Seeking Sanctuary (Walkers)

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Seeking Sanctuary (Walkers) Page 17

by Davis-Lindsey, Zelda

  Our Fourth of July festivities began with a bang. Literally. I found out later it was the UFO breaking the sound barrier but it still scared the shit out of everyone. We'd gone to Hazels to pick everyone up. They had the horses and wagons hooked up ready to go but the adults wanted to ride in the trucks so the kids rode in the wagons. I didn't know what the fascination was really, so I can't explain it. We were just leaving the ranch when the UFO appeared, sat down gently in front of us and hummed. I started looking for the kangaroo since I'd been conditioned to expect an animal with their appearance but didn't see anything, yet.

  Hazel opened the truck door and got out. “I guess they want me to come with them. Said it was time.” She started to turn towards the disc but then turned back. Everyone was getting out of the trucks and coming up front.

  “Why? Hazel, are you sure you want to do this? You don't know these, um, people, things. Whatever.”

  “Honey,” she said and giving me a hug. “I've broken bread with them, although they didn't eat anything. We've laughed and they've held me when I cried. I've known them a lot longer than I've known any of you, so yes, I'm sure I want to do this. I've been waiting for them to take me with them to the stars, away from all this.” She waved her hand to include the whole ranch. “They'll be back to watch over you and soon you'll meet them too but not now. I have to go. Thank you for all your help and concern. I won't forget any of you.”

  She knelt down to Duke's level and gave him a big hug. Then she whispered something in his ear and he nodded, tears bright in his eyes. He threw her a kiss then turned and walked back to the his four wheeler. I stood there with my mouth hanging open while she said goodbye to everyone. My throat began to close and I knew I was going to cry. While she hugged Mason he had a hold of my hand to keep me grounded. When she turned back to me, I tried to say something but nothing would come out. She smiled at me and placed her hand on my cheek.

  “You are a special person, JD. You have a tough job but you've done great. No one could ask for more from you but they will because they know you're there for them. Take some time for you. You and Mason. Be strong and remember somewhere, someone is thinking of you with love and thanks.” She kissed my forehead, smiled again and headed slowly for the UFO. A door appeared in the side and a long ramp slowly extended to the ground. She started up and about midways, turned and waved at us, then stopped again at the top to wave some more. I had my hand up but that was all I could manage. The ramp started to slowly retract when it stopped and I heard a shrill whistle. Baby came galloping past us and up the ramp and into the UFO, then the door closed. In a few heartbeats, the thing lifted up and disappeared in the clouds.

  I was a mess. Mason held me as I cried my heart out, gently rubbing my back and talking nonsense into my hair. When I was finally able to get my mind and heart back under control, we got back into our outfits and headed back to the fort. I could hear Lacy and George in my mind weeping, Ken was at the fort and I could feel his sadness. He was still coming into his abilities and conveying feelings weren't one of his specialties, but I somehow knew how he felt.

  When we arrived at the fort, the smell of deer grilling outside didn't give me the same feeling as it would've if Hazel had been with us. She loved that grill. I was so not in a mood to be merry. From what I could tell from the others, no one was in a happy mood. It was if she had died on us and with that thought, the tears welled up again. Mason took my hand as he drove through the gates and I brought it up to my chest and held on. I was so tired of loosing people.

  The trucks and four wheelers parked in their designated places and the adults took their time getting out. The kids however, ran around like crazies. We stood watching them, sniffles being heard over the screams and screeching. God, what a miserable bunch. I turned and looked at everyone. “We can mourn the loss of Hazel and make this day and the future miserable for ourselves and others or we can celebrate her and her life and make this a day to remember our freedom and what it cost to get it. I am going to celebrate her life, if you don't mind, cause I think if she knew what a pathetic bunch of crybabies we were right now she'd kick our ass.” I turned and walked up to Howard who was standing at the grill messing with the steaks.

