Bound in Lingerie

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by Gina Gordon

  “Care, can I stay here tonight?” Amie asked. She picked at the pasta salad in front of her.

  Aleks, Carrie, Amie and the Taylors had been planning non-stop for the last two months to get this party and the wedding in place. Add in yoga sessions, Reiki sessions and her research into Blue Energy Matrix, and Amie was about ready to drop.


  Martina quickly cut Carrie off. “You can sleep with me.” Martina grabbed Amie for a hug. “Rob and I are staying the night, but he can sleep on the couch.” The weird stares and eye rolls going on between Carrie and Martina weren’t subtle. They were up to something.

  “I guess so. You two are acting weird, but I’m going to chalk it up to being tired as hell.”

  “He’s done it before,” Martina said. “I’ll just help clean–”

  “No!” Amie yelped as she struggled out of the strangle hold of her friends. “Get your butt to bed. We’ll clean up, and I’ll be down quickly so Rob doesn’t steal my spot.” Amie picked up some empty platters and headed to the dishwasher.

  “Okay, I’m just going to go then. To the basement. Get some sleep.” Martina inched her way to the door.

  “Good night, sweetie,” Amie said. In her peripheral vision she saw Carrie’s arm waving around. Something was definitely going on.

  “Ames, would you mind going outside and clearing off the tables? There are a ton of plates and cups hanging around.” Carrie shoved a garbage bag at her.

  “All right. I’m going.”

  Sleep. She needed sleep. Amie purposely didn’t schedule any sessions the next morning knowing that she needed a break.

  She slipped through the sliding glass door to the back yard, ignoring the group of men sitting to her right, and counted down the minutes until she could slip off her dress and crawl into bed.

  Chapter 5

  Amie crept into the dark bedroom. “Marty? Are you awake?” Silence. “Marty?” she whispered.

  She found the edge of the comforter and pulled it back, then slipped her dress over her head. Sliding into the bed in her pink cotton bra and thong, Amie sidled up to the body beside her.

  “Martina, you’re burning up. I can feel the heat from your body.” Despite the lick of moisture that accumulated on her skin she cuddled closer. “Let me feel my niece.” Amie slid her hand over the body beside her and rested her palm on the round–

  The body tensed under her touch. She moved her palm up, then down, trying to find the smooth, round belly she had caressed so many times before.

  “Marty? When did you grow chest hair?” She slid her hand further down. The body underneath was hard, her fingers rippled over strong abs then she cupped something even harder. Her breath caught.

  The body tilted back toward her, and the person craned their head around as if believing they could see in the pitch black of the room. “I’m not Martina.”

  Amie reached for the lamp behind her. The chain clicked as she pulled it down, and a flood of light illuminated the small room. She was shocked to be resting beside none other than Milton Campbell, Mr. Uptight himself.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Amie accused, her fists slamming the mattress on either side of her.

  “Will you keep your voice down? Other people are trying to sleep.”

  “Fine,” she whispered. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “Mr. Taylor offered me the bed. What are you doing here?”

  “Martina offered me the other side of the bed. Where’s Martina?”

  “At home with her soon-to-be husband. Where else would she be?”

  Those little bitches! Amie knew they had something up their sleeve but never expected it would be this. “I guess I deserve it.” She slapped her arms against her body in defeat.

  Amie slid under the covers and pulled them up to her neck. It wasn’t embarrassment. This house was always so damn cold.

  “You’re not seriously sleeping in here, are you?” Milton asked as he scooted as far away from her as he could.

  “I’m exhausted. Too tired to drive and besides, we’re adults. We can certainly share a bed without any awkwardness.”

  “I think we deserve a little awkwardness since you ripped me a new one in front of a group of people.” He pulled up the covers. Damn! What did he go and do that for? His chest was sprinkled with dark, beautiful hair. It gathered at his sternum and grew all the way down…

  “Amie?” Milton’s sexy voice broke her concentration.

