The Secret Wolf (A Full Moon Mercy Novel) (shifter / MC romance)

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The Secret Wolf (A Full Moon Mercy Novel) (shifter / MC romance) Page 8

by Ana W. Fawkes

  Once they were safely in Lucas’s room, Leah found the ability to speak again. She sat on the edge of the bed and watched Lucas strip himself from his leather jacket.

  “That wasn’t human blood,” Leah said.

  “How do you know?”

  “I’m a nurse, Lucas. I deal with blood everyday. I can smell it. I can… I just know.”

  “That’s fine then,” Lucas said. He put his hands to the bottom of his shirt and tore it off his body. He rolled it up and threw it to the corner of the room right next to a trashcan. “Leave it be, Leah.”

  Leah slowly stood from the bed. The remaining blood had dried on Lucas’s body. She couldn’t keep her eyes off it.

  “I need to shower,” Lucas said. “I have to get this shit off me. I can’t stand the feeling of it.”

  Leah nodded. Lucas walked to a door and opened it, revealing a bathroom. Before Lucas could cross the threshold, Leah moved at him. She grabbed his arm, her body instantly on fire from the thickness of muscle.


  “You were naked,” she said. “Can you tell me why?”

  “I swore to you I would protect you,” Lucas said. “No matter what. That’s just what I did today. If I can’t explain, then let it go.”

  Lucas moved and broke away from Leah. He didn’t shut the door completely and Leah stood and listened to the sound of water running. Steam gradually came from the bathroom and Leah could hear the sound of Lucas undressing and climbing into the shower.

  She couldn't take it anymore. The temptation and need was too great to ignore. She wanted him last night and now she wanted him even more. Leah locked the bedroom door and touched her shirt. Her hands were shaking as she slowly began to strip herself. She didn’t want to believe that Lucas would reject her. Not that last night was rejection, but coming to him naked and in need of him, that would be rejection, yes.

  Leah stood in her bra and panties, a pile of clothes around her feet. She unsnapped her bra and slid it off her arms. As she took her panties off she looked at the bathroom. She could see part of Lucas as he stood at the sink. She saw his right foot and muscular right leg. It led up to his firm, round ass. Leah felt herself already damp between her legs. She approached the bathroom with caution, not wanting to startle Lucas. There was an appealing demeanor about him that was threatening. Leah didn’t believe Lucas would harm her, at least not intentionally.

  She pushed at the door just in time to see Lucas stepping into the shower. Looking at his back and ass, she was left, just as marveled, looking at the front of his body. He pulled the glass door shut behind him and Leah went to it. She pulled the door open, leaving herself fully exposed to Lucas.

  “What are you doing?” Lucas asked, his eyes looking up and down, left and right at Leah’s body.

  Leah watched the water hit his left shoulder and then his chest. The water broke up the blood, running down his body from his stomach to his sex, trickling down to the drain where it pooled, spun, and disappeared.

  “I can’t help myself,” Leah said. “I need you to touch me, Lucas. Whatever you are, whoever you are, I’ll never judge you. I need this after today…”

  Lucas made fists and stared at Leah. “I hope you understand what this implies.”

  “I have no idea what it implies,” Leah said. “But whatever it is, I’m fine with it. I… need… you…”

  Lucas opened his right hand and offered it to Leah. She took his hand, her hand shaking as Lucas’s grip tightened over her. He pulled and Leah stepped into the shower.

  The second the water touched her body, she shivered. Her nipples became erect. Between her legs she was as wet as the water pouring from the shower head above them. Leah pressed her body against Lucas’s, staring into his eyes, not wanting to waste a second together. She didn’t care if there was still some blood on his body. She didn’t care if the blood touched her body. This was part of Lucas’s life. Leah could accept it. She wanted to accept. She wanted to know it all. The feelings were more than just his sexy looks and his perfect body. It was in his eyes, the protection Lucas would offer her for the rest of her life.

  They made a move at the same time. Their lips touched and Leah opened her mouth and let out a long sigh of relief. She opened her legs enough and felt Lucas’s thickness growing, stiffening, grazing along the soft folds of her body. Lucas put his hands to Leah’s face and held her. He gently turned her, putting her into the water. The water flooded her hair and face.

