Seeking Sanctuary (Walkers)

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Seeking Sanctuary (Walkers) Page 11

by Davis-Lindsey, Zelda

  Chapter 12

  “Ow! Dammit, that hurts!”

  “Oh, for Pete's' sake, how old are you? Four?”

  I turned the corner in time to see Joe checking out Kens many injuries. Ken was always a baby when it came to not feeling good. His dislocated shoulder was healing nicely although he was complaining about the therapy. His broken arm was doing okay also but not good enough for him to be fighting walkers. As his cousin, I've had more than enough of Ken's whining over the years and becoming an adult hasn't seemed to improve him.

  “Tell him I'm fine, JD.” he said, as soon as he caught sight of me.

  I looked around but didn't see Jill so I had to take care of it myself this time.

  “Where's Jill?” I asked.

  “Won't do any good. She escaped a few minutes ago, to bathe Tony. I'm almost done here anyway, so, if you can't shut him up, escape with the rest of them.” Joe said, as he put a band-aid over an old cut on Kens forehead. Ken tried to back away from the band-aid but Joe finally just smacked it on his forehead. Before Ken could say anything else, I did an about face and headed for the living area. The wonderful smell of coffee hit me in the hallway so I followed the smell like a hound dog to the kitchen area.

  It was empty except for Sarah and Jill. I peeked out the window and didn't see anyone there either.

  “Where's everyone?” I asked.

  “Mason, Clint, Flynn and Randy went over to the fort to check it out.” Lacy said as she came in from the front porch. “They couldn't wait to see if it would be okay for our new home. I told them to wait for you cause you always have to be involved in everything they do, but they left anyway.” I sensed from those few sentences that Lacy was a bit put out that I went with the guys all the time. As I stirred my coffee, I thought about all the times I'd gone with the men into horrible situations, sometimes getting hurt in the process. I watched the women as they made breakfast for the kids and thought maybe I should spend more time with them and less with the men. Then I thought, I wasn't made that way. I'd always gone into trouble headfirst because I thought I had no choice. No wait, I'd always done it because I thought I could do a better job, that I would go nuts not knowing what was happening. I had to admit it, I just plain enjoyed the excitement of discovery.

  “Well, then, I'll just take my coffee outside and enjoy the sunshine. Call if you need any help.” I'd have stayed and helped out with things but the quarters were so tight, Lacy and Sarah was bumping into each other so I took myself to the porch and found a chair very similar to the one I had at the lodge, plunked my butt into it, set my coffee on the floor nearby and proceeded to piggy-back Mason.

  This is a process where I jump into Mason's head and look out of his eyes. I've done it a few times and he always knows when I'm there. It gets easier each time but the point where I'm here and then there, is disorienting and if I wasn't sitting down when it occurred, I was liable to fall.

  I closed my eyes, thought of Mason and immediately saw the forts two front gates, one ajar. We looked at Flynn as he quickly peeked around the open door to look inside. Shaking his head, he looked a second time, taking his time and even stepping in the doorway to look to his left and right. Putting out his hand, we handed him the binoculars and waited some more as he examined as much of the place as he could. When he finally turned and leaned against the other door, he wiped the binocular lens before he handed them back.

  “I didn't see anything but that doesn't mean anything. This place is huge. There's a line of cabins build against the farthest wall we'll have to clear and a few against this wall but I don't see why we couldn't make this a neat place.” Flynn said.

  Just then Randy joined the group. Mason turned to look at him and the motion was quick enough that it made me dizzy. Our sight is out of synch when I piggyback so when he turns his head quickly I have trouble focusing and the result was nauseating.

  You okay, kiddo? Mason asked.

  Yeah, just move your head slower and I'm be fine. We'll discuss you leaving me behind when you get back.

  Now, JD, there isn't any reason to be upset. I thought I'd let you sleep, cause you were really tired. Once we clear this place, and see it's secured, I'll come back and get you. Just don't drink all the coffee.