  “I…” There was no reason why they couldn’t sleep together. He was here first and there was a couch in the other room, but Amie needed a bed, damn it! “Look, you just stay on your side and I’ll stay on mine.” She reached over and pulled the brass chain, plunging the room into darkness once more. Shimmying further down the bed, she settled herself. “Good night.”

  Amie could feel him hovering. He sat up on the bed, resting on one arm. He sat like that for a few minutes before he exhaled a loud breath and settled down beside her.

  They laid in silence, she had no idea how long, but Amie knew he was awake. His staggered breathing was a dead giveaway to not only his state of slumber but to his excitement. She wondered if her hand happened to reach around and brush against his pelvis, would she find the same stiff erection? She remembered the thickness, the hard shaft-like steel in her hand. Amie had lingered over it too long, so long that it bordered on harassment. Heat rose up her body, searching for an escape from underneath the covers. Her nipples pebbled beneath the thin cotton of her bra. Despite being against everything that made him the man he was, she couldn’t help but be attracted. It didn’t help that he was pretty much naked, except for a pair of what felt like boxer briefs.

  “What are you thinking about?” His strong voice sounded from beside her.

  “I…” He couldn’t possibly know what she had been thinking.

  “Your breathing changed. Are you uncomfortable? I’ll go and sleep on the couch.” Milton sat up, but Amie grabbed his arm before he had a chance to swing around and plant his feet on the floor.

  “Stay. I’m not uncomfortable.” She pulled at his arm and he followed, lying down against the soft sheets. “It wouldn’t be the first time two strangers slept in this bed.”

  “What do you mean?” he asked.

  “Let’s just say this bed has gotten quite the work out the last two years. Between Rob and Martina and then Carrie and Aleks. Oh, and Lord knows what Aleks used to do in here before he and Carrie–”

  “Aleks lived here?” Milton sighed. “I’m not surprised.”

  Amie got Milton’s message. If he knew that much about Aleks and his unhappy household then they must have been good friends. That made her feel even worse for snapping at him.

  “Look, I owe you an apology.” Saying that word–apology–didn’t make her shrivel up and die like she’d always imagined it would.

  “You don’t have to do that. You’re not the first person to think I’m the devil.” He shifted in his spot, rustling the covers. Cool air penetrated from the quick opening, giving her goose bumps.

  “I don’t… You’re not the devil, you just happened to reflect the very thing that had upset me just this morning. I took it out on you, and I’m sorry.”

  “What happened? Do you want to–”

  “No need to get into it, just take my apology and enjoy it. It doesn’t happen often.”

  He chuckled. “You’re a very bold woman.”

  “Why? Because I tried to put you in your place, or because I fondled you?”

  He laughed again. A bigger laugh this time. “I guess both. Most girls would have jumped out of this bed screaming when they realized a strange man was in it, let alone a strange man that they hated who sported a hard-on the size of–”

  “I don’t hate you.” That might be the first time ever that Amie regretted opening her big mouth. She had no idea why. “Actually, I like you much more now that I know I could lie beside you all night and you would be uncomfortably horny.”

  “I could always jerk off when you fell asleep. That would take care of that.” He rustled the covers beside her, then she heard his arm flop down on the bed.

  “You wouldn’t.” She would bet money on it. He just wasn’t that guy.

  “How do you know?” he asked.

  “I just know.” His whole presence screamed proper breeding. He just didn’t seem like the type to make the first move without a pre-nuptial agreement in place.

  “Confident and psychic.” His head shook against the pillow. “Not a pretty combination.”

  “Why wouldn’t I be confident?” Amie looked over at him. She could hardly make out his shape in the darkness. The small window forbid the soft moonlight from penetrating. “Crawling into bed with you obviously got you a little excited.”

  “Don’t flatter yourself. It’s a normal reaction–for any man–to get excited when a naked woman crawls into their bed. Besides, you’re not my type.”

  Amie sat up and reached for the light. He knew just what to say to push her buttons, and if they were going to face off again, she wanted to be able to see the look of defeat on his face.