  “Put your head back,” Lucas whispered.

  Leah listened, putting her head back into the hot rushing water. She had her eyes shut, leaving her with nothing but the pleasurable touch of Lucas’s hands, body, and mouth.

  He kissed her neck, his lips and tongue flickering, battling against the water. It made Leah tingle. She put her hands to Lucas’s strong legs. She squeezed, letting her nails dig into him but she knew she wouldn’t be able to hurt him. There was just too much muscle to get through.

  Her hands slid to his ass, cupping him, pulling at him, wanting to feel the hardness of his shaft against her tender body.

  Lucas continued to kiss Leah, working his way down inch by inch. He kissed down to her chest, nuzzling at her breasts, taking his time, leaving Leah trembling with desire. She finally had to put her head down and look at him. She had to watch him. She caught Lucas just as he opened his mouth and began to suckle on her right nipple. He was so powerful yet so gentle. His teeth grazed against her sensitive nipple, making Leah moan, but she wanted more. It just felt so good.

  Leah let her left hand move from Lucas’s ass around to front of his leg. She kept going, touching and feeling until she found the thickness of Lucas’s cock. She spread her fingers and scaled him as best she could, but there wasn’t enough of her hand to hold him. She pulled at him.

  “Lucas,” she said. “I need you…”

  Lucas kissed the very tip of her breast and looked up at her. “I know. But not yet.”


  “Soon,” he whispered and touched his lips to hers.

  As they kissed, Leah played with Lucas, following his length tip to root. Lucas then pushed at Leah’s body, forcing her against the tile. It was cold but Leah had no time to react. Lucas had his hand between her legs. She felt three forceful fingers touching her, stealing her breath and filling her up with pleasure.

  “Oh…,” she whispered.

  Lucas slid his scruffy face along her cheek and kissed her ear. “This is all for you, baby. I want to feel you come.”

  With that said, Lucas curled his fingers, allowing the tips of his fingers to gently stretch her and penetrate her. As they slid deeper into her body, Leah felt a rush of pleasure hit her. She released her grip on Lucas’s thickness and put both hands to chest. She pressed with her nails, wanting to dig at his beautiful skin. She never felt so sexually alive before, thanks to Lucas.

  As his fingers began to move in and out of her, Leah could only stare at him. She watched the look in his eyes. She looked down at the muscle in his arms as he pleasured her over and over. Using his thumb, Lucas pressed it hard against her sensitive clit, bringing Leah to her toes. Her entire body began to shake and quiver as she tried to cry out. Nothing came out but long breaths and small moans. The pleasure began to collect upon itself, rushing from head to toe.

  Leah caught herself thrusting at Lucas, wanting him faster, harder. She wanted more inside her…

  “Yes, baby,” Lucas whispered and kissed her throat. “Come for me.”

  “It feels so good,” Leah managed to say.

  Lucas’s three fingers hadn’t let up and weren’t going to, not until they got what they wanted. As Leah began to reach the point of climax, she pressed her upper back against the tile and opened her legs wider, thrusting fast at Lucas’s strong fingers. Her hands were still on Lucas’s chest, seeking comfort and release.

  When she finally came, it was nothing short of explosive.

  As she came, Leah had to close her eyes. All she
could envision was the sight of Lucas nude with blood on his chest. She saw him running through the woods. She saw him launching himself into the air. She saw him suddenly becoming the monstrous beast that had saved her life from Richie. She saw it all. It all made sense.

  But was it all true?

  Leah’s body continued to gush, even as Lucas’s fingers gently slowed. He slid his fingers from her sex and massaged in small circles around her hole, his thumbs still touching her clitoris. Leah had her toes curled so tight, they hurt. When she opened her eyes, she let out a long groan of relief and then looked at her hands. Her fingers were curled and shaking. She took her hands away and let out a cry.

  “What’s wrong?” Lucas asked.

  “I’ve… cut you.”

