Evocation (The Training of Eileen)

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Evocation (The Training of Eileen) Page 26

by William Vitelli

  “Would you come?”

  “Yes!” The answer burst out of her before she had a clear idea of what she was going to say. The woman smiled. Eileen shuddered.

  A man in the back put up his hand. “Do you like being forced to have sex with strangers?”

  Eileen twisted in her bonds. “Yes. I…I do.”

  A man’s hand went up. “Would you like being forced to have sex with all of us?”

  Eileen whimpered. Her face burned. There was nowhere safe to look. Not at the doctor, who waited patiently for her to answer. Not at the audience, with their hungry, inquisitive eyes. Not at the nurse, who smiled wolfishly at her, savoring her torment. Not at the giant television screen, displaying her quivering pussy in vivid detail. Not even down at her own toes, through the forest of wires coming from the electrodes on her breasts.

  “I…” Her toes curled. “I would.” On the screen, the walls of her vagina quivered.

  Another hand, this one belonging to a curvy blonde with spiky hair and large brown eyes. “Does it turn you on to be forced to tell the truth about yourself like this?”

  “No! It’s too—Oh! OH!” The shock hit her, surged through her, made her arch against the steel restraints. Little fingers of crackling energy spread through her breasts, surged inside her ass and pussy. She felt her hips thrusting in time with each pulsing shock. Tingling, stinging tremors ran up from her clit and spread out through her body. She felt the orgasm rushing toward her again. No! she thought frantically. Don’t let them see me come from this! No!

  It drove her, hard and irresistible, right to the edge of the cliff. She fought against it with all her strength, using every tool she’d learned from having the vibrator locked inside her for so long. Then, at the instant she felt nothing could hold back her orgasm, it stopped. She panted heavily, eyes unfocused. Her body glistened with sweat.

  “Well? Does it turn you on?”

  “Yes,” Eileen sobbed, defeated. “It does.”

  “Another question,” Dr. Moreland said. He pointed to a man sitting just behind the blonde woman. “You.”

  “If you are shocked again, will it make you come?” the man asked.

  Eileen held her breath, unsure what to do. If she lied and said “no,” would it detect the falsehood? Would it shock her again? If that happened, she would surely come. But if she told the truth, what would happen then? Would the doctor shock her, just to make her come?

  Did she want him to? The electric shocks didn’t feel bad, precisely, but they certainly didn’t feel good either. What would it be like, to come from being shocked? What would these people think of her?

  “I…” She took a deep breath. “I will. If I am shocked again, I will come.”

  “One last question,” the doctor said. “When you came in for your examination, you asked me to take you by force. Would you like me to do that now?”

  Eileen shivered. She had known when she arrived that her “examination,” whatever it was, would probably mean being used for sex. But had her words been entirely bravado? Did she want him to rape her?

  Her body tingled. She thought about Anthony, how hard he had been when he had watched her being ravished on the hotel balcony, how proud he had been of her. Would he be proud of her if she said yes? Would it excite him if she willingly turned herself over to this man?

  Would it excite her? She thought about how it would feel to let herself be taken by force in front of all these people, sitting in neat rows in their lab coats, watching her. A shiver of arousal traveled down her spine, spread through her sex in a warm glow.

  “Yes,” she said. “I…” She hesitated. “I would like you to rape me now.”

  “I see,” he said. The nurse drew in a sharp breath.

  Without a word, Dr. Moreland began peeling the electrodes off her skin. Eileen gasped when the smooth hard probes were pulled from her pussy and ass. The doctor turned the chair around until Eileen’s back was to the audience. He leaned in close to her ear. “This would have happened no matter what you said,” he whispered. Eileen’s heart pounded.

  He pressed a button on the side of the chair. Motors whirred. The back reclined until she was lying flat, arms still manacled at her sides, with her head facing toward the audience. He pressed another button. Her hips rose, so that she was lying at a steep angle, head almost touching the floor, hips up at a convenient height, legs apart. The watchers swam upside-down in her vision.

  Dr. Moreland moved between her legs. “I will now demonstrate the subject’s response to forcible sexual intercourse,” he said. “Keep in mind that this subject responds to sexual stimulation most positively when it is unwanted and she can not prevent it.”