  She pulled on the chain and sat up against the headboard. “Beautiful blondes are every man’s type.”

  He eyed her, a seductive once-over that had her insides quivering. But that’s not what she wanted. Was it?

  “Make no mistake, you are beautiful and it would be a huge turn on to have you on my arm, turning heads, feeling for a split second the jealousy that surges from other men. But you’re a little too brazen for my liking.” His tone changed when he spoke his last words. A smug lilt, as if fluffing off her behavior as immature.

  She could play that game. “Not surprised.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  She loved his offended look. It was an expression of surprise, then his eyes quickly narrowed to match the sneer that curled on his lips. Even with a scrunched up face, she still wanted to know what it would look like to see that face between her legs.

  “You’re not that hard to figure out. You like trophies. You’re controlled, uptight. Do you ever laugh or have a good time? And your name, Milton? I’m surprised you don’t have a ‘the third’ at the end of it.” Amie turned her body toward him and rested on her arm. “Has anyone ever challenged you?”

  “My job is challenging enough. I don’t need a challenge in my personal life too. Besides, I make sure the women I date don’t stick around long enough for me to worry about that.”

  “I knew it. You probably have uptight sex too. Strictly missionary position. When you feel like exerting a little control, you get a woman to suck you off while she’s on her knees in front of you. If that’s the type of woman you’re into, then I am definitely not your type.”

  “Never learned to swallow?” He was quick with the comebacks. She would at least give him credit for that.

  “Oh, I can swallow. But I swallow on my own time.” She leaned in. Instinctively. Despite not wanting to make this situation any more complicated, Amie found herself only inches away from him. Her voice now low and seductive. His expression now a look of surprise. “You’ll be begging me to get on my knees. Or maybe I’m not on my knees. Maybe you’re tied to the bed and all you can do is lie there while I tease and torture you until your pelvis is bucking and you’re moaning for release.”

  She heard a gulp. A hard swallow that echoed in the silence of the room. He was completely still, just watching her, the only movement was the twitch of his jaw bone as he clenched his teeth. He was contemplating her words. Could it be that the confident, uptight Milton Campbell would like a woman to be responsible for his sexual needs? That he wanted to surrender? He didn’t argue. He didn’t disagree.

  Amie pulled down the comforter, revealing more of her body, pulling it down just far enough that the top of her pink thong poked out from underneath. Goose bumps pebbled her skin, not from the sudden exposure to cool air, but from the heat that flared up from her pussy at the sight of him licking his lips as his eyes focused on the tiny scrap of pink fabric.

  Just a few simple words. Tied up. Begging. Cock in my mouth. Just a few simple words had her anger running scared at the fierce desire that now screamed inside of her.

  It wasn’t only the fact that he was beautiful that got her hot. Or the fact that he looked at her like she was his last meal. It was the battle. The constant back and forth stimulated her mind. His hard body and looks stimulated another part of her, a part that Amie wanted desperately to sate at this very moment. She wanted this man. Only for the night though, because there was no way she could defy everything she stood for and even consider a serious relationship. He wasn’t her lion, but maybe, maybe he was the lucky man who would indulge her lioness. There was only one way to find out.

  “Milton? Would you be into that?”

  * * * *

  “I…” Milton was speechless. He had never been asked that question before, he had never been presented with the opportunity to leave his sexual satisfaction in the hands of someone else.

  The pink bra she wore cupped her breasts perfectly, the slight swell spilling out just enough to make his head spin as she leaned over, smoothing her hands up his bare chest to his shoulders. “Milton?”

  “You want to tie me up?”

  “I think the question is, do you want to be tied up?” Her eyes sparkled with desire but also something else. Something dangerous and enticing. Something he had forgotten a long time ago–freedom.

  He was a successful businessman running a multi-million dollar corporation, and that meant he called the shots. He pulled the strings. Not the other way around. But maybe Aleks was right. Maybe he should have a little fun while he was in town. And this firecracker seemed like the perfect opportunity.