  I'll be ready. I watched as Randy explained all was quiet and we'd have to go into each building to make it secure. I knew that already. It seemed everywhere we went we had to check out every nook and cranny. Walkers could be found everywhere from inside showers, closets and under beds. We've even found one inside the trunk of a car. If it was big enough for a walker, you stood a very good chance of finding one there. We went in the gate, closing it loosely behind us. If we needed to get out quick, we would hit that door hard and we wouldn't want it to slow us down. Clint and Randy went right to the door marked Gift Shop while 'we' turned left towards the first building near the gate, marked Office. I watched quietly as they cleared the office, then moved to the managers quarters behind it. A long, dark hallway led to the small apartment which Mason cleared quickly before meeting Flynn at the restrooms. A walker scared the crap out of everyone when it fell out of the door like it'd been leaning against it. Astonishment made the guys over zealous and the walker was beheaded before it hit the ground.

  Overkill. I whispered.

  I heard that, and it's the walkers fault. Shouldn't jump out at people like that.

  I laughed, while they grabbed the walkers arms and pulled it outside, bumping it over the plank sidewalk and dumping it in the side yard. Flynn was nice enough to gather up the head so I didn't have to see Mason do it. Flynn knew about the piggybacking we did but I don't think he had a good grasp on the idea. Talking to us made him feel 'gross' as he put it. I picked that bit of information from his brain once, and I didn't have a problem with it. Sometimes it felt gross to me too.

  I finally got a good look at the area when Mason slowly scanned it for me. It was huge. You could fit a large, Super Walmart parking lot inside with room left over. I could see the tops of three wind turbines over the top of the log walls surrounding the fort, but they were still. I figured Duke would get them moving in no time. When Mason turned to walk back inside, I was drawn out of his head when Lacy tapped my on the shoulder.

  Shaking my head to clear it, I looked up at Lacy.

  “Sorry to interrupt your piggybacking, but I think you need to see this.”

  Frowning, I followed her inside and down the hallway to one of the rooms. Melody was standing there frowning at something inside, but turned and put her finger to her lips telling me to be quiet. I approached the doorway and at the sound of Sally talking, I peeked around the doorjamb.

  She was talking to an empty corner of the room. “I know your lonely but I don't think you should hide in here. We are nice and they would like you.” The she nodded some more, leaned forward and whispered to no one, then giggled.

  Okay, so now what? I believed in ghosts. Always have but I've never really seen one. I remember a few times going to bathroom in the dark and stepping around something in the hall I couldn't see. I'd think about it later and attribute it to a ghost but I hadn't really seen it. Just felt it. Evidently, Sally not only saw it but was talking to it and getting responses. I had no idea what to do about it.

  I was saved from having to react when she turned and saw us. When she turned back to her new friend evidently she was alone. Sighing big, Sally smiled at us and shrugged.

  “Honey, how long have you been able to see ghosts?” Melody asked. Okay, that works.

  “I didn't see any before I got hurt. Am I in trouble?”

  “Oh, no sweetie you would never be in trouble for that. Do you see any others?” I asked.

  “There's a lot of them here but they don't bother anyone. Susan just wanted to know what was going on and why there were so many people here when there was just Hazel before. I told her we couldn't stay cause it wasn't safe and she's sad but said we should go then. I like her, she's nice. Can I go now?” Such innocence at such a y
oung age.

  “Sure sweetie, I think Clarissa was looking for you a few minutes ago.” Melody said then we watched the little girl run down the hall.

  “Well, I don't know what to say.” I said.

  “Me either. I'm still dumbfounded. What can we do?” Lacy asked.

  “We can't do a damned thing except love her. This is her thing just like telepathy is our thing. We support her and accept her special power. We have no choice.” I glanced back into the room but still didn't see anything so I went back to the porch.

  How's it going, or mighty hunter?

  We're getting a nice pile of bodies here but it's been easy. We're almost done and should be back in about an hour. Looking forward to something to eat. We've worked up a powerful hunger, woman.

  Watch it there, oh Mighty Hunter or you'll be eating canned peas.

  I just love a good can of peas. He laughed, then sent me a mental picture of the fort. I took my cup inside and washed it just noticing that Hazel was absent.