  Time slowed. Eileen felt herself frozen in that quivering moment, hyper-aware of everything around her. Every breath, every sigh, every beat of her heart came through to her, magnified, surreal. She saw the long-haired woman moan softly, hard nipples pressing against a thin blue shirt under the lab jacket. She heard a chair slide across the floor as a man near the back moved for a clearer view. She saw another man in the front row hunch down in his seat, legs apart; from her upside-down perspective, a bulge was clearly present in his jeans. When she looked up, she saw the nurse looking down at her, cheeks flush. Oh, my God, this is what they want! she thought. Everybody in this room wants to watch me be raped!

  The doctor unzipped his pants. The sound was like thunder in her ears. She heard the soft rustle of cloth. Eileen jumped when his fingers touched her thighs. The pounding of her heart drowned out everything else.

  Then, in one hard, fast shove, he rammed into her.

  Eileen screamed. His cock was thick and very hard. He was not even the least bit gentle. He thrust savagely into her, over and over, and her body responded. With every hard shove, her own need mounted, until the orgasm came roaring over her. She writhed in her bonds, helpless to stop him, crying out in inescapable ecstasy.

  When she opened her eyes again, she saw the audience staring at her with naked lust on their faces. Oh, God, she thought, they know I like it! The doctor continued to pound her, unconcerned that her orgasm had passed. She felt herself closing tightly around his shaft.

  “Nnnngh!” she cried. The nurse looked down at her and moaned. Eileen struggled helplessly. A strong memory flooded through her, the nurse lowering her dripping pussy toward Eileen’s face. A flare of hot yearning blazed through her. For a brief second, she longed for Samantha to strip off her clothes and force herself, reckless with lust, onto her. She wanted to show the people watching how compliant she was, how eagerly she could give herself up to this rough sexual use…

  The second orgasm hit her, even stronger than the first. She squeezed down tightly on the invading cock, crying out in pleasure. The doctor grunted, just once, and then he was gushing a hot wet flood into her. Her body exploded in ecstasy, so intense she felt dizzy.

  He pulled out before it had passed, leaving her shaking. He zipped up his fly, indifferent to her whimpers and the little twitches that shuddered through her body. “As this demonstration shows,” he said, “the subject responds favorably to forced sexual servitude. She takes pleasure from compulsory, involuntary sexual activity. We will now evaluate her degree of compliance with verbal instruction.” He pressed a button. The chair hummed back to its upright position. He spun her around to face the audience. The manacles snapped open at the touch of another button. “Stand up. Place your hands behind your head.”

  Eileen stood shakily in front of the group. As she brought her hands behind her head, she felt completely exposed, body and mind, to these strangers. Thick white come flowed from between her legs to drip on the tile floor.

  “Her husband has asked me to evaluate her compliance under duress. For that reason, the subject will be required to experience discomfort during this phase of the evaluation.” He nodded to Samantha. “Nurse, if you please?”

  “Yes, doctor.” She brought one hand to Eileen’s breast. Eileen moaned softly at the gentle caress.

/>   Then, with a sudden movement, the nurse wrapped a long piece of rubber surgical tubing around her breast, painfully tight. Eileen cried out.

  “Hold still,” Samantha said. Her fingers dug in to soft skin. She wrapped the tubing several more times around the base. With deft movements, she tucked the ends securely into place. Pain throbbed through her breast. She whimpered.

  “Stay there,” Samantha said. “I still have to do the other one.” She picked up another length of tubing. “Stand up straight.”

  Her hand slid over Eileen’s other breast. A few quick turns of the tubing and it, too, was bound tightly. They bulged, already beginning to turn purple. Eileen made small soft sounds of pain.

  “I love these perky nipples,” Samantha said. Her fingers stroked them playfully, coaxing them to stand out even more. “They’re so much fun to tease!” She smiled cheerfully. “They’re so much fun to hurt, too.”

  Eileen drew in her breath with fear. The nurse picked up a pair of black metal clamps with a wicked smile. A small bell, painted a whimsical blue and decorated with little white flowers, dangled from each clamp. “Now let’s just put these on here, and…”

  The clamps bit into Eileen’s nipples. She let out a cry of pain, struggling to remain still. The bells merrily tinkled out her suffering.