  Leah’s orgasmic strength was enough to put a marks on his chest, two of which had drawn blood.

  “It’s no problem,” Lucas said. “I’ve encountered worse.”

  Leah began to laugh. It felt really good to laugh. The water still pounded against their bodies. Leah could only look at Lucas. There was plenty to say but she feared ruining the moment.

  “I have to shower and go,” Lucas said. “Business.”

  “About today?” Leah asked.

  “You tell me.”

  Lucas smiled and backed away from Leah. She took a few seconds to admire his chiseled body before stepping from the shower. When the cool air hit her body, she shivered and regretted leaving the shower.

  Would it be so wrong to want to spend the rest of the day in the shower with Lucas? Or maybe the rest of her life?


  Vince kept a small crew on the travel up the mountain. He didn’t need the thundering sound at that moment, just Cooper, Ian,and Zayne. They rode with Vince in front, Cooper and Ian behind, and Zayne riding last with a shotgun stuck to the front of his motorcycle. Vince had given a simple command… anything comes from the woods, blast its fucking head off.

  Vince knew Zayne would much prefer to shift into a wolf and handle business that way, and not that Vince could argue that, but it was much easier and perhaps even safer to just have a shotgun handy. Especially with the custom made shotgun shells that had enough power and pellets to tear through the fur and flesh of a shifter. It was one of the little things that made Vince proud of Full Moon Mercy.

  The small crew rounded the bend and Cooper caught up to Vince, breaking from the pack. He pointed ahead, signaling the spot where everything had occurred with the two bodies. Vince gave a nod and steered the pack to the side of the road. They climbed from their motorcycles and Vince stood with his arms at his hips, sniffing the air.

  “I can smell it,” Vince said. “The whole damn thing. I can smell it.”

  “Reckingdune did it,” Cooper said.

  “That’s what Lucas seems to think.”

  “His instincts are usually right.”

  Vince glared at Cooper, nodding. “Yeah, they are.”

  “The car was parked right here,” Ian said. He pointed to tire tracks on the side of the road. “Then just a few feet there, in that small clearing, that’s where it all was.”

  “I can smell the blood,” Vince said. “I can smell the fire, the ash, everything.”

  “I hope that sends the message,” Zayne added.

  “Doubt it,” Vince said. “But it’ll show we won’t take shit from anyone on our land.”

  Vince turned and put his head back. Something caught his nose. Something fresh… something familiar.

  “What’s wrong?” Cooper asked.

  Without answering, Vince got back on his motorcycle and started it. He gave the other guys no time to get on their motorcycles. His senses were raging, his nose focused, his eyes intent on finding the source of this new smell. It was dangerous to travel alone, even as a pack leader like Vince. There were boundaries, but they had been crossed so many times, it wouldn’t be the greatest shock in the world for another crew to try and take down a pack leader. Especially that of Full Moon Mercy. They were the strongest crew. They had the most firepower. They had the town of Mercy.

  Vince went around another bend and he picked up on the rumbling of the crew behind him. He knew Cooper, Ian, and Zayne would be quick to catch up. When he pulled to the side of the road, opposite to the woods, he killed his engine and looked down to the dirt.

  There was a set of tracks.

  Fresh tracks.

  Motorcycle tracks.

  “Fuck,” he muttered as he stepped from his motorcycle.

  The other three guys caught up and got off their motorcycles, Zayne with shotgun in hand, looking around for a sign.

  “What’s wrong?” Cooper asked.

  “Use your goddamn nose,” Vince said. “Lucas was here. His tracks are on the dirt and something happened in those woods. Fresh, too.”

  Cooper inhaled. “Shit. I smell it.”

  “I smell blood,” Ian said.

  “Lucas’s blood,” Zayne added.

  He pumped the shotgun and took the lead, shotgun up, eyes focused. Vince followed behind Zayne, much more relaxed because he knew the men around him would takes bullets and bites to ensure his safety. He had earned that respect from the crew and if he hadn’t, he would have demanded it.

  Not too far into the woods, Zayne stopped and tapped his right foot on the ground. There was blood on the ground. Quite a bit of blood. Vince shook his head as he stared at it.

