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Lazy B Ranch 00 California Cowboy

Page 11

by Maggie Casper

  She gave him no time to answer before she raised herself until only the head of his shaft was still inside her. With panting breaths, Bobbie slammed herself down, accepting every blessed inch of him at once. The sensation was a sensory overload but she couldn’t stop. Over and over, she lifted herself quickly and then plummeted down onto his cock. They were both mindless with pleasure as they rode the ever-growing wave, only to be tumbled over and swallowed whole by their simultaneous orgasms.

  Chapter Fourteen

  A persistent buzzing woke Clay up before light the next morning. He cracked an eye open but it was as if he was looking through a haze, a reddish haze. The noise wouldn’t stop and as he tried to move, he came up against a warm wall of soft flesh.

  His body woke up much quicker than his mind had the ability to, and within minutes he was sporting morning wood. The haze was a mass of hair blocking his view and the womanly wall of flesh was a completely nude Bobbie, sleeping comfortably next to him.

  Clay cursed himself for allowing his libido to take over last night. He hadn’t gotten the chance to talk to Bobbie like he’d planned. And he’d completely forgotten to get a promise from her that she would remain on the Lazy B while he was gone. Instead, they had enjoyed each other’s bodies too many times to count.

  Clay rearranged Bobbie so that he could slide from the bed. He went into his room and turned off his alarm clock. It only took him a few minutes to dress; then he went downstairs to make sure the horses were being loaded and that Rick was ready since he was going with him.

  The breakfast Mildred made was flavorless on his tongue compared to the tasty delights Bobbie had gifted him last night. He didn’t want to go. It was all planned out, leaving him little choice. He had a bad feeling about the trip and it left him in a dark mood.

  Before it was time to go, Clay ascended the stairs and made his way back to Bobbie’s room where she was still peacefully sleeping. She might need her sleep but he needed some reassurance.

  “Wake up, darlin’,” he said, kissing her cheek.

  She grumbled a bit; then snuggled deeper under the blankets. Clay feathered soft kisses across her face until one bleary eye popped open.

  “Mornin’,” he said, trying to sound casual. “I’m off and wanted to say goodbye.”

  Bobbie yawned and turned over. A part of Clay was proud of the fact that he’d worn her out. The other part however, wanted to shake her awake and make her promise on a stack of Bibles that she would stay put.

  Clay chided himself for being so paranoid. He’d go on the trip and come back as quickly as possible. It would give them some time apart to think and when he got back, he’d find out exactly why Bobbie never intended to marry. Then they would be able to work through their problems.

  Bobbie’s mouth was warm and sweet as he pressed his lips to hers. Her small moan of pleasure aroused him beyond belief, causing his shaft to swell behind the fly of his jeans. Clay knew if he didn’t get the hell out of there now, he wasn’t likely to go. Leaving her laying there all warm and naked was one of the hardest things he’d ever done.

  It took a bit longer to get the last of the horses loaded into the trailer when Clay got back outside. He kept looking toward the house in hopes that Bobbie would wake up and come outside to see him off.

  “She’ll be just fine,” Chance said.

  “Don’t forget, Chance. You promised.” Clay shook his head. “I keep getting the feeling that I'm missing something. Something just doesn’t feel right, but I can’t put a finger on it.”

  His father had joined the group preparing the horses and trailer. “Everything will be fine, son,” he soothed. “Your mother and I will stay until you’ve made it back before we decide where to head off to next.”

  That news made Clay feel a bit better, but the niggling feeling deep inside warned him that something was off. He knew he wouldn’t feel better until the trip was behind him, which made him anxious to get started.

  He hugged Chance and his father and then climbed into the cab of the truck. If he didn’t stop worrying it was going to be one hell of a trip. He took one last look at the house before the truck pulled out of the drive and onto the narrow road leading to the highway.

  * * * *

  Bobbie felt like a cheat as she hid behind the curtain watching the truck and trailer leave the ranch. It had taken everything in her to feign sleep, and even more to not respond to his soft kisses.

