Lazy B Ranch 00 California Cowboy

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Lazy B Ranch 00 California Cowboy Page 6

by Maggie Casper

  With the words and a silent prayer on her lips, Bobbie turned Lady and started toward the house. But before she even went a couple of feet, Clay was by her side. Eyes flashing, he grabbed Lady’s reins and gave a nod to Chance. Bobbie wanted to scream when Chance gave her an apologetic look before he left them alone.

  Looking up, Bobbie noticing the fury in Clay’s piercing brown eyes and for as long as she lived, she doubted she would ever forget the intensity of his stare. Yet, she couldn’t seem to look away. The gold and amber flecks she saw in those flashing, angry eyes were burned into her memory.

  With a firm grip on Lady’s reins as well as his own mount’s, Clay led them back to the group of trees where Bobbie had just taken her nap. Clay dismounted his horse, but before Bobbie had the chance to do the same, Clay did exactly what she’d expected him to do, yanked her off Lady’s back.

  “Just what the hell did you think you were doing riding out alone?” he demanded.

  “Mildred is at the house worried sick about you. Do you know how irresponsible you’ve been? Not just irresponsible but stupid. It’s just plain stupid to run off by yourself without letting anybody know where you’re going or what time you’ll be home.”

  The longer Clay ranted about her irresponsibility, the more not only her guilt grew, but her anger as well. She figured it was a defense mechanism on her part. Remembering how her father always belittled her mom for the smallest of things. Always telling her she could never do anything right. Bobbie could see her mother’s dejected face in her mind and it gave her courage to stand up for herself and her actions.

  She waited until he was done and then with her hands on her hips, Bobbie released all her own pent-up frustrations. “I don’t need you telling me how to take care of myself, Clay. I’ve been doing it long enough and so far I’ve done just fine.”

  In a voice full of frustration she added, “I am so tired of being talked to as if I were nothing more than a child you could punish that I could just scream!” She turned to walk away and added. “So you can go straight to hell, Clay Bodine.”

  She knew there was some perverse reason why she’d goaded him, knowing full well he was at the end of his rope. She figured that reason would come to her later, but she didn’t want to think about that right now. All she wanted to do was leave with her dignity intact.

  Before the idea that she had made a terrible mistake even had the chance to register fully, Clay seized her by the waist and swung her around. Their mutual anger vibrated between them as they stood, bodies pressed together intimately, if not for the silent daggers they were shooting at each other.

  Nostrils flaring, Clay looked as if he was ready to pounce. He didn’t give her the chance to speak, much less get away, before he carried her to a fallen log and sat down, putting her over his knees. “You keep acting like a naughty little girl and I’ll treat you just like a naughty little girl.” he said in a calm voice, tight with anger.

  Before Bobbie had time to think or protest her position, Clay delivered a stinging blow to her bottom. For a second she was grateful for the cover of her jeans but soon realized that the fabric, stretched tightly over her backside, was little help. It felt as if his hand was landing repeatedly on her bare skin.

  “Damn, Clay, stop it already,” she groaned when a stinging swat heated her upper thigh. She tried to ignore the way her clit rubbed against the seam of her pants as each blow thrust her against his hard thigh.

  “Never again, Bobbie,” he said as his hand landed again. “Tell me you’ll never worry me like this again.”

  The sound of his voice caused her a moment of pause. Was that concern she’d heard? Was it possible that he had actually been worried? For a minute, Bobbie felt elated at the prospect, and yet, she was as confused as ever.

  When it felt as if her ass was on fire, she relented. “Okay. I promise. I promise, Clay,” she said louder, getting his attention and making him stop.

  Never in her life had Bobbie been so embarrassed. She’d never been spanked. Neither parent had ever raised a hand to her. Her father was always too busy to notice if she hadn’t been on her best behavior, and her mom had always tried to make up for the fact that her father didn’t care one way or another.

  Blushing to the roots of her hair, Bobbie glared at Clay as he helped her to her feet. Her bottom was burning, but even that heat was nothing compared to the heat drenching her panties.