  “Son of a bitch came back up here,” Vince said. “Alone. Something happened.”

  “Is he dead?” Ian asked.

  Vince shot a look to Ian. “He’s not dead. Trust me, I’d know.”

  “Then what is this?” Ian asked.

  “Lucas couldn’t let it go either,” Cooper said.

  “Or maybe it has to do with his little friend he picked up last night,” Vince added.

  “Why’s that?” Zayne asked.

  “We don’t normally take in witnesses, do we?” Vince asked. He didn’t allow anyone to answer. “Maybe whoever was running around these mountains was looking for more blood and picked up a scent. Hard to break those urges, especially when you’re filth living up in these mountains.”

  “Shit,” Cooper said as he looked at the ground. “That’s a lot of blood.”

  “It’s barely any of Lucas’s,” Vince said. “Which means…”

  “I don’t want to hear it,” Zayne said. “If he killed…”

  Vince’s cell phone began to ring. The sound echoed through the woods. Zayne lifted the shotgun and kept a close eye on the woods. It didn’t seem likely there would be an attack right now, but with so much blood spilling, anything seemed possible.

  Vince didn’t seem too worried as he took the call.

  “There’s my baby,” he said, speaking to wife, Mandy.

  She was one of the few women directly involved with the club. She was given leather and guns, but she chose to leave the leather in the closet and the guns in her purse. She had claws… beautiful claws… both in human and animal form. The human ones were expensive to maintain but still attracted quite a bit of blood.

  Vince stepped back a few steps and that was it. Anything he needed to say could be said in the open. If not, Mandy would take the hint and wait until they were alone to speak. As Vince listened to his wife, he felt his anger level growing by the second.

  “What is she doing there?” Vince bellowed.

  This caught the attention of the rest of the crew. Zayne turned his head to look at Vince, even with the shotgun pointed to the woods.

  “Goddammit,” Vince said. “Get her the fuck out of the club right now. Tell her to go to a damn doctor, Mandy.”

  Vince pointed to the guys and motioned to the road. It was time to load up and ride back into Mercy.

  “Then take her,” Vince said. “Okay, baby? Can you do that for us?”

  Vince ended the call and kicked at the ground.

  “Fuck,” he said.

  “What’s wrong?” Cooper asked.

  “She’s there, right now.

  “Who’s there?”

  “Lucas’s little fuck friend,” Vince said. “The one that called you. She’s demanding to see Lucas. She thinks she’s pregnant with his baby…”

  Cooper hung his head.

  Ian asked the obvious question lingering but nobody answered it.

  “Can Lucas even conceive a human baby?”


  Debbie met Mandy three different times. Two were in the back of the strip club where she conveniently had her hands deep within the business (more than Debbie cared or would ever ask about because it wasn’t her business to know) and the third time was out on the floor of the strip club, during a dance, when Mandy called Debbie over to her with long red nails and deep brown eyes. For a flash of a second, Debbie thought she was going to fall in love with Mandy, but that was irrational. Anything woman to woman related with Debbie was just for show and cash. That’s exactly what she gave that night with Mandy and received in return. Mandy kept Debbie close, and it almost felt like Mandy was performing and Debbie was the one enjoying. At the end of the long dance, Mandy slipped Debbie three crisp one hundred dollar bills and kissed her right on the lips and strutted away.

  There wasn’t much Debbie knew about Mandy, but she knew the most important pieces of information. Mandy was tall, thin, and beautiful. Her face was almost catlike, seductive without trying. She was married to a man named Vincent, who ran the Full Moon Mercy nightclub, and according to everyone in town, he led the motorcycle club in town. More so, Mandy and Vince were involved with Lucas, and that was Debbie’s ticket to finding Lucas and finding out the truth about him. She couldn’t get it out of her mind, thinking about Lucas and that night they were together, not to mention the pain in her stomach. When she woke that morning and rolled to her back and looked at her stomach, it wasn’t bloated. It was nice and flat, the way Debbie kept it. The rules to her job were pretty simple - a flat stomach and a thick top.


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