  “You always have my vote, little girl. Now, lets get the grub on the tables.” I gave him a quick hug and helped Sarah get the grub on. Before I knew it everyone was pitching in and our mood lightened. There were stories going around about Hazel. The others had only known her a few days but I guess she was busy making memories for them as she did for us. I reckon several of us would remember either being clobbered with something or someone who'd been clobbered for cussing. They were nice memories and would get better with the telling.

  A rattling noise caught my attention and I saw Duke pulling a large wooden wagon toward the mess hall. He used it often to carry almost everything since most flat screen TV's were bigger than he was. He hardly ever asked for help as he didn't think of himself as a little person. Just a person that had more trouble than most. He wrestled the door open then pulled his wagon inside and let the door slam. Sarah raised her eyebrows at me and cocked her head his direction.

  Dammit! Why does it always have to be me.

  Because you're one of his favorites and he listens to you. Need any help? Mason thought at me.


  No. I'll talk to him. Thanks anyway, he-man. I finally found him across the parade ground talking to Randy on the cat walk. He tipped his hat at me and grinned.

  I found Duke at the 'wall of security' as he liked to call it. If we set up the security cameras in the mess hall he doesn't have to stay in the Dukemobile all the time. He just transferred the video feed back and forth as he needed it. Then he can spend time with his family and friends. Someone had found him a small recliner and had placed it in the corner next to the picture window. A small table sat next to it with a whole bunch of remotes. He was wrestling with the flat screen box trying to get the TV out. If you've ever tried that you know those things are in there tight. I grabbed the box so he could get a better hold on the contents. He hesitated a moment then continued to fight the package.

  “I can do this by myself you know?” He said, grunting with the effort. I let go of the box and turned to leave.

  “Okay, then I'll just leave you to it. Call if you need help.”

  “No, wait, JD. I didn't mean that. I'm just...”

  I grabbed the box again. “Yeah, I know. I am too.” He looked at me with the saddest eyes. I tried to smile at him and was worried that I might scare him away with the effort. He looked back down at the box, took a deep breath and resumed fighting it. By the time he got the TV out we were on the floor fighting back giggles. Have you ever wrestled a mattress? A big mattress like a full or bigger? I would get so tickled that I would wet myself and I have no idea why. That was where we were when Mason and Sarah came in the door. We stopped long enough to see who it was and at the look on their faces we dissolved into giggles again. It was the stress of the day that had done it and the damned flat screen but it didn't matter at the moment. We'd be okay and that's all that mattered.

  Duke ended up leaving the TV on the counter and joining the rest of us. Someone set up a horseshoe game and the guys were showing the rest of us how manly they were. We took a vote and decided that although the Fourth of July would always be remembered as our day to celebrate our independence we decided to refer to it from now on as Hazel's Day.

  Everyone decided to spend the night and we managed to find enough bedding. Some of the braver ones elected to string up hammocks in the trees. We watched the stars till after midnight then we said good night. It was a little cool but in Montana the temperature drops with the sun. It could be 95 during the day and by morning it would be 50. You just got used to it. I enjoyed the open window and the cool air made me cuddle Mason that much closer. I stared at the sky through our big picture window, watching clouds drift over the moon. I picked one star and thought, It was a pleasure meeting you Hazel. Maybe we'
ll see each other again one day. Thank you.

  Chapter 19

  “Stupid, damned thing anyway.” Grunting and more cussing followed so I followed the sounds. I stopped at the corner and peeked around it. A big mound of black balloon material undulated with the movements of Andy and Kevin as they tried to figure out how to fold the thing. We were going to use it for a tarp since we'd decided to retire Darth Vader. We were afraid if he was seen in the air, people would shoot him down, since Mickey the Muttonhead was hated by one and all.

  Some of the guys were hunting and firewood gathering. I figured summer was nearly over after Hazels day. Snow could be flying as early as September so we needed to get hunkered down soon. The people at Hazels House were doing the same thing so everyone was busy little bees. Right now though, I was dawdling around watching the boys try to fold the balloon. They'd come out over an hour ago to fold it and put it in the gift shop. Didn't look like they were doing very well, but I knew better than interfere, because they would just be embarrassed, then they'd be mad about it. I quietly walked back to the door and hollered as I entered.