  Figures, she thought. I have sex one damned time and now I’m hooked. It shocked her to realize she had enjoyed the spanking. A groan slipped from her lips when she recognized exactly how aroused she was. Sure that Clay would notice her slip, Bobbie buried her face in her hand and once again prayed that the ground would open up and swallow her whole.

  There was something magnetic about the powerful man who’d just spanked her. Something deep inside warned her that he could easily lead to her downfall.

  Chapter Seven

  Clay watched Bobbie bury her face in her hands and felt like he’d been hit in the stomach. “Oh hell,” he muttered, not at all sure what to think. He knew he hadn’t really hurt her. He was in control, but there was just something about her slumped shoulders that had him moving forward.

  He put his arms around her, burying her face in his chest for a moment until he got himself together. Clay put her slightly away from him and gave a slight tug on the hands still covering her face.

  “Don’t,” the word was muffled through her fingers, but it didn’t sound like she was crying.

  “Come on, darlin’,” he coaxed, then thought maybe goading her would get a better reaction. “It couldn’t have been that bad.”

  He didn’t know if that was the wrong thing or the right thing to say, but it didn’t really matter because it got her to lower her hands. Her eyes weren’t red. As a matter of fact, they were wide and slightly dazed. Her pupils were dilated until the green of her irises were hardly visible. She looked like a woman who had just been thoroughly loved, not thoroughly spanked.

  “Just leave me alone.” She stood up, glared at him, and walked to where Lady was quietly grazing on some tall grass.

  Clay watched as Bobbie mounted alone; she neither asked nor expected a leg up. He winced at the slight gasp she gave when her ass came into contact with the saddle. She just continued glaring until Lady walked up next to him.

  “Don’t even try to act sorry,” she fumed. “And don’t you dare tell me it wasn’t that bad. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you liked acting the bully.”

  Clay watched her ride away. “And if I didn’t know better I’d think you liked being bullied.” He said quietly. It might just be a theory he’d have to test out.

  By the time Midnight trotted into the stable, Bobbie was already on her way into the house. He’d spent some time thinking. His slower pace would allow Bobbie some time alone to think as well. He needed her again. It had been hours of hell for Clay to stay away from her but it wouldn’t be happening any longer.

  Clay gave Midnight a quick brush before heading into the house. He either needed a cold shower or time alone to take matters into his own hands. Having Bobbie over his lap, her ass in the palm of his hand, had made him as hard as steel. As he reached the house and then the quiet interior of his room, Clay figured he’d have both, the shower and the jerk session, at the same time.

  It took him only a moment to gather his things before he padded barefoot down the hall to the bathroom. He thought about Bobbie’s room and the huge shower she had access to and wondered what it would be like to shower with her. He might find out later after he got them both good and sweaty from a long bout of mind-numbing sex.

  Clay turned on the water, adjusting the knob until the temperature was just they way he like it, hot. Soon steam was billowing throughout the bathroom, fogging the mirrors, making the room more like a sauna than a bathroom.

  Peeling off his clothes, Clay climbed into the shower. Not able to get Bobbie out of his mind, Clay leaned on the shower wall and grasped the thic
k length of his cock, imagining what it would be like to see her small, slender fingers wrapped around his engorged sex. To feel the palm of her hand as it cradled his balls as her lips and tongue worked his cockhead. The vision alone was enough to test his limits.

  He would be gentle but stern in her lesson on the way he liked to be touched. After all, she’d been a virgin. She would need some guidance, and from the way she acted in the small office the other day, she would respond well to his patient tutelage. If the wildly aroused look in her eyes after he’d spanked her was any hint, Bobbie would more than likely love being told what to do behind closed doors. He would find out very soon just how far she was willing to be pushed, but Clay had a feeling that his soon-to-be wife would love exploring the boundaries of their sexual relationship.