  Milton lifted himself off the mattress and hovered over her body. “I could have you right now.” One quick movement and he straddled her, while his fingers made quick work of her bra. He had noticed the front clasp during his inappropriate staring. “Take you any way I want.”

  He saw the fire flare in her eyes at his actions, but she remained cool. “You could…but you won’t. And I have a feeling, not unless I tell you to.”

  Did it make him less of a man to let Amie take control? But he wouldn’t have to think, just do. Wouldn’t have to worry, he would be…free. The pressure of everyday life weighed heavy, but with Amie, he could give himself over, be cared for, safe. At least for a little while. He knew deep down that the decisions she’d make would benefit the both of them.

  Milton had never had the opportunity to exercise this side of him. None of the women he had been with were confident or comfortable enough with themselves to take control.

  As if knowing he was deep in thought, with a swift move, Amie toppled him and before he realized it, he fell back to the mattress with Amie’s smooth thighs gripping either side of his body. Her breasts dangling, nipples pert and begging to be sucked. The cups of her bra stretched back to her sides.

  “You want me,” Amie said.

  Milton knew it wasn’t a question. It was a fact, and Amie knew it. Even if she hadn’t been rubbing her pussy against the hard length in his underwear.

  Thoughts spun around in his head. The most dangerous one–the one where he surrendered to this beautiful woman trying her best to seduce him–always wiggling its way to the foreground. What did he have to lose? Amie didn’t seem like the type to hassle him for a long-term relationship afterward.

  Milton rushed up to kiss her, but she was surprisingly strong. She stopped him halfway and pushed him back down. “Trust me.” She wiggled on top of him. “Trust me to give you everything you need. I’ll take care of you.”

  Something in her voice took hold of his heart. Milton had been taking care of everyone and everything for a long time. Just like he suspected, she knew exactly what he needed. It was time for him to let go and have a little fun.

  He could probably hold her down with one hand and defile her–any way he wanted�
��but that wasn’t his intention.

  “I’m not going to tie you up, but there will be no touching. At least on your part.” Amie gave him a sexy little smirk, then grabbed his wrists and moved his hands up to the headboard. “Grab on.”

  Milton clutched the wood slats and held on tight. “I have a condom in my wallet.”

  “Confident, Milton. So sure that we’re going to have sex.” She nuzzled her face against his shoulder, the strands of her hair tickling his skin.

  “We’re not?” What the hell else were they going to do?

  “I haven’t decided yet.” Her hands ran up and down his torso. She seemed to like fluttering her fingers over his chest hair.

  She was playing a game. How far she intended to take it he had no idea. The simple act of a woman grinding on top of him was nothing unusual. But this woman wasn’t just any woman. Did that make it okay for him to surrender? Because she was different.

  “Stop thinking.” Again, Amie called him out. How did she know what was going on in his head? “You don’t have to think. Leave it to me to know what’s good for you. To give you exactly what you want.”

  Amie shimmied down his body and gripped onto the waistband of his boxer briefs. She pulled, and the soft fabric skimmed over his legs and finally found its way to the carpeted floor. His cock was already wet at the tip. He saw the wet stain on his stomach. So did Amie. Her tongue snaked out like a lizard, lapping at his pelvis but never touching his hard length. Her warm breath caressed his cock head, sending a shiver up his body.

  She stood on the bed and pulled down her pink thong, kicking it to the floor. Instead of straddling his naked groin she placed her feet under his arms. Milton could smell her arousal, sweet and thick, wafting down from above. His hands slid up the slats, but his fingers remained holding tight. He knew how to take direction. But that didn’t stop him from wanting to lunge up and sit her down on his straining cock, bucking his pelvis just like she described. But he held back. Slow and steady won the race, or so he’d always been told.

  “That’s a good boy.” Her hands caressed her soft, pale skin. First over her exposed breasts then down, one hand slipping between her thighs, her index finger rubbing at her folds. She knew just how to tease. He had no doubt she wasn’t a virgin when it came to enticing men. She had all the right moves. “What did you just stop yourself from doing?”


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