  Finding Sarah, I asked about the little woman's location and she said in the chicken coop. So I wandered outside, skirted the nasty swimming pool, past the bath house and found the chicken coop on the other side. Hazel was clucking to her feathered friends while she spread some hay on the floor under the nests.

  “Hey, how's it going?” I asked, smoothing the hay on the floor nearest me.

  “Oh, Hello, JD. I was just thanking the chickens for the eggs I got this morning. They like a clean house so I thought it was the least I could do.” Shooing the chickens away from the door, she latched it. “Did you rest well last night?”

  “Yes, I did. A real room with a real bed is heaven. I'd gotten used to the bunk in the truck and hadn't realized it was uncomfortable until I slept in a real bed. We thank you for the hospitality, Hazel. You would be surprised at the hostile world we live in now.”

  “Which is why I'll stay here. I love it here, it's my home so I have no plans to leave.”

  “Even if we move to the fort?”

  “Yes, I would miss you all, but you won't be far away and another group is headed here as we speak so I won't really be alone.” I started to help her up the steps into the main house but she moved away from me and used the rail. I smiled as I followed her inside.

  Since we'd cleared the building last night, we moved the kitchenette to the original kitchen and dining room. It was finally ready for use and I was pleased to see the kids eating oatmeal and toast, while a huge coffee urn was brewing some of the best smelling coffee I'd ever smelled. I was drawn to it like a magnet.

  When Mason returned he found me on the porch, in the rocker sipping my Colombian, dark roast coffee in the biggest mug I could find. I was in heaven. The big smile on my face told him so evidently because he didn't seem too concerned about me being mad at him. Actually, I wasn't really mad at him anyway, since I'd figured out the reason behind safety. I could go with that, this time.

  He grabbed my coffee, took a drink making his eyebrows climb. I smiled back and wiggled my eyebrows.

  “Now this stuff could grow on you.”

  “You're just a pushover,” I said, just happy to have him near.

  “After we eat, we'll go back over and check things out. I want Duke to check the wind turbines and see how much trouble it would be too put up security. I found a home for us but I need you to see it before we decide. I think it'll work for us. The walls are sturdy, there's a spring and corrals so we wouldn't have to do to much to make it ours.”

  “I think we should bring Ken with us. He is crying about being left behind and he is able enough. Joe says he just needs to watch his arm but otherwise he should do okay.”

  “That works for me. He's good, pays attention and takes orders, so I look forward to having him with us again. We need to start looking for a plane for him soon. I'm concerned that the fuel is going to run out. I don't mean the fuel will be hard to find but it's getting old and old fuel does more damage to an engine than you could believe. I think we need to start looking for horses or put Duke to figuring out some kind of alternative energy source.”

  “Maybe we could get one of those electric cars. I know we would be able to haul much in them but if we run the idea past Howard maybe he could come up with something.”

  “Sounds like a plan to me. We should talk to Joe, he would be a good asset. With his military training he shouldn't have much trouble blending in. You should think about taking him with you one of these days. I'd imagine he's about ready to do something other than listen to us whine.”

  Just then Joe came out. “What do you need, JD?”

  Confused, I looked from him to Mason. “I didn't call you. Must've been someone else.”

  “No. It was you, I recognized your voice.”

  “We were talking about you, Joe, but we'd didn't talk very loud and we didn't call out to you.” I looked at Mason and while doing so, shouted in my mind, Joe! When he jumped I had my answer.

  “How long have you been telepathic, Joe?“ Both men jerked around to face me. “You heard me just then didn't you?”

  “JD, I swear I've never been telepathic, but I did hear you just then. Can you hear me?” He screwed up his face and closed his eyes. I would've laughed but that could have hurt his feelings. When he finished, I did smile.

  “Nope, nothing but you're definitely a receiver. We might be able to work on you so you can do both. I don't know why you're able to receive when you weren't able to before but with the UFO's visiting and now Sally's talking to ghosts...”

  “What? When did that happen?”

  “This morning. I saw it myself. I wouldn't worry about it, though. We can't do much about it and she seems okay with it so don't say anything for now.”

  “Okay, so why were you all talking about me earlier.”

  “JD suggested we take you along on some of our little side trips. You seem to do nothing but medical stuff and we both think you might enjoy something different.”

