Lazy B Ranch 00 California Cowboy

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Lazy B Ranch 00 California Cowboy Page 10

by Maggie Casper

“Stay the hell out of this, Chance.” Clay warned. Bobbie was beyond furious, but she wouldn’t play one brother against the other.

  “It’s okay, Chance,” Bobbie said.

  He gave her a sideways glance but Bobbie just nodded. She was angry and upset. but most of all she was determined not to let Clay have the last word.

  Before she could prevent that, Clay gripped her chin between his thumb and forefinger, forcing her to look at him.

  His lips were flattened into a grim line, his brown eyes narrowed in anger. He was at the boiling point, but Bobbie couldn’t figure out what she’d done to send him over the deep edge. God only knew it didn’t take much, but at least all the other times she’d had some idea.

  “You’ll stay off that damned animal,” he growled, causing her mouth to sag open.

  “What is wrong with you?”

  “Nothing is wrong with me, but there very well might be something going on with you and until I know for sure, you won’t ride or work in the stables. Is that clear?”

  “Is what clear? What in the hell are you talking about?” Bobbie asked, unable to figure him out.

  Clay loosened his grip on Bobbie’s wrist. One hand made its way down her shoulder until it rested over the zipper of her sung jeans.

  “I didn’t use a condom last night, Bobbie. I won’t take any chances until we know for sure. In the meantime, I’ll speak to the judge about coming out for a small ceremony.”

  Bobbie’s stomach dipped. She felt like the air had been knocked from her lungs. In one breath he could speak of a possible child, and in the next make a decision as important as marriage, and yet, never once had he spoken words of love, much less bothered to ask what her feelings were on the matter. The man was insane.

  “We didn’t use anything the first time either, but you didn’t freak out about me riding then.” Bobbie could have laughed at the look on Clay’s face, but there was nothing funny about the whole thing. The fact that he seemed so surprised caught her off guard. Until that moment, Bobbie hadn’t given any consideration to protection or babies. Sex between them had been natural, all-consuming. Being intimate with Clay had just felt right.

  Bobbie’s mouth went dry at the thought of a baby. What worried her most, though, was the possibility of raising a child in the same type of situation she’d been brought up. A home with a dominant, unloving husband and father. One where the husband was the breadwinner but nothing more.

  She couldn’t do it. She wouldn’t marry a man who felt nothing but lust for her. And wouldn’t subject a baby to that environment either. Besides, Bobbie wasn’t so sure she’d survive when he got tired of her and set her aside, like a forgotten toy, only taking her out when it was convenient.

  She clearly remembered the look of dejection on her mother’s face after being repeatedly let down by her father. She wouldn’t do it. Couldn’t do it.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, choking on the words as they tore from her throat. “I can’t.”

  Bobbie couldn’t stop the tears from flowing freely down her face. Leaving the pasture, she decided there was no choice but to leave as soon as possible or she would be stuck, trapped. If she ended up being pregnant with Clay’s child, he would never let her go.

  Bobbie made her way into the house, oblivious to the stares she received. She heard Chance’s muttered curse as he followed her up the stairs.

  “What in the hell...” he started. Bobbie held up her hand to forestall his outburst. She wanted nothing to do with coming between two brothers.

  “Don’t, Chance. Don’t say something you’ll regret.” Bobbie couldn’t stand the thought that she might come between the two brothers. They were both fighting for her. One as a lover and one as a brother figure. It was too much.

  He took a deep breath then released it, rubbing a hand through his wavy brown hair and down his face where he gave a slight tug to his neatly trimmed moustache.

  “I still need to leave, just like I told you. I hate to ask, but I need your help.”

  Chance considered her words. He nodded his head and said. “I’ll take care of it.”

  When he turned to leave, Bobbie put a hand on his arm. “How?” she inquired.

  “I’m supposed to leave the day after tomorrow to transport some stock. The trip there and back should take the better part of a week. I’ll talk Clay into going.”