  “Hey, Andy you in here?” There was more muffled cussing then whispering before he yelled back. “Yeah, give me a sec.”

  He walked out like he'd been on a stroll with that little swagger teenagers perfected.

  “What ya need, JD. Me and Kevin are busy.” I smiled.

  “Mason wanted to know if you might want to go hunting this afternoon. Kevin can go too if he wants but I was kinda counting on him to give me a hand with the armoire.”

  “The what?”

  “The armoire. It a portable closet. I don't need it in my room but Sarah thought she could use it at her place. So I thought I'd ask Kevin to give me a hand, since it's so big and bulky.”

  “Sure, JD, I don't mind. We're just about done here, aren't we Andy?” Kevin asked, giving him a pointed look. I looked out the window trying very hard to keep a straight face.

  “Oh, sure,” Andy said, hitching up his pants. When the fad of droopy pants dragged into a 20 year fad, we all decided that if the guys can't wear their britches the way they're supposed to, then they wouldn't wear any. Andy hitching up his pants was more of a habit than his pants actually being droopy. He'd been one of the droopy pants boys. “We've just about got this balloon licked. Tell Mason I'll be ready after lunch.”

  “You got it. Thanks Kevin for helping me out.” They both returned to wrestling the balloon while I returned to the mess hall. We'd decided not to use the hot air balloon tethered to the corner of the schoolhouse. Duke came up with the bright idea of using a weather balloon instead. He had a reel of cable attached to the school house so it will go up pretty far. We would mount a couple of cameras on it so we could look for places that had electricity and putting up a weather balloon at night would let us find any place that had lights on.

  It was so nice out that I decided to sit on the bench and watch the kids play. Nevada was feeding the chickens we'd gotten from Hazels, while Randy and Ken patrolled the catwalk. We almost had enough security put in that they wouldn't have to do that much longer and then I just may sit up there and admire the view. I was distracted by Sally needing her shoe laces tied and then I heard Lacy calling for me. I found her in George and Riley's apartment. George was lying down with a wet rag over her eyes.

  “What's wrong?” I said, as I sat on her bed.

  “I've been sick every morning for the past week, that's what's wrong.” There was a roaring in my head and I just sat and digested this new information.

  “She's been sickly for at least two weeks.” Lacy said, grinning. “Isn't it wonderful?”

  “I guess it is, isn't it George?” I asked.

  “If it's true, yes. I just don't know. Maybe I should talk to Joe.” At the mention of his name, Lacy and I broke up.

  “He's gonna shit.” Lacy said, laughing.

  “Yep. He is just gonna love this.” George peeked out from under her rag.

  “What? Why?” she asked.

  “Honey, Joe is just a medic and when he joined the military he hadn't planned on delivering babies.”

  “Yeah.” Lacy said, sitting on the bed.

  “So when he had to delivered Davy we thought he'd have a nervous breakdown. It was so comical, you'd thought he was the father.”

  “Then when Jill showed up and delivered, he was better but still I thought he'd pass out a few times during the process. Now you. He's gonna shit.”

  “You've already said that. Do you think we should get him in here?”

  “Yeah, before you say anything to Riley. He's liable to be nuts over it.”

  “That means saying nothing to anyone then. News like that will spread like wildfire.”

  It was decided that I would be the one to summon Joe. So I calmly went in search of him and Sandy. Mason was installing some shelves in the clinic when I entered so I watched him work. The green tee shirt pulled tight across his shoulders as he stretched to measure the board, then I could see the muscles in his thighs tighten as he bent to measure something else. I heard someone clear their throat and jumped. Joe was standing next to me and was just barely laughing. I blushed then passed him the note, I'd remembered to write before leaving George's room. Just to get him more confused I winked at him, walked to Mason, whispered something obscene in his ear and pranced out. I heard the hammer hit the ground as I walked out, then some cussing. I guess if you're going to injure yourself, doing so in the clinic is the best place.