  Clay continued to squeeze his throbbing length while rhythmically pumping his hand up and down. The slick feel of soap and water running along his rigid length made the pleasure more intense. A tell-tale tingling sensation started at the base of his cock and worked its way into an explosive release that caused his knees to shake. He bit back a groan as he spurted into the warm fall of water. When he was done, Clay finished his shower; then dressed for supper.

  When Clay finally made it to the kitchen, Mildred was busy hustling around and Chance was already seated at the table. Clay helped Mildred by bringing the last dish to the table then the three of them sat waiting for several minutes. When Bobbie didn’t show, Clay decided to see what was taking her so long. Chance and Mildred both looked at him with worry, but he wasn’t sure if their worry was for Bobbie or for himself.

  He was halfway up the stairs when Bobbie came flying down them, almost colliding with Clay.

  “Whoa,” he said as he caught her in his arms.

  He felt her stiffen before she turned and moved far enough away so that she was out of his reach. In the process, she ended up a few steps below him, which left him a magnificent view down the front of her blouse.

  “Beautiful,” he murmured in appreciation, as the full swell of her large breasts strained to be loose of her bra.

  She crossed her arms over her chest but the only thing it did was push them higher, making his mouth water in the process.

  “Stop that, dammit!” she hissed through clenched teeth. Evidently she didn’t like to be ogled. “I’m not some God-damned slab of beef, Clay.”

  Clay narrowed his eyes, a perfect plan taking shape. “I warned you about your language, Bobbie. You’ve broken that rule for the last time. Now get down there for supper, Mildred and Chance are waiting on us.” Clay gave her a playful swat to her backside as she entered the kitchen, catching her off guard.

  “Son of a bit...” she let the thought trail off as he caught her eyes. He kept his face impassive, when in actuality he couldn’t wait for supper to be over so the lesson could begin.

  * * * *

  The atmosphere during dinner was a bit strained and Bobbie wasn’t exactly sure why. She’d apologized to Mildred earlier when she’d finally made it home so she didn’t think that was it. Just when she thought the silence would drive her batty, Chance spoke.

  “Dad called earlier,” he said to Clay. “He and Mom are coming home for a visit. He said he’d call tomorrow and let me know when.”

  Clay didn’t say anything. He just nodded and continued to watch Bobbie. His obvious perusal made her uncomfortable. She knew she wasn’t the only one at the table who noticed.

  “I can’t wait to meet them, Mildred has told me so much about them,” she said, giving Mildred a shy smile.

  “They’re excited to meet you too, Bobbie. I’ve told them all about you.” Bobbie wasn’t so sure that telling Mr. and Mrs. Bodine all about her was a good thing but said nothing.

  “Tomorrow we’ll be bringing in a few of the mares who are getting closer to their foaling time. I’ve already given the boys their jobs so there’s no need for you to ride out with us,” Chance said to Clay, but Bobbie could have sworn there was an underlying message there. She just wasn’t sure what it was.

  It was a relief when supper was finally over. Bobbie stealthily made her way to her room. Breathing a sigh of relief, she took out her last lesson package and began work on the assignment. It was hard for Bobbie to believe that she would soon be finished with her course. The thought of taking the final test was intimidating, so Bobbie made herself a promise to study even harder during the week. She also made a mental note to talk to Chance about taking an afternoon off as soon as she got the paperwork notifying her of the testing date.

  Twirling her pen, Bobbie couldn’t seem to concentrate on her papers tonight. She kept replaying in her mind the erotic spanking Clay had given her. Her body still tingled. She shouldn’t have liked being spanked. The whole affair should have scared her, but it hadn’t.

  Bobbie knew if he came to her, she would relent. Her body was on fire for him, for his touch, the feel of his mouth devouring hers in a need so strong she feared he could seduce her without even trying any more than a crook of his finger.

  The thought of Clay’s fingers roaming her body made Bobbie’s insides quiver. More than anything, she wanted to feel his arms around her, his tongue sweeping her sensitive flesh. The problem was coming to terms with her need of Clay without losing her heart to him. It was something she would have to manage because giving up the sweet bliss she’d just recently found while in his arms was not an option.