  Bobbie knew she looked skeptical. There wasn’t much a person could talk Clay Bodine into doing if he didn’t want to. “You sure it’ll work?” she asked, hating the fact that she was plotting behind Clay’s back, with his brother no less.

  “I’m sure.” Was all he said as he left her room closing the door quietly behind him.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “I’m not going any damned place,” Clay said, his eyes boring into Chance’s.

  Clay couldn’t imagine what had gotten into Chance. It wasn’t like his brother to interfere in his personal matters.

  “Would you just calm down and listen for a minute?”

  “I don’t need to calm down,” Clay grumbled. “And I’m done listening.”

  “Done? I don’t believe you. You haven’t even started. Damn man! Don’t you get it? You don’t listen to a thing she says and you say you’re done.”

  Clay knew Chance was right, but it didn’t make the truth any easier to hear. His brother was a persistent man though, and just as determined as Clay. “Take the fucking horses to our buyer, Clay. Take the time to cool off and think. I don’t know what in the hell is going on with you two, and I don’t want to know, but something has got to give.”

  For the first time in a very long time, Clay was going to go against his better judgment and take the advice of someone else.

  “All right. You win. Just promise me you’ll keep an eye out on her while I’m gone.”

  “I promise. Now go to bed, you’ve got some packing and planning to do tomorrow.”

  Clay sat at his desk for another hour before he trudged up the stairs to his room. Something in his chest ached. It was a deep, unrelenting ache he couldn’t seem to get rid of. He had a bad feeling about leaving on a business trip right now, but he knew Chance was right.

  He’d seen the hurt in Bobbie’s eyes. It was clearly visible in the way she carried herself, and he’d done nothing to make it better. In fact he’d only made it worse. Maybe having time to think, and giving Bobbie time alone would help. It certainly couldn’t hurt.

  The only thing he needed to figure out before he left was to find a way to make damned sure Bobbie stayed on the Lazy B while he was gone. He wouldn’t put it past her sassy ass to pack up and move out the minute he stepped foot off the Lazy B.

  The next day came and went much too quickly. Clay packed and tried to get caught up on some of the bookkeeping. It was a damned nuisance and the fact that he hated crunching numbers with a passion didn’t seem to help.

  It was getting dark and Bobbie had shied away from the kitchen at suppertime with complaints of a headache. His parents seemed oblivious to the fact that Bobbie was evading him and acted like they had no clue that Chance was acting strange too.

  Chance had every right to be upset over Clay’s treatment of Bobbie up until this point. They would work it out. As brothers they had always been close and Clay had no reason to believe things would ever change.

  The more he thought about it, the more he couldn’t leave without talking to Bobbie. The need to touch her was overwhelming. His tongue tingled in anticipation for a taste of what she had to offer, but he wouldn’t let his body take over, he just wanted to talk.

  He could hear her moving about in her room. Clay had moved the armoire blocking the connecting door and decided now would be a good time to use the door. He gave a silent prayer that she wouldn’t boot his ass out of the room before he got both feet across the threshold.

  He knew he should have knocked the minute he saw the irritated look on her face, but it was the rest of her that had the breath lodged in his chest. She wore only an oversiz
ed shirt and a pair of panties.

  The shirt barely reached the top of her thighs. Clay could tell she was braless by the way her breasts moved tantalizingly beneath her T-shirt. The sight of her nude legs was making his mouth water at what he knew was hidden between them.

  “Did you need something, Clay?”

  Her voice was cold, her words curt. He longed to hear her chanting his name as her impending release mounted. The need to change the past swallowed him whole, but Clay knew that was impossible. The only way to make up for the past was by living in the present and giving Bobbie the happy future she deserved.

  “I wanted to talk to you before I leave in the morning.” He would remain calm if it killed him.

  “I don’t think that’s such a good idea. We’ve said everything there is to say.”

  Crossing the room, Clay sat on the edge of the bed. Bobbie sounded tired and sad, making the ache in his chest grow. “No darlin’, we haven’t. Come sit by me.” He patted the spot beside him on the bed.

  “I just want to talk,” he said, even as his throbbing cock taunted his lie. “We won’t do anything you don’t want to do.”