  Dr. Moreland picked up a black rubber plug that reminded Eileen of the one Anthony had made her wear on the plane. A tube extended from its base to a rubber squeeze bulb. He pointed to the floor. “Kneel. Face down, ass in the air, if you please.”

  Aching, embarrassed, slick wetness still leaking from her, Eileen did as she was told. The tiled floor was cold and hard. As she knelt, she could feel the weight of the watching eyes on her, bright with uncaring lust. Her breasts throbbed with pain. She lowered her head until her nose nearly touched the floor, unable to look at all the people watching her.

  Something cold and wet poured over her. Gloved fingers worked the thick stuff into her pussy and ass. She raised her hips automatically toward the touch, offering herself the way she did every morning for Anthony, ashamed at her own submissive compliance. The end of the plug touched her ass. She pushed herself back onto it as she had been trained to do, feeling it stretch her open. A titter of surprise reminded her of the people watching.

  The doctor squeezed the bulb rapidly. Inside her, the plug swelled, stretching her ass until she let out a groan.

  “We are ready to begin,” he said. “May I have a volunteer to perform forcible oral penetration of the subject, please?”

  Eileen looked up in shock. Several hands shot into the air. The doctor nodded to the man in the front row, the one with the prominent bulge in his pants. Eileen’s heart beat fast as he rose and moved toward her. He stopped just in front of her and lowered his fly, smiling. Eileen quivered. The bells tinkled.

  Dr. Moreland knelt behind her. He nodded to the man. “You may begin.” Without waiting for him to move, the doctor shoved three fingers into Eileen’s slippery cunt, fast and deep. Eileen screamed. The man in front of her grabbed her by the hair. With one push, his thick cock filled her mouth, choking off the scream.

  Eileen struggled for a moment, overwhelmed. The doctor shoved his fingers in and out of her brutally. Her ass felt filled beyond what she could take. Her tender breasts throbbed ad ached. The clamps with their brightly jingling bells made her nipples scream with agony. The man in front of her pulled her hair much too hard, forcing her head back to press himself down her throat.

  “Mmmmngh!” she cried. They were being rough with her, much rougher than Anthony was. She squirmed powerlessly, feeling weak and defenseless. A sound like a sigh rippled through the onlookers. She became suddenly aware of being watched, of how the people gathered in this clinical, utilitarian room were enjoying her torment.

  Eileen was shocked by how easily her training took over. Without any conscious choice, she wrapped her lips tightly around the rigid erection in her mouth. Her tongue caressed it, sliding along the underside of his shaft, welcoming it. She pressed back against the fingers ramming into her, driving them deeper. Her helplessness, her excitement, and the thrill of being watched all melded together to transform the torment into something else. Everything—the clamps on her nipples, the tight grip on her hair, the merciless fingers thrust so uncaringly into her hard-used sex, the tight rubber tubing digging into her breasts—added fuel to her desire. She moaned around the thick cock, bobbing her head over it hungrily.

  A thought came to her. Anthony will be so proud! The idea that her willing acceptance of this rough assault might please him excited her even more. She pictured him watching what was happening to her, a satisfied smile on his face. “Look at what a well-trained slut she is,” she imagined him saying. “See how much she likes it? She deserves what’s happening to her.” She visualized the erection growing in his pants…

  “Mmmm! Mmmngh!” she cried. The orgasm took her without warning, hard and unstoppable. Her head bobbed faster, willing the man to come, using her own pleasure to draw his out.

  He responded with a moan. “Oh!” he said. “Don’t stop! Don’t stop! I’m…” his words turned to a roar. A thick torrent of semen gushed into her mouth. She thrashed as the conditioning took control. Her pussy clamped down tightly on the doctor’s fingers. She shook with sexual ecstasy, coming so hard that she felt she might pass out. White fluid dripped unheeded from the corner of her mouth.

  The aftershocks stayed with her for a long time. She was barely aware of the fingers being withdrawn from her. The man in front of her released her hair as he slipped out of her mouth. She felt, dimly, the thing in her ass deflate. “Oh!” she said as it was pulled free.