  After making the bed, she pulled her suitcase from the closet and started to pack. Unshed tears stung her eyes at the thought of leaving the Lazy B. She felt as if she’d been there for a long time but in the scheme of things, her visit had been short. Much too short.

  Packed and dressed, Bobbie went downstairs, bypassing the kitchen in favor of the one place in the house where she knew she could be alone. The one place she would feel the closest to Clay.

  Bobbie entered the office feeling the same sense of nostalgia that she always felt upon entering the dark and masculine room. From the original cattle brand signifying the Lazy B that was mounted proudly on the wall behind the desk to the newly updated computer system, the room was filled with strength, pride and hope for the future. Bookcases filled with ranching titles, combined with the ledgers scattered across the surface of the oak desk, proved that the room was indeed the heart of the Lazy B. Bobbie remembered the first time she had cleaned Clay’s desk for him. He’d ranted and raved because he couldn’t find a thing. He’d even called her a menace. His words still hurt but in a different way now.

  Now they acted as a reminder of exactly how far they’d come. Bobbie wondered if Clay even noticed that she still straightened his desk. Of how he’d become so accustomed to her system that he no longer cared when she cleaned the room. She’d tried to do it gradually and it had evidently worked because there had been no more shouting matches as a result.

  This morning the desk was piled high with papers. Open ledgers scattered the surface as well and for once since being on the Lazy B, Bobbie knew she could do something to help. Something she was good at.

  She sat down at the desk and began sorting. Several hours later she stood and stretched. She’d finally finished. Clay would come home and not have to worry about playing catch up with ranch business.

  Bobbie straightened up the surface of Clay’s desk, putting everything where it belonged. When she was done, she made her way out the front door and into the sunshine. Chance was walking toward the house when he spotted her.

  “You all right?” It seemed like he was always asking her that question.

  “I’m fine. I caught up the books for Clay. I know how much he hates doing it.”

  Chance nodded, understanding what she was trying to say but had no words for.

  “Are you sure about this?”

  “Yeah, I have to go, Chance.” She felt extremely guilty for backing out on a deal and not giving sufficient notice, but she’d suspected early on that Chance had had other motives for bringing her to the Lazy B than as a housekeeper.

  “I’ll get your bag. Mr. Cook said you could start tomorrow so that way you’d have time to unpack. He wanted me to remind you that the place behind the store isn’t much.”

  “It’s okay, Chance. I don’t need much.”

  If Chance didn’t stop being so nice to her she was going to make an ass out of herself and start blubbering like a baby. She was relieved when Chance walked into the house. It gave her time to compose herself.

  She assured herself that keeping the books for Mr. Cook, the owner of the local hardware store, would be the perfect job. The fact that there was a tiny one-room cabin at the far edge of the store property made the job perfect.

  Chance brought her suitcase out onto the porch where his parents, Mildred and some of the ranch hands had gathered.

  “You be sure and visit. Ya hear, missy?”

  “I will, Mildred,” Bobbie said as the woman hugged her.

  Clay’s mother, Pearl, seemed confused by the fact that she was leaving th
e Lazy B. “Clay didn’t say a word about you moving,” Pearl protested when Chance loaded Bobbie’s belongings into the trunk of her car.

  Bobbie glanced at William Bodine. He knew what she was doing and although he had a stern look about him, he said nothing to convince her to stay. For that, Bobbie was extremely grateful.

  “I know, Pearl. I just thought it would be easier this way.”

  William gave her a reproachful look before warning. “Easier isn’t always better, young lady. It might feel easier now, but you’ll more than likely be thinking different when Clay gets back.” His words were calm and although his tone was no nonsense, Bobbie knew without a doubt that he cared for her. It seemed weird that Clay’s father would give her a second thought when her own father hadn’t.

  She wondered if it was possible to be with a man such as the Bodine men and not lose yourself. William spoke again, bringing her out of her thoughts. “Now, Chance and I promised Clay we’d keep an eye on you and I mean to keep my promise. If you don’t call daily, one of us will drive into town to check on you.”

  “I will, Sweet William,” Bobbie answered, brushing his withered cheek lovingly.

  Last but not least, Bobbie turned to Chance. “Last but not least, thank you for everything,” she said, her voice full of emotion.

  “No problem, Bobbie. I’m just sorry things didn’t work out.”

  “Promise me that when Clay gets back you two won’t fight. He’ll know and I don’t want to be the cause of coming between the two of you.”

  He gave her a big bear hug. Bobbie wondered why she was drawn to Clay instead of Chance. Why couldn’t she find herself in love with an easygoing man instead of one with a backbone of steel?

  Chance set her away from him, his eyes bore into hers and she knew that although he was more laid back and easygoing on the outside didn’t mean he was a pushover. In fact, the way he hid his dominant side so well seemed even more dangerous than Clay’s in-your-face style.

  “Call tonight or it’ll be me you deal with, okay?” he asked with a smile, as if to soothe the scold.

  Bobbie took a deep breath and nodded. “I will,” she answered as she climbed into her car.

  Chance waited until she buckled up, then closed the door for her. He leaned in the window. “I’ll stall him as long as I can when he gets back, but he’ll come for you, Bobbie, and there’s nothing I can do about it.”

  Bobbie just stared at him. She wouldn’t think about it just yet. She had a week ahead of her to get settled enough so that Clay would see she could make it on her own. Surely if he saw that she was happy, he wouldn’t interfere.

  That was what Bobbie told herself over and over as she unpacked her meager belongings. When she got tired of staring at the four bare walls of the tiny cabin, she walked to the hardware store. Mr. Cook was behind the counter. He seemed like a jovial man of undetermined years. He was tall and extremely thin. His glasses were perched on the end of his nose as he squinted at a paper he held in his hand.

  “Mr. Cook?” Bobbie asked.

  “Yes. And you must be Bobbie. Chance called a couple of hours ago and said I’d probably be seeing you today.”

  Bobbie thrust a hand forward and was surprised at the strength of the bony hand squeezing hers.

  “I thought I’d come see what needs to be done. I can start right away.”

  “All right,” Mr. Cook answered. “Follow me,”

  Bobbie did so, following him to the back of the store, through the storeroom, down a hall and into a tiny office. It was neat and clean, just the way Bobbie preferred it.

  Mr. Cook went over the books with Bobbie, then left her alone to work. It was apparent after only a few hours of work that Mr. Cook wasn’t in need of full-time help. Bobbie wondered how Chance had gotten the man to offer the job in the first place.

  She made her way back through the maze to the front of the store. “I’m done, Mr. Cook.” She was a bit nervous about bringing up the lack of work but if she didn’t, it would be the same as taking advantage of the man.

  “I ... um ... I don’t think you need a full-time employee.” There, she’d said it. It was always easier just to get things out if at all possible, except for some reason she couldn’t do that with Clay. “I can accomplish the same thing working only a couple of hours a day and it would save you a lot of money.”

  He seemed surprised at her candor but she wouldn’t relent. Bobbie was used to working for what she had and she wouldn’t take more than she felt like she’d honestly earned. They worked out a schedule. Mr. Cook gave Bobbie the name of a few other local business owners whom she could talk to about some more part-time work. All in all, Bobbie was happy with her day.

  It was only after she’d called the Lazy B to check in that she realized exactly how lonely she was and how much she missed Clay. She remembered how skilled he was with his hands, his mouth and his wicked tongue.

  It was embarrassing how easy it was for him to ignite her passion. Hell, he wasn’t even in the vicinity and she was wet just thinking about him. Bobbie stroked the moist barrier of her panties, imagining it was Clay touching her. She could picture his eyes peeking wickedly over her belly as he buried his tongue deep within her.

  Bobbie’s thighs began to tremble as she fondled her clit, her hand now buried inside of her panties. Her fingers circled until she thought she would drive herself crazy. All the while, she pictured Clay in her mind. It was his name that was released on a breathy cry as Bobbie climaxed. It took her several minutes to come down from her post-climax high and realize that Clay wasn’t there.

  He wasn’t touching her or tasting her and when he realized she’d left the Lazy B, he probably never would again. When physical and emotional exhaustion became too much, Bobbie curled up with a blanket and cried herself to sleep.

  When she awoke nauseous the next morning, she passed it off as bad food from the previous night and gave it no more thought. When there was a repeat performance the next morning that seemed to last all day and drain the life right from her, Bobbie’s heart sank.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Clay couldn’t contain his excitement as the truck pulled into the drive of the Lazy B. He’d had a week to think about his feelings for Bobbie. A whole damned week to realize what an ass he’d been.

  He wasn’t willing to give up his dominant ways but he was willing to compromise, and even better than that, he knew he loved Bobbie and he couldn’t wait to tell her. Maybe it would make a difference in her vow never to marry.

  He thought back over the week and grimaced at the thought of how many times he’d jerked off thinking of Bobbie. He’d become obsessed with seeing her again. His cock throbbed with the need to be buried deep inside her juicy pussy. His mouth watered at the thought of torturing her clit with tongue and teeth. It would take everything in him not to fling her over his shoulder and haul her off the minute he walked through the door.

  The puppy he’d bought for her wiggled and squirmed on the seat between him and Rick, sensing their excitement. His name was Virgil but Clay had a feeling Bobbie would be changing it soon enough. He was a cute little critter, all fur and paws, and Bobbie would love him.

  Clay parked the truck, letting the ranch hands help Rick unhitch the trailer. He wanted to storm into the house, find Bobbie and never let her go, but he was trying to change and it was urges like those that were the hardest to control.

  Clay made his way through the door back door and into the kitchen. The house seemed eerily empty. “I’m home,” he hollered up the stairs as he searched the lower portion of the house for signs of life.

  He couldn’t remember whose cars had been parked outside. A premonition coursed over his body, sending him up the stairs in a hurry. He took them two at a time in his haste to reach Bobbie’s room but felt her absence before he even opened the door.

  Her clothes were gone. Every last personal item had been cleared from the room and it once again stood bare. Clay wasn’t sure who or what, but he wanted to kill somet
hing, his anger was so great.

  He descended the stairs faster than he’d gone up, looking for someone who could tell him where Bobbie was. He’d find her if he had to go through each and every person on the ranch to do it.

  When he got to the bottom, he noticed Chance standing with his hat in his hand.

  “Where is she?” he demanded.

  “She’s not here. I’m sorry Clay, but she packed her stuff and left last week not long after you did.” There was only silence then all hell broke loose.

  “She left!” Clay thundered. “And you let her?” He added, more as an accusation than a question.

  “What choice did I have? It was her decision.” Chance stated, clenching his hands into fists. Clay could tell he was trying not to lose his temper, his rigid stance was a dead giveaway. “She’s a friend and was an employee, nothing more. I couldn’t very well make her stay against her will,” he added vehemently.

  “You sure the hell could have. And damned well should have! You promised to keep an eye on her,” seethed Clay. And then even though he knew he shouldn’t, he blurted out. “And she is more than a friend or a damned employee to either of us since she could possibly be carrying your niece or nephew and is going to be my wife.”

  Chance sputtered and choked, his face going red with anger. Clay didn’t care, he was so mad he would gladly wallop Bobbie if given half the chance. His fury blinded him and he was already making plans. Right now his top priority was to drag his errant, soon-to-be-wife back home to the ranch where she belonged. And, if she was pregnant, that was exactly what she would become. His wife.

  “What in the hell have you done?” Chance asked bluntly.

  “If you don’t know what I’ve done that might have gotten Bobbie pregnant, we have a big problem.” Not a trace of humor laced Clay’s voice.

  “You know exactly what I’m talking about. How could you take advantage of Bobbie like that?”

  “Take advantage? I didn’t take advantage of her,” Clay stated, emphasizing the word advantage. But in the back of his mind he wasn’t even sure if he believed that. Sure, she had been just as willing as he. But he’d known deep down inside that she wasn’t very experienced when it came to men. Then come to find out, she wasn’t experienced at all before him.


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