  She relented, moving to the bed to sit beside him. Her body was rigid, not at all the warm and sensuous woman he knew.

  “That’s just it. I want so much that I shouldn’t want. It’s no good, Clay. We’re no good. It just won’t work.”

  He wanted to prove her wrong. To show her how good it could be, how good they could be together. It would be hard but not impossible. He longed to tell her all these things, to show her that he could listen. That he would listen, but his body took over. The words would have to come later.

  Clay felt Bobbie tremble slightly as his mouth settled over hers. He was consumed with passion for her. Heat burned him from the inside out, but he was determined to take it slow, to taste her and hold her.

  He felt Bobbie’s tongue peek out tentatively, touching his, and groaned low in his throat. Her taste was sweet, her mouth moist and warm. Her innocence fueled his arousal until he was ready to burst.

  “Closer, baby. I’ve got to feel you.”

  She leaned in, his words pulling her to him. He cradled her in his arms, the feel of her against him bringing him back to center. It was where she belonged. Why didn’t she know that and if she did, why was she fighting it?

  Clay slowly lowered to his back, bringing Bobbie down with him. She lay sprawled atop him as he deepened the kiss. Clay grabbed her thighs, spreading her legs wide until she straddled the rigid length of his arousal.

  He could feel her heat, the warm moisture of her body as she wiggled to get closer. The thin barrier of her satiny panties did little to deter his wandering hands. He walked his fingers up the back of her thighs and loved the little moan his action elicited.

  He continued until he’d reached the waistband of her panties then plunged his hands inside, filling both palms with the warm globes of her ass cheeks. He squeezed and caressed as he continued to plunder her mouth.

  * * * *

  It was unnerving how much he could demand from her body and even more so how little control she had over its reaction to his ministrations. She wanted to vehemently deny what she was feeling. She planned on leaving the first chance she got and yet, here she was making love with the very same man she was running from. A wave of guilt swept over her.

  When Clay slipped a finger into the tight clasp of her vagina, all thought fled. Feeling took over. Bobbie ground her pelvis against his cotton-clad erection. The thin barrier of his boxer briefs did nothing to conceal the state he was in.

  Her body tightened. She was on the edge, getting ready to fall over when Clay removed his hands from inside her panties and held her hips immobile. Bobbie whimpered, hating the sound but unable to stop it.

  “Clay,” she groaned, needing to climax now that she was so close.

  “Not like that, darlin’. I want to be in you. To feel that tight pussy of yours grab on to me and not let go.”

  His words were crude and should have put her off. Instead, his erotic words pushed her closer to the precipice and in her frantic need she did and said the first thing that came to mind.

  “Let’s get these off of you, then.”

  Bobbie had never really taken charge before. She liked the adrenaline rush it gave her. Not to mention the surprised look on Clay’s face. She would think of this as a parting gift. To give of herself completely to a man she couldn’t admit aloud to loving. It was the best she could do.

  She tugged the offending underwear from his body, making sure to touch and tease him as much as possible along the way. When the waistband cleared the bulbous head of his shaft, she leaned forward and bestowed a kiss, using her tongue to lick off the single pearly white drop of pre-cum gathered there.

  A womanly smile crossed her lips as he sucked in his breath. She could feel the muscles of his flat stomach contract.

  Continuing to work his underwear off, Bobbie crawled from the bed, and when she reached it, stood at the foot removing her clothes. She pulled the shirt up and over her head, freeing her unbound breasts. They felt hot and heavy. Each peaked tip longed to feel his tongue, the heat of his mouth. Even the bite of his teeth as they scraped across each one individually.

  Clay moved to help her but Bobbie stopped him.

  “Uh-uh, cowboy. You stay right where you are.” She wanted to ride him to completion, to feel his shaft buried to the hilt inside of her as she lifted and lowered herself up and down, feeling every inch of him. Clay had never let Bobbie be on top. Her pussy clenched in anticipation.

  An overwhelming need to keep things simple infiltrated her mind. She couldn’t let things get too deep this time. Their last time. Although she wished she could shout her feelings, she wouldn’t dare.

