not a shit about what she wants,” he said sharply. “I have not seen you for what seems like an eternity. I need to talk to you.”

  “When are you going to learn that I do not wish for your attentions?” she asked. “What is so important about me? I am nobody.”

  “No,” he said, shaking his head as he pulled her closer. “You are everybody to me. For too long, I have watched you from afar. And I am sorry if I insulted you so many nights ago. I did not mean to. But I did mean what I said. I want you in my bed, I want you to be my lover.”

  “Is that all I am to you?” she asked. “Something for you to use, and then discard?”

  “Do not sell yourself short,” he said sharply. “You are the most beautiful, most kind, most caring woman that I have ever met in my life. And it is because of that, I could not think of another I would wish to lay with. Unless you do not feel the same way. If that i
s so, then I will cease my attentions.”

  Ayanna swallowed. Never had someone spoken so passionately to her. He either was the world’s best liar…or he really meant his words. He watched as he took her hand and placed it on his heart, his blue eyes never leaving her hazel. She felt the beating of his heart in her hands, and it was almost as if he was telling her that she now held it to do with as she willed.

  “If I say that I feel the same way,” she said after many moments, “what will you do?”

  “Whatever you wish to do,” he said with a rouge smile. “I might be boastful and prideful in the arena where none shall match my skill. But here…, you are in control and the one in charge. I will go at the pace you wish, never overstep my bounds and only do what you wish.”

  “And…if I wished for you to kiss me now?” she asked with a shy smile.

  He grinned at her. “Then I would be more than happy…to agree.”

  Holding her back and cradling her head in his large hands, he pressed his lips eagerly to hers in their first, true kiss.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “That needs to go there,” Ayanna said to a slave girl. “And then that banner needs to be raised higher. We must hurry, the emperor will be here soon…”

  The imperial palace was in an uproar of scrambling, orders being shouted and more because the emperor was returning. He was coming earlier than usual, and they only had half the time to make everything look its best.

  Ayanna, as the most trusted female slave, was trying her hardest to work with the time frame that she had, but she kept getting distracted by Kaiser. Normally, the gladiators were not allowed within the white marble walls of the palace, but tonight they were being used to help speed along the work as they were stronger.

  Kaiser, though they had officially tried to become a couple and agreed that they both liked each other, seemed to act like a little boy with his first love. Every chance he got, he would pull her close for a sneak kiss, or give her plump rear a squeeze, or a playful smack. While it did make her laugh, Ayanna had to constantly remind him that she was working, and had to focus. He agreed to leave her alone…for now.


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