  “I'd love a chance to roam around a bit. Before I joined the guard, I used to go hunting and fishing all the time. Nothing like being in the great outdoors. I had a thing for rock collecting too. Panning for gold, hunting gems that kind of thing. My ex wife went along most of the time and we'd have competitions on who could find the most valuable gems. I was teaching myself how to facet them when the world went to hell so I'd like to get back to that again too.”

  Wow. I don't think I've ever heard so many words strung together from Joe before. He told us all about his childhood in Kentucky and his family. Meeting his wife at a church picnic and getting married in a chapel in Las Vegas. His family was all gone now, no siblings or aunts or uncles. I almost felt bad because I had Lacy, Ken and George but then I couldn't imagine life without them. We were his family now. We knew he was very close to Sandy, his assistant but they were quiet about it. You'd notice a touch or look every once in a while, but otherwise they didn't advertise it.

  Just then Mikey announced lunch, so we all trooped inside the dining hall. I went back to the coffee pot, while the kids got Koolaid. It was a noisy bunch at the table that day and I almost felt like I was home. Almost. I knew we would probably make the fort our new residence so I was trying very hard not to get too attached to this place.

  A movement caught my eye and I noticed a shadowy figure standing in the corner of the room. I wouldn't have cared too much if I hadn't been able to see through him to the painting on the wall behind him. Well hell. That's just what I needed to make my morning complete.

  Chapter 13

  The ghost looked like an old man, with bib overalls and ball cap. He had a small beard and he was looking straight at me with black, hollow eyes. I jerked my head away and looked down at my plate so fast my neck popped. Then with every fiber of my being I resisted the urge to look back at that corner. Mason bent towards me and whispered, “You okay?” I couldn't speak but not because I was too scared too, I just didn't want anyone else to hear. I see a ghost standing in the corner o
f the room to your right. It's an old man and he is looking at me. “Don't look!” I yelled, when he turned that direction. I squeezed my eyes shut at the outburst, knowing when I opened them I would see everyone looking at me. Yep, well, hell. I kinda smiled at them, shrugged my shoulders and proceeded to doctor my coffee. I don't see anything, Mason said as he doctored his coffee. I don't dispute the fact that you saw something, though. I just wonder why all of a sudden you and Sally are seeing ghosts.

  “Look, there he is!” yelled Sally, pointing at my corner and scaring the crap out of me. Some people stood and others just stared open-mouthed at the corner in question. Except for me and Mason and we didn't need to stare at the corner to know what was there. “See I told you I could see ghosts.” Then she smiled and waved at him, sat back down and proceeded to eat her lunch.

  You saw him too, didn't you sis? Lacy, asked.

  Yeah and before you ask I have no idea why. I'm processing it now so after I give it some more thought I'll let you know what I come up with. I smiled at her then proceeded to eat my lunch. We had a fort to inspect and I was looking forward to it. I was ready to settle down in one forever spot. I was sure everyone else was too.

  Lunch was an unsettled affair. Everyone was concerned about the corner of the room and although I peeked once in that direction, it was just an empty corner again. I'd felt ghosts before but I'd never seen an apparition. He wasn't menacing or gross looking although after seeing a lot of gross walkers I wouldn't have been too surprised. He appeared to me and Sally as just a man and I'm so appreciative that I can't begin to express it. I'll talk to Sally when we get back from the fort.

  I was standing on the steps, waiting for everyone to decide who was going to the fort when Baby came stampeding towards me. I could actually feel the ground vibrate as he ran at me. I backed up the steps and around the corner by the time he hit the bottom step and braced myself in case he wanted to jump up on me. He slid to a stop but not before colliding with the door leaving gobs of slobber on the glass. While he was shaking some sense back into himself, Mason opened the door and barely got out of the way as the dog threw himself into the room, stepping on Masons foot in the process. He yelped, Mason not the dog, and jumped around on one foot while Baby disappeared into the main hall. I heard a loud crash and thundering steps as he made his way to the kitchen. Duke stepped out and stared at us as I laughed and Mason sat on the top step, rubbing his aching foot.


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