  When she was completely naked, Bobbie crawled back onto the bed. She continued moving toward Clay until her breasts were positioned over his mouth, her nipples puckered and ready. He didn’t make her wait before bringing them to his mouth.

  The feel of his coarse chest hair against her ribs tantalized every nerve. The warmth of his abdomen against her nether lips caused her to wriggle in delight.

  Clay released her nipple with a wet sucking sound; then pulled her hips, trying to move her.

  “I’m the boss this time, Clay, and I want to ride you.”

  He chuckled at her words. “I don’t have a single problem with that, darlin’. I just need to taste you first.”

  His words sent a shiver up her spine. He had a talented tongue, that was for sure. Bobbie started to swing her leg over him in order to lie down but his large hands on her hips stopped her.

  “Just move up, baby,” he coaxed. She did as he asked but wasn’t at all sure about the position. “Mmm, that’s perfect,” he murmured against the sensitive flesh of her wet pussy.

  The vibration of his rumbling voice was sheer torture. Bobbie felt wanton in a way that she never had before. Looking down, she watched as Clay stroked her folds with his tongue. His hands on her hips allowed her little movement.

  She was holding on for dear life to the headboard when Clay said. “Touch yourself, Bobbie. Do it for me.”

  Bobbie hesitated before she slowly lowered one hand to her breast. Her legs trembled, her thighs tightening around his head as he delved deeper into her with his wondrous tongue.

  “Like this?” she whispered, plucking a nipple between her fingers.

  Her action caused heat to zing straight to her core. She could feel her inner muscles tighten as tiny spasms cascaded through her tight passage.

  “Bring one down here, darlin’ and part these pretty lips for me so I can taste your cute little clit.”

  “Oh God,” she moaned, embarrassed yet aroused beyond belief.

  “Don’t be shy. I can taste your release, it’s so close. The feel of your body trembling over mine has me on the edge too, but I want you to give it all to me before you take over and ride this cowboy. Come on, Bobbie.”

  His words w
ere gentle, coaxing, not at all like the commands he usually gave. Bobbie wanted nothing more than to please the both of them so she lowered her hand until she could feel the wet curls covering her clit. She put two fingers to herself; then parted them, drawing her labia away from her swollen bud.

  Clay didn’t wait, he devoured her, licking and sucking the minute her fingers were in place. It was too much, the feel of her fingers and his mouth, his hands as they held her immobile.

  Bobbie came, yelling out her release, as Clay sipped from her, taking all she had to offer. Just as she was coming down he increased his tempo, bringing her to another shattering release. When her body finally finished trembling she didn’t know if she could move yet, but then she remembered Clay’s lack of release and how she’d wanted to ride him. Her insides heated all over again.

  “You taste just like sunshine and woman. My woman,” he said when she moved down his body.

  She wouldn’t let his words get to her, or deter her from her plans to leave. so she let that comment slide without saying anything.

  When she’d moved low enough to feel the head of his erection prod her, she remembered their two hit-and-miss sessions with no protection.

  “Where are your condoms, Clay?”

  Clay looked straight into her eyes. He remained quiet for a heartbeat. “In my nightstand drawer.”

  Bobbie moved quickly to Clay’s room where she grabbed a couple of condoms. When she got back to the bed she sheathed his thick length.

  When he was completely covered, she mounted him; then straightened, holding herself up on her knees. With one hand she directed him to her entrance, slowly lowering herself until she was flush with his body. “How’s that, cowboy?” she asked, her voice husky.

  “Fine ... wonderful,” he amended as she moved slowly up and then back down. It was happening again. She could feel the tightness in her body as it gathered heat. Her climax was building.

  “I’m not gonna last long,” Clay groaned as she kept up her slow pace. She could tell it took the last of his willpower not to grasp her hips and set the pace.

  Bobbie lowered herself until her breasts touched his chest and kissed him tenderly, tasting herself on his lips as she did so. “Thank you,” she said, trying to keep her emotions in check and not give away her inner turmoil.


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