  I didn't have to wait long at George's bedside. Joe and Sandy appeared about five minutes later. I found out it took that long to put a band-aid on Masons thumb. I was sent out. I don't know why Lacy got to stay and I had to leave. But then, I didn't know the process of the examination Joe had to do to find out if George was pregnant.

  You better find Riley. Don't tell him he is going to be a father. That's Georges part.

  I surveyed the outside before finding him on the catwalk talking to Ken. Good, I needed to talk to Ken about Jill's birthday party we were giving in a few days. Ken spied me and smiled that big, mountain man smile of his. I don't know how long he intended his beard to get but it was growing pretty good.

  “What's up brat?” He asked, giving me a great hug.

  “Not much. I wanted to talk to you about Jills birthday party next week if you have a sec.”

  Riley smiled and turned to leave. “Oh, Riley, George asked if you would come help her move the bed. She's got it stuck catty wampus.”

  He frowned. “Move the bed? What the hell is she up to now? I'm going to put my foot down on all this furniture moving. Every time...” His voice faded as he descended the stairs.

  I smiled at Ken. He frowned. “What are you up too, brat?”

  “Nothing. It's Riley's story to tell. Now about Jills party.” It was about two minutes later that we heard a war hoop from Georges place. Everyone went running. Ken looked at me and frowned then I could see the light bulb go off over his head. “Damn”, he said and down the stairs he went. I just smiled and looked down the valley. I was looking for the UFO. We hadn't seen a sign of it in days. since Hazel was taken from us. She said it would come back so I would keep looking until it does. The nice people at Hazels place, (and I couldn't think of it any other way,) were doing nicely getting things ready for winter. We were all doing nicely right now. I say it that way because things have a tendency to go wrong at the strangest times. I felt Masons presence and turned into his embrace.

  “I ought to spank your butt, making me hit my thumb with the hammer. And since when do you have thoughts of making love on the catwalk?” I laughed because the man just plain made me happy.

  “You can spank my butt any time you want to, he man. I was thinking maybe making love in that lake over there. One day soon we could go fishing and take a swim and...” I was silenced with another one of Masons kisses. The ones with the tongue and the toes curling and things down low getting tight. Yep, one of those kisses. I pulled back far enough to kiss hi
s nose. “Maybe we could slip away to our room and talk about it.”

  “Hey guys, George and Riley are going to have a baby. Ain't that grand?” Yelled Andy, as he started up the stairs to the catwalk. I rested my forehead on Mason chest, feeling him laugh as I muttered, “Damn, Damn, Damn.”

  “Later Brat,” he said, then kissed the top of my head as we both turned to listen to Andy go on and on about babies. I was just about to tell him to give it a rest when he turned and ran down the steps saying, “I have to find Kev.” Mason took my arm and led me to the mess hall for lunch where the only topic of conversation was babies. Looked like we were having a St. Patrick's Day baby. Okay, I can deal with that.

  After lunch the men prepared to go hunting. They'd also planned to inspect the cave we'd found that first hunting trip. We'd already started a emergency trailer so if we had to start over we had what we needed. We needed to see if the cave was inhabitable too. It was a cave near the lodge that had saved our lives back about a million years ago. So we were looking for another. You can never be too prepared. We waved Mason, Andy, Clint and Randy on their way, then Kevin and I proceeded to wrestle that armoire out of my place and into Sarah's. We ended up needing Flynn and Howard's help by the time it was done.

  I was enjoying a quiet few minutes with Lacy and Melody talking about nothing much in particular when all of a sudden my head felt like someone hit me with a sledge hammer. On the heels of that feeling I could hear Mason scream my name. I grabbed my head, started to stand and fell flat on my face. I reached for Mason in my mind but couldn't find him, then my stomach expelled all I had eaten that day. I was on my hands and knees when it happened so that was a good thing.

  “Help me, Lacy. I can't see.” I whispered to Lacy. I reached out blindly for her and Joe picked that moment to grab my arms.

  “Sit still, JD and tell me what's wrong.”


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