  The nurse touched her shoulder. “Stand up, sweet pea.” She helped her rise. Eileen stood trembling as Samantha unwound the rubber tubing from her breasts, leaving deep marks behind. She let out a cry when the clamps came off, sending fresh pain surging through her nipples.

  The man who had just forced himself on her zipped his pants. Eileen wiped the corner of her mouth sheepishly, humiliated and self-conscious. She looked down at the tile floor under her toes, unwilling to meet his eye.

  “How would you evaluate the subject’s attention and focus to the task of providing you with oral pleasure?” the doctor asked.

  “Amazing!” he replied. “She gives great head. I’ve never seen that much concentration before. It’s like there’s nothing that can distract her.”

  The doctor nodded. “Thank you. You may be seated.”

  As the man walked back to his chair, Dr. Moreland returned his attention to the group. “This concludes the subject’s evaluation,” he said. “The subject has made unprecedented progress over the last several months. She now has all the attributes one would find desirable in a sex slave. She is excited by forcible sexual subjugation. Her body is receptive to even the most rigorous demands. She has demonstrated outstanding compliance with her training regimen. She is obedient and accommodating, and shows exceptional focus to the task of sexual service. The subject’s husband reports that her baseline state of arousal is very high. She openly exhibits a strong need for daily sexual use.” He paused. Eileen blushed at his words. “I feel comfortable saying that this subject is now ready to begin her duties as a full-fledged sex slave.”

  Eileen flushed crimson. She found herself suddenly unable to look directly at him, or at anyone else watching her. She looked down, blushing, a strange mix of pride and humiliation tangled up inside her.

  “Thank you all for being here,” Dr. Moreland said. “That concludes the evaluation. Nurse, if you will bring the subject up front when she is ready?”

  Chapter 24

  Samantha grinned. The people audience rose from their chairs to file out of the back of the room, talking excitedly to each other. The doctor turned abruptly and left through the door Eileen had entered through.

  The doors closed. She bent to pick up her clothes, feeling self-conscious.

  “Don’t,” Samantha said.
r />   Eileen looked at her in surprise. Samantha stared back wolfishly. She moved closer, like a hunting cat stalking its prey. Eileen backed away from her uncertainly until she came up against the wall behind her.

  The nurse glided closer still. Their bodies just touched. Helplessness surged in Eileen. Samantha moved in as if to kiss her. Eileen’s lips parted.

  “Yes, that’s right,” the nurse breathed, her lips just inches from Eileen’s. “You are always ready, aren’t you?” Her hands moved to Eileen’s breasts. She traced the fading marks from where the rubber tubing had bound her so tightly. Her fingers stroked Eileen’s swollen, sensitive nipples, very lightly. Eileen shuddered.

  One hand crept down, across her belly, over her mound. Eileen remained still against the wall, barely breathing.

  “You are a certified sex slave now,” Samantha said. “That means you can never say no again.” Her fingers parted the folds of her labia. She slipped a fingertip inside Eileen, barely entering her. Her lips moved closer to Eileen’s. “From now on, you can never say no to anything.”

  Eileen’s body quivered. The nurse’s finger slipped back out, worked its way to her swollen, throbbing clit. Samantha’s wet, slick finger traced a slow circle around her clit, exquisitely gentle. “Show me,” she said. “Give yourself to me. Let me see it in your eyes.”

  Her finger moved back and forth, little half-circles around Eileen’s clit. She was surprised by the delicacy of the nurse’s touch, the soft subtlety of it. Pleasure rippled through her. She sighed.

  “Yes. Like that. Surrender. Show me. You are a slave now. You can’t stop it.” Her breath was warm on Eileen’s face.

  Eileen closed her eyes. That light touch, so gentle on her sensitive clit, filled her world. Samantha moved just a little bit faster, pursuing Eileen’s pleasure.

  Eileen moaned. The nurse’s lips brushed against hers. She felt the teasing touch of Samantha’s tongue, light and soft, coaxing her. Her fingers gradually moved faster, sending fresh ripples of pleasure through her body. Eileen kissed her back, hesitantly at first, her tongue barely touching Samantha’s lips.


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