  She was just putting her finished assignments away when there was a knock at the door. Bobbie was so happy to be finished she didn’t give thought to who might be on the other side before flinging the door wide.

  “Hi darlin’,” Clay said as he gathered her into his arms. He walked her backwards far enough into the room so that he could close and lock the door behind them.

  Bobbie glanced at the bedside table and was shocked to see that it was close to midnight. She relaxed, knowing they wouldn’t be interrupted by Chance or caught by Mildred.

  “What are you doing here, Clay?” Her voice was breathless, even to herself. There was no hiding the instantaneous arousal coursing through her body.

  “I haven’t been able to get you or that naughty mouth of yours out of my mind, darlin’. I’m thinking you and I have something to settle where this is concerned,” he said as he dipped his head and nipped her lower lip.

  Bobbie immediately remembered what he’d told her on the stairs. Clay didn’t like her cursing and as a man of his word wouldn’t allow her to get away with it again. Her backside tingled in anticipation of what was to come and that made her blush.

  Clay released her and walked toward the bed. “Come on over here, Bobbie.”

  His voice was commanding. It brooked no argument, and although she didn’t jump at his bidding, she did do as he asked. Bobbie’s body warred with her mind. The anticipation and excitement coursed over every nerve ending; bringing them to life made the decision an easy one.

  “We’re going to try something new,” Clay said. “I figured if you learned how to keep that luscious mouth of yours busy, you might not feel the need to say all those nasty words.”

  Bobbie had no idea what in the world he was talking about, but the heated look in his eyes caused her nipples to peak and her already heated pussy to weep with joy.

  “Sit on the edge of the bed and unfasten my pants, baby,” Clay commanded, making her mouth water. It was startling to think that she was willing to follow his lead; take his orders as long as it was in privacy

  Her hands shook as she lowered herself to the bed. She could feel his gaze on her breasts as he looked down at her from his towering height. This time, she didn’t utter a single word of protest. As long as they were behind closed doors, she had no qualms about him looking at her.

  Her fingers fumbled with the button fly of his jeans. She wondered in exasperation why he didn’t wear jeans with a zipper, they would be much easier. When her fingers grazed his erection, he rocked his hips forward. Startled, she pulled her hands away.

  “Uh-uh, baby,” Clay tsked as he grabbed her wrist, pinning her hand against his burgeoning length.

  Bobbie took a deep breath; then continued unbuttoning his jeans. Once again, he wore nothing beneath. Bobbie wasn’t sure what to do next. She had no idea what he expected. She swallowed past the lump in her throat and tried not to think too much about the exposed penis directly in front of her. An entirely impossible feat considering how badly she wanted to lick the drop of pre-cum off the engorged tip; then follow each pulsing vein with her tongue.

  When her nerves were a bit more settled, she looked up until her eyes met Clay’s.

  “You know what I want you to do?” he asked, staring at her so intently Bobbie thought he might be able to see straight inside her.

  She nodded. “I ... um. I’ve never done this.”

  “Done what, Bobbie? Tell me exactly what it is I’m asking for.”

  She could feel the flaming heat of a blush as it climbed her neck and came to rest on her cheeks. “I’ve never ... um, given a man a blow job before.” She felt like she was going to die of embarrassment.

  “Not good enough, darlin’. I’m not exactly sure who came up with the term, but there isn’t any blowing to it. Now tell me exactly what you think I expect.”

  Good God! The man was a tyrant, but she would do it because she wanted to taste him even more than she wanted to fuck him.

  She released the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding with a whoosh, causing Clay to chuckle.

  “I’ve never taken a man in my mouth.”

  “A man’s what, Bobbie?” he insisted.

  “Clay,” she whispered, still a little mortified at the thought of saying exactly what she knew he wanted to hear.

  “Now, baby. I want to hear you say it right now.”

  “Okay dammit,” she said, knowing damned well he wouldn’t relent until she’d followed his orders to a “T”.

  “I want the words, Bobbie,” Clay